
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. slic_read
  2. slic_write
  3. slic_flush_write

   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
   3 #ifndef _SLIC_H
   4 #define _SLIC_H
   6 #include <linux/types.h>
   7 #include <linux/netdevice.h>
   8 #include <linux/spinlock_types.h>
   9 #include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
  10 #include <linux/pci.h>
  11 #include <linux/list.h>
  12 #include <linux/u64_stats_sync.h>
  14 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_XPERR              0x40000000
  15 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_XERRSHFT           25
  16 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_XCSERR             0x23
  17 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_XUFLOW             0x22
  18 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_XHLEN              0x20
  19 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_NETERR             0x01000000
  20 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_NERRSHFT           16
  21 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_NERRMSK            0x1ff
  22 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_NCSERR             0x103
  23 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_NUFLOW             0x102
  24 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_NHLEN              0x100
  25 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_LNKERR             0x00000080
  26 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_LERRMSK            0xff
  27 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_LDEARLY            0x86
  28 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_LBOFLO             0x85
  29 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_LCODERR            0x84
  30 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_LDBLNBL            0x83
  31 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_LCRCERR            0x82
  32 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_LOFLO              0x81
  33 #define SLIC_VGBSTAT_LUFLO              0x80
  35 #define SLIC_IRHDDR_FLEN_MSK            0x0000ffff
  36 #define SLIC_IRHDDR_SVALID              0x80000000
  37 #define SLIC_IRHDDR_ERR                 0x10000000
  39 #define SLIC_VRHSTAT_802OE              0x80000000
  40 #define SLIC_VRHSTAT_TPOFLO             0x10000000
  41 #define SLIC_VRHSTATB_802UE             0x80000000
  42 #define SLIC_VRHSTATB_RCVE              0x40000000
  43 #define SLIC_VRHSTATB_BUFF              0x20000000
  44 #define SLIC_VRHSTATB_CARRE             0x08000000
  45 #define SLIC_VRHSTATB_LONGE             0x02000000
  46 #define SLIC_VRHSTATB_PREA              0x01000000
  47 #define SLIC_VRHSTATB_CRC               0x00800000
  48 #define SLIC_VRHSTATB_DRBL              0x00400000
  49 #define SLIC_VRHSTATB_CODE              0x00200000
  50 #define SLIC_VRHSTATB_TPCSUM            0x00100000
  51 #define SLIC_VRHSTATB_TPHLEN            0x00080000
  52 #define SLIC_VRHSTATB_IPCSUM            0x00040000
  53 #define SLIC_VRHSTATB_IPLERR            0x00020000
  54 #define SLIC_VRHSTATB_IPHERR            0x00010000
  56 #define SLIC_CMD_XMT_REQ                0x01
  57 #define SLIC_CMD_TYPE_DUMB              3
  59 #define SLIC_RESET_MAGIC                0xDEAD
  60 #define SLIC_ICR_INT_OFF                0
  61 #define SLIC_ICR_INT_ON                 1
  62 #define SLIC_ICR_INT_MASK               2
  64 #define SLIC_ISR_ERR                    0x80000000
  65 #define SLIC_ISR_RCV                    0x40000000
  66 #define SLIC_ISR_CMD                    0x20000000
  67 #define SLIC_ISR_IO                     0x60000000
