
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. color_match
  2. encode_txq_desc_cmd
  3. decode_txq_desc_cmd

   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR Linux-OpenIB OR BSD-2-Clause */
   2 /* Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Pensando Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved. */
   4 #ifndef _IONIC_IF_H_
   5 #define _IONIC_IF_H_
   7 #pragma pack(push, 1)
   9 #define IONIC_DEV_INFO_SIGNATURE                0x44455649      /* 'DEVI' */
  10 #define IONIC_DEV_INFO_VERSION                  1
  11 #define IONIC_IFNAMSIZ                          16
  13 /**
  14  * Commands
  15  */
  16 enum ionic_cmd_opcode {
  17         IONIC_CMD_NOP                           = 0,
  19         /* Device commands */
  20         IONIC_CMD_IDENTIFY                      = 1,
  21         IONIC_CMD_INIT                          = 2,
  22         IONIC_CMD_RESET                         = 3,
  23         IONIC_CMD_GETATTR                       = 4,
  24         IONIC_CMD_SETATTR                       = 5,
  26         /* Port commands */
  27         IONIC_CMD_PORT_IDENTIFY                 = 10,
  28         IONIC_CMD_PORT_INIT                     = 11,
  29         IONIC_CMD_PORT_RESET                    = 12,
  30         IONIC_CMD_PORT_GETATTR                  = 13,
  31         IONIC_CMD_PORT_SETATTR                  = 14,
  33         /* LIF commands */
  34         IONIC_CMD_LIF_IDENTIFY                  = 20,
  35         IONIC_CMD_LIF_INIT                      = 21,
  36         IONIC_CMD_LIF_RESET                     = 22,
  37         IONIC_CMD_LIF_GETATTR                   = 23,
  38         IONIC_CMD_LIF_SETATTR                   = 24,
  40         IONIC_CMD_RX_MODE_SET                   = 30,
  41         IONIC_CMD_RX_FILTER_ADD                 = 31,
  42         IONIC_CMD_RX_FILTER_DEL                 = 32,
  44         /* Queue commands */
  45         IONIC_CMD_Q_INIT                        = 40,
  46         IONIC_CMD_Q_CONTROL                     = 41,
  48         /* RDMA commands */
  49         IONIC_CMD_RDMA_RESET_LIF                = 50,
  50         IONIC_CMD_RDMA_CREATE_EQ                = 51,
  51         IONIC_CMD_RDMA_CREATE_CQ                = 52,
  52         IONIC_CMD_RDMA_CREATE_ADMINQ            = 53,
  54         /* QoS commands */
  55         IONIC_CMD_QOS_CLASS_IDENTIFY            = 240,
  56         IONIC_CMD_QOS_CLASS_INIT                = 241,
  57         IONIC_CMD_QOS_CLASS_RESET               = 242,
  59         /* Firmware commands */
  60         IONIC_CMD_FW_DOWNLOAD                   = 254,
  61         IONIC_CMD_FW_CONTROL                    = 255,
  62 };
  64 /**
  65  * Command Return codes
  66  */
  67 enum ionic_status_code {
  68         IONIC_RC_SUCCESS        = 0,    /* Success */
  69         IONIC_RC_EVERSION       = 1,    /* Incorrect version for request */
  70         IONIC_RC_EOPCODE        = 2,    /* Invalid cmd opcode */
  71         IONIC_RC_EIO            = 3,    /* I/O error */
  72         IONIC_RC_EPERM          = 4,    /* Permission denied */
  73         IONIC_RC_EQID           = 5,    /* Bad qid */
  74         IONIC_RC_EQTYPE         = 6,    /* Bad qtype */
  75         IONIC_RC_ENOENT         = 7,    /* No such element */
  76         IONIC_RC_EINTR          = 8,    /* operation interrupted */
  77         IONIC_RC_EAGAIN         = 9,    /* Try again */
  78         IONIC_RC_ENOMEM         = 10,   /* Out of memory */
  79         IONIC_RC_EFAULT         = 11,   /* Bad address */
  80         IONIC_RC_EBUSY          = 12,   /* Device or resource busy */
  81         IONIC_RC_EEXIST         = 13,   /* object already exists */
  82         IONIC_RC_EINVAL         = 14,   /* Invalid argument */
  83         IONIC_RC_ENOSPC         = 15,   /* No space left or alloc failure */
