
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
   2 /*
   3  * vDSO provided cache flush routines
   4  *
   5  * Copyright (C) 2004 Benjamin Herrenschmuidt (,
   6  *                    IBM Corp.
   7  */
   8 #include <asm/processor.h>
   9 #include <asm/ppc_asm.h>
  10 #include <asm/vdso.h>
  11 #include <asm/asm-offsets.h>
  13         .text
  15 /*
  16  * Default "generic" version of __kernel_sync_dicache.
  17  *
  18  * void __kernel_sync_dicache(unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
  19  *
  20  * Flushes the data cache & invalidate the instruction cache for the
  21  * provided range [start, end[
  22  */
  23 V_FUNCTION_BEGIN(__kernel_sync_dicache)
  24   .cfi_startproc
  25         mflr    r12
  26   .cfi_register lr,r12
  27         mr      r11,r3
  28         bl      V_LOCAL_FUNC(__get_datapage)
  29         mtlr    r12
  30         mr      r10,r3
  32         lwz     r7,CFG_DCACHE_BLOCKSZ(r10)
  33         addi    r5,r7,-1
  34         andc    r6,r11,r5               /* round low to line bdy */
  35         subf    r8,r6,r4                /* compute length */
  36         add     r8,r8,r5                /* ensure we get enough */
  37         lwz     r9,CFG_DCACHE_LOGBLOCKSZ(r10)
  38         srd.    r8,r8,r9                /* compute line count */
  39         crclr   cr0*4+so
  40         beqlr                           /* nothing to do? */
  41         mtctr   r8
  42 1:      dcbst   0,r6
  43         add     r6,r6,r7
  44         bdnz    1b
  45         sync
  47 /* Now invalidate the instruction cache */
  49         lwz     r7,CFG_ICACHE_BLOCKSZ(r10)
  50         addi    r5,r7,-1
  51         andc    r6,r11,r5               /* round low to line bdy */
  52         subf    r8,r6,r4                /* compute length */
  53         add     r8,r8,r5
  54         lwz     r9,CFG_ICACHE_LOGBLOCKSZ(r10)
  55         srd.    r8,r8,r9                /* compute line count */
  56         crclr   cr0*4+so
  57         beqlr                           /* nothing to do? */
  58         mtctr   r8
  59 2:      icbi    0,r6
  60         add     r6,r6,r7
  61         bdnz    2b
  62         isync
  63         li      r3,0
  64         blr
  65   .cfi_endproc
  66 V_FUNCTION_END(__kernel_sync_dicache)
  69 /*
  70  * POWER5 version of __kernel_sync_dicache
  71  */
  72 V_FUNCTION_BEGIN(__kernel_sync_dicache_p5)
  73   .cfi_startproc
  74         crclr   cr0*4+so
  75         sync
  76         isync
  77         li      r3,0
  78         blr
  79   .cfi_endproc
  80 V_FUNCTION_END(__kernel_sync_dicache_p5)

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */