emulation 3 arch/arm64/kernel/trace-events-emulation.h #define TRACE_SYSTEM emulation emulation 35 arch/arm64/kernel/trace-events-emulation.h #define TRACE_INCLUDE_FILE trace-events-emulation emulation 965 arch/m68k/ifpsp060/src/fpsp.S # if our emulation, after re-doing the operation, decided that emulation 998 arch/m68k/ifpsp060/src/fpsp.S # if our emulation, after re-doing the operation, decided that emulation 964 arch/m68k/ifpsp060/src/pfpsp.S # if our emulation, after re-doing the operation, decided that emulation 997 arch/m68k/ifpsp060/src/pfpsp.S # if our emulation, after re-doing the operation, decided that