  68 #define SLIC_ISR_UPC                    0x10000000
  69 #define SLIC_ISR_LEVENT                 0x08000000
  70 #define SLIC_ISR_RMISS                  0x02000000
  71 #define SLIC_ISR_UPCERR                 0x01000000
  72 #define SLIC_ISR_XDROP                  0x00800000
  73 #define SLIC_ISR_UPCBSY                 0x00020000
  75 #define SLIC_ISR_PING_MASK              0x00700000
  77 #define SLIC_ISR_UPC_MASK               (SLIC_ISR_UPC | SLIC_ISR_UPCERR_MASK)
  78 #define SLIC_WCS_START                  0x80000000
  79 #define SLIC_WCS_COMPARE                0x40000000
  80 #define SLIC_RCVWCS_BEGIN               0x40000000
  81 #define SLIC_RCVWCS_FINISH              0x80000000
  83 #define SLIC_MIICR_REG_16               0x00100000
  84 #define SLIC_MRV_REG16_XOVERON          0x0068
  86 #define SLIC_GIG_LINKUP                 0x0001
  87 #define SLIC_GIG_FULLDUPLEX             0x0002
  88 #define SLIC_GIG_SPEED_MASK             0x000C
  89 #define SLIC_GIG_SPEED_1000             0x0008
  90 #define SLIC_GIG_SPEED_100              0x0004
  91 #define SLIC_GIG_SPEED_10               0x0000
  93 #define SLIC_GMCR_RESET                 0x80000000
  94 #define SLIC_GMCR_GBIT                  0x20000000
  95 #define SLIC_GMCR_FULLD                 0x10000000
  96 #define SLIC_GMCR_GAPBB_SHIFT           14
  97 #define SLIC_GMCR_GAPR1_SHIFT           7
  98 #define SLIC_GMCR_GAPR2_SHIFT           0
  99 #define SLIC_GMCR_GAPBB_1000            0x60
 100 #define SLIC_GMCR_GAPR1_1000            0x2C
 101 #define SLIC_GMCR_GAPR2_1000            0x40
 102 #define SLIC_GMCR_GAPBB_100             0x70
 103 #define SLIC_GMCR_GAPR1_100             0x2C
 104 #define SLIC_GMCR_GAPR2_100             0x40
 106 #define SLIC_XCR_RESET                  0x80000000
 107 #define SLIC_XCR_XMTEN                  0x40000000
 108 #define SLIC_XCR_PAUSEEN                0x20000000
 109 #define SLIC_XCR_LOADRNG                0x10000000
 111 #define SLIC_GXCR_RESET                 0x80000000
 112 #define SLIC_GXCR_XMTEN                 0x40000000
 113 #define SLIC_GXCR_PAUSEEN               0x20000000
 115 #define SLIC_GRCR_RESET                 0x80000000
 116 #define SLIC_GRCR_RCVEN                 0x40000000
 117 #define SLIC_GRCR_RCVALL                0x20000000
 118 #define SLIC_GRCR_RCVBAD                0x10000000
 119 #define SLIC_GRCR_CTLEN                 0x08000000
 120 #define SLIC_GRCR_ADDRAEN               0x02000000
 121 #define SLIC_GRCR_HASHSIZE_SHIFT        17
 122 #define SLIC_GRCR_HASHSIZE              14
 124 /* Reset Register */
 125 #define SLIC_REG_RESET                  0x0000
 126 /* Interrupt Control Register */
 127 #define SLIC_REG_ICR                    0x0008
 128 /* Interrupt status pointer */
 129 #define SLIC_REG_ISP                    0x0010
 130 /* Interrupt status */
 131 #define SLIC_REG_ISR                    0x0018
 132 /* Header buffer address reg
 133  * 31-8 - phy addr of set of contiguous hdr buffers
 134  *  7-0 - number of buffers passed
 135  * Buffers are 256 bytes long on 256-byte boundaries.
 136  */
 137 #define SLIC_REG_HBAR                   0x0020
 138 /* Data buffer handle & address reg
 139  * 4 sets of registers; Buffers are 2K bytes long 2 per 4K page.
 140  */
 141 #define SLIC_REG_DBAR                   0x0028
 142 /* Xmt Cmd buf addr regs.
 143  * 1 per XMT interface
 144  * 31-5 - phy addr of host command buffer
 145  *  4-0 - length of cmd in multiples of 32 bytes
 146  * Buffers are 32 bytes up to 512 bytes long
 147  */
 148 #define SLIC_REG_CBAR                   0x0030
 149 /* Write control store */
 150 #define SLIC_REG_WCS                    0x0034
 151 /*Response buffer address reg.
