
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
   2 /*
   3  * Copyright(c) 2007 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * Maintained at
   6  */
   8 #ifndef _FC_FC2_H_
   9 #define _FC_FC2_H_
  11 /*
  12  * Fibre Channel Exchanges and Sequences.
  13  */
  14 #ifndef PACKED
  15 #define PACKED  __attribute__ ((__packed__))
  16 #endif /* PACKED */
  19 /*
  20  * Sequence Status Block.
  21  * This format is set by the FC-FS standard and is sent over the wire.
  22  * Note that the fields aren't all naturally aligned.
  23  */
  24 struct fc_ssb {
  25         __u8    ssb_seq_id;             /* sequence ID */
  26         __u8    _ssb_resvd;
  27         __be16  ssb_low_seq_cnt;        /* lowest SEQ_CNT */
  29         __be16  ssb_high_seq_cnt;       /* highest SEQ_CNT */
  30         __be16  ssb_s_stat;             /* sequence status flags */
  32         __be16  ssb_err_seq_cnt;        /* error SEQ_CNT */
  33         __u8    ssb_fh_cs_ctl;          /* frame header CS_CTL */
  34         __be16  ssb_fh_ox_id;           /* frame header OX_ID */
  35         __be16  ssb_rx_id;              /* responder's exchange ID */
  36         __u8    _ssb_resvd2[2];
  37 } PACKED;
  39 /*
  40  * The SSB should be 17 bytes.  Since it's layout is somewhat strange,
  41  * we define the size here so that code can ASSERT that the size comes out
  42  * correct.
  43  */
  44 #define FC_SSB_SIZE         17          /* length of fc_ssb for assert */
  46 /*
  47  * ssb_s_stat - flags from FC-FS-2 T11/1619-D Rev 0.90.
  48  */
  49 #define SSB_ST_RESP         (1 << 15)   /* sequence responder */
  50 #define SSB_ST_ACTIVE       (1 << 14)   /* sequence is active */
  51 #define SSB_ST_ABNORMAL     (1 << 12)   /* abnormal ending condition */
  53 #define SSB_ST_REQ_MASK     (3 << 10)   /* ACK, abort sequence condition */
  54 #define SSB_ST_REQ_CONT     (0 << 10)
  55 #define SSB_ST_REQ_ABORT    (1 << 10)
  56 #define SSB_ST_REQ_STOP     (2 << 10)
  57 #define SSB_ST_REQ_RETRANS  (3 << 10)
  59 #define SSB_ST_ABTS         (1 << 9)    /* ABTS protocol completed */
  60 #define SSB_ST_RETRANS      (1 << 8)    /* retransmission completed */
  61 #define SSB_ST_TIMEOUT      (1 << 7)    /* sequence timed out by recipient */
  62 #define SSB_ST_P_RJT        (1 << 6)    /* P_RJT transmitted */
  64 #define SSB_ST_CLASS_BIT    4           /* class of service field LSB */
  65 #define SSB_ST_CLASS_MASK   3           /* class of service mask */
  66 #define SSB_ST_ACK          (1 << 3)    /* ACK (EOFt or EOFdt) transmitted */
  68 /*
  69  * Exchange Status Block.
  70  * This format is set by the FC-FS standard and is sent over the wire.
  71  * Note that the fields aren't all naturally aligned.
  72  */
  73 struct fc_esb {
  74         __u8    esb_cs_ctl;             /* CS_CTL for frame header */
  75         __be16  esb_ox_id;              /* originator exchange ID */
  76         __be16  esb_rx_id;              /* responder exchange ID */
  77         __be32  esb_orig_fid;           /* fabric ID of originator */
  78         __be32  esb_resp_fid;           /* fabric ID of responder */
  79         __be32  esb_e_stat;             /* status */
  80         __u8    _esb_resvd[4];
  81         __u8    esb_service_params[112]; /* TBD */
  82         __u8    esb_seq_status[8];      /* sequence statuses, 8 bytes each */
  83 } __attribute__((packed));
  85 /*
  86  * Define expected size for ASSERTs.
  87  * See comments on FC_SSB_SIZE.
  88  */
  89 #define FC_ESB_SIZE         (1 + 5*4 + 112 + 8)     /* expected size */
  91 /*
  92  * esb_e_stat - flags from FC-FS-2 T11/1619-D Rev 0.90.
  93  */
  94 #define ESB_ST_RESP         (1 << 31)   /* responder to exchange */
  95 #define ESB_ST_SEQ_INIT     (1 << 30)   /* port holds sequence initiative */
  96 #define ESB_ST_COMPLETE     (1 << 29)   /* exchange is complete */
  97 #define ESB_ST_ABNORMAL     (1 << 28)   /* abnormal ending condition */
  98 #define ESB_ST_REC_QUAL     (1 << 26)   /* recovery qualifier active */
 100 #define ESB_ST_ERRP_BIT     24          /* LSB for error policy */
 101 #define ESB_ST_ERRP_MASK    (3 << 24)   /* mask for error policy */
 102 #define ESB_ST_ERRP_MULT    (0 << 24)   /* abort, discard multiple sequences */
 103 #define ESB_ST_ERRP_SING    (1 << 24)   /* abort, discard single sequence */
 104 #define ESB_ST_ERRP_INF     (2 << 24)   /* process with infinite buffers */
 105 #define ESB_ST_ERRP_IMM     (3 << 24)   /* discard mult. with immed. retran. */
 107 #define ESB_ST_OX_ID_INVL   (1 << 23)   /* originator XID invalid */
 108 #define ESB_ST_RX_ID_INVL   (1 << 22)   /* responder XID invalid */
 109 #define ESB_ST_PRI_INUSE    (1 << 21)   /* priority / preemption in use */
 111 #endif /* _FC_FC2_H_ */

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