1  <title>Input/Output</title>
3  <para>The V4L2 API defines several different methods to read from or
4write to a device. All drivers exchanging data with applications must
5support at least one of them.</para>
7  <para>The classic I/O method using the <function>read()</function>
8and <function>write()</function> function is automatically selected
9after opening a V4L2 device. When the driver does not support this
10method attempts to read or write will fail at any time.</para>
12  <para>Other methods must be negotiated. To select the streaming I/O
13method with memory mapped or user buffers applications call the
14&VIDIOC-REQBUFS; ioctl. The asynchronous I/O method is not defined
17  <para>Video overlay can be considered another I/O method, although
18the application does not directly receive the image data. It is
19selected by initiating video overlay with the &VIDIOC-S-FMT; ioctl.
20For more information see <xref linkend="overlay" />.</para>
22  <para>Generally exactly one I/O method, including overlay, is
23associated with each file descriptor. The only exceptions are
24applications not exchanging data with a driver ("panel applications",
25see <xref linkend="open" />) and drivers permitting simultaneous video capturing
26and overlay using the same file descriptor, for compatibility with V4L
27and earlier versions of V4L2.</para>
29  <para><constant>VIDIOC_S_FMT</constant> and
30<constant>VIDIOC_REQBUFS</constant> would permit this to some degree,
31but for simplicity drivers need not support switching the I/O method
32(after first switching away from read/write) other than by closing
33and reopening the device.</para>
35  <para>The following sections describe the various I/O methods in
36more detail.</para>
38  <section id="rw">
39    <title>Read/Write</title>
41    <para>Input and output devices support the
42<function>read()</function> and <function>write()</function> function,
43respectively, when the <constant>V4L2_CAP_READWRITE</constant> flag in
44the <structfield>capabilities</structfield> field of &v4l2-capability;
45returned by the &VIDIOC-QUERYCAP; ioctl is set.</para>
47    <para>Drivers may need the CPU to copy the data, but they may also
48support DMA to or from user memory, so this I/O method is not
49necessarily less efficient than other methods merely exchanging buffer
50pointers. It is considered inferior though because no meta-information
51like frame counters or timestamps are passed. This information is
52necessary to recognize frame dropping and to synchronize with other
53data streams. However this is also the simplest I/O method, requiring
54little or no setup to exchange data. It permits command line stunts
55like this (the <application>vidctrl</application> tool is
58    <informalexample>
59      <screen>
60&gt; vidctrl /dev/video --input=0 --format=YUYV --size=352x288
61&gt; dd if=/dev/video of=myimage.422 bs=202752 count=1
63    </informalexample>
65    <para>To read from the device applications use the
66&func-read; function, to write the &func-write; function.
67Drivers must implement one I/O method if they
68exchange data with applications, but it need not be this.<footnote>
69	<para>It would be desirable if applications could depend on
70drivers supporting all I/O interfaces, but as much as the complex
71memory mapping I/O can be inadequate for some devices we have no
72reason to require this interface, which is most useful for simple
73applications capturing still images.</para>
74      </footnote> When reading or writing is supported, the driver
75must also support the &func-select; and &func-poll;
77	<para>At the driver level <function>select()</function> and
78<function>poll()</function> are the same, and
79<function>select()</function> is too important to be optional.</para>
80      </footnote></para>
81  </section>
83  <section id="mmap">
84    <title>Streaming I/O (Memory Mapping)</title>
86    <para>Input and output devices support this I/O method when the
87<constant>V4L2_CAP_STREAMING</constant> flag in the
88<structfield>capabilities</structfield> field of &v4l2-capability;
89returned by the &VIDIOC-QUERYCAP; ioctl is set. There are two
90streaming methods, to determine if the memory mapping flavor is
91supported applications must call the &VIDIOC-REQBUFS; ioctl.</para>
93    <para>Streaming is an I/O method where only pointers to buffers
94are exchanged between application and driver, the data itself is not
95copied. Memory mapping is primarily intended to map buffers in device
96memory into the application's address space. Device memory can be for
97example the video memory on a graphics card with a video capture
98add-on. However, being the most efficient I/O method available for a
99long time, many other drivers support streaming as well, allocating
100buffers in DMA-able main memory.</para>
102    <para>A driver can support many sets of buffers. Each set is
103identified by a unique buffer type value. The sets are independent and
104each set can hold a different type of data. To access different sets
105at the same time different file descriptors must be used.<footnote>
106	<para>One could use one file descriptor and set the buffer
107type field accordingly when calling &VIDIOC-QBUF; etc., but it makes
108the <function>select()</function> function ambiguous. We also like the
109clean approach of one file descriptor per logical stream. Video
110overlay for example is also a logical stream, although the CPU is not
111needed for continuous operation.</para>
112      </footnote></para>
114    <para>To allocate device buffers applications call the
115&VIDIOC-REQBUFS; ioctl with the desired number of buffers and buffer
116type, for example <constant>V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE</constant>.
117This ioctl can also be used to change the number of buffers or to free
118the allocated memory, provided none of the buffers are still
121    <para>Before applications can access the buffers they must map
122them into their address space with the &func-mmap; function. The
123location of the buffers in device memory can be determined with the
124&VIDIOC-QUERYBUF; ioctl. In the single-planar API case, the
125<structfield>m.offset</structfield> and <structfield>length</structfield>
126returned in a &v4l2-buffer; are passed as sixth and second parameter to the
127<function>mmap()</function> function. When using the multi-planar API,
128&v4l2-buffer; contains an array of &v4l2-plane; structures, each
129containing its own <structfield>m.offset</structfield> and
130<structfield>length</structfield>. When using the multi-planar API, every
131plane of every buffer has to be mapped separately, so the number of
132calls to &func-mmap; should be equal to number of buffers times number of
133planes in each buffer. The offset and length values must not be modified.
134Remember, the buffers are allocated in physical memory, as opposed to virtual
135memory, which can be swapped out to disk. Applications should free the buffers
136as soon as possible with the &func-munmap; function.</para>
138    <example>
139      <title>Mapping buffers in the single-planar API</title>
140      <programlisting>
141&v4l2-requestbuffers; reqbuf;
142struct {
143	void *start;
144	size_t length;
145} *buffers;
146unsigned int i;
148memset(&amp;reqbuf, 0, sizeof(reqbuf));
149reqbuf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
150reqbuf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
151reqbuf.count = 20;
153if (-1 == ioctl (fd, &VIDIOC-REQBUFS;, &amp;reqbuf)) {
154	if (errno == EINVAL)
155		printf("Video capturing or mmap-streaming is not supported\n");
156	else
157		perror("VIDIOC_REQBUFS");
159	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
162/* We want at least five buffers. */
164if (reqbuf.count &lt; 5) {
165	/* You may need to free the buffers here. */
166	printf("Not enough buffer memory\n");
167	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
170buffers = calloc(reqbuf.count, sizeof(*buffers));
171assert(buffers != NULL);
173for (i = 0; i &lt; reqbuf.count; i++) {
174	&v4l2-buffer; buffer;
176	memset(&amp;buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
177	buffer.type = reqbuf.type;
178	buffer.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
179	buffer.index = i;
181	if (-1 == ioctl (fd, &VIDIOC-QUERYBUF;, &amp;buffer)) {
182		perror("VIDIOC_QUERYBUF");
183		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
184	}
186	buffers[i].length = buffer.length; /* remember for munmap() */
188	buffers[i].start = mmap(NULL, buffer.length,
189				PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, /* recommended */
190				MAP_SHARED,             /* recommended */
191				fd, buffer.m.offset);
193	if (MAP_FAILED == buffers[i].start) {
194		/* If you do not exit here you should unmap() and free()
195		   the buffers mapped so far. */
196		perror("mmap");
197		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
198	}
201/* Cleanup. */
203for (i = 0; i &lt; reqbuf.count; i++)
204	munmap(buffers[i].start, buffers[i].length);
205      </programlisting>
206    </example>
208    <example>
209      <title>Mapping buffers in the multi-planar API</title>
210      <programlisting>
211&v4l2-requestbuffers; reqbuf;
212/* Our current format uses 3 planes per buffer */
213#define FMT_NUM_PLANES = 3
215struct {
216	void *start[FMT_NUM_PLANES];
217	size_t length[FMT_NUM_PLANES];
218} *buffers;
219unsigned int i, j;
221memset(&amp;reqbuf, 0, sizeof(reqbuf));
223reqbuf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
224reqbuf.count = 20;
226if (ioctl(fd, &VIDIOC-REQBUFS;, &amp;reqbuf) &lt; 0) {
227	if (errno == EINVAL)
228		printf("Video capturing or mmap-streaming is not supported\n");
229	else
230		perror("VIDIOC_REQBUFS");