  84         IONIC_RC_ERANGE         = 16,   /* Parameter out of range */
  85         IONIC_RC_BAD_ADDR       = 17,   /* Descriptor contains a bad ptr */
  86         IONIC_RC_DEV_CMD        = 18,   /* Device cmd attempted on AdminQ */
  87         IONIC_RC_ENOSUPP        = 19,   /* Operation not supported */
  88         IONIC_RC_ERROR          = 29,   /* Generic error */
  90         IONIC_RC_ERDMA          = 30,   /* Generic RDMA error */
  91 };
  93 enum ionic_notifyq_opcode {
  94         IONIC_EVENT_LINK_CHANGE         = 1,
  95         IONIC_EVENT_RESET               = 2,
  96         IONIC_EVENT_HEARTBEAT           = 3,
  97         IONIC_EVENT_LOG                 = 4,
  98 };
 100 /**
 101  * struct cmd - General admin command format
 102  * @opcode:     Opcode for the command
 103  * @lif_index:  LIF index
 104  * @cmd_data:   Opcode-specific command bytes
 105  */
 106 struct ionic_admin_cmd {
 107         u8     opcode;
 108         u8     rsvd;
 109         __le16 lif_index;
 110         u8     cmd_data[60];
 111 };
 113 /**
 114  * struct admin_comp - General admin command completion format
 115  * @status:     The status of the command (enum status_code)
 116  * @comp_index: The index in the descriptor ring for which this
 117  *              is the completion.
 118  * @cmd_data:   Command-specific bytes.
 119  * @color:      Color bit.  (Always 0 for commands issued to the
 120  *              Device Cmd Registers.)
 121  */
 122 struct ionic_admin_comp {
 123         u8     status;
 124         u8     rsvd;
 125         __le16 comp_index;
 126         u8     cmd_data[11];
 127         u8     color;
 128 #define IONIC_COMP_COLOR_MASK  0x80
 129 };
 131 static inline u8 color_match(u8 color, u8 done_color)
 132 {
 133         return (!!(color & IONIC_COMP_COLOR_MASK)) == done_color;
 134 }
 136 /**
 137  * struct nop_cmd - NOP command
 138  * @opcode: opcode
 139  */
 140 struct ionic_nop_cmd {
 141         u8 opcode;
 142         u8 rsvd[63];
 143 };
 145 /**
 146  * struct nop_comp - NOP command completion
 147  * @status: The status of the command (enum status_code)
 148  */
 149 struct ionic_nop_comp {
 150         u8 status;
 151         u8 rsvd[15];
 152 };
 154 /**
 155  * struct dev_init_cmd - Device init command
 156  * @opcode:    opcode
 157  * @type:      device type
 158  */
 159 struct ionic_dev_init_cmd {
 160         u8     opcode;
 161         u8     type;
 162         u8     rsvd[62];
 163 };
 165 /**
 166  * struct init_comp - Device init command completion
 167  * @status: The status of the command (enum status_code)
 168  */
 169 struct ionic_dev_init_comp {
 170         u8 status;
 171         u8 rsvd[15];
 172 };
 174 /**
 175  * struct dev_reset_cmd - Device reset command
 176  * @opcode: opcode
 177  */
 178 struct ionic_dev_reset_cmd {
 179         u8 opcode;
 180         u8 rsvd[63];
 181 };
 183 /**
 184  * struct reset_comp - Reset command completion
 185  * @status: The status of the command (enum status_code)
 186  */
 187 struct ionic_dev_reset_comp {
 188         u8 status;
 189         u8 rsvd[15];
 190 };
 192 #define IONIC_IDENTITY_VERSION_1        1
 194 /**
 195  * struct dev_identify_cmd - Driver/device identify command
 196  * @opcode:  opcode
 197  * @ver:     Highest version of identify supported by driver
 198  */
 199 struct ionic_dev_identify_cmd {
 200         u8 opcode;
 201         u8 ver;
 202         u8 rsvd[62];
 203 };
 205 /**
 206  * struct dev_identify_comp - Driver/device identify command completion
 207  * @status: The status of the command (enum status_code)
 208  * @ver:    Version of identify returned by device
 209  */
 210 struct ionic_dev_identify_comp {
 211         u8 status;
 212         u8 ver;
 213         u8 rsvd[14];
 214 };
 216 enum ionic_os_type {
