
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. cyclecounter_cyc2ns
  2. timecounter_adjtime

   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
   2 /*
   3  * linux/include/linux/timecounter.h
   4  *
   5  * based on code that migrated away from
   6  * linux/include/linux/clocksource.h
   7  */
  11 #include <linux/types.h>
  13 /* simplify initialization of mask field */
  14 #define CYCLECOUNTER_MASK(bits) (u64)((bits) < 64 ? ((1ULL<<(bits))-1) : -1)
  16 /**
  17  * struct cyclecounter - hardware abstraction for a free running counter
  18  *      Provides completely state-free accessors to the underlying hardware.
  19  *      Depending on which hardware it reads, the cycle counter may wrap
  20  *      around quickly. Locking rules (if necessary) have to be defined
  21  *      by the implementor and user of specific instances of this API.
  22  *
  23  * @read:               returns the current cycle value
  24  * @mask:               bitmask for two's complement
  25  *                      subtraction of non 64 bit counters,
  26  *                      see CYCLECOUNTER_MASK() helper macro
  27  * @mult:               cycle to nanosecond multiplier
  28  * @shift:              cycle to nanosecond divisor (power of two)
  29  */
  30 struct cyclecounter {
  31         u64 (*read)(const struct cyclecounter *cc);
  32         u64 mask;
  33         u32 mult;
  34         u32 shift;
  35 };
  37 /**
  38  * struct timecounter - layer above a %struct cyclecounter which counts nanoseconds
  39  *      Contains the state needed by timecounter_read() to detect
  40  *      cycle counter wrap around. Initialize with
  41  *      timecounter_init(). Also used to convert cycle counts into the
  42  *      corresponding nanosecond counts with timecounter_cyc2time(). Users
  43  *      of this code are responsible for initializing the underlying
  44  *      cycle counter hardware, locking issues and reading the time
  45  *      more often than the cycle counter wraps around. The nanosecond
  46  *      counter will only wrap around after ~585 years.
  47  *
  48  * @cc:                 the cycle counter used by this instance
  49  * @cycle_last:         most recent cycle counter value seen by
  50  *                      timecounter_read()
  51  * @nsec:               continuously increasing count
  52  * @mask:               bit mask for maintaining the 'frac' field
  53  * @frac:               accumulated fractional nanoseconds
  54  */
  55 struct timecounter {
  56         const struct cyclecounter *cc;
  57         u64 cycle_last;
  58         u64 nsec;
  59         u64 mask;
  60         u64 frac;
  61 };
  63 /**
  64  * cyclecounter_cyc2ns - converts cycle counter cycles to nanoseconds
  65  * @cc:         Pointer to cycle counter.
  66  * @cycles:     Cycles
  67  * @mask:       bit mask for maintaining the 'frac' field
  68  * @frac:       pointer to storage for the fractional nanoseconds.
  69  */
  70 static inline u64 cyclecounter_cyc2ns(const struct cyclecounter *cc,
  71                                       u64 cycles, u64 mask, u64 *frac)
  72 {
  73         u64 ns = (u64) cycles;
  75         ns = (ns * cc->mult) + *frac;
  76         *frac = ns & mask;
  77         return ns >> cc->shift;
  78 }
  80 /**
  81  * timecounter_adjtime - Shifts the time of the clock.
  82  * @delta:      Desired change in nanoseconds.
  83  */
  84 static inline void timecounter_adjtime(struct timecounter *tc, s64 delta)
  85 {
  86         tc->nsec += delta;
  87 }
  89 /**
  90  * timecounter_init - initialize a time counter
  91  * @tc:                 Pointer to time counter which is to be initialized/reset
  92  * @cc:                 A cycle counter, ready to be used.
  93  * @start_tstamp:       Arbitrary initial time stamp.
  94  *
  95  * After this call the current cycle register (roughly) corresponds to
  96  * the initial time stamp. Every call to timecounter_read() increments
  97  * the time stamp counter by the number of elapsed nanoseconds.
  98  */
  99 extern void timecounter_init(struct timecounter *tc,
 100                              const struct cyclecounter *cc,
 101                              u64 start_tstamp);
 103 /**
 104  * timecounter_read - return nanoseconds elapsed since timecounter_init()
 105  *                    plus the initial time stamp
 106  * @tc:          Pointer to time counter.
 107  *
 108  * In other words, keeps track of time since the same epoch as
 109  * the function which generated the initial time stamp.
 110  */
 111 extern u64 timecounter_read(struct timecounter *tc);
 113 /**
 114  * timecounter_cyc2time - convert a cycle counter to same
 115  *                        time base as values returned by
 116  *                        timecounter_read()
 117  * @tc:         Pointer to time counter.
 118  * @cycle_tstamp:       a value returned by tc->cc->read()
 119  *
 120  * Cycle counts that are converted correctly as long as they
 121  * fall into the interval [-1/2 max cycle count, +1/2 max cycle count],
 122  * with "max cycle count" == cs->mask+1.
 123  *
 124  * This allows conversion of cycle counter values which were generated
 125  * in the past.
 126  */
 127 extern u64 timecounter_cyc2time(struct timecounter *tc,
 128                                 u64 cycle_tstamp);
 130 #endif

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