 152  * 31-8 - phy addr of set of contiguous response buffers
 153  * 7-0 - number of buffers passed
 154  * Buffers are 32 bytes long on 32-byte boundaries.
 155  */
 156 #define SLIC_REG_RBAR                   0x0038
 157 /* Read statistics (UPR) */
 158 #define SLIC_REG_RSTAT                  0x0040
 159 /* Read link status */
 160 #define SLIC_REG_LSTAT                  0x0048
 161 /* Write Mac Config */
 162 #define SLIC_REG_WMCFG                  0x0050
 163 /* Write phy register */
 164 #define SLIC_REG_WPHY                   0x0058
 165 /* Rcv Cmd buf addr reg */
 166 #define SLIC_REG_RCBAR                  0x0060
 167 /* Read SLIC Config*/
 168 #define SLIC_REG_RCONFIG                0x0068
 169 /* Interrupt aggregation time */
 170 #define SLIC_REG_INTAGG                 0x0070
 171 /* Write XMIT config reg */
 172 #define SLIC_REG_WXCFG                  0x0078
 173 /* Write RCV config reg */
 174 #define SLIC_REG_WRCFG                  0x0080
 175 /* Write rcv addr a low */
 176 #define SLIC_REG_WRADDRAL               0x0088
 177 /* Write rcv addr a high */
 178 #define SLIC_REG_WRADDRAH               0x0090
 179 /* Write rcv addr b low */
 180 #define SLIC_REG_WRADDRBL               0x0098
 181 /* Write rcv addr b high */
 182 #define SLIC_REG_WRADDRBH               0x00a0
 183 /* Low bits of mcast mask */
 184 #define SLIC_REG_MCASTLOW               0x00a8
 185 /* High bits of mcast mask */
 186 #define SLIC_REG_MCASTHIGH              0x00b0
 187 /* Ping the card */
 188 #define SLIC_REG_PING                   0x00b8
 189 /* Dump command */
 190 #define SLIC_REG_DUMP_CMD               0x00c0
 191 /* Dump data pointer */
 192 #define SLIC_REG_DUMP_DATA              0x00c8
 193 /* Read card's pci_status register */
 194 #define SLIC_REG_PCISTATUS              0x00d0
 195 /* Write hostid field */
 196 #define SLIC_REG_WRHOSTID               0x00d8
 197 /* Put card in a low power state */
 198 #define SLIC_REG_LOW_POWER              0x00e0
 199 /* Force slic into quiescent state  before soft reset */
 200 #define SLIC_REG_QUIESCE                0x00e8
 201 /* Reset interface queues */
 202 #define SLIC_REG_RESET_IFACE            0x00f0
 203 /* Register is only written when it has changed.
 204  * Bits 63-32 for host i/f addrs.
 205  */
 206 #define SLIC_REG_ADDR_UPPER             0x00f8
 207 /* 64 bit Header buffer address reg */
 208 #define SLIC_REG_HBAR64                 0x0100
 209 /* 64 bit Data buffer handle & address reg */
 210 #define SLIC_REG_DBAR64                 0x0108
 211 /* 64 bit Xmt Cmd buf addr regs. */
 212 #define SLIC_REG_CBAR64                 0x0110
 213 /* 64 bit Response buffer address reg.*/
 214 #define SLIC_REG_RBAR64                 0x0118
 215 /* 64 bit Rcv Cmd buf addr reg*/
 216 #define SLIC_REG_RCBAR64                0x0120
 217 /* Read statistics (64 bit UPR) */
 218 #define SLIC_REG_RSTAT64                0x0128
 219 /* Download Gigabit RCV sequencer ucode */
 220 #define SLIC_REG_RCV_WCS                0x0130
 221 /* Write VlanId field */
 222 #define SLIC_REG_WRVLANID               0x0138
 223 /* Read Transformer info */
 224 #define SLIC_REG_READ_XF_INFO           0x0140
 225 /* Write Transformer info */
 226 #define SLIC_REG_WRITE_XF_INFO          0x0148
 227 /* Write card ticks per second */
 228 #define SLIC_REG_TICKS_PER_SEC          0x0170
 229 #define SLIC_REG_HOSTID                 0x1554
 231 #define PCI_VENDOR_ID_ALACRITECH                0x139A
