1<section id="selection-api">
3  <title>Experimental API for cropping, composing and scaling</title>
5      <note>
6	<title>Experimental</title>
8	<para>This is an <link linkend="experimental">experimental</link>
9interface and may change in the future.</para>
10      </note>
12  <section>
13    <title>Introduction</title>
15<para>Some video capture devices can sample a subsection of a picture and
16shrink or enlarge it to an image of arbitrary size. Next, the devices can
17insert the image into larger one. Some video output devices can crop part of an
18input image, scale it up or down and insert it at an arbitrary scan line and
19horizontal offset into a video signal. We call these abilities cropping,
20scaling and composing.</para>
22<para>On a video <emphasis>capture</emphasis> device the source is a video
23signal, and the cropping target determine the area actually sampled. The sink
24is an image stored in a memory buffer.  The composing area specifies which part
25of the buffer is actually written to by the hardware. </para>
27<para>On a video <emphasis>output</emphasis> device the source is an image in a
28memory buffer, and the cropping target is a part of an image to be shown on a
29display. The sink is the display or the graphics screen. The application may
30select the part of display where the image should be displayed. The size and
31position of such a window is controlled by the compose target.</para>
33<para>Rectangles for all cropping and composing targets are defined even if the
34device does supports neither cropping nor composing. Their size and position
35will be fixed in such a case. If the device does not support scaling then the
36cropping and composing rectangles have the same size.</para>
38  </section>
40    <section>
41      <title>Selection targets</title>
43      <para>
44      <figure id="sel-targets-capture">
45	<title>Cropping and composing targets</title>
46	<mediaobject>
47	  <imageobject>
48	    <imagedata fileref="selection.png" format="PNG" />
49	  </imageobject>
50	  <textobject>
51	    <phrase>Targets used by a cropping, composing and scaling
52            process</phrase>
53	  </textobject>
54	</mediaobject>
55      </figure>
56      </para>
58      <para>See <xref linkend="v4l2-selection-targets" /> for more
59    information.</para>
60    </section>
62  <section>
64  <title>Configuration</title>
66<para>Applications can use the <link linkend="vidioc-g-selection">selection
67API</link> to select an area in a video signal or a buffer, and to query for
68default settings and hardware limits.</para>
70<para>Video hardware can have various cropping, composing and scaling
71limitations. It may only scale up or down, support only discrete scaling
72factors, or have different scaling abilities in the horizontal and vertical
73directions. Also it may not support scaling at all. At the same time the
74cropping/composing rectangles may have to be aligned, and both the source and
75the sink may have arbitrary upper and lower size limits. Therefore, as usual,
76drivers are expected to adjust the requested parameters and return the actual
77values selected. An application can control the rounding behaviour using <link
78linkend="v4l2-selection-flags"> constraint flags </link>.</para>
80   <section>
82   <title>Configuration of video capture</title>
84<para>See figure <xref linkend="sel-targets-capture" /> for examples of the
85selection targets available for a video capture device.  It is recommended to
86configure the cropping targets before to the composing targets.</para>
88<para>The range of coordinates of the top left corner, width and height of
89areas that can be sampled is given by the <constant>V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP_BOUNDS</constant>
90target. It is recommended for the driver developers to put the
91top/left corner at position <constant>(0,0)</constant>.  The rectangle's
92coordinates are expressed in pixels.</para>
94<para>The top left corner, width and height of the source rectangle, that is
95the area actually sampled, is given by the <constant>V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP</constant>
96target. It uses the same coordinate system as <constant>V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP_BOUNDS</constant>.
97The active cropping area must lie completely inside the capture boundaries. The
98driver may further adjust the requested size and/or position according to hardware
101<para>Each capture device has a default source rectangle, given by the
102<constant>V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP_DEFAULT</constant> target. This rectangle shall
103over what the driver writer considers the complete picture.  Drivers shall set
104the active crop rectangle to the default when the driver is first loaded, but
105not later.</para>
107<para>The composing targets refer to a memory buffer. The limits of composing
108coordinates are obtained using <constant>V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE_BOUNDS</constant>.
109All coordinates are expressed in pixels. The rectangle's top/left
110corner must be located at position <constant>(0,0)</constant>. The width and
111height are equal to the image size set by <constant>VIDIOC_S_FMT</constant>.
114<para>The part of a buffer into which the image is inserted by the hardware is
115controlled by the <constant>V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE</constant> target.
116The rectangle's coordinates are also expressed in the same coordinate system as
117the bounds rectangle. The composing rectangle must lie completely inside bounds
118rectangle. The driver must adjust the composing rectangle to fit to the
119bounding limits. Moreover, the driver can perform other adjustments according
120to hardware limitations. The application can control rounding behaviour using
121<link linkend="v4l2-selection-flags"> constraint flags</link>.</para>
123<para>For capture devices the default composing rectangle is queried using
124<constant>V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE_DEFAULT</constant>. It is usually equal to the
125bounding rectangle.</para>
127<para>The part of a buffer that is modified by the hardware is given by
128<constant>V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE_PADDED</constant>. It contains all pixels
129defined using <constant>V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE</constant> plus all
130padding data modified by hardware during insertion process. All pixels outside
131this rectangle <emphasis>must not</emphasis> be changed by the hardware. The
132content of pixels that lie inside the padded area but outside active area is
133undefined. The application can use the padded and active rectangles to detect
134where the rubbish pixels are located and remove them if needed.</para>
136   </section>
138   <section>
140   <title>Configuration of video output</title>
142<para>For output devices targets and ioctls are used similarly to the video
143capture case. The <emphasis>composing</emphasis> rectangle refers to the
144insertion of an image into a video signal. The cropping rectangles refer to a
145memory buffer. It is recommended to configure the composing targets before to
146the cropping targets.</para>
148<para>The cropping targets refer to the memory buffer that contains an image to
149be inserted into a video signal or graphical screen. The limits of cropping
150coordinates are obtained using <constant>V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP_BOUNDS</constant>.
151All coordinates are expressed in pixels. The top/left corner is always point
152<constant>(0,0)</constant>.  The width and height is equal to the image size
153specified using <constant>VIDIOC_S_FMT</constant> ioctl.</para>
155<para>The top left corner, width and height of the source rectangle, that is
156the area from which image date are processed by the hardware, is given by the
157<constant>V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP</constant>. Its coordinates are expressed
158in in the same coordinate system as the bounds rectangle. The active cropping
159area must lie completely inside the crop boundaries and the driver may further
160adjust the requested size and/or position according to hardware
163<para>For output devices the default cropping rectangle is queried using
164<constant>V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP_DEFAULT</constant>. It is usually equal to the
165bounding rectangle.</para>
167<para>The part of a video signal or graphics display where the image is
168inserted by the hardware is controlled by <constant>V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE</constant>
169target.  The rectangle's coordinates are expressed in pixels. The composing
170rectangle must lie completely inside the bounds rectangle.  The driver must
171adjust the area to fit to the bounding limits.  Moreover, the driver can
172perform other adjustments according to hardware limitations.</para>
174<para>The device has a default composing rectangle, given by the
175<constant>V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE_DEFAULT</constant> target. This rectangle shall cover what
176the driver writer considers the complete picture. It is recommended for the
177driver developers to put the top/left corner at position <constant>(0,0)</constant>.
178Drivers shall set the active composing rectangle to the default
179one when the driver is first loaded.</para>
181<para>The devices may introduce additional content to video signal other than
182an image from memory buffers.  It includes borders around an image. However,
183such a padded area is driver-dependent feature not covered by this document.
184Driver developers are encouraged to keep padded rectangle equal to active one.