 217         IONIC_OS_TYPE_LINUX   = 1,
 218         IONIC_OS_TYPE_WIN     = 2,
 219         IONIC_OS_TYPE_DPDK    = 3,
 220         IONIC_OS_TYPE_FREEBSD = 4,
 221         IONIC_OS_TYPE_IPXE    = 5,
 222         IONIC_OS_TYPE_ESXI    = 6,
 223 };
 225 /**
 226  * union drv_identity - driver identity information
 227  * @os_type:          OS type (see enum os_type)
 228  * @os_dist:          OS distribution, numeric format
 229  * @os_dist_str:      OS distribution, string format
 230  * @kernel_ver:       Kernel version, numeric format
 231  * @kernel_ver_str:   Kernel version, string format
 232  * @driver_ver_str:   Driver version, string format
 233  */
 234 union ionic_drv_identity {
 235         struct {
 236                 __le32 os_type;
 237                 __le32 os_dist;
 238                 char   os_dist_str[128];
 239                 __le32 kernel_ver;
 240                 char   kernel_ver_str[32];
 241                 char   driver_ver_str[32];
 242         };
 243         __le32 words[512];
 244 };
 246 /**
 247  * union dev_identity - device identity information
 248  * @version:          Version of device identify
 249  * @type:             Identify type (0 for now)
 250  * @nports:           Number of ports provisioned
 251  * @nlifs:            Number of LIFs provisioned
 252  * @nintrs:           Number of interrupts provisioned
 253  * @ndbpgs_per_lif:   Number of doorbell pages per LIF
 254  * @intr_coal_mult:   Interrupt coalescing multiplication factor.
 255  *                    Scale user-supplied interrupt coalescing
 256  *                    value in usecs to device units using:
 257  *                    device units = usecs * mult / div
 258  * @intr_coal_div:    Interrupt coalescing division factor.
 259  *                    Scale user-supplied interrupt coalescing
 260  *                    value in usecs to device units using:
 261  *                    device units = usecs * mult / div
 262  *
 263  */
 264 union ionic_dev_identity {
 265         struct {
 266                 u8     version;
 267                 u8     type;
 268                 u8     rsvd[2];
 269                 u8     nports;
 270                 u8     rsvd2[3];
 271                 __le32 nlifs;
 272                 __le32 nintrs;
 273                 __le32 ndbpgs_per_lif;
 274                 __le32 intr_coal_mult;
 275                 __le32 intr_coal_div;
 276         };
 277         __le32 words[512];
 278 };
 280 enum ionic_lif_type {
 281         IONIC_LIF_TYPE_CLASSIC = 0,
 282         IONIC_LIF_TYPE_MACVLAN = 1,
 283         IONIC_LIF_TYPE_NETQUEUE = 2,
 284 };
 286 /**
 287  * struct lif_identify_cmd - lif identify command
 288  * @opcode:  opcode
 289  * @type:    lif type (enum lif_type)
 290  * @ver:     version of identify returned by device
 291  */
 292 struct ionic_lif_identify_cmd {
 293         u8 opcode;
 294         u8 type;
 295         u8 ver;
 296         u8 rsvd[61];
 297 };
 299 /**
 300  * struct lif_identify_comp - lif identify command completion
 301  * @status:  status of the command (enum status_code)
 302  * @ver:     version of identify returned by device
 303  */
 304 struct ionic_lif_identify_comp {
 305         u8 status;
 306         u8 ver;
 307         u8 rsvd2[14];
 308 };
 310 enum ionic_lif_capability {
 311         IONIC_LIF_CAP_ETH        = BIT(0),
 312         IONIC_LIF_CAP_RDMA       = BIT(1),
 313 };
 315 /**
 316  * Logical Queue Types
 317  */
 318 enum ionic_logical_qtype {
 319         IONIC_QTYPE_ADMINQ  = 0,
 320         IONIC_QTYPE_NOTIFYQ = 1,
 321         IONIC_QTYPE_RXQ     = 2,
 322         IONIC_QTYPE_TXQ     = 3,
 323         IONIC_QTYPE_EQ      = 4,
 324         IONIC_QTYPE_MAX     = 16,
 325 };
 327 /**
 328  * struct lif_logical_qtype - Descriptor of logical to hardware queue type.
 329  * @qtype:          Hardware Queue Type.
 330  * @qid_count:      Number of Queue IDs of the logical type.
 331  * @qid_base:       Minimum Queue ID of the logical type.
 332  */
 333 struct ionic_lif_logical_qtype {
 334         u8     qtype;
 335         u8     rsvd[3];
 336         __le32 qid_count;
 337         __le32 qid_base;
 338 };
 340 enum ionic_lif_state {
 341         IONIC_LIF_DISABLE       = 0,
 342         IONIC_LIF_ENABLE        = 1,
 343         IONIC_LIF_HANG_RESET    = 2,
 344 };
 346 /**
 347  * LIF configuration
 348  * @state:          lif state (enum lif_state)
 349  * @name:           lif name
 350  * @mtu:            mtu
 351  * @mac:            station mac address
 352  * @features:       features (enum eth_hw_features)
 353  * @queue_count:    queue counts per queue-type
 354  */
 355 union ionic_lif_config {
 356         struct {
 357                 u8     state;
 358                 u8     rsvd[3];
 359                 char   name[IONIC_IFNAMSIZ];
 360                 __le32 mtu;
 361                 u8     mac[6];
 362                 u8     rsvd2[2];
 363                 __le64 features;
 364                 __le32 queue_count[IONIC_QTYPE_MAX];
 365         };
 366         __le32 words[64];
 367 };
 369 /**
 370  * struct lif_identity - lif identity information (type-specific)
 371  *
 372  * @capabilities    LIF capabilities
 373  *
 374  * Ethernet:
 375  *     @version:          Ethernet identify structure version.
 376  *     @features:         Ethernet features supported on this lif type.
 377  *     @max_ucast_filters:  Number of perfect unicast addresses supported.
 378  *     @max_mcast_filters:  Number of perfect multicast addresses supported.
 379  *     @min_frame_size:   Minimum size of frames to be sent
 380  *     @max_frame_size:   Maximim size of frames to be sent
 381  *     @config:           LIF config struct with features, mtu, mac, q counts
 382  *
 383  * RDMA:
 384  *     @version:         RDMA version of opcodes and queue descriptors.
 385  *     @qp_opcodes:      Number of rdma queue pair opcodes supported.
 386  *     @admin_opcodes:   Number of rdma admin opcodes supported.
 387  *     @npts_per_lif:    Page table size per lif
 388  *     @nmrs_per_lif:    Number of memory regions per lif
 389  *     @nahs_per_lif:    Number of address handles per lif
 390  *     @max_stride:      Max work request stride.
 391  *     @cl_stride:       Cache line stride.
 392  *     @pte_stride:      Page table entry stride.
 393  *     @rrq_stride:      Remote RQ work request stride.
 394  *     @rsq_stride:      Remote SQ work request stride.
 395  *     @dcqcn_profiles:  Number of DCQCN profiles
 396  *     @aq_qtype:        RDMA Admin Qtype.
 397  *     @sq_qtype:        RDMA Send Qtype.
 398  *     @rq_qtype:        RDMA Receive Qtype.
 399  *     @cq_qtype:        RDMA Completion Qtype.
 400  *     @eq_qtype:        RDMA Event Qtype.
 401  */
 402 union ionic_lif_identity {
 403         struct {
 404                 __le64 capabilities;
 406                 struct {
 407                         u8 version;
 408                         u8 rsvd[3];
 409                         __le32 max_ucast_filters;
 410                         __le32 max_mcast_filters;
 411                         __le16 rss_ind_tbl_sz;
 412                         __le32 min_frame_size;
 413                         __le32 max_frame_size;
 414                         u8 rsvd2[106];
 415                         union ionic_lif_config config;
 416                 } eth;
 418                 struct {
 419                         u8 version;
 420                         u8 qp_opcodes;
 421                         u8 admin_opcodes;
 422                         u8 rsvd;
 423                         __le32 npts_per_lif;
 424                         __le32 nmrs_per_lif;
 425                         __le32 nahs_per_lif;
 426                         u8 max_stride;
 427                         u8 cl_stride;
 428                         u8 pte_stride;
 429                         u8 rrq_stride;
 430                         u8 rsq_stride;
 431                         u8 dcqcn_profiles;
 432                         u8 rsvd_dimensions[10];
 433                         struct ionic_lif_logical_qtype aq_qtype;
 434                         struct ionic_lif_logical_qtype sq_qtype;
 435                         struct ionic_lif_logical_qtype rq_qtype;
 436                         struct ionic_lif_logical_qtype cq_qtype;
 437                         struct ionic_lif_logical_qtype eq_qtype;
 438                 } rdma;
 439         };
 440         __le32 words[512];
 441 };
 443 /**
 444  * struct lif_init_cmd - LIF init command
 445  * @opcode:       opcode
 446  * @type:         LIF type (enum lif_type)
 447  * @index:        LIF index
 448  * @info_pa:      destination address for lif info (struct lif_info)
 449  */
 450 struct ionic_lif_init_cmd {
 451         u8     opcode;
 452         u8     type;
 453         __le16 index;
 454         __le32 rsvd;
 455         __le64 info_pa;
 456         u8     rsvd2[48];
 457 };
 459 /**
 460  * struct lif_init_comp - LIF init command completion
 461  * @status: The status of the command (enum status_code)
 462  */
 463 struct ionic_lif_init_comp {
 464         u8 status;
 465         u8 rsvd;
 466         __le16 hw_index;
 467         u8 rsvd2[12];
 468 };
 470 /**
 471  * struct q_init_cmd - Queue init command
 472  * @opcode:       opcode
 473  * @type:         Logical queue type
 474  * @ver:          Queue version (defines opcode/descriptor scope)
 475  * @lif_index:    LIF index
 476  * @index:        (lif, qtype) relative admin queue index
 477  * @intr_index:   Interrupt control register index
 478  * @pid:          Process ID
 479  * @flags:
 480  *    IRQ:        Interrupt requested on completion
 481  *    ENA:        Enable the queue.  If ENA=0 the queue is initialized
 482  *                but remains disabled, to be later enabled with the
 483  *                Queue Enable command.  If ENA=1, then queue is
 484  *                initialized and then enabled.
 485  *    SG:         Enable Scatter-Gather on the queue.
 486  *                in number of descs.  The actual ring size is
 487  *                (1 << ring_size).  For example, to
 488  *                select a ring size of 64 descriptors write
 489  *                ring_size = 6.  The minimum ring_size value is 2
 490  *                for a ring size of 4 descriptors.  The maximum
 491  *                ring_size value is 16 for a ring size of 64k
 492  *                descriptors.  Values of ring_size <2 and >16 are
 493  *                reserved.
 494  *    EQ:         Enable the Event Queue
 495  * @cos:          Class of service for this queue.
 496  * @ring_size:    Queue ring size, encoded as a log2(size)
 497  * @ring_base:    Queue ring base address
 498  * @cq_ring_base: Completion queue ring base address
 499  * @sg_ring_base: Scatter/Gather ring base address
 500  * @eq_index:     Event queue index
 501  */
 502 struct ionic_q_init_cmd {
 503         u8     opcode;
 504         u8     rsvd;
 505         __le16 lif_index;
 506         u8     type;
 507         u8     ver;
 508         u8     rsvd1[2];
 509         __le32 index;
 510         __le16 pid;
 511         __le16 intr_index;
 512         __le16 flags;
 513 #define IONIC_QINIT_F_IRQ       0x01    /* Request interrupt on completion */
 514 #define IONIC_QINIT_F_ENA       0x02    /* Enable the queue */
 515 #define IONIC_QINIT_F_SG        0x04    /* Enable scatter/gather on the queue */
 516 #define IONIC_QINIT_F_EQ        0x08    /* Enable event queue */
 517 #define IONIC_QINIT_F_DEBUG 0x80        /* Enable queue debugging */
 518         u8     cos;
 519         u8     ring_size;
 520         __le64 ring_base;
 521         __le64 cq_ring_base;
 522         __le64 sg_ring_base;
 523         __le32 eq_index;
 524         u8     rsvd2[16];
 525 };
 527 /**
 528  * struct q_init_comp - Queue init command completion
 529  * @status:     The status of the command (enum status_code)
 530  * @ver:        Queue version (defines opcode/descriptor scope)
 531  * @comp_index: The index in the descriptor ring for which this
 532  *              is the completion.
 533  * @hw_index:   Hardware Queue ID
 534  * @hw_type:    Hardware Queue type
 535  * @color:      Color
 536  */
 537 struct ionic_q_init_comp {
 538         u8     status;
 539         u8     ver;
 540         __le16 comp_index;
 541         __le32 hw_index;
 542         u8     hw_type;
 543         u8     rsvd2[6];
 544         u8     color;
 545 };
 547 /* the device's internal addressing uses up to 52 bits */
 548 #define IONIC_ADDR_LEN          52
 549 #define IONIC_ADDR_MASK         (BIT_ULL(IONIC_ADDR_LEN) - 1)
 551 enum ionic_txq_desc_opcode {
 555         IONIC_TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_TSO = 3,
 556 };
 558 /**
 559  * struct txq_desc - Ethernet Tx queue descriptor format
 560  * @opcode:       Tx operation, see TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_*:
 561  *
 562  *                   IONIC_TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_CSUM_NONE:
 563  *
 564  *                      Non-offload send.  No segmentation,
 565  *                      fragmentation or checksum calc/insertion is
 566  *                      performed by device; packet is prepared
 567  *                      to send by software stack and requires
 568  *                      no further manipulation from device.
 569  *
 570  *                   IONIC_TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_CSUM_PARTIAL:
 571  *
 572  *                      Offload 16-bit L4 checksum
 573  *                      calculation/insertion.  The device will
 574  *                      calculate the L4 checksum value and
 575  *                      insert the result in the packet's L4
 576  *                      header checksum field.  The L4 checksum
 577  *                      is calculated starting at @csum_start bytes
 578  *                      into the packet to the end of the packet.
 579  *                      The checksum insertion position is given
 580  *                      in @csum_offset.  This feature is only
 581  *                      applicable to protocols such as TCP, UDP
 582  *                      and ICMP where a standard (i.e. the
 583  *                      'IP-style' checksum) one's complement
 584  *                      16-bit checksum is used, using an IP
 585  *                      pseudo-header to seed the calculation.
 586  *                      Software will preload the L4 checksum
 587  *                      field with the IP pseudo-header checksum.
 588  *
 589  *                      For tunnel encapsulation, @csum_start and
 590  *                      @csum_offset refer to the inner L4
 591  *                      header.  Supported tunnels encapsulations
 592  *                      are: IPIP, GRE, and UDP.  If the @encap
 593  *                      is clear, no further processing by the
 594  *                      device is required; software will
 595  *                      calculate the outer header checksums.  If
 596  *                      the @encap is set, the device will
 597  *                      offload the outer header checksums using
 598  *                      LCO (local checksum offload) (see
 599  *                      Documentation/networking/checksum-
 600  *                      offloads.txt for more info).
 601  *
 602  *                   IONIC_TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_CSUM_HW:
 603  *
 604  *                      Offload 16-bit checksum computation to hardware.
 605  *                      If @csum_l3 is set then the packet's L3 checksum is
 606  *                      updated. Similarly, if @csum_l4 is set the the L4
 607  *                      checksum is updated. If @encap is set then encap header
 608  *                      checksums are also updated.
 609  *
 610  *                   IONIC_TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_TSO:
 611  *
 612  *                      Device preforms TCP segmentation offload
 613  *                      (TSO).  @hdr_len is the number of bytes
 614  *                      to the end of TCP header (the offset to
 615  *                      the TCP payload).  @mss is the desired
 616  *                      MSS, the TCP payload length for each
 617  *                      segment.  The device will calculate/
 618  *                      insert IP (IPv4 only) and TCP checksums
 619  *                      for each segment.  In the first data
 620  *                      buffer containing the header template,
 621  *                      the driver will set IPv4 checksum to 0
 622  *                      and preload TCP checksum with the IP
 623  *                      pseudo header calculated with IP length = 0.
 624  *
 625  *                      Supported tunnel encapsulations are IPIP,
 626  *                      layer-3 GRE, and UDP. @hdr_len includes
 627  *                      both outer and inner headers.  The driver
 628  *                      will set IPv4 checksum to zero and
 629  *                      preload TCP checksum with IP pseudo
 630  *                      header on the inner header.
 631  *
 632  *                      TCP ECN offload is supported.  The device
 633  *                      will set CWR flag in the first segment if
 634  *                      CWR is set in the template header, and
 635  *                      clear CWR in remaining segments.
 636  * @flags:
 637  *                vlan:
 638  *                    Insert an L2 VLAN header using @vlan_tci.
 639  *                encap:
 640  *                    Calculate encap header checksum.
 641  *                csum_l3:
 642  *                    Compute L3 header checksum.
 643  *                csum_l4:
 644  *                    Compute L4 header checksum.
 645  *                tso_sot:
 646  *                    TSO start
 647  *                tso_eot:
 648  *                    TSO end
 649  * @num_sg_elems: Number of scatter-gather elements in SG
 650  *                descriptor
 651  * @addr:         First data buffer's DMA address.
 652  *                (Subsequent data buffers are on txq_sg_desc).
 653  * @len:          First data buffer's length, in bytes
 654  * @vlan_tci:     VLAN tag to insert in the packet (if requested
 655  *                by @V-bit).  Includes .1p and .1q tags
 656  * @hdr_len:      Length of packet headers, including
 657  *                encapsulating outer header, if applicable.
 658  *                Valid for opcodes TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_CALC_CSUM and
 659  *                TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_TSO.  Should be set to zero for
 660  *                all other modes.  For
 661  *                TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_CALC_CSUM, @hdr_len is length
 662  *                of headers up to inner-most L4 header.  For
 663  *                TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_TSO, @hdr_len is up to
 664  *                inner-most L4 payload, so inclusive of
 665  *                inner-most L4 header.
 666  * @mss:          Desired MSS value for TSO.  Only applicable for
 667  *                TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_TSO.
 668  * @csum_start:   Offset into inner-most L3 header of checksum
 669  * @csum_offset:  Offset into inner-most L4 header of checksum
 670  */
 672 #define IONIC_TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_MASK              0xf
 673 #define IONIC_TXQ_DESC_OPCODE_SHIFT             4
 674 #define IONIC_TXQ_DESC_FLAGS_MASK               0xf
 675 #define IONIC_TXQ_DESC_FLAGS_SHIFT              0
 676 #define IONIC_TXQ_DESC_NSGE_MASK                0xf
 677 #define IONIC_TXQ_DESC_NSGE_SHIFT               8
 678 #define IONIC_TXQ_DESC_ADDR_MASK                (BIT_ULL(IONIC_ADDR_LEN) - 1)
 679 #define IONIC_TXQ_DESC_ADDR_SHIFT               12
 681 /* common flags */
 682 #define IONIC_TXQ_DESC_FLAG_VLAN                0x1
 683 #define IONIC_TXQ_DESC_FLAG_ENCAP               0x2
 685 /* flags for csum_hw opcode */
 686 #define IONIC_TXQ_DESC_FLAG_CSUM_L3             0x4
 687 #define IONIC_TXQ_DESC_FLAG_CSUM_L4             0x8
 689 /* flags for tso opcode */
 690 #define IONIC_TXQ_DESC_FLAG_TSO_SOT             0x4
 691 #define IONIC_TXQ_DESC_FLAG_TSO_EOT             0x8
 693 struct ionic_txq_desc {
 694         __le64  cmd;
 695         __le16  len;
 696         union {
 697                 __le16  vlan_tci;
 698                 __le16  hword0;
 699         };
 700         union {
 701                 __le16  csum_start;
 702                 __le16  hdr_len;
 703                 __le16  hword1;
 704         };
 705         union {
 706                 __le16  csum_offset;
 707                 __le16  mss;
 708                 __le16  hword2;
 709         };
 710 };
 712 static inline u64 encode_txq_desc_cmd(u8 opcode, u8 flags,
 713                                       u8 nsge, u64 addr)
 714 {
 715         u64 cmd;
 718         cmd |= (flags & IONIC_TXQ_DESC_FLAGS_MASK) << IONIC_TXQ_DESC_FLAGS_SHIFT;
 719         cmd |= (nsge & IONIC_TXQ_DESC_NSGE_MASK) << IONIC_TXQ_DESC_NSGE_SHIFT;
 720         cmd |= (addr & IONIC_TXQ_DESC_ADDR_MASK) << IONIC_TXQ_DESC_ADDR_SHIFT;
 722         return cmd;
 723 };
 725 static inline void decode_txq_desc_cmd(u64 cmd, u8 *opcode, u8 *flags,
 726                                        u8 *nsge, u64 *addr)
 727 {
 729         *flags = (cmd >> IONIC_TXQ_DESC_FLAGS_SHIFT) & IONIC_TXQ_DESC_FLAGS_MASK;
 730         *nsge = (cmd >> IONIC_TXQ_DESC_NSGE_SHIFT) & IONIC_TXQ_DESC_NSGE_MASK;
 731         *addr = (cmd >> IONIC_TXQ_DESC_ADDR_SHIFT) & IONIC_TXQ_DESC_ADDR_MASK;
 732 };
 734 #define IONIC_TX_MAX_SG_ELEMS   8
 735 #define IONIC_RX_MAX_SG_ELEMS   8
 737 /**
 738  * struct txq_sg_desc - Transmit scatter-gather (SG) list
 739  * @addr:      DMA address of SG element data buffer
 740  * @len:       Length of SG element data buffer, in bytes
 741  */
 742 struct ionic_txq_sg_desc {
 743         struct ionic_txq_sg_elem {
 744                 __le64 addr;
 745                 __le16 len;
 746                 __le16 rsvd[3];
 747         } elems[IONIC_TX_MAX_SG_ELEMS];
 748 };
 750 /**
 751  * struct txq_comp - Ethernet transmit queue completion descriptor
 752  * @status:     The status of the command (enum status_code)
 753  * @comp_index: The index in the descriptor ring for which this
 754  *                 is the completion.
 755  * @color:      Color bit.
 756  */
 757 struct ionic_txq_comp {
 758         u8     status;
 759         u8     rsvd;
 760         __le16 comp_index;
 761         u8     rsvd2[11];
 762         u8     color;
 763 };
 765 enum ionic_rxq_desc_opcode {
 767         IONIC_RXQ_DESC_OPCODE_SG = 1,
 768 };
 770 /**
 771  * struct rxq_desc - Ethernet Rx queue descriptor format
 772  * @opcode:       Rx operation, see RXQ_DESC_OPCODE_*:
 773  *
 774  *                   RXQ_DESC_OPCODE_SIMPLE:
 775  *
 776  *                      Receive full packet into data buffer
 777  *                      starting at @addr.  Results of
 778  *                      receive, including actual bytes received,
 779  *                      are recorded in Rx completion descriptor.
 780  *
 781  * @len:          Data buffer's length, in bytes.
 782  * @addr:         Data buffer's DMA address
 783  */
 784 struct ionic_rxq_desc {
 785         u8     opcode;
 786         u8     rsvd[5];
 787         __le16 len;
 788         __le64 addr;
 789 };
 791 /**
 792  * struct rxq_sg_desc - Receive scatter-gather (SG) list
 793  * @addr:      DMA address of SG element data buffer
 794  * @len:       Length of SG element data buffer, in bytes
 795  */
 796 struct ionic_rxq_sg_desc {
 797         struct ionic_rxq_sg_elem {
 798                 __le64 addr;
 799                 __le16 len;
 800                 __le16 rsvd[3];
 801         } elems[IONIC_RX_MAX_SG_ELEMS];
 802 };
 804 /**
 805  * struct rxq_comp - Ethernet receive queue completion descriptor
 806  * @status:       The status of the command (enum status_code)
 807  * @num_sg_elems: Number of SG elements used by this descriptor
 808  * @comp_index:   The index in the descriptor ring for