 232 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ALACRITECH_MOJAVE         0x0005
 233 #define PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_ALACRITECH_1000X1      0x0005
 234 #define PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_ALACRITECH_1000X1_2    0x0006
 235 #define PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_ALACRITECH_1000X1F     0x0007
 237 #define PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_ALACRITECH_SES1001T    0x2006
 238 #define PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_ALACRITECH_SES1001F    0x2007
 239 #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_ALACRITECH_OASIS          0x0007
 245 #define PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_ALACRITECH_SEN2104ET   0x0010
 246 #define PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_ALACRITECH_SEN2102EF   0x0011
 247 #define PCI_SUBDEVICE_ID_ALACRITECH_SEN2102ET   0x0012
 249 /* Note: power of two required for number descriptors  */
 250 #define SLIC_NUM_RX_LES                 256
 251 #define SLIC_RX_BUFF_SIZE               2048
 252 #define SLIC_RX_BUFF_ALIGN              256
 253 #define SLIC_RX_BUFF_HDR_SIZE           34
 254 #define SLIC_MAX_REQ_RX_DESCS           1
 256 #define SLIC_NUM_TX_DESCS               256
 257 #define SLIC_TX_DESC_ALIGN              32
 258 #define SLIC_MIN_TX_WAKEUP_DESCS        10
 259 #define SLIC_MAX_REQ_TX_DESCS           1
 260 #define SLIC_MAX_TX_COMPLETIONS         100
 262 #define SLIC_NUM_STAT_DESCS             128
 263 #define SLIC_STATS_DESC_ALIGN           256
 265 #define SLIC_NUM_STAT_DESC_ARRAYS       4
 266 #define SLIC_INVALID_STAT_DESC_IDX      0xffffffff
 268 #define SLIC_NAPI_WEIGHT                64
 270 #define SLIC_UPR_LSTAT                  0
 271 #define SLIC_UPR_CONFIG                 1
 273 #define SLIC_EEPROM_SIZE                128
 274 #define SLIC_EEPROM_MAGIC               0xa5a5
 276 #define SLIC_FIRMWARE_MOJAVE            "slicoss/gbdownload.sys"
 277 #define SLIC_FIRMWARE_OASIS             "slicoss/oasisdownload.sys"
 278 #define SLIC_RCV_FIRMWARE_MOJAVE        "slicoss/gbrcvucode.sys"
 279 #define SLIC_RCV_FIRMWARE_OASIS         "slicoss/oasisrcvucode.sys"
 280 #define SLIC_FIRMWARE_MIN_SIZE          64
 281 #define SLIC_FIRMWARE_MAX_SECTIONS      3
 283 #define SLIC_MODEL_MOJAVE               0
 284 #define SLIC_MODEL_OASIS                1
 286 #define SLIC_INC_STATS_COUNTER(st, counter)     \
 287 do {                                            \
 288         u64_stats_update_begin(&(st)->syncp);   \
 289         (st)->counter++;                        \
 290         u64_stats_update_end(&(st)->syncp);     \
 291 } while (0)
 293 #define SLIC_GET_STATS_COUNTER(newst, st, counter)                      \
 294 {                                                                       \
 295         unsigned int start;                                             \
 296         do {                                                    \
 297                 start = u64_stats_fetch_begin_irq(&(st)->syncp);        \
 298                 newst = (st)->counter;                                  \
 299         } while (u64_stats_fetch_retry_irq(&(st)->syncp, start));       \
 300 }
 302 struct slic_upr {
 303         dma_addr_t paddr;
 304         unsigned int type;
 305         struct list_head list;
 306 };
 308 struct slic_upr_list {
 309         bool pending;
 310         struct list_head list;
