Chapter 9. Input Subsystem

Table of Contents

Input core
Multitouch Library
Polled input devices
Matrix keyboars/keypads
Sparse keymap support

Input core

struct input_value — input value representation
struct input_dev — represents an input device
struct input_handler — implements one of interfaces for input devices
struct input_handle — links input device with an input handler
input_set_events_per_packet — tell handlers about the driver event rate
struct ff_device — force-feedback part of an input device
input_event — report new input event
input_inject_event — send input event from input handler
input_alloc_absinfo — allocates array of input_absinfo structs
input_grab_device — grabs device for exclusive use
input_release_device — release previously grabbed device
input_open_device — open input device
input_close_device — close input device
input_scancode_to_scalar — converts scancode in struct input_keymap_entry
input_get_keycode — retrieve keycode currently mapped to a given scancode
input_set_keycode — attribute a keycode to a given scancode
input_reset_device — reset/restore the state of input device
input_allocate_device — allocate memory for new input device
devm_input_allocate_device — allocate managed input device
input_free_device — free memory occupied by input_dev structure
input_set_capability — mark device as capable of a certain event
input_enable_softrepeat — enable software autorepeat
input_register_device — register device with input core
input_unregister_device — unregister previously registered device
input_register_handler — register a new input handler
input_unregister_handler — unregisters an input handler
input_handler_for_each_handle — handle iterator
input_register_handle — register a new input handle
input_unregister_handle — unregister an input handle
input_get_new_minor — allocates a new input minor number
input_free_minor — release previously allocated minor
input_ff_upload — upload effect into force-feedback device
input_ff_erase — erase a force-feedback effect from device
input_ff_event — generic handler for force-feedback events
input_ff_create — create force-feedback device
input_ff_destroy — frees force feedback portion of input device
input_ff_create_memless — create memoryless force-feedback device