Chapter 8. Constants

Table of Contents

Chip option constants
Constants for chip id table
Constants for runtime options
ECC selection constants
Hardware control related constants
Bad block table related constants

This chapter describes the constants which might be relevant for a driver developer.

Chip option constants

Constants for chip id table

These constants are defined in nand.h. They are ored together to describe the chip functionality.

/* Buswitdh is 16 bit */
#define NAND_BUSWIDTH_16	0x00000002
/* Device supports partial programming without padding */
#define NAND_NO_PADDING		0x00000004
/* Chip has cache program function */
#define NAND_CACHEPRG		0x00000008
/* Chip has copy back function */
#define NAND_COPYBACK		0x00000010
/* AND Chip which has 4 banks and a confusing page / block 
 * assignment. See Renesas datasheet for further information */
#define NAND_IS_AND		0x00000020
/* Chip has a array of 4 pages which can be read without
 * additional ready /busy waits */
#define NAND_4PAGE_ARRAY	0x00000040 

Constants for runtime options

These constants are defined in nand.h. They are ored together to describe the functionality.

/* The hw ecc generator provides a syndrome instead a ecc value on read 
 * This can only work if we have the ecc bytes directly behind the 
 * data bytes. Applies for DOC and AG-AND Renesas HW Reed Solomon generators */
#define NAND_HWECC_SYNDROME	0x00020000