
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
   2 /*
   3  *
   4  *      Trampoline.S    Derived from Setup.S by Linus Torvalds
   5  *
   6  *      4 Jan 1997 Michael Chastain: changed to gnu as.
   7  *      15 Sept 2005 Eric Biederman: 64bit PIC support
   8  *
   9  *      Entry: CS:IP point to the start of our code, we are
  10  *      in real mode with no stack, but the rest of the
  11  *      trampoline page to make our stack and everything else
  12  *      is a mystery.
  13  *
  14  *      On entry to trampoline_start, the processor is in real mode
  15  *      with 16-bit addressing and 16-bit data.  CS has some value
  16  *      and IP is zero.  Thus, data addresses need to be absolute
  17  *      (no relocation) and are taken with regard to r_base.
  18  *
  19  *      With the addition of trampoline_level4_pgt this code can
  20  *      now enter a 64bit kernel that lives at arbitrary 64bit
  21  *      physical addresses.
  22  *
  23  *      If you work on this file, check the object module with objdump
  24  *      --full-contents --reloc to make sure there are no relocation
  25  *      entries.
  26  */
  28 #include <linux/linkage.h>
  29 #include <asm/pgtable_types.h>
  30 #include <asm/page_types.h>
  31 #include <asm/msr.h>
  32 #include <asm/segment.h>
  33 #include <asm/processor-flags.h>
  34 #include <asm/realmode.h>
  35 #include "realmode.h"
  37         .text
  38         .code16
  40         .balign PAGE_SIZE
  41 ENTRY(trampoline_start)
  42         cli                     # We should be safe anyway
  43         wbinvd
  45         LJMPW_RM(1f)
  46 1:
  47         mov     %cs, %ax        # Code and data in the same place
  48         mov     %ax, %ds
  49         mov     %ax, %es
  50         mov     %ax, %ss
  52         # Setup stack
  53         movl    $rm_stack_end, %esp
  55         call    verify_cpu              # Verify the cpu supports long mode
  56         testl   %eax, %eax              # Check for return code
  57         jnz     no_longmode
  59         /*
  60          * GDT tables in non default location kernel can be beyond 16MB and
  61          * lgdt will not be able to load the address as in real mode default
  62          * operand size is 16bit. Use lgdtl instead to force operand size
  63          * to 32 bit.
  64          */
  66         lidtl   tr_idt  # load idt with 0, 0
  67         lgdtl   tr_gdt  # load gdt with whatever is appropriate
  69         movw    $__KERNEL_DS, %dx       # Data segment descriptor
  71         # Enable protected mode
  72         movl    $X86_CR0_PE, %eax       # protected mode (PE) bit
  73         movl    %eax, %cr0              # into protected mode
  75         # flush prefetch and jump to startup_32
  76         ljmpl   $__KERNEL32_CS, $pa_startup_32
  78 no_longmode:
  79         hlt
  80         jmp no_longmode
  81 #include "../kernel/verify_cpu.S"
  83         .section ".text32","ax"
  84         .code32
  85         .balign 4
  86 ENTRY(startup_32)
  87         movl    %edx, %ss
  88         addl    $pa_real_mode_base, %esp
  89         movl    %edx, %ds
  90         movl    %edx, %es
  91         movl    %edx, %fs
  92         movl    %edx, %gs
  94         /*
  95          * Check for memory encryption support. This is a safety net in
  96          * case BIOS hasn't done the necessary step of setting the bit in
  97          * the MSR for this AP. If SME is active and we've gotten this far
  98          * then it is safe for us to set the MSR bit and continue. If we
  99          * don't we'll eventually crash trying to execute encrypted
 100          * instructions.
 101          */
 102         btl     $TH_FLAGS_SME_ACTIVE_BIT, pa_tr_flags
 103         jnc     .Ldone
 104         movl    $MSR_K8_SYSCFG, %ecx
 105         rdmsr
 106         bts     $MSR_K8_SYSCFG_MEM_ENCRYPT_BIT, %eax
 107         jc      .Ldone
 109         /*
 110          * Memory encryption is enabled but the SME enable bit for this
 111          * CPU has has not been set.  It is safe to set it, so do so.
 112          */
 113         wrmsr
 114 .Ldone:
 116         movl    pa_tr_cr4, %eax
 117         movl    %eax, %cr4              # Enable PAE mode
 119         # Setup trampoline 4 level pagetables
 120         movl    $pa_trampoline_pgd, %eax
 121         movl    %eax, %cr3
 123         # Set up EFER
 124         movl    pa_tr_efer, %eax
 125         movl    pa_tr_efer + 4, %edx
 126         movl    $MSR_EFER, %ecx
 127         wrmsr
 129         # Enable paging and in turn activate Long Mode
 130         movl    $(X86_CR0_PG | X86_CR0_WP | X86_CR0_PE), %eax
 131         movl    %eax, %cr0
 133         /*
 134          * At this point we're in long mode but in 32bit compatibility mode
 135          * with EFER.LME = 1, CS.L = 0, CS.D = 1 (and in turn
 136          * EFER.LMA = 1). Now we want to jump in 64bit mode, to do that we use
 137          * the new gdt/idt that has __KERNEL_CS with CS.L = 1.
 138          */
 139         ljmpl   $__KERNEL_CS, $pa_startup_64
 141         .section ".text64","ax"
 142         .code64
 143         .balign 4
 144 ENTRY(startup_64)
 145         # Now jump into the kernel using virtual addresses
 146         jmpq    *tr_start(%rip)
 148         .section ".rodata","a"
 149         # Duplicate the global descriptor table
 150         # so the kernel can live anywhere
 151         .balign 16
 152         .globl tr_gdt
 153 tr_gdt:
 154         .short  tr_gdt_end - tr_gdt - 1 # gdt limit
 155         .long   pa_tr_gdt
 156         .short  0
 157         .quad   0x00cf9b000000ffff      # __KERNEL32_CS
 158         .quad   0x00af9b000000ffff      # __KERNEL_CS
 159         .quad   0x00cf93000000ffff      # __KERNEL_DS
 160 tr_gdt_end:
 162         .bss
 163         .balign PAGE_SIZE
 164 GLOBAL(trampoline_pgd)          .space  PAGE_SIZE
 166         .balign 8
 167 GLOBAL(trampoline_header)
 168         tr_start:               .space  8
 169         GLOBAL(tr_efer)         .space  8
 170         GLOBAL(tr_cr4)          .space  4
 171         GLOBAL(tr_flags)        .space  4
 172 END(trampoline_header)
 174 #include "trampoline_common.S"

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