 311         /* upr list lock */
 312         spinlock_t lock;
 313 };
 315 /* SLIC EEPROM structure for Mojave */
 316 struct slic_mojave_eeprom {
 317         __le16 id;              /* 00 EEPROM/FLASH Magic code 'A5A5'*/
 318         __le16 eeprom_code_size;/* 01 Size of EEPROM Codes (bytes * 4)*/
 319         __le16 flash_size;      /* 02 Flash size */
 320         __le16 eeprom_size;     /* 03 EEPROM Size */
 321         __le16 vendor_id;       /* 04 Vendor ID */
 322         __le16 dev_id;          /* 05 Device ID */
 323         u8 rev_id;              /* 06 Revision ID */
 324         u8 class_code[3];       /* 07 Class Code */
 325         u8 irqpin_dbg;          /* 08 Debug Interrupt pin */
 326         u8 irqpin;              /*    Network Interrupt Pin */
 327         u8 min_grant;           /* 09 Minimum grant */
 328         u8 max_lat;             /*    Maximum Latency */
 329         __le16 pci_stat;        /* 10 PCI Status */
 330         __le16 sub_vendor_id;   /* 11 Subsystem Vendor Id */
 331         __le16 sub_id;          /* 12 Subsystem ID */
 332         __le16 dev_id_dbg;      /* 13 Debug Device Id */
 333         __le16 ramrom;          /* 14 Dram/Rom function */
 334         __le16 dram_size2pci;   /* 15 DRAM size to PCI (bytes * 64K) */
 335         __le16 rom_size2pci;    /* 16 ROM extension size to PCI (bytes * 4k) */
 336         u8 pad[2];              /* 17 Padding */
 337         u8 freetime;            /* 18 FreeTime setting */
 338         u8 ifctrl;              /* 10-bit interface control (Mojave only) */
 339         __le16 dram_size;       /* 19 DRAM size (bytes * 64k) */
 340         u8 mac[ETH_ALEN];       /* 20 MAC addresses */
 341         u8 mac2[ETH_ALEN];
 342         u8 pad2[6];
 343         u16 dev_id2;            /* Device ID for 2nd PCI function */
 344         u8 irqpin2;             /* Interrupt pin for 2nd PCI function */
 345         u8 class_code2[3];      /* Class Code for 2nd PCI function */
 346         u16 cfg_byte6;          /* Config Byte 6 */
 347         u16 pme_cap;            /* Power Mgment capabilities */
 348         u16 nwclk_ctrl;         /* NetworkClockControls */
 349         u8 fru_format;          /* Alacritech FRU format type */
 350         u8 fru_assembly[6];     /* Alacritech FRU information */
 351         u8 fru_rev[2];
 352         u8 fru_serial[14];
 353         u8 fru_pad[3];
 354         u8 oem_fru[28];         /* optional OEM FRU format type */
 355         u8 pad3[4];             /* Pad to 128 bytes - includes 2 cksum bytes
 356                                  * (if OEM FRU info exists) and two unusable
 357                                  * bytes at the end
 358                                  */
 359 };
 361 /* SLIC EEPROM structure for Oasis */
 362 struct slic_oasis_eeprom {
 363         __le16 id;              /* 00 EEPROM/FLASH Magic code 'A5A5' */
 364         __le16 eeprom_code_size;/* 01 Size of EEPROM Codes (bytes * 4)*/
 365         __le16 spidev0_cfg;     /* 02 Flash Config for SPI device 0 */
 366         __le16 spidev1_cfg;     /* 03 Flash Config for SPI device 1 */
 367         __le16 vendor_id;       /* 04 Vendor ID */
 368         __le16 dev_id;          /* 05 Device ID (function 0) */
 369         u8 rev_id;              /* 06 Revision ID */
 370         u8 class_code0[3];      /* 07 Class Code for PCI function 0 */
 371         u8 irqpin1;             /* 08 Interrupt pin for PCI function 1*/
 372         u8 class_code1[3];      /* 09 Class Code for PCI function 1 */
 373         u8 irqpin2;             /* 10 Interrupt pin for PCI function 2*/
 374         u8 irqpin0;             /*    Interrupt pin for PCI function 0*/
 375         u8 min_grant;           /* 11 Minimum grant */
 376         u8 max_lat;             /*    Maximum Latency */
 377         __le16 sub_vendor_id;   /* 12 Subsystem Vendor Id */
 378         __le16 sub_id;          /* 13 Subsystem ID */
 379         __le16 flash_size;      /* 14 Flash size (bytes / 4K) */
 380         __le16 dram_size2pci;   /* 15 DRAM size to PCI (bytes / 64K) */
 381         __le16 rom_size2pci;    /* 16 Flash (ROM extension) size to PCI
 382                                  *   (bytes / 4K)
 383                                  */
 384         __le16 dev_id1;         /* 17 Device Id (function 1) */
 385         __le16 dev_id2;         /* 18 Device Id (function 2) */
 386         __le16 dev_stat_cfg;    /* 19 Device Status Config Bytes 6-7 */
 387         __le16 pme_cap;         /* 20 Power Mgment capabilities */
 388         u8 msi_cap;             /* 21 MSI capabilities */
 389         u8 clock_div;           /*    Clock divider */
 390         __le16 pci_stat_lo;     /* 22 PCI Status bits 15:0 */
 391         __le16 pci_stat_hi;     /* 23 PCI Status bits 31:16 */
 392         __le16 dram_cfg_lo;     /* 24 DRAM Configuration bits 15:0 */
 393         __le16 dram_cfg_hi;     /* 25 DRAM Configuration bits 31:16 */
 394         __le16 dram_size;       /* 26 DRAM size (bytes / 64K) */
 395         __le16 gpio_tbi_ctrl;   /* 27 GPIO/TBI controls for functions 1/0 */
 396         __le16 eeprom_size;     /* 28 EEPROM Size */
 397         u8 mac[ETH_ALEN];       /* 29 MAC addresses (2 ports) */
 398         u8 mac2[ETH_ALEN];
 399         u8 fru_format;          /* 35 Alacritech FRU format type */
 400         u8 fru_assembly[6];     /* Alacritech FRU information */
 401         u8 fru_rev[2];
 402         u8 fru_serial[14];
 403         u8 fru_pad[3];
 404         u8 oem_fru[28];         /* optional OEM FRU information */
 405         u8 pad[4];              /* Pad to 128 bytes - includes 2 checksum bytes
 406                                  * (if OEM FRU info exists) and two unusable
 407                                  * bytes at the end
 408                                  */
 409 };
 411 struct slic_stats {
 412         u64 rx_packets;
 413         u64 rx_bytes;
 414         u64 rx_mcasts;
 415         u64 rx_errors;
 416         u64 tx_packets;
 417         u64 tx_bytes;
 418         /* HW STATS */
 419         u64 rx_buff_miss;
 420         u64 tx_dropped;
 421         u64 irq_errs;
 422         /* transport layer */
 423         u64 rx_tpcsum;
 424         u64 rx_tpoflow;
 425         u64 rx_tphlen;
 426         /* ip layer */
 427         u64 rx_ipcsum;
 428         u64 rx_iplen;
 429         u64 rx_iphlen;
 430         /* link layer */
 431         u64 rx_early;
 432         u64 rx_buffoflow;
 433         u64 rx_lcode;
 434         u64 rx_drbl;
 435         u64 rx_crc;
 436         u64 rx_oflow802;
 437         u64 rx_uflow802;
 438         /* oasis only */
 439         u64 tx_carrier;
 440         struct u64_stats_sync syncp;
 441 };
 443 struct slic_shmem_data {
 444         __le32 isr;
 445         __le32 link;
 446 };
 448 struct slic_shmem {
 449         dma_addr_t isr_paddr;
 450         dma_addr_t link_paddr;
 451         struct slic_shmem_data *shmem_data;
 452 };
 454 struct slic_rx_info_oasis {
 455         __le32 frame_status;
 456         __le32 frame_status_b;
 457         __le32 time_stamp;
 458         __le32 checksum;
 459 };
 461 struct slic_rx_info_mojave {
 462         __le32 frame_status;
 463         __le16 byte_cnt;
 464         __le16 tp_chksum;
 465         __le16 ctx_hash;
 466         __le16 mac_hash;
 467         __le16 buff_lnk;
 468 };
 470 struct slic_stat_desc {
 471         __le32 hnd;
 472         __u8 pad[8];
 473         __le32 status;
 474         __u8 pad2[16];
 475 };
 477 struct slic_stat_queue {
 478         struct slic_stat_desc *descs[SLIC_NUM_STAT_DESC_ARRAYS];
 479         dma_addr_t paddr[SLIC_NUM_STAT_DESC_ARRAYS];
 480         unsigned int addr_offset[SLIC_NUM_STAT_DESC_ARRAYS];
 481         unsigned int active_array;
 482         unsigned int len;
 483         unsigned int done_idx;
 484         size_t mem_size;
 485 };
 487 struct slic_tx_desc {
 488         __le32 hnd;
 489         __le32 rsvd;
 490         u8 cmd;
 491         u8 flags;
 492         __le16 rsvd2;
 493         __le32 totlen;
 494         __le32 paddrl;
 495         __le32 paddrh;
 496         __le32 len;
 497         __le32 type;
 498 };
 500 struct slic_tx_buffer {
 501         struct sk_buff *skb;
 502         DEFINE_DMA_UNMAP_ADDR(map_addr);
 503         DEFINE_DMA_UNMAP_LEN(map_len);
 504         struct slic_tx_desc *desc;
 505         dma_addr_t desc_paddr;
 506 };
 508 struct slic_tx_queue {
 509         struct dma_pool *dma_pool;
 510         struct slic_tx_buffer *txbuffs;
 511         unsigned int len;
 512         unsigned int put_idx;
 513         unsigned int done_idx;
 514 };
 516 struct slic_rx_desc {
 517         u8 pad[16];
 518         __le32 buffer;
 519         __le32 length;
 520         __le32 status;
 521 };
 523 struct slic_rx_buffer {
 524         struct sk_buff *skb;
 525         DEFINE_DMA_UNMAP_ADDR(map_addr);
 526         DEFINE_DMA_UNMAP_LEN(map_len);
 527         unsigned int addr_offset;
 528 };
 530 struct slic_rx_queue {
 531         struct slic_rx_buffer *rxbuffs;
 532         unsigned int len;
 533         unsigned int done_idx;
 534         unsigned int put_idx;
 535 };
 537 struct slic_device {
 538         struct pci_dev *pdev;
 539         struct net_device *netdev;
 540         void __iomem *regs;
 541         /* upper address setting lock */
 542         spinlock_t upper_lock;
 543         struct slic_shmem shmem;
 544         struct napi_struct napi;
 545         struct slic_rx_queue rxq;
 546         struct slic_tx_queue txq;
 547         struct slic_stat_queue stq;
 548         struct slic_stats stats;
 549         struct slic_upr_list upr_list;
 550         /* link configuration lock */
 551         spinlock_t link_lock;
 552         bool promisc;
 553         int speed;
 554         unsigned int duplex;
 555         bool is_fiber;
 556         unsigned char model;
 557 };
 559 static inline u32 slic_read(struct slic_device *sdev, unsigned int reg)
 560 {
 561         return ioread32(sdev->regs + reg);
 562 }
 564 static inline void slic_write(struct slic_device *sdev, unsigned int reg,
 565                               u32 val)
 566 {
 567         iowrite32(val, sdev->regs + reg);
 568 }
 570 static inline void slic_flush_write(struct slic_device *sdev)
 571 {
 572         (void)ioread32(sdev->regs + SLIC_REG_HOSTID);
 573 }
 575 #endif /* _SLIC_H */

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */