
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. ipu_channel_alpha_channel
  2. ipu_ic_fill_colorspace

   1 /*
   2  * Copyright 2005-2009 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
   3  *
   4  * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU Lesser General
   5  * Public License.  You may obtain a copy of the GNU Lesser General
   6  * Public License Version 2.1 or later at the following locations:
   7  *
   8  *
   9  *
  10  */
  12 #ifndef __DRM_IPU_H__
  13 #define __DRM_IPU_H__
  15 #include <linux/types.h>
  16 #include <linux/videodev2.h>
  17 #include <linux/bitmap.h>
  18 #include <linux/fb.h>
  19 #include <linux/of.h>
  20 #include <media/v4l2-mediabus.h>
  21 #include <video/videomode.h>
  23 struct ipu_soc;
  25 enum ipuv3_type {
  26         IPUV3EX,
  27         IPUV3M,
  28         IPUV3H,
  29 };
  31 #define IPU_PIX_FMT_GBR24       v4l2_fourcc('G', 'B', 'R', '3')
  33 /*
  34  * Bitfield of Display Interface signal polarities.
  35  */
  36 struct ipu_di_signal_cfg {
  37         unsigned data_pol:1;    /* true = inverted */
  38         unsigned clk_pol:1;     /* true = rising edge */
  39         unsigned enable_pol:1;
  41         struct videomode mode;
  43         u32 bus_format;
  44         u32 v_to_h_sync;
  46 #define IPU_DI_CLKMODE_SYNC     (1 << 0)
  47 #define IPU_DI_CLKMODE_EXT      (1 << 1)
  48         unsigned long clkflags;
  50         u8 hsync_pin;
  51         u8 vsync_pin;
  52 };
  54 /*
  55  * Enumeration of CSI destinations
  56  */
  57 enum ipu_csi_dest {
  58         IPU_CSI_DEST_IDMAC, /* to memory via SMFC */
  59         IPU_CSI_DEST_IC,        /* to Image Converter */
  60         IPU_CSI_DEST_VDIC,  /* to VDIC */
  61 };
  63 /*
  64  * Enumeration of IPU rotation modes
  65  */
  66 #define IPU_ROT_BIT_VFLIP (1 << 0)
  67 #define IPU_ROT_BIT_HFLIP (1 << 1)
  68 #define IPU_ROT_BIT_90    (1 << 2)
  70 enum ipu_rotate_mode {
  71         IPU_ROTATE_NONE = 0,
  75         IPU_ROTATE_90_RIGHT = IPU_ROT_BIT_90,
  78         IPU_ROTATE_90_LEFT = (IPU_ROT_BIT_90 |
  79                               IPU_ROT_BIT_VFLIP | IPU_ROT_BIT_HFLIP),
  80 };
  82 /* 90-degree rotations require the IRT unit */
  83 #define ipu_rot_mode_is_irt(m) (((m) & IPU_ROT_BIT_90) != 0)
  85 enum ipu_color_space {
  86         IPUV3_COLORSPACE_RGB,
  87         IPUV3_COLORSPACE_YUV,
  89 };
  91 /*
  92  * Enumeration of VDI MOTION select
  93  */
  94 enum ipu_motion_sel {
  95         MOTION_NONE = 0,
  96         LOW_MOTION,
  97         MED_MOTION,
  98         HIGH_MOTION,
  99 };
 101 struct ipuv3_channel;
 103 enum ipu_channel_irq {
 104         IPU_IRQ_EOF = 0,
 105         IPU_IRQ_NFACK = 64,
 106         IPU_IRQ_NFB4EOF = 128,
 107         IPU_IRQ_EOS = 192,
 108 };
 110 /*
 111  * Enumeration of IDMAC channels
 112  */
 113 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_CSI0                       0
 114 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_CSI1                       1
 115 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_CSI2                       2
 116 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_CSI3                       3
 117 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_VDI_MEM_IC_VF              5
 118 /*
 119  * NOTE: channels 6,7 are unused in the IPU and are not IDMAC channels,
 120  * but the direct CSI->VDI linking is handled the same way as IDMAC
 121  * channel linking in the FSU via the IPU_FS_PROC_FLOW registers, so
 122  * these channel names are used to support the direct CSI->VDI link.
 123  */
 124 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_CSI_DIRECT                 6
 125 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_CSI_VDI_PREV               7
 126 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_VDI_PREV               8
 127 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_VDI_CUR                9
 128 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_VDI_NEXT              10
 129 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_IC_PP                 11
 130 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_IC_PRP_VF             12
 131 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_VDI_MEM_RECENT            13
 132 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_G_MEM_IC_PRP_VF           14
 133 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_G_MEM_IC_PP               15
 134 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_G_MEM_IC_PRP_VF_ALPHA     17
 135 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_G_MEM_IC_PP_ALPHA         18
 137 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_IC_PRP_ENC_MEM            20
 138 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_IC_PRP_VF_MEM             21
 139 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_IC_PP_MEM                 22
 140 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_BG_SYNC               23
 141 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_BG_ASYNC              24
 142 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_VDI_PLANE1_COMB       25
 143 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_VDI_PLANE3_COMB       26
 144 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_FG_SYNC               27
 145 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_DC_SYNC               28
 146 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_FG_ASYNC              29
 147 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_FG_SYNC_ALPHA         31
 148 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_FG_ASYNC_ALPHA        33
 149 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_DC_MEM_READ               40
 150 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_DC_ASYNC              41
 151 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_DC_COMMAND            42
 152 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_DC_COMMAND2           43
 153 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_DC_OUTPUT_MASK        44
 154 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_ROT_ENC               45
 155 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_ROT_VF                46
 156 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_ROT_PP                47
 157 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_ROT_ENC_MEM               48
 158 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_ROT_VF_MEM                49
 159 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_ROT_PP_MEM                50
 160 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_BG_SYNC_ALPHA         51
 161 #define IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_BG_ASYNC_ALPHA        52
 162 #define IPUV3_NUM_CHANNELS                      64
 164 static inline int ipu_channel_alpha_channel(int ch_num)
 165 {
 166         switch (ch_num) {
 167         case IPUV3_CHANNEL_G_MEM_IC_PRP_VF:
 168                 return IPUV3_CHANNEL_G_MEM_IC_PRP_VF_ALPHA;
 169         case IPUV3_CHANNEL_G_MEM_IC_PP:
 170                 return IPUV3_CHANNEL_G_MEM_IC_PP_ALPHA;
 171         case IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_FG_SYNC:
 172                 return IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_FG_SYNC_ALPHA;
 173         case IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_FG_ASYNC:
 174                 return IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_FG_ASYNC_ALPHA;
 175         case IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_BG_SYNC:
 176                 return IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_BG_SYNC_ALPHA;
 177         case IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_BG_ASYNC:
 178                 return IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_BG_ASYNC_ALPHA;
 179         case IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_VDI_PLANE1_COMB:
 180                 return IPUV3_CHANNEL_MEM_VDI_PLANE1_COMB_ALPHA;
 181         default:
 182                 return -EINVAL;
 183         }
 184 }
 186 int ipu_map_irq(struct ipu_soc *ipu, int irq);
 187 int ipu_idmac_channel_irq(struct ipu_soc *ipu, struct ipuv3_channel *channel,
 188                 enum ipu_channel_irq irq);
 190 #define IPU_IRQ_DP_SF_START             (448 + 2)
 191 #define IPU_IRQ_DP_SF_END               (448 + 3)
 192 #define IPU_IRQ_BG_SF_END               IPU_IRQ_DP_SF_END,
 193 #define IPU_IRQ_DC_FC_0                 (448 + 8)
 194 #define IPU_IRQ_DC_FC_1                 (448 + 9)
 195 #define IPU_IRQ_DC_FC_2                 (448 + 10)
 196 #define IPU_IRQ_DC_FC_3                 (448 + 11)
 197 #define IPU_IRQ_DC_FC_4                 (448 + 12)
 198 #define IPU_IRQ_DC_FC_6                 (448 + 13)
 199 #define IPU_IRQ_VSYNC_PRE_0             (448 + 14)
 200 #define IPU_IRQ_VSYNC_PRE_1             (448 + 15)
 202 /*
 203  * IPU Common functions
 204  */
 205 int ipu_get_num(struct ipu_soc *ipu);
 206 void ipu_set_csi_src_mux(struct ipu_soc *ipu, int csi_id, bool mipi_csi2);
 207 void ipu_set_ic_src_mux(struct ipu_soc *ipu, int csi_id, bool vdi);
 208 void ipu_dump(struct ipu_soc *ipu);
 210 /*
 211  * IPU Image DMA Controller (idmac) functions
 212  */
 213 struct ipuv3_channel *ipu_idmac_get(struct ipu_soc *ipu, unsigned channel);
 214 void ipu_idmac_put(struct ipuv3_channel *);
 216 int ipu_idmac_enable_channel(struct ipuv3_channel *channel);
 217 int ipu_idmac_disable_channel(struct ipuv3_channel *channel);
 218 void ipu_idmac_enable_watermark(struct ipuv3_channel *channel, bool enable);
 219 int ipu_idmac_lock_enable(struct ipuv3_channel *channel, int num_bursts);
 220 int ipu_idmac_wait_busy(struct ipuv3_channel *channel, int ms);
 222 void ipu_idmac_set_double_buffer(struct ipuv3_channel *channel,
 223                 bool doublebuffer);
 224 int ipu_idmac_get_current_buffer(struct ipuv3_channel *channel);
 225 bool ipu_idmac_buffer_is_ready(struct ipuv3_channel *channel, u32 buf_num);
 226 void ipu_idmac_select_buffer(struct ipuv3_channel *channel, u32 buf_num);
 227 void ipu_idmac_clear_buffer(struct ipuv3_channel *channel, u32 buf_num);
 228 int ipu_fsu_link(struct ipu_soc *ipu, int src_ch, int sink_ch);
 229 int ipu_fsu_unlink(struct ipu_soc *ipu, int src_ch, int sink_ch);
 230 int ipu_idmac_link(struct ipuv3_channel *src, struct ipuv3_channel *sink);
 231 int ipu_idmac_unlink(struct ipuv3_channel *src, struct ipuv3_channel *sink);
 233 /*
 234  * IPU Channel Parameter Memory (cpmem) functions
 235  */
 236 struct ipu_rgb {
 237         struct fb_bitfield      red;
 238         struct fb_bitfield      green;
 239         struct fb_bitfield      blue;
 240         struct fb_bitfield      transp;
 241         int                     bits_per_pixel;
 242 };
 244 struct ipu_image {
 245         struct v4l2_pix_format pix;
 246         struct v4l2_rect rect;
 247         dma_addr_t phys0;
 248         dma_addr_t phys1;
 249         /* chroma plane offset overrides */
 250         u32 u_offset;
 251         u32 v_offset;
 252 };
 254 void ipu_cpmem_zero(struct ipuv3_channel *ch);
 255 void ipu_cpmem_set_resolution(struct ipuv3_channel *ch, int xres, int yres);
 256 void ipu_cpmem_skip_odd_chroma_rows(struct ipuv3_channel *ch);
 257 void ipu_cpmem_set_stride(struct ipuv3_channel *ch, int stride);
 258 void ipu_cpmem_set_high_priority(struct ipuv3_channel *ch);
 259 void ipu_cpmem_set_buffer(struct ipuv3_channel *ch, int bufnum, dma_addr_t buf);
 260 void ipu_cpmem_set_uv_offset(struct ipuv3_channel *ch, u32 u_off, u32 v_off);
 261 void ipu_cpmem_interlaced_scan(struct ipuv3_channel *ch, int stride,
 262                                u32 pixelformat);
 263 void ipu_cpmem_set_axi_id(struct ipuv3_channel *ch, u32 id);
 264 int ipu_cpmem_get_burstsize(struct ipuv3_channel *ch);
 265 void ipu_cpmem_set_burstsize(struct ipuv3_channel *ch, int burstsize);
 266 void ipu_cpmem_set_block_mode(struct ipuv3_channel *ch);
 267 void ipu_cpmem_set_rotation(struct ipuv3_channel *ch,
 268                             enum ipu_rotate_mode rot);
 269 int ipu_cpmem_set_format_rgb(struct ipuv3_channel *ch,
 270                              const struct ipu_rgb *rgb);
 271 int ipu_cpmem_set_format_passthrough(struct ipuv3_channel *ch, int width);
 272 void ipu_cpmem_set_yuv_interleaved(struct ipuv3_channel *ch, u32 pixel_format);
 273 void ipu_cpmem_set_yuv_planar_full(struct ipuv3_channel *ch,
 274                                    unsigned int uv_stride,
 275                                    unsigned int u_offset,
 276                                    unsigned int v_offset);
 277 int ipu_cpmem_set_fmt(struct ipuv3_channel *ch, u32 drm_fourcc);
 278 int ipu_cpmem_set_image(struct ipuv3_channel *ch, struct ipu_image *image);
 279 void ipu_cpmem_dump(struct ipuv3_channel *ch);
 281 /*
 282  * IPU Display Controller (dc) functions
 283  */
 284 struct ipu_dc;
 285 struct ipu_di;
 286 struct ipu_dc *ipu_dc_get(struct ipu_soc *ipu, int channel);
 287 void ipu_dc_put(struct ipu_dc *dc);
 288 int ipu_dc_init_sync(struct ipu_dc *dc, struct ipu_di *di, bool interlaced,
 289                 u32 pixel_fmt, u32 width);
 290 void ipu_dc_enable(struct ipu_soc *ipu);
 291 void ipu_dc_enable_channel(struct ipu_dc *dc);
 292 void ipu_dc_disable_channel(struct ipu_dc *dc);
 293 void ipu_dc_disable(struct ipu_soc *ipu);
 295 /*
 296  * IPU Display Interface (di) functions
 297  */
 298 struct ipu_di *ipu_di_get(struct ipu_soc *ipu, int disp);
 299 void ipu_di_put(struct ipu_di *);
 300 int ipu_di_disable(struct ipu_di *);
 301 int ipu_di_enable(struct ipu_di *);
 302 int ipu_di_get_num(struct ipu_di *);
 303 int ipu_di_adjust_videomode(struct ipu_di *di, struct videomode *mode);
 304 int ipu_di_init_sync_panel(struct ipu_di *, struct ipu_di_signal_cfg *sig);
 306 /*
 307  * IPU Display Multi FIFO Controller (dmfc) functions
 308  */
 309 struct dmfc_channel;
 310 int ipu_dmfc_enable_channel(struct dmfc_channel *dmfc);
 311 void ipu_dmfc_disable_channel(struct dmfc_channel *dmfc);
 312 void ipu_dmfc_config_wait4eot(struct dmfc_channel *dmfc, int width);
 313 struct dmfc_channel *ipu_dmfc_get(struct ipu_soc *ipu, int ipuv3_channel);
 314 void ipu_dmfc_put(struct dmfc_channel *dmfc);
 316 /*
 317  * IPU Display Processor (dp) functions
 318  */
 319 #define IPU_DP_FLOW_SYNC_BG     0
 320 #define IPU_DP_FLOW_SYNC_FG     1
 321 #define IPU_DP_FLOW_ASYNC0_BG   2
 322 #define IPU_DP_FLOW_ASYNC0_FG   3
 323 #define IPU_DP_FLOW_ASYNC1_BG   4
 324 #define IPU_DP_FLOW_ASYNC1_FG   5
 326 struct ipu_dp *ipu_dp_get(struct ipu_soc *ipu, unsigned int flow);
 327 void ipu_dp_put(struct ipu_dp *);
 328 int ipu_dp_enable(struct ipu_soc *ipu);
 329 int ipu_dp_enable_channel(struct ipu_dp *dp);
 330 void ipu_dp_disable_channel(struct ipu_dp *dp, bool sync);
 331 void ipu_dp_disable(struct ipu_soc *ipu);
 332 int ipu_dp_setup_channel(struct ipu_dp *dp,
 333                 enum ipu_color_space in, enum ipu_color_space out);
 334 int ipu_dp_set_window_pos(struct ipu_dp *, u16 x_pos, u16 y_pos);