185The padded target is accessed by the <constant>V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE_PADDED</constant>
186identifier.  It must contain all pixels from the <constant>V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE</constant>
189   </section>
191   <section>
193     <title>Scaling control</title>
195<para>An application can detect if scaling is performed by comparing the width
196and the height of rectangles obtained using <constant>V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP</constant>
197and <constant>V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE</constant> targets. If
198these are not equal then the scaling is applied. The application can compute
199the scaling ratios using these values.</para>
201   </section>
203  </section>
205  <section>
207    <title>Comparison with old cropping API</title>
209<para>The selection API was introduced to cope with deficiencies of previous
210<link linkend="crop"> API</link>, that was designed to control simple capture
211devices. Later the cropping API was adopted by video output drivers. The ioctls
212are used to select a part of the display were the video signal is inserted. It
213should be considered as an API abuse because the described operation is
214actually the composing.  The selection API makes a clear distinction between
215composing and cropping operations by setting the appropriate targets.  The V4L2
216API lacks any support for composing to and cropping from an image inside a
217memory buffer.  The application could configure a capture device to fill only a
218part of an image by abusing V4L2 API.  Cropping a smaller image from a larger
219one is achieved by setting the field
220&v4l2-pix-format;<structfield>::bytesperline</structfield>.  Introducing an image offsets
221could be done by modifying field &v4l2-buffer;<structfield>::m_userptr</structfield>
222before calling <constant>VIDIOC_QBUF</constant>. Those
223operations should be avoided because they are not portable (endianness), and do
224not work for macroblock and Bayer formats and mmap buffers.  The selection API
225deals with configuration of buffer cropping/composing in a clear, intuitive and
226portable way.  Next, with the selection API the concepts of the padded target
227and constraints flags are introduced.  Finally, &v4l2-crop; and &v4l2-cropcap;
228have no reserved fields. Therefore there is no way to extend their functionality.
229The new &v4l2-selection; provides a lot of place for future
230extensions.  Driver developers are encouraged to implement only selection API.
231The former cropping API would be simulated using the new one.</para>
233  </section>
235   <section>
236      <title>Examples</title>
237      <example>
238	<title>Resetting the cropping parameters</title>
240	<para>(A video capture device is assumed; change
241<constant>V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE</constant> for other devices; change target to
242<constant>V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE_*</constant> family to configure composing
245	<programlisting>
247	&v4l2-selection; sel = {
249		.target = V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP_DEFAULT,
250	};
251	ret = ioctl(fd, &VIDIOC-G-SELECTION;, &amp;sel);
252	if (ret)
253		exit(-1);
254	sel.target = V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP;
255	ret = ioctl(fd, &VIDIOC-S-SELECTION;, &amp;sel);
256	if (ret)
257		exit(-1);
259        </programlisting>
260      </example>
262      <example>
263	<title>Simple downscaling</title>
264	<para>Setting a composing area on output of size of <emphasis> at most
265</emphasis> half of limit placed at a center of a display.</para>
266	<programlisting>
268	&v4l2-selection; sel = {
269		.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT,
270		.target = V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE_BOUNDS,
271	};
272	struct v4l2_rect r;
274	ret = ioctl(fd, &VIDIOC-G-SELECTION;, &amp;sel);
275	if (ret)
276		exit(-1);
277	/* setting smaller compose rectangle */
278	r.width = sel.r.width / 2;
279	r.height = sel.r.height / 2;
280	r.left = sel.r.width / 4;
281	r.top = sel.r.height / 4;
282	sel.r = r;
283	sel.target = V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE;
284	sel.flags = V4L2_SEL_FLAG_LE;
285	ret = ioctl(fd, &VIDIOC-S-SELECTION;, &amp;sel);
286	if (ret)
287		exit(-1);
289        </programlisting>
290      </example>
292      <example>
293	<title>Querying for scaling factors</title>
294	<para>A video output device is assumed; change
295<constant>V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT</constant> for other devices</para>
296	<programlisting>
298	&v4l2-selection; compose = {
299		.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT,
300		.target = V4L2_SEL_TGT_COMPOSE,
301	};
302	&v4l2-selection; crop = {
303		.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT,
304		.target = V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP,
305	};
306	double hscale, vscale;
308	ret = ioctl(fd, &VIDIOC-G-SELECTION;, &amp;compose);
309	if (ret)
310		exit(-1);
311	ret = ioctl(fd, &VIDIOC-G-SELECTION;, &amp;crop);
312	if (ret)
313		exit(-1);
315	/* computing scaling factors */
316	hscale = (double)compose.r.width / crop.r.width;
317	vscale = (double)compose.r.height / crop.r.height;
319	</programlisting>
320      </example>
322   </section>