232	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
235/* We want at least five buffers. */
237if (reqbuf.count &lt; 5) {
238	/* You may need to free the buffers here. */
239	printf("Not enough buffer memory\n");
240	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
243buffers = calloc(reqbuf.count, sizeof(*buffers));
244assert(buffers != NULL);
246for (i = 0; i &lt; reqbuf.count; i++) {
247	&v4l2-buffer; buffer;
248	&v4l2-plane; planes[FMT_NUM_PLANES];
250	memset(&amp;buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
251	buffer.type = reqbuf.type;
252	buffer.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
253	buffer.index = i;
254	/* length in struct v4l2_buffer in multi-planar API stores the size
255	 * of planes array. */
256	buffer.length = FMT_NUM_PLANES;
257	buffer.m.planes = planes;
259	if (ioctl(fd, &VIDIOC-QUERYBUF;, &amp;buffer) &lt; 0) {
260		perror("VIDIOC_QUERYBUF");
261		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
262	}
264	/* Every plane has to be mapped separately */
265	for (j = 0; j &lt; FMT_NUM_PLANES; j++) {
266		buffers[i].length[j] = buffer.m.planes[j].length; /* remember for munmap() */
268		buffers[i].start[j] = mmap(NULL, buffer.m.planes[j].length,
269				 PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, /* recommended */
270				 MAP_SHARED,             /* recommended */
271				 fd, buffer.m.planes[j].m.offset);
273		if (MAP_FAILED == buffers[i].start[j]) {
274			/* If you do not exit here you should unmap() and free()
275			   the buffers and planes mapped so far. */
276			perror("mmap");
277			exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
278		}
279	}
282/* Cleanup. */
284for (i = 0; i &lt; reqbuf.count; i++)
285	for (j = 0; j &lt; FMT_NUM_PLANES; j++)
286		munmap(buffers[i].start[j], buffers[i].length[j]);
287      </programlisting>
288    </example>
290    <para>Conceptually streaming drivers maintain two buffer queues, an incoming
291and an outgoing queue. They separate the synchronous capture or output
292operation locked to a video clock from the application which is
293subject to random disk or network delays and preemption by
294other processes, thereby reducing the probability of data loss.
295The queues are organized as FIFOs, buffers will be
296output in the order enqueued in the incoming FIFO, and were
297captured in the order dequeued from the outgoing FIFO.</para>
299    <para>The driver may require a minimum number of buffers enqueued
300at all times to function, apart of this no limit exists on the number
301of buffers applications can enqueue in advance, or dequeue and
302process. They can also enqueue in a different order than buffers have
303been dequeued, and the driver can <emphasis>fill</emphasis> enqueued
304<emphasis>empty</emphasis> buffers in any order. <footnote>
305	<para>Random enqueue order permits applications processing
306images out of order (such as video codecs) to return buffers earlier,
307reducing the probability of data loss. Random fill order allows
308drivers to reuse buffers on a LIFO-basis, taking advantage of caches
309holding scatter-gather lists and the like.</para>
310      </footnote> The index number of a buffer (&v4l2-buffer;
311<structfield>index</structfield>) plays no role here, it only
312identifies the buffer.</para>
314    <para>Initially all mapped buffers are in dequeued state,
315inaccessible by the driver. For capturing applications it is customary
316to first enqueue all mapped buffers, then to start capturing and enter
317the read loop. Here the application waits until a filled buffer can be
318dequeued, and re-enqueues the buffer when the data is no longer
319needed. Output applications fill and enqueue buffers, when enough
320buffers are stacked up the output is started with
321<constant>VIDIOC_STREAMON</constant>. In the write loop, when
322the application runs out of free buffers, it must wait until an empty
323buffer can be dequeued and reused.</para>
325    <para>To enqueue and dequeue a buffer applications use the
326&VIDIOC-QBUF; and &VIDIOC-DQBUF; ioctl. The status of a buffer being
327mapped, enqueued, full or empty can be determined at any time using the
328&VIDIOC-QUERYBUF; ioctl. Two methods exist to suspend execution of the
329application until one or more buffers can be dequeued. By default
330<constant>VIDIOC_DQBUF</constant> blocks when no buffer is in the
331outgoing queue. When the <constant>O_NONBLOCK</constant> flag was
332given to the &func-open; function, <constant>VIDIOC_DQBUF</constant>
333returns immediately with an &EAGAIN; when no buffer is available. The
334&func-select; or &func-poll; functions are always available.</para>
336    <para>To start and stop capturing or output applications call the
338<constant>VIDIOC_STREAMOFF</constant> removes all buffers from both
339queues as a side effect. Since there is no notion of doing anything
340"now" on a multitasking system, if an application needs to synchronize
341with another event it should examine the &v4l2-buffer;
342<structfield>timestamp</structfield> of captured or outputted buffers.
345    <para>Drivers implementing memory mapping I/O must
346support the <constant>VIDIOC_REQBUFS</constant>,
348<constant>VIDIOC_QBUF</constant>, <constant>VIDIOC_DQBUF</constant>,
349<constant>VIDIOC_STREAMON</constant> and
350<constant>VIDIOC_STREAMOFF</constant> ioctl, the
351<function>mmap()</function>, <function>munmap()</function>,
352<function>select()</function> and <function>poll()</function>
354	<para>At the driver level <function>select()</function> and
355<function>poll()</function> are the same, and
356<function>select()</function> is too important to be optional. The
357rest should be evident.</para>
358      </footnote></para>
360    <para>[capture example]</para>
362  </section>
364  <section id="userp">
365    <title>Streaming I/O (User Pointers)</title>
367    <para>Input and output devices support this I/O method when the
368<constant>V4L2_CAP_STREAMING</constant> flag in the
369<structfield>capabilities</structfield> field of &v4l2-capability;
370returned by the &VIDIOC-QUERYCAP; ioctl is set. If the particular user
371pointer method (not only memory mapping) is supported must be
372determined by calling the &VIDIOC-REQBUFS; ioctl.</para>
374    <para>This I/O method combines advantages of the read/write and
375memory mapping methods. Buffers (planes) are allocated by the application
376itself, and can reside for example in virtual or shared memory. Only
377pointers to data are exchanged, these pointers and meta-information
378are passed in &v4l2-buffer; (or in &v4l2-plane; in the multi-planar API case).
379The driver must be switched into user pointer I/O mode by calling the
380&VIDIOC-REQBUFS; with the desired buffer type. No buffers (planes) are allocated
381beforehand, consequently they are not indexed and cannot be queried like mapped
382buffers with the <constant>VIDIOC_QUERYBUF</constant> ioctl.</para>
384    <example>
385      <title>Initiating streaming I/O with user pointers</title>
387      <programlisting>
388&v4l2-requestbuffers; reqbuf;
390memset (&amp;reqbuf, 0, sizeof (reqbuf));
391reqbuf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
392reqbuf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
394if (ioctl (fd, &VIDIOC-REQBUFS;, &amp;reqbuf) == -1) {
395	if (errno == EINVAL)
396		printf ("Video capturing or user pointer streaming is not supported\n");
397	else
398		perror ("VIDIOC_REQBUFS");
400	exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
402      </programlisting>
403    </example>
405    <para>Buffer (plane) addresses and sizes are passed on the fly with the
406&VIDIOC-QBUF; ioctl. Although buffers are commonly cycled,
407applications can pass different addresses and sizes at each
408<constant>VIDIOC_QBUF</constant> call. If required by the hardware the
409driver swaps memory pages within physical memory to create a
410continuous area of memory. This happens transparently to the
411application in the virtual memory subsystem of the kernel. When buffer
412pages have been swapped out to disk they are brought back and finally
413locked in physical memory for DMA.<footnote>
414	<para>We expect that frequently used buffers are typically not
415swapped out. Anyway, the process of swapping, locking or generating
416scatter-gather lists may be time consuming. The delay can be masked by
417the depth of the incoming buffer queue, and perhaps by maintaining
418caches assuming a buffer will be soon enqueued again. On the other
419hand, to optimize memory usage drivers can limit the number of buffers
420locked in advance and recycle the most recently used buffers first. Of
421course, the pages of empty buffers in the incoming queue need not be
422saved to disk. Output buffers must be saved on the incoming and
423outgoing queue because an application may share them with other
425      </footnote></para>
427    <para>Filled or displayed buffers are dequeued with the
428&VIDIOC-DQBUF; ioctl. The driver can unlock the memory pages at any
429time between the completion of the DMA and this ioctl. The memory is
430also unlocked when &VIDIOC-STREAMOFF; is called, &VIDIOC-REQBUFS;, or
431when the device is closed. Applications must take care not to free
432buffers without dequeuing. For once, the buffers remain locked until
433further, wasting physical memory. Second the driver will not be
434notified when the memory is returned to the application's free list
435and subsequently reused for other purposes, possibly completing the
436requested DMA and overwriting valuable data.</para>
438    <para>For capturing applications it is customary to enqueue a
439number of empty buffers, to start capturing and enter the read loop.
440Here the application waits until a filled buffer can be dequeued, and
441re-enqueues the buffer when the data is no longer needed. Output
442applications fill and enqueue buffers, when enough buffers are stacked
443up output is started. In the write loop, when the application
444runs out of free buffers it must wait until an empty buffer can be
445dequeued and reused. Two methods exist to suspend execution of the
446application until one or more buffers can be dequeued. By default
447<constant>VIDIOC_DQBUF</constant> blocks when no buffer is in the
448outgoing queue. When the <constant>O_NONBLOCK</constant> flag was
449given to the &func-open; function, <constant>VIDIOC_DQBUF</constant>
450returns immediately with an &EAGAIN; when no buffer is available. The
451&func-select; or &func-poll; function are always available.</para>
453    <para>To start and stop capturing or output applications call the
455<constant>VIDIOC_STREAMOFF</constant> removes all buffers from both
456queues and unlocks all buffers as a side effect. Since there is no
457notion of doing anything "now" on a multitasking system, if an
458application needs to synchronize with another event it should examine
459the &v4l2-buffer; <structfield>timestamp</structfield> of captured
460or outputted buffers.</para>
462    <para>Drivers implementing user pointer I/O must
463support the <constant>VIDIOC_REQBUFS</constant>,
464<constant>VIDIOC_QBUF</constant>, <constant>VIDIOC_DQBUF</constant>,
465<constant>VIDIOC_STREAMON</constant> and
466<constant>VIDIOC_STREAMOFF</constant> ioctl, the
467<function>select()</function> and <function>poll()</function> function.<footnote>
468	<para>At the driver level <function>select()</function> and
469<function>poll()</function> are the same, and
470<function>select()</function> is too important to be optional. The
471rest should be evident.</para>
472      </footnote></para>
473  </section>
475  <section id="dmabuf">
476    <title>Streaming I/O (DMA buffer importing)</title>
478    <note>
479      <title>Experimental</title>
480      <para>This is an <link linkend="experimental">experimental</link>
481      interface and may change in the future.</para>
482    </note>
484<para>The DMABUF framework provides a generic method for sharing buffers
485between multiple devices. Device drivers that support DMABUF can export a DMA
486buffer to userspace as a file descriptor (known as the exporter role), import a
487DMA buffer from userspace using a file descriptor previously exported for a
488different or the same device (known as the importer role), or both. This
489section describes the DMABUF importer role API in V4L2.</para>
491    <para>Refer to <link linkend="vidioc-expbuf">DMABUF exporting</link> for
492details about exporting V4L2 buffers as DMABUF file descriptors.</para>
494<para>Input and output devices support the streaming I/O method when the
495<constant>V4L2_CAP_STREAMING</constant> flag in the
496<structfield>capabilities</structfield> field of &v4l2-capability; returned by
497the &VIDIOC-QUERYCAP; ioctl is set. Whether importing DMA buffers through
498DMABUF file descriptors is supported is determined by calling the
499&VIDIOC-REQBUFS; ioctl with the memory type set to
502    <para>This I/O method is dedicated to sharing DMA buffers between different
503devices, which may be V4L devices or other video-related devices (e.g. DRM).
504Buffers (planes) are allocated by a driver on behalf of an application. Next,
505these buffers are exported to the application as file descriptors using an API
506which is specific for an allocator driver.  Only such file descriptor are
507exchanged. The descriptors and meta-information are passed in &v4l2-buffer; (or
508in &v4l2-plane; in the multi-planar API case).  The driver must be switched
509into DMABUF I/O mode by calling the &VIDIOC-REQBUFS; with the desired buffer
512    <example>
513      <title>Initiating streaming I/O with DMABUF file descriptors</title>
515      <programlisting>
516&v4l2-requestbuffers; reqbuf;
518memset(&amp;reqbuf, 0, sizeof (reqbuf));
519reqbuf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
520reqbuf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_DMABUF;
521reqbuf.count = 1;
523if (ioctl(fd, &VIDIOC-REQBUFS;, &amp;reqbuf) == -1) {
524	if (errno == EINVAL)
525		printf("Video capturing or DMABUF streaming is not supported\n");
526	else
527		perror("VIDIOC_REQBUFS");
529	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
531      </programlisting>
532    </example>
534    <para>The buffer (plane) file descriptor is passed on the fly with the
535&VIDIOC-QBUF; ioctl. In case of multiplanar buffers, every plane can be
536associated with a different DMABUF descriptor. Although buffers are commonly
537cycled, applications can pass a different DMABUF descriptor at each
538<constant>VIDIOC_QBUF</constant> call.</para>
540    <example>
541      <title>Queueing DMABUF using single plane API</title>
543      <programlisting>
544int buffer_queue(int v4lfd, int index, int dmafd)
546	&v4l2-buffer; buf;
548	memset(&amp;buf, 0, sizeof buf);
549	buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
550	buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_DMABUF;
551	buf.index = index;
552	buf.m.fd = dmafd;
554	if (ioctl(v4lfd, &VIDIOC-QBUF;, &amp;buf) == -1) {
555		perror("VIDIOC_QBUF");
556		return -1;
557	}
559	return 0;
561      </programlisting>
562    </example>
564    <example>
565      <title>Queueing DMABUF using multi plane API</title>
567      <programlisting>
568int buffer_queue_mp(int v4lfd, int index, int dmafd[], int n_planes)
570	&v4l2-buffer; buf;
571	&v4l2-plane; planes[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
572	int i;
574	memset(&amp;buf, 0, sizeof buf);
576	buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_DMABUF;
577	buf.index = index;
578	buf.m.planes = planes;
579	buf.length = n_planes;
581	memset(&amp;planes, 0, sizeof planes);
583	for (i = 0; i &lt; n_planes; ++i)
584		buf.m.planes[i].m.fd = dmafd[i];
586	if (ioctl(v4lfd, &VIDIOC-QBUF;, &amp;buf) == -1) {
587		perror("VIDIOC_QBUF");
588		return -1;
589	}
591	return 0;
593      </programlisting>
594    </example>
596    <para>Captured or displayed buffers are dequeued with the
597&VIDIOC-DQBUF; ioctl. The driver can unlock the buffer at any
598time between the completion of the DMA and this ioctl. The memory is
599also unlocked when &VIDIOC-STREAMOFF; is called, &VIDIOC-REQBUFS;, or
600when the device is closed.</para>
602    <para>For capturing applications it is customary to enqueue a
603number of empty buffers, to start capturing and enter the read loop.
604Here the application waits until a filled buffer can be dequeued, and
605re-enqueues the buffer when the data is no longer needed. Output
606applications fill and enqueue buffers, when enough buffers are stacked
607up output is started. In the write loop, when the application
608runs out of free buffers it must wait until an empty buffer can be
609dequeued and reused. Two methods exist to suspend execution of the
610application until one or more buffers can be dequeued. By default
611<constant>VIDIOC_DQBUF</constant> blocks when no buffer is in the
612outgoing queue. When the <constant>O_NONBLOCK</constant> flag was
613given to the &func-open; function, <constant>VIDIOC_DQBUF</constant>
614returns immediately with an &EAGAIN; when no buffer is available. The
615&func-select; and &func-poll; functions are always available.</para>
617    <para>To start and stop capturing or displaying applications call the
618&VIDIOC-STREAMON; and &VIDIOC-STREAMOFF; ioctls. Note that
619<constant>VIDIOC_STREAMOFF</constant> removes all buffers from both queues and
620unlocks all buffers as a side effect. Since there is no notion of doing
621anything "now" on a multitasking system, if an application needs to synchronize
622with another event it should examine the &v4l2-buffer;
623<structfield>timestamp</structfield> of captured or outputted buffers.</para>
625    <para>Drivers implementing DMABUF importing I/O must support the
626<constant>VIDIOC_REQBUFS</constant>, <constant>VIDIOC_QBUF</constant>,
627<constant>VIDIOC_DQBUF</constant>, <constant>VIDIOC_STREAMON</constant> and
628<constant>VIDIOC_STREAMOFF</constant> ioctls, and the
629<function>select()</function> and <function>poll()</function> functions.</para>
631  </section>
633  <section id="async">
634    <title>Asynchronous I/O</title>
636    <para>This method is not defined yet.</para>
637  </section>
639  <section id="buffer">
640    <title>Buffers</title>
642    <para>A buffer contains data exchanged by application and
643driver using one of the Streaming I/O methods. In the multi-planar API, the
644data is held in planes, while the buffer structure acts as a container
645for the planes. Only pointers to buffers (planes) are exchanged, the data
646itself is not copied. These pointers, together with meta-information like
647timestamps or field parity, are stored in a struct
648<structname>v4l2_buffer</structname>, argument to
650In the multi-planar API, some plane-specific members of struct
651<structname>v4l2_buffer</structname>, such as pointers and sizes for each
652plane, are stored in struct <structname>v4l2_plane</structname> instead.
653In that case, struct <structname>v4l2_buffer</structname> contains an array of
654plane structures.</para>
656    <para>Dequeued video buffers come with timestamps. The driver
657    decides at which part of the frame and with which clock the
658    timestamp is taken. Please see flags in the masks
659    <constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TIMESTAMP_MASK</constant> and
660    <constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TSTAMP_SRC_MASK</constant> in <xref
661    linkend="buffer-flags" />. These flags are always valid and constant
662    across all buffers during the whole video stream. Changes in these
663    flags may take place as a side effect of &VIDIOC-S-INPUT; or
664    &VIDIOC-S-OUTPUT; however. The
665    <constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TIMESTAMP_COPY</constant> timestamp type
666    which is used by e.g. on mem-to-mem devices is an exception to the
667    rule: the timestamp source flags are copied from the OUTPUT video
668    buffer to the CAPTURE video buffer.</para>
670    <table frame="none" pgwide="1" id="v4l2-buffer">
671      <title>struct <structname>v4l2_buffer</structname></title>
672      <tgroup cols="4">
673	&cs-ustr;
674	<tbody valign="top">
675	  <row>
676	    <entry>__u32</entry>
677	    <entry><structfield>index</structfield></entry>
678	    <entry></entry>
679	    <entry>Number of the buffer, set by the application except
680when calling &VIDIOC-DQBUF;, then it is set by the driver.
681This field can range from zero to the number of buffers allocated
682with the &VIDIOC-REQBUFS; ioctl (&v4l2-requestbuffers; <structfield>count</structfield>),
683plus any buffers allocated with &VIDIOC-CREATE-BUFS; minus one.</entry>
684	  </row>
685	  <row>
686	    <entry>__u32</entry>
687	    <entry><structfield>type</structfield></entry>
688	    <entry></entry>
689	    <entry>Type of the buffer, same as &v4l2-format;
690<structfield>type</structfield> or &v4l2-requestbuffers;
691<structfield>type</structfield>, set by the application. See <xref
692linkend="v4l2-buf-type" /></entry>
693	  </row>
694	  <row>
695	    <entry>__u32</entry>
696	    <entry><structfield>bytesused</structfield></entry>
697	    <entry></entry>
698	    <entry>The number of bytes occupied by the data in the
699buffer. It depends on the negotiated data format and may change with
700each buffer for compressed variable size data like JPEG images.
701Drivers must set this field when <structfield>type</structfield>
702refers to an input stream, applications when it refers to an output stream.
703If the application sets this to 0 for an output stream, then
704<structfield>bytesused</structfield> will be set to the size of the
705buffer (see the <structfield>length</structfield> field of this struct) by
706the driver. For multiplanar formats this field is ignored and the
707<structfield>planes</structfield> pointer is used instead.</entry>
708	  </row>
709	  <row>
710	    <entry>__u32</entry>
711	    <entry><structfield>flags</structfield></entry>
712	    <entry></entry>
713	    <entry>Flags set by the application or driver, see <xref
714linkend="buffer-flags" />.</entry>
715	  </row>
716	  <row>
717	    <entry>__u32</entry>
718	    <entry><structfield>field</structfield></entry>
719	    <entry></entry>
720	    <entry>Indicates the field order of the image in the
721buffer, see <xref linkend="v4l2-field" />. This field is not used when
722the buffer contains VBI data. Drivers must set it when
723<structfield>type</structfield> refers to an input stream,
724applications when it refers to an output stream.</entry>
725	  </row>
726	  <row>
727	    <entry>struct timeval</entry>
728	    <entry><structfield>timestamp</structfield></entry>
729	    <entry></entry>
730	    <entry><para>For input streams this is time when the first data
731	    byte was captured, as returned by the
732	    <function>clock_gettime()</function> function for the relevant
733	    clock id; see <constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TIMESTAMP_*</constant> in
734	    <xref linkend="buffer-flags" />. For output streams the driver
735	    stores the time at which the last data byte was actually sent out
736	    in the  <structfield>timestamp</structfield> field. This permits
737	    applications to monitor the drift between the video and system
738	    clock. For output streams that use <constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TIMESTAMP_COPY</constant>
739	    the application has to fill in the timestamp which will be copied
740	    by the driver to the capture stream.</para></entry>
741	  </row>
742	  <row>
743	    <entry>&v4l2-timecode;</entry>
744	    <entry><structfield>timecode</structfield></entry>
745	    <entry></entry>
746	    <entry>When <structfield>type</structfield> is
747<constant>V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE</constant> and the
748<constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TIMECODE</constant> flag is set in
749<structfield>flags</structfield>, this structure contains a frame
750timecode. In <link linkend="v4l2-field">V4L2_FIELD_ALTERNATE</link>
751mode the top and bottom field contain the same timecode.
752Timecodes are intended to help video editing and are typically recorded on
753video tapes, but also embedded in compressed formats like MPEG. This
754field is independent of the <structfield>timestamp</structfield> and
755<structfield>sequence</structfield> fields.</entry>
756	  </row>
757	  <row>
758	    <entry>__u32</entry>
759	    <entry><structfield>sequence</structfield></entry>
760	    <entry></entry>
761	    <entry>Set by the driver, counting the frames (not fields!) in
762sequence. This field is set for both input and output devices.</entry>
763	  </row>
764	  <row>
765	    <entry spanname="hspan"><para>In <link
766linkend="v4l2-field">V4L2_FIELD_ALTERNATE</link> mode the top and
767bottom field have the same sequence number. The count starts at zero
768and includes dropped or repeated frames. A dropped frame was received
769by an input device but could not be stored due to lack of free buffer
770space. A repeated frame was displayed again by an output device
771because the application did not pass new data in
772time.</para><para>Note this may count the frames received
773e.g. over USB, without taking into account the frames dropped by the
774remote hardware due to limited compression throughput or bus
775bandwidth. These devices identify by not enumerating any video
776standards, see <xref linkend="standard" />.</para></entry>
777	  </row>
778	  <row>
779	    <entry>__u32</entry>
780	    <entry><structfield>memory</structfield></entry>
781	    <entry></entry>
782	    <entry>This field must be set by applications and/or drivers
783in accordance with the selected I/O method. See <xref linkend="v4l2-memory"
784	    /></entry>
785	  </row>
786	  <row>
787	    <entry>union</entry>
788	    <entry><structfield>m</structfield></entry>
789	  </row>
790	  <row>
791	    <entry></entry>
792	    <entry>__u32</entry>
793	    <entry><structfield>offset</structfield></entry>
794	    <entry>For the single-planar API and when
795<structfield>memory</structfield> is <constant>V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP</constant> this
796is the offset of the buffer from the start of the device memory. The value is
797returned by the driver and apart of serving as parameter to the &func-mmap;
798function not useful for applications. See <xref linkend="mmap" /> for details
799	  </entry>
800	  </row>
801	  <row>
802	    <entry></entry>
803	    <entry>unsigned long</entry>
804	    <entry><structfield>userptr</structfield></entry>
805	    <entry>For the single-planar API and when
806<structfield>memory</structfield> is <constant>V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR</constant>
807this is a pointer to the buffer (casted to unsigned long type) in virtual
808memory, set by the application. See <xref linkend="userp" /> for details.
809	    </entry>
810	  </row>
811	  <row>
812	    <entry></entry>
813	    <entry>struct v4l2_plane</entry>
814	    <entry><structfield>*planes</structfield></entry>
815	    <entry>When using the multi-planar API, contains a userspace pointer
816	    to an array of &v4l2-plane;. The size of the array should be put
817	    in the <structfield>length</structfield> field of this
818	    <structname>v4l2_buffer</structname> structure.</entry>
819	  </row>
820	  <row>
821	    <entry></entry>
822	    <entry>int</entry>
823	    <entry><structfield>fd</structfield></entry>
824	    <entry>For the single-plane API and when
825<structfield>memory</structfield> is <constant>V4L2_MEMORY_DMABUF</constant> this
826is the file descriptor associated with a DMABUF buffer.</entry>
827	  </row>
828	  <row>
829	    <entry>__u32</entry>
830	    <entry><structfield>length</structfield></entry>
831	    <entry></entry>
832	    <entry>Size of the buffer (not the payload) in bytes for the
833	    single-planar API. This is set by the driver based on the calls to
834	    &VIDIOC-REQBUFS; and/or &VIDIOC-CREATE-BUFS;. For the multi-planar API the application sets
835	    this to the number of elements in the <structfield>planes</structfield>
836	    array. The driver will fill in the actual number of valid elements in
837	    that array.
838	    </entry>
839	  </row>
840	  <row>
841	    <entry>__u32</entry>
842	    <entry><structfield>reserved2</structfield></entry>
843	    <entry></entry>
844	    <entry>A place holder for future extensions. Drivers and applications
845must set this to 0.</entry>
846	  </row>
847	  <row>
848	    <entry>__u32</entry>
849	    <entry><structfield>reserved</structfield></entry>
850	    <entry></entry>
851	    <entry>A place holder for future extensions. Drivers and applications
852must set this to 0.</entry>
853	  </row>
854	</tbody>
855      </tgroup>
856    </table>
858    <table frame="none" pgwide="1" id="v4l2-plane">
859      <title>struct <structname>v4l2_plane</structname></title>
860      <tgroup cols="4">
861        &cs-ustr;
862	<tbody valign="top">
863	  <row>
864	    <entry>__u32</entry>
865	    <entry><structfield>bytesused</structfield></entry>
866	    <entry></entry>
867	    <entry>The number of bytes occupied by data in the plane
868	      (its payload). Drivers must set this field when <structfield>type</structfield>
869	      refers to an input stream, applications when it refers to an output stream.
870	      If the application sets this to 0 for an output stream, then
871	      <structfield>bytesused</structfield> will be set to the size of the
872	      plane (see the <structfield>length</structfield> field of this struct)
873	      by the driver. Note that the actual image data starts at
874	      <structfield>data_offset</structfield> which may not be 0.</entry>
875	  </row>
876	  <row>
877	    <entry>__u32</entry>
878	    <entry><structfield>length</structfield></entry>
879	    <entry></entry>
880	    <entry>Size in bytes of the plane (not its payload). This is set by the driver
881	    based on the calls to &VIDIOC-REQBUFS; and/or &VIDIOC-CREATE-BUFS;.</entry>
882	  </row>
883	  <row>
884	    <entry>union</entry>
885	    <entry><structfield>m</structfield></entry>
886	    <entry></entry>
887	    <entry></entry>
888	  </row>
889	  <row>
890	    <entry></entry>
891	    <entry>__u32</entry>
892	    <entry><structfield>mem_offset</structfield></entry>
893	    <entry>When the memory type in the containing &v4l2-buffer; is
894	      <constant>V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP</constant>, this is the value that
895	      should be passed to &func-mmap;, similar to the
896	      <structfield>offset</structfield> field in &v4l2-buffer;.</entry>
897	  </row>
898	  <row>
899	    <entry></entry>
900	    <entry>unsigned long</entry>
901	    <entry><structfield>userptr</structfield></entry>
902	    <entry>When the memory type in the containing &v4l2-buffer; is
903	      <constant>V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR</constant>, this is a userspace
904	      pointer to the memory allocated for this plane by an application.
905	      </entry>
906	  </row>
907	  <row>
908	    <entry></entry>
909	    <entry>int</entry>
910	    <entry><structfield>fd</structfield></entry>
911	    <entry>When the memory type in the containing &v4l2-buffer; is
912		<constant>V4L2_MEMORY_DMABUF</constant>, this is a file
913		descriptor associated with a DMABUF buffer, similar to the
914		<structfield>fd</structfield> field in &v4l2-buffer;.</entry>
915	  </row>
916	  <row>
917	    <entry>__u32</entry>
918	    <entry><structfield>data_offset</structfield></entry>
919	    <entry></entry>
920	    <entry>Offset in bytes to video data in the plane.
921	      Drivers must set this field when <structfield>type</structfield>
922	      refers to an input stream, applications when it refers to an output stream.
923	      Note that data_offset is included in <structfield>bytesused</structfield>.
924	      So the size of the image in the plane is
925	      <structfield>bytesused</structfield>-<structfield>data_offset</structfield> at
926	      offset <structfield>data_offset</structfield> from the start of the plane.
927	    </entry>
928	  </row>
929	  <row>
930	    <entry>__u32</entry>
931	    <entry><structfield>reserved[11]</structfield></entry>
932	    <entry></entry>
933	    <entry>Reserved for future use. Should be zeroed by drivers and
934	    applications.</entry>
935	  </row>
936	</tbody>
937      </tgroup>
938    </table>
940    <table frame="none" pgwide="1" id="v4l2-buf-type">
941      <title>enum v4l2_buf_type</title>
942      <tgroup cols="3">
943	&cs-def;
944	<tbody valign="top">
945	  <row>
946	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE</constant></entry>
947	    <entry>1</entry>
948	    <entry>Buffer of a single-planar video capture stream, see <xref
949		linkend="capture" />.</entry>
950	  </row>
951	  <row>
952	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE</constant>
953	    </entry>
954	    <entry>9</entry>
955	    <entry>Buffer of a multi-planar video capture stream, see <xref
956		linkend="capture" />.</entry>
957	  </row>
958	  <row>
959	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT</constant></entry>
960	    <entry>2</entry>
961	    <entry>Buffer of a single-planar video output stream, see <xref
962		linkend="output" />.</entry>
963	  </row>
964	  <row>
965	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE</constant>
966	    </entry>
967	    <entry>10</entry>
968	    <entry>Buffer of a multi-planar video output stream, see <xref
969		linkend="output" />.</entry>
970	  </row>
971	  <row>
972	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OVERLAY</constant></entry>
973	    <entry>3</entry>
974	    <entry>Buffer for video overlay, see <xref linkend="overlay" />.</entry>
975	  </row>
976	  <row>
977	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VBI_CAPTURE</constant></entry>
978	    <entry>4</entry>
979	    <entry>Buffer of a raw VBI capture stream, see <xref
980		linkend="raw-vbi" />.</entry>
981	  </row>
982	  <row>
983	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VBI_OUTPUT</constant></entry>
984	    <entry>5</entry>
985	    <entry>Buffer of a raw VBI output stream, see <xref
986		linkend="raw-vbi" />.</entry>
987	  </row>
988	  <row>
989	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_TYPE_SLICED_VBI_CAPTURE</constant></entry>
990	    <entry>6</entry>
991	    <entry>Buffer of a sliced VBI capture stream, see <xref
992		linkend="sliced" />.</entry>
993	  </row>
994	  <row>
995	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_TYPE_SLICED_VBI_OUTPUT</constant></entry>
996	    <entry>7</entry>
997	    <entry>Buffer of a sliced VBI output stream, see <xref
998		linkend="sliced" />.</entry>
999	  </row>
1000	  <row>
1001	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_OVERLAY</constant></entry>
1002	    <entry>8</entry>
1003	    <entry>Buffer for video output overlay (OSD), see <xref
1004		linkend="osd" />.</entry>
1005	  </row>
1006	  <row>
1007	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_TYPE_SDR_CAPTURE</constant></entry>
1008	    <entry>11</entry>
1009	    <entry>Buffer for Software Defined Radio (SDR) capture stream, see
1010		<xref linkend="sdr" />.</entry>
1011	  </row>
1012	  <row>
1013	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_TYPE_SDR_OUTPUT</constant></entry>
1014	    <entry>12</entry>
1015	    <entry>Buffer for Software Defined Radio (SDR) output stream, see
1016		<xref linkend="sdr" />.</entry>
1017	  </row>
1018	</tbody>
1019      </tgroup>
1020    </table>
1022    <table frame="none" pgwide="1" id="buffer-flags">
1023      <title>Buffer Flags</title>
1024      <tgroup cols="3">
1025	&cs-def;
1026	<tbody valign="top">
1027	  <row>
1028	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_MAPPED</constant></entry>
1029	    <entry>0x00000001</entry>
1030	    <entry>The buffer resides in device memory and has been mapped
1031into the application's address space, see <xref linkend="mmap" /> for details.
1032Drivers set or clear this flag when the
1033<link linkend="vidioc-querybuf">VIDIOC_QUERYBUF</link>, <link
1034	  linkend="vidioc-qbuf">VIDIOC_QBUF</link> or <link
1035	  linkend="vidioc-qbuf">VIDIOC_DQBUF</link> ioctl is called. Set by the driver.</entry>
1036	  </row>
1037	  <row>
1038	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_QUEUED</constant></entry>
1039	    <entry>0x00000002</entry>
1040	  <entry>Internally drivers maintain two buffer queues, an
1041incoming and outgoing queue. When this flag is set, the buffer is
1042currently on the incoming queue. It automatically moves to the
1043outgoing queue after the buffer has been filled (capture devices) or
1044displayed (output devices). Drivers set or clear this flag when the
1045<constant>VIDIOC_QUERYBUF</constant> ioctl is called. After
1046(successful) calling the <constant>VIDIOC_QBUF </constant>ioctl it is
1047always set and after <constant>VIDIOC_DQBUF</constant> always
1049	  </row>
1050	  <row>
1051	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_DONE</constant></entry>
1052	    <entry>0x00000004</entry>
1053	    <entry>When this flag is set, the buffer is currently on
1054the outgoing queue, ready to be dequeued from the driver. Drivers set
1055or clear this flag when the <constant>VIDIOC_QUERYBUF</constant> ioctl
1056is called. After calling the <constant>VIDIOC_QBUF</constant> or
1057<constant>VIDIOC_DQBUF</constant> it is always cleared. Of course a
1058buffer cannot be on both queues at the same time, the
1059<constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_QUEUED</constant> and
1060<constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_DONE</constant> flag are mutually exclusive.
1061They can be both cleared however, then the buffer is in "dequeued"
1062state, in the application domain so to say.</entry>
1063	  </row>
1064	  <row>
1065	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_ERROR</constant></entry>
1066	    <entry>0x00000040</entry>
1067	    <entry>When this flag is set, the buffer has been dequeued
1068	    successfully, although the data might have been corrupted.
1069	    This is recoverable, streaming may continue as normal and
1070	    the buffer may be reused normally.
1071	    Drivers set this flag when the <constant>VIDIOC_DQBUF</constant>
1072	    ioctl is called.</entry>
1073	  </row>
1074	  <row>
1075	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_KEYFRAME</constant></entry>
1076	    <entry>0x00000008</entry>
1077	  <entry>Drivers set or clear this flag when calling the
1078<constant>VIDIOC_DQBUF</constant> ioctl. It may be set by video
1079capture devices when the buffer contains a compressed image which is a
1080key frame (or field), &ie; can be decompressed on its own. Also known as
1081an I-frame.  Applications can set this bit when <structfield>type</structfield>
1082refers to an output stream.</entry>
1083	  </row>
1084	  <row>
1085	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_PFRAME</constant></entry>
1086	    <entry>0x00000010</entry>
1087	    <entry>Similar to <constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_KEYFRAME</constant>
1088this flags predicted frames or fields which contain only differences to a
1089previous key frame. Applications can set this bit when <structfield>type</structfield>
1090refers to an output stream.</entry>
1091	  </row>
1092	  <row>
1093	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_BFRAME</constant></entry>
1094	    <entry>0x00000020</entry>
1095	    <entry>Similar to <constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_KEYFRAME</constant>
1096this flags a bi-directional predicted frame or field which contains only
1097the differences between the current frame and both the preceding and following
1098key frames to specify its content. Applications can set this bit when
1099<structfield>type</structfield> refers to an output stream.</entry>
1100	  </row>
1101	  <row>
1102	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TIMECODE</constant></entry>
1103	    <entry>0x00000100</entry>
1104	    <entry>The <structfield>timecode</structfield> field is valid.
1105Drivers set or clear this flag when the <constant>VIDIOC_DQBUF</constant>
1106ioctl is called.  Applications can set this bit and the corresponding
1107<structfield>timecode</structfield> structure when <structfield>type</structfield>
1108refers to an output stream.</entry>
1109	  </row>
1110	  <row>
1111	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_PREPARED</constant></entry>
1112	    <entry>0x00000400</entry>
1113	    <entry>The buffer has been prepared for I/O and can be queued by the
1114application. Drivers set or clear this flag when the
1115<link linkend="vidioc-querybuf">VIDIOC_QUERYBUF</link>, <link
1116	  linkend="vidioc-qbuf">VIDIOC_PREPARE_BUF</link>, <link
1117	  linkend="vidioc-qbuf">VIDIOC_QBUF</link> or <link
1118	  linkend="vidioc-qbuf">VIDIOC_DQBUF</link> ioctl is called.</entry>
1119	  </row>
1120	  <row>
1121	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_NO_CACHE_INVALIDATE</constant></entry>
1122	    <entry>0x00000800</entry>
1123	    <entry>Caches do not have to be invalidated for this buffer.
1124Typically applications shall use this flag if the data captured in the buffer
1125is not going to be touched by the CPU, instead the buffer will, probably, be
1126passed on to a DMA-capable hardware unit for further processing or output.
1128	  </row>
1129	  <row>
1130	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_NO_CACHE_CLEAN</constant></entry>
1131	    <entry>0x00001000</entry>
1132	    <entry>Caches do not have to be cleaned for this buffer.
1133Typically applications shall use this flag for output buffers if the data
1134in this buffer has not been created by the CPU but by some DMA-capable unit,
1135in which case caches have not been used.</entry>
1136	  </row>
1137	  <row>
1138	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_LAST</constant></entry>
1139	    <entry>0x00100000</entry>
1140	    <entry>Last buffer produced by the hardware. mem2mem codec drivers
1141set this flag on the capture queue for the last buffer when the
1142<link linkend="vidioc-querybuf">VIDIOC_QUERYBUF</link> or
1143<link linkend="vidioc-qbuf">VIDIOC_DQBUF</link> ioctl is called. Due to hardware
1144limitations, the last buffer may be empty. In this case the driver will set the
1145<structfield>bytesused</structfield> field to 0, regardless of the format. Any
1146Any subsequent call to the <link linkend="vidioc-qbuf">VIDIOC_DQBUF</link> ioctl
1147will not block anymore, but return an &EPIPE;.</entry>
1148	  </row>
1149	  <row>
1150	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TIMESTAMP_MASK</constant></entry>
1151	    <entry>0x0000e000</entry>
1152	    <entry>Mask for timestamp types below. To test the
1153	    timestamp type, mask out bits not belonging to timestamp
1154	    type by performing a logical and operation with buffer
1155	    flags and timestamp mask.</entry>
1156	  </row>
1157	  <row>
1158	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TIMESTAMP_UNKNOWN</constant></entry>
1159	    <entry>0x00000000</entry>
1160	    <entry>Unknown timestamp type. This type is used by
1161	    drivers before Linux 3.9 and may be either monotonic (see
1162	    below) or realtime (wall clock). Monotonic clock has been
1163	    favoured in embedded systems whereas most of the drivers
1164	    use the realtime clock. Either kinds of timestamps are
1165	    available in user space via
1166	    <function>clock_gettime(2)</function> using clock IDs
1167	    <constant>CLOCK_MONOTONIC</constant> and
1168	    <constant>CLOCK_REALTIME</constant>, respectively.</entry>
1169	  </row>
1170	  <row>
1171	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC</constant></entry>
1172	    <entry>0x00002000</entry>
1173	    <entry>The buffer timestamp has been taken from the
1174	    <constant>CLOCK_MONOTONIC</constant> clock. To access the
1175	    same clock outside V4L2, use
1176	    <function>clock_gettime(2)</function>.</entry>
1177	  </row>
1178	  <row>
1179	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TIMESTAMP_COPY</constant></entry>
1180	    <entry>0x00004000</entry>
1181	    <entry>The CAPTURE buffer timestamp has been taken from the
1182	    corresponding OUTPUT buffer. This flag applies only to mem2mem devices.</entry>
1183	  </row>
1184	  <row>
1185	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TSTAMP_SRC_MASK</constant></entry>
1186	    <entry>0x00070000</entry>
1187	    <entry>Mask for timestamp sources below. The timestamp source
1188	    defines the point of time the timestamp is taken in relation to
1189	    the frame. Logical 'and' operation between the
1190	    <structfield>flags</structfield> field and
1191	    <constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TSTAMP_SRC_MASK</constant> produces the
1192	    value of the timestamp source. Applications must set the timestamp
1193	    source when <structfield>type</structfield> refers to an output stream
1194	    and <constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TIMESTAMP_COPY</constant> is set.</entry>
1195	  </row>
1196	  <row>
1197	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TSTAMP_SRC_EOF</constant></entry>
1198	    <entry>0x00000000</entry>
1199	    <entry>End Of Frame. The buffer timestamp has been taken
1200	    when the last pixel of the frame has been received or the
1201	    last pixel of the frame has been transmitted. In practice,
1202	    software generated timestamps will typically be read from
1203	    the clock a small amount of time after the last pixel has
1204	    been received or transmitten, depending on the system and
1205	    other activity in it.</entry>
1206	  </row>
1207	  <row>
1208	    <entry><constant>V4L2_BUF_FLAG_TSTAMP_SRC_SOE</constant></entry>
1209	    <entry>0x00010000</entry>
1210	    <entry>Start Of Exposure. The buffer timestamp has been
1211	    taken when the exposure of the frame has begun. This is
1212	    only valid for the
1213	    <constant>V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE</constant> buffer
1214	    type.</entry>
1215	  </row>
1216	</tbody>
1217      </tgroup>
1218    </table>
1220    <table pgwide="1" frame="none" id="v4l2-memory">
1221      <title>enum v4l2_memory</title>
1222      <tgroup cols="3">
1223	&cs-def;
1224	<tbody valign="top">
1225	  <row>
1226	    <entry><constant>V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP</constant></entry>
1227	    <entry>1</entry>
1228	    <entry>The buffer is used for <link linkend="mmap">memory
1229mapping</link> I/O.</entry>
1230	  </row>
1231	  <row>
1232	    <entry><constant>V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR</constant></entry>
1233	    <entry>2</entry>
1234	    <entry>The buffer is used for <link linkend="userp">user
1235pointer</link> I/O.</entry>
1236	  </row>
1237	  <row>
1238	    <entry><constant>V4L2_MEMORY_OVERLAY</constant></entry>
1239	    <entry>3</entry>
1240	    <entry>[to do]</entry>
1241	  </row>
1242	  <row>
1243	    <entry><constant>V4L2_MEMORY_DMABUF</constant></entry>
1244	    <entry>4</entry>
1245	    <entry>The buffer is used for <link linkend="dmabuf">DMA shared
1246buffer</link> I/O.</entry>
1247	  </row>
1248	</tbody>
1249      </tgroup>
1250    </table>
1252    <section>
1253      <title>Timecodes</title>
1255      <para>The <structname>v4l2_timecode</structname> structure is
1256designed to hold a <xref linkend="smpte12m" /> or similar timecode.
1257(struct <structname>timeval</structname> timestamps are stored in
1258&v4l2-buffer; field <structfield>timestamp</structfield>.)</para>
1260      <table frame="none" pgwide="1" id="v4l2-timecode">
1261	<title>struct <structname>v4l2_timecode</structname></title>
1262	<tgroup cols="3">
1263	  &cs-str;
1264	  <tbody valign="top">
1265	    <row>
1266	      <entry>__u32</entry>
1267	      <entry><structfield>type</structfield></entry>
1268	      <entry>Frame rate the timecodes are based on, see <xref
1269		  linkend="timecode-type" />.</entry>
1270	    </row>
1271	    <row>
1272	      <entry>__u32</entry>
1273	      <entry><structfield>flags</structfield></entry>
1274	      <entry>Timecode flags, see <xref linkend="timecode-flags" />.</entry>
1275	    </row>
1276	    <row>
1277	      <entry>__u8</entry>
1278	      <entry><structfield>frames</structfield></entry>
1279	      <entry>Frame count, 0 ... 23/24/29/49/59, depending on the
1280	    type of timecode.</entry>
1281	    </row>
1282	    <row>
1283	      <entry>__u8</entry>
1284	      <entry><structfield>seconds</structfield></entry>
1285	      <entry>Seconds count, 0 ... 59. This is a binary, not BCD number.</entry>
1286	    </row>
1287	    <row>
1288	      <entry>__u8</entry>
1289	      <entry><structfield>minutes</structfield></entry>
1290	      <entry>Minutes count, 0 ... 59. This is a binary, not BCD number.</entry>
1291	    </row>
1292	    <row>
1293	      <entry>__u8</entry>
1294	      <entry><structfield>hours</structfield></entry>
1295	      <entry>Hours count, 0 ... 29. This is a binary, not BCD number.</entry>
1296	    </row>
1297	    <row>
1298	      <entry>__u8</entry>
1299	      <entry><structfield>userbits</structfield>[4]</entry>
1300	      <entry>The "user group" bits from the timecode.</entry>
1301	    </row>
1302	  </tbody>
1303	</tgroup>
1304      </table>
1306      <table frame="none" pgwide="1" id="timecode-type">
1307	<title>Timecode Types</title>
1308	<tgroup cols="3">
1309	&cs-def;
1310	  <tbody valign="top">
1311	    <row>
1312	      <entry><constant>V4L2_TC_TYPE_24FPS</constant></entry>
1313	      <entry>1</entry>
1314	      <entry>24 frames per second, i.&nbsp;e. film.</entry>
1315	    </row>
1316	    <row>
1317	      <entry><constant>V4L2_TC_TYPE_25FPS</constant></entry>
1318	      <entry>2</entry>
1319	      <entry>25 frames per second, &ie; PAL or SECAM video.</entry>
1320	    </row>
1321	    <row>
1322	      <entry><constant>V4L2_TC_TYPE_30FPS</constant></entry>
1323	      <entry>3</entry>
1324	      <entry>30 frames per second, &ie; NTSC video.</entry>
1325	    </row>
1326	    <row>
1327	      <entry><constant>V4L2_TC_TYPE_50FPS</constant></entry>
1328	      <entry>4</entry>
1329	      <entry></entry>
1330	    </row>
1331	    <row>
1332	      <entry><constant>V4L2_TC_TYPE_60FPS</constant></entry>
1333	      <entry>5</entry>
1334	      <entry></entry>
1335	    </row>
1336	  </tbody>
1337	</tgroup>
1338      </table>
1340      <table frame="none" pgwide="1" id="timecode-flags">
1341	<title>Timecode Flags</title>
1342	<tgroup cols="3">
1343	&cs-def;
1344	  <tbody valign="top">
1345	    <row>
1346	      <entry><constant>V4L2_TC_FLAG_DROPFRAME</constant></entry>
1347	      <entry>0x0001</entry>
1348	      <entry>Indicates "drop frame" semantics for counting frames
1349in 29.97 fps material. When set, frame numbers 0 and 1 at the start of
1350each minute, except minutes 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 are omitted from the
1352	    </row>
1353	    <row>
1354	      <entry><constant>V4L2_TC_FLAG_COLORFRAME</constant></entry>
1355	      <entry>0x0002</entry>
1356	      <entry>The "color frame" flag.</entry>
1357	    </row>
1358	    <row>
1359	      <entry><constant>V4L2_TC_USERBITS_field</constant></entry>
1360	      <entry>0x000C</entry>
1361	      <entry>Field mask for the "binary group flags".</entry>
1362	    </row>
1363	    <row>
1364	      <entry><constant>V4L2_TC_USERBITS_USERDEFINED</constant></entry>
1365	      <entry>0x0000</entry>
1366	      <entry>Unspecified format.</entry>
1367	    </row>
1368	    <row>
1369	      <entry><constant>V4L2_TC_USERBITS_8BITCHARS</constant></entry>
1370	      <entry>0x0008</entry>
1371	      <entry>8-bit ISO characters.</entry>
1372	    </row>
1373	  </tbody>
1374	</tgroup>
1375      </table>
1376    </section>
1377  </section>
1379  <section id="field-order">
1380    <title>Field Order</title>
1382    <para>We have to distinguish between progressive and interlaced
1383video. Progressive video transmits all lines of a video image
1384sequentially. Interlaced video divides an image into two fields,
1385containing only the odd and even lines of the image, respectively.
1386Alternating the so called odd and even field are transmitted, and due
1387to a small delay between fields a cathode ray TV displays the lines
1388interleaved, yielding the original frame. This curious technique was
1389invented because at refresh rates similar to film the image would
1390fade out too quickly. Transmitting fields reduces the flicker without
1391the necessity of doubling the frame rate and with it the bandwidth
1392required for each channel.</para>
1394    <para>It is important to understand a video camera does not expose
1395one frame at a time, merely transmitting the frames separated into
1396fields. The fields are in fact captured at two different instances in
1397time. An object on screen may well move between one field and the
1398next. For applications analysing motion it is of paramount importance
1399to recognize which field of a frame is older, the <emphasis>temporal
1402    <para>When the driver provides or accepts images field by field
1403rather than interleaved, it is also important applications understand
1404how the fields combine to frames. We distinguish between top (aka odd) and
1405bottom (aka even) fields, the <emphasis>spatial order</emphasis>: The first line
1406of the top field is the first line of an interlaced frame, the first
1407line of the bottom field is the second line of that frame.</para>
1409    <para>However because fields were captured one after the other,
1410arguing whether a frame commences with the top or bottom field is
1411pointless. Any two successive top and bottom, or bottom and top fields
1412yield a valid frame. Only when the source was progressive to begin
1413with, &eg; when transferring film to video, two fields may come from
1414the same frame, creating a natural order.</para>
1416    <para>Counter to intuition the top field is not necessarily the
1417older field. Whether the older field contains the top or bottom lines
1418is a convention determined by the video standard. Hence the
1419distinction between temporal and spatial order of fields. The diagrams
1420below should make this clearer.</para>
1422    <para>All video capture and output devices must report the current
1423field order. Some drivers may permit the selection of a different
1424order, to this end applications initialize the
1425<structfield>field</structfield> field of &v4l2-pix-format; before
1426calling the &VIDIOC-S-FMT; ioctl. If this is not desired it should
1427have the value <constant>V4L2_FIELD_ANY</constant> (0).</para>
1429    <table frame="none" pgwide="1" id="v4l2-field">
1430      <title>enum v4l2_field</title>
1431      <tgroup cols="3">
1432	&cs-def;
1433	<tbody valign="top">
1434	  <row>
1435	    <entry><constant>V4L2_FIELD_ANY</constant></entry>
1436	    <entry>0</entry>
1437	    <entry>Applications request this field order when any
1438one of the <constant>V4L2_FIELD_NONE</constant>,
1440<constant>V4L2_FIELD_BOTTOM</constant>, or
1441<constant>V4L2_FIELD_INTERLACED</constant> formats is acceptable.
1442Drivers choose depending on hardware capabilities or e.&nbsp;g. the
1443requested image size, and return the actual field order. Drivers must
1444never return <constant>V4L2_FIELD_ANY</constant>. If multiple
1445field orders are possible the driver must choose one of the possible
1446field orders during &VIDIOC-S-FMT; or &VIDIOC-TRY-FMT;. &v4l2-buffer;
1447<structfield>field</structfield> can never be
1449	  </row>
1450	  <row>
1451	    <entry><constant>V4L2_FIELD_NONE</constant></entry>
1452	    <entry>1</entry>
1453	    <entry>Images are in progressive format, not interlaced.
1454The driver may also indicate this order when it cannot distinguish
1455between <constant>V4L2_FIELD_TOP</constant> and
1457	  </row>
1458	  <row>
1459	    <entry><constant>V4L2_FIELD_TOP</constant></entry>
1460	    <entry>2</entry>
1461	    <entry>Images consist of the top (aka odd) field only.</entry>
1462	  </row>
1463	  <row>
1464	    <entry><constant>V4L2_FIELD_BOTTOM</constant></entry>
1465	    <entry>3</entry>
1466	    <entry>Images consist of the bottom (aka even) field only.
1467Applications may wish to prevent a device from capturing interlaced
1468images because they will have "comb" or "feathering" artefacts around
1469moving objects.</entry>
1470	  </row>
1471	  <row>
1472	    <entry><constant>V4L2_FIELD_INTERLACED</constant></entry>
1473	    <entry>4</entry>
1474	    <entry>Images contain both fields, interleaved line by
1475line. The temporal order of the fields (whether the top or bottom
1476field is first transmitted) depends on the current video standard.
1477M/NTSC transmits the bottom field first, all other standards the top
1478field first.</entry>
1479	  </row>
1480	  <row>
1481	    <entry><constant>V4L2_FIELD_SEQ_TB</constant></entry>
1482	    <entry>5</entry>
1483	    <entry>Images contain both fields, the top field lines
1484are stored first in memory, immediately followed by the bottom field
1485lines. Fields are always stored in temporal order, the older one first
1486in memory. Image sizes refer to the frame, not fields.</entry>
1487	  </row>
1488	  <row>
1489	    <entry><constant>V4L2_FIELD_SEQ_BT</constant></entry>
1490	    <entry>6</entry>
1491	    <entry>Images contain both fields, the bottom field
1492lines are stored first in memory, immediately followed by the top
1493field lines. Fields are always stored in temporal order, the older one
1494first in memory. Image sizes refer to the frame, not fields.</entry>
1495	  </row>
1496	  <row>
1497	    <entry><constant>V4L2_FIELD_ALTERNATE</constant></entry>
1498	    <entry>7</entry>
1499	    <entry>The two fields of a frame are passed in separate
1500buffers, in temporal order, &ie; the older one first. To indicate the field
1501parity (whether the current field is a top or bottom field) the driver
1502or application, depending on data direction, must set &v4l2-buffer;
1503<structfield>field</structfield> to
1504<constant>V4L2_FIELD_TOP</constant> or
1505<constant>V4L2_FIELD_BOTTOM</constant>. Any two successive fields pair
1506to build a frame. If fields are successive, without any dropped fields
1507between them (fields can drop individually), can be determined from
1508the &v4l2-buffer; <structfield>sequence</structfield> field. This format
1509cannot be selected when using the read/write I/O method since there
1510is no way to communicate if a field was a top or bottom field.</entry>
1511	  </row>
1512	  <row>
1513	    <entry><constant>V4L2_FIELD_INTERLACED_TB</constant></entry>
1514	    <entry>8</entry>
1515	    <entry>Images contain both fields, interleaved line by
1516line, top field first. The top field is transmitted first.</entry>
1517	  </row>
1518	  <row>
1519	    <entry><constant>V4L2_FIELD_INTERLACED_BT</constant></entry>
1520	    <entry>9</entry>
1521	    <entry>Images contain both fields, interleaved line by
1522line, top field first. The bottom field is transmitted first.</entry>
1523	  </row>
1524	</tbody>
1525      </tgroup>
1526    </table>
1528    <figure id="fieldseq-tb">
1529	<title>Field Order, Top Field First Transmitted</title>
1530	<mediaobject>
1531	  <imageobject>
1532	    <imagedata fileref="fieldseq_tb.pdf" format="PS" />
1533	  </imageobject>
1534	  <imageobject>
1535	    <imagedata fileref="fieldseq_tb.gif" format="GIF" />
1536	  </imageobject>
1537	</mediaobject>
1538    </figure>
1540    <figure id="fieldseq-bt">
1541	<title>Field Order, Bottom Field First Transmitted</title>
1542	<mediaobject>
1543	  <imageobject>
1544	    <imagedata fileref="fieldseq_bt.pdf" format="PS" />
1545	  </imageobject>
1546	  <imageobject>
1547	    <imagedata fileref="fieldseq_bt.gif" format="GIF" />
1548	  </imageobject>
1549	</mediaobject>
1550    </figure>
1551  </section>