 335 int ipu_dp_set_global_alpha(struct ipu_dp *dp, bool enable, u8 alpha,
 336                 bool bg_chan);
 338 /*
 339  * IPU Prefetch Resolve Gasket (prg) functions
 340  */
 341 int ipu_prg_max_active_channels(void);
 342 bool ipu_prg_present(struct ipu_soc *ipu);
 343 bool ipu_prg_format_supported(struct ipu_soc *ipu, uint32_t format,
 344                               uint64_t modifier);
 345 int ipu_prg_enable(struct ipu_soc *ipu);
 346 void ipu_prg_disable(struct ipu_soc *ipu);
 347 void ipu_prg_channel_disable(struct ipuv3_channel *ipu_chan);
 348 int ipu_prg_channel_configure(struct ipuv3_channel *ipu_chan,
 349                               unsigned int axi_id,  unsigned int width,
 350                               unsigned int height, unsigned int stride,
 351                               u32 format, uint64_t modifier, unsigned long *eba);
 352 bool ipu_prg_channel_configure_pending(struct ipuv3_channel *ipu_chan);
 354 /*
 355  * IPU CMOS Sensor Interface (csi) functions
 356  */
 357 struct ipu_csi;
 358 int ipu_csi_init_interface(struct ipu_csi *csi,
 359                            const struct v4l2_mbus_config *mbus_cfg,
 360                            const struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt *infmt,
 361                            const struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt *outfmt);
 362 bool ipu_csi_is_interlaced(struct ipu_csi *csi);
 363 void ipu_csi_get_window(struct ipu_csi *csi, struct v4l2_rect *w);
 364 void ipu_csi_set_window(struct ipu_csi *csi, struct v4l2_rect *w);
 365 void ipu_csi_set_downsize(struct ipu_csi *csi, bool horiz, bool vert);
 366 void ipu_csi_set_test_generator(struct ipu_csi *csi, bool active,
 367                                 u32 r_value, u32 g_value, u32 b_value,
 368                                 u32 pix_clk);
 369 int ipu_csi_set_mipi_datatype(struct ipu_csi *csi, u32 vc,
 370                               struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt *mbus_fmt);
 371 int ipu_csi_set_skip_smfc(struct ipu_csi *csi, u32 skip,
 372                           u32 max_ratio, u32 id);
 373 int ipu_csi_set_dest(struct ipu_csi *csi, enum ipu_csi_dest csi_dest);
 374 int ipu_csi_enable(struct ipu_csi *csi);
 375 int ipu_csi_disable(struct ipu_csi *csi);
 376 struct ipu_csi *ipu_csi_get(struct ipu_soc *ipu, int id);
 377 void ipu_csi_put(struct ipu_csi *csi);
 378 void ipu_csi_dump(struct ipu_csi *csi);
 380 /*
 381  * IPU Image Converter (ic) functions
 382  */
 383 enum ipu_ic_task {
 384         IC_TASK_ENCODER,
 385         IC_TASK_VIEWFINDER,
 387         IC_NUM_TASKS,
 388 };
 390 /*
 391  * The parameters that describe a colorspace according to the
 392  * Image Converter:
 393  *    - Y'CbCr encoding
 394  *    - quantization
 395  *    - "colorspace" (RGB or YUV).
 396  */
 397 struct ipu_ic_colorspace {
 398         enum v4l2_ycbcr_encoding enc;
 399         enum v4l2_quantization quant;
 400         enum ipu_color_space cs;
 401 };
 403 static inline void
 404 ipu_ic_fill_colorspace(struct ipu_ic_colorspace *ic_cs,
 405                        enum v4l2_ycbcr_encoding enc,
 406                        enum v4l2_quantization quant,
 407                        enum ipu_color_space cs)
 408 {
 409         ic_cs->enc = enc;
 410         ic_cs->quant = quant;
 411         ic_cs->cs = cs;
 412 }
 414 struct ipu_ic_csc_params {
 415         s16 coeff[3][3];        /* signed 9-bit integer coefficients */
 416         s16 offset[3];          /* signed 11+2-bit fixed point offset */
 417         u8 scale:2;             /* scale coefficients * 2^(scale-1) */
 418         bool sat:1;             /* saturate to (16, 235(Y) / 240(U, V)) */
 419 };
 421 struct ipu_ic_csc {
 422         struct ipu_ic_colorspace in_cs;
 423         struct ipu_ic_colorspace out_cs;
 424         struct ipu_ic_csc_params params;
 425 };
 427 struct ipu_ic;
 429 int __ipu_ic_calc_csc(struct ipu_ic_csc *csc);
 430 int ipu_ic_calc_csc(struct ipu_ic_csc *csc,
 431                     enum v4l2_ycbcr_encoding in_enc,
 432                     enum v4l2_quantization in_quant,
 433                     enum ipu_color_space in_cs,
 434                     enum v4l2_ycbcr_encoding out_enc,
 435                     enum v4l2_quantization out_quant,
 436                     enum ipu_color_space out_cs);
 437 int ipu_ic_task_init(struct ipu_ic *ic,
 438                      const struct ipu_ic_csc *csc,
 439                      int in_width, int in_height,
 440                      int out_width, int out_height);
 441 int ipu_ic_task_init_rsc(struct ipu_ic *ic,
 442                          const struct ipu_ic_csc *csc,
 443                          int in_width, int in_height,
 444                          int out_width, int out_height,
 445                          u32 rsc);
 446 int ipu_ic_task_graphics_init(struct ipu_ic *ic,
 447                               const struct ipu_ic_colorspace *g_in_cs,
 448                               bool galpha_en, u32 galpha,
 449                               bool colorkey_en, u32 colorkey);
 450 void ipu_ic_task_enable(struct ipu_ic *ic);
 451 void ipu_ic_task_disable(struct ipu_ic *ic);
 452 int ipu_ic_task_idma_init(struct ipu_ic *ic, struct ipuv3_channel *channel,
 453                           u32 width, u32 height, int burst_size,
 454                           enum ipu_rotate_mode rot);
 455 int ipu_ic_enable(struct ipu_ic *ic);
 456 int ipu_ic_disable(struct ipu_ic *ic);
 457 struct ipu_ic *ipu_ic_get(struct ipu_soc *ipu, enum ipu_ic_task task);
 458 void ipu_ic_put(struct ipu_ic *ic);
 459 void ipu_ic_dump(struct ipu_ic *ic);
 461 /*
 462  * IPU Video De-Interlacer (vdi) functions
 463  */
 464 struct ipu_vdi;
 465 void ipu_vdi_set_field_order(struct ipu_vdi *vdi, v4l2_std_id std, u32 field);
 466 void ipu_vdi_set_motion(struct ipu_vdi *vdi, enum ipu_motion_sel motion_sel);
 467 void ipu_vdi_setup(struct ipu_vdi *vdi, u32 code, int xres, int yres);
 468 void ipu_vdi_unsetup(struct ipu_vdi *vdi);
 469 int ipu_vdi_enable(struct ipu_vdi *vdi);
 470 int ipu_vdi_disable(struct ipu_vdi *vdi);
 471 struct ipu_vdi *ipu_vdi_get(struct ipu_soc *ipu);
 472 void ipu_vdi_put(struct ipu_vdi *vdi);
 474 /*
 475  * IPU Sensor Multiple FIFO Controller (SMFC) functions
 476  */
 477 struct ipu_smfc *ipu_smfc_get(struct ipu_soc *ipu, unsigned int chno);
 478 void ipu_smfc_put(struct ipu_smfc *smfc);
 479 int ipu_smfc_enable(struct ipu_smfc *smfc);
 480 int ipu_smfc_disable(struct ipu_smfc *smfc);
 481 int ipu_smfc_map_channel(struct ipu_smfc *smfc, int csi_id, int mipi_id);
 482 int ipu_smfc_set_burstsize(struct ipu_smfc *smfc, int burstsize);
 483 int ipu_smfc_set_watermark(struct ipu_smfc *smfc, u32 set_level, u32 clr_level);
 485 enum ipu_color_space ipu_drm_fourcc_to_colorspace(u32 drm_fourcc);
 486 enum ipu_color_space ipu_pixelformat_to_colorspace(u32 pixelformat);
 487 enum ipu_color_space ipu_mbus_code_to_colorspace(u32 mbus_code);
 488 int ipu_stride_to_bytes(u32 pixel_stride, u32 pixelformat);
 489 bool ipu_pixelformat_is_planar(u32 pixelformat);
 490 int ipu_degrees_to_rot_mode(enum ipu_rotate_mode *mode, int degrees,
 491                             bool hflip, bool vflip);
 492 int ipu_rot_mode_to_degrees(int *degrees, enum ipu_rotate_mode mode,
 493                             bool hflip, bool vflip);
 495 struct ipu_client_platformdata {
 496         int csi;
 497         int di;
 498         int dc;
 499         int dp;
 500         int dma[2];
 501         struct device_node *of_node;
 502 };
 504 #endif /* __DRM_IPU_H__ */

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */