fonts 75 include/sound/soundfont.h struct snd_soundfont *fonts; /* The list of soundfonts */ fonts 23 lib/fonts/fonts.c static const struct font_desc *fonts[] = { fonts 62 lib/fonts/fonts.c #define num_fonts ARRAY_SIZE(fonts) fonts 85 lib/fonts/fonts.c if (!strcmp(fonts[i]->name, name)) fonts 86 lib/fonts/fonts.c return fonts[i]; fonts 115 lib/fonts/fonts.c f = fonts[i]; fonts 263 sound/synth/emux/soundfont.c for (sf = sflist->fonts; sf; sf = sf->next) { fonts 278 sound/synth/emux/soundfont.c sf->next = sflist->fonts; fonts 279 sound/synth/emux/soundfont.c sflist->fonts = sf; fonts 1144 sound/synth/emux/soundfont.c for (sf = sflist->fonts; sf; sf = sf->next) { fonts 1343 sound/synth/emux/soundfont.c sflist->fonts = NULL; fonts 1361 sound/synth/emux/soundfont.c for (sf = sflist->fonts; sf; sf = nextsf) { fonts 1457 sound/synth/emux/soundfont.c for (sf = sflist->fonts; sf; sf = sf->next) {