2 * Copyright 2012 ST-Ericsson AB
3 *
4 * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public
5 * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License
6 * Version 2 or later at the following locations:
7 *
8 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.html
9 * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
10 */
12#include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/irq.h>
14/ {
15	gpio_keys {
16		compatible = "gpio-keys";
17		#address-cells = <1>;
18		#size-cells = <0>;
19		vdd-supply = <&ab8500_ldo_aux1_reg>;
20		pinctrl-names = "default";
21		pinctrl-0 = <&prox_stuib_mode>, <&hall_stuib_mode>;
23		button@139 {
24			/* Proximity sensor */
25			gpios = <&gpio6 25 0x4>;
26			linux,code = <11>; /* SW_FRONT_PROXIMITY */
27			label = "SFH7741 Proximity Sensor";
28		};
29		button@145 {
30			/* Hall sensor */
31			gpios = <&gpio4 17 0x4>;
32			linux,code = <0>; /* SW_LID */
33			label = "HED54XXU11 Hall Effect Sensor";
34		};
35	};
37	soc {
38		i2c@80004000 {
39			stmpe1601: stmpe1601@40 {
40				compatible = "st,stmpe1601";
41				reg = <0x40>;
42				interrupts = <26 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>;
43				interrupt-parent = <&gpio6>;
44				interrupt-controller;
45				vcc-supply = <&db8500_vsmps2_reg>;
46				vio-supply = <&db8500_vsmps2_reg>;
48				wakeup-source;
49				st,autosleep-timeout = <1024>;
51				stmpe_keypad {
52					compatible = "st,stmpe-keypad";
54					debounce-interval = <64>;
55					st,scan-count = <8>;
56					st,no-autorepeat;
58					linux,keymap = <0x205006b
59							0x4010074
60							0x3050072
61							0x1030004
62							0x502006a
63							0x500000a
64							0x5008b
65							0x706001c
66							0x405000b
67							0x6070003
68							0x3040067
69							0x303006c
70							0x60400e7
71							0x602009e
72							0x4020073
73							0x5050002
74							0x4030069
75							0x3020008>;
76				};
77			};
78		};
80		/* Sensors mounted on this board variant */
81		i2c@80128000 {
82			lis331dl@1c {
83				/* Accelerometer */
84				compatible = "st,lis331dl-accel";
85				st,drdy-int-pin = <1>;
86				reg = <0x1c>;
87				vdd-supply = <&ab8500_ldo_aux1_reg>;
88				vddio-supply = <&db8500_vsmps2_reg>;
89				pinctrl-names = "default";
90				pinctrl-0 = <&accel_stuib_mode>;
91				interrupt-parent = <&gpio2>;
92				interrupts = <18 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>,
93					     <19 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
94			};
95			ak8974@0f {
96				/* Magnetometer */
97				compatible = "asahi-kasei,ak8974";
98				reg = <0x0f>;
99				vdd-supply = <&ab8500_ldo_aux1_reg>;
100				vddio-supply = <&db8500_vsmps2_reg>;
101				pinctrl-names = "default";
102				pinctrl-0 = <&magneto_stuib_mode>;
103				interrupt-parent = <&gpio1>;
104				interrupts = <0 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>;
105			};
106		};
108		i2c@80110000 {
109			bu21013_tp@5c {
110				compatible = "rohm,bu21013_tp";
111				reg = <0x5c>;
112				avdd-supply = <&ab8500_ldo_aux1_reg>;
114				rohm,touch-max-x = <384>;
115				rohm,touch-max-y = <704>;
116				rohm,flip-y;
117			};
119			bu21013_tp@5d {
120				compatible = "rohm,bu21013_tp";
121				reg = <0x5d>;
122				avdd-supply = <&ab8500_ldo_aux1_reg>;
124				rohm,touch-max-x = <384>;
125				rohm,touch-max-y = <704>;
126				rohm,flip-y;
127			};
128		};
130		pinctrl {
131			prox {
132				prox_stuib_mode: prox_stuib {
133					stuib_cfg {
134						pins = "GPIO217_AH12";
135						ste,config = <&gpio_in_pu>;
136					};
137				};
138			};
139			hall {
140				hall_stuib_mode: stuib_tvk {
141					stuib_cfg {
142						pins = "GPIO145_C13";
143						ste,config = <&gpio_in_pu>;
144					};
145				};
146			};
147			accelerometer {
148				accel_stuib_mode: accel_stuib {
149					/* Accelerometer interrupt lines 1 & 2 */
150					stuib_cfg {
151						pins = "GPIO82_C1", "GPIO83_D3";
152						ste,config = <&gpio_in_pu>;
153					};
154				};
155			};
156			magnetometer {
157				magneto_stuib_mode: magneto_stuib {
158					/* Magnetometer uses GPIO 31 and 32, pull these up/down respectively */
159					stuib_cfg1 {
160						pins = "GPIO31_V3";
161						ste,config = <&gpio_in_pu>;
162					};
163					stuib_cfg2 {
164						pins = "GPIO32_V2";
165						ste,config = <&gpio_in_pd>;
166					};
167				};
168			};
169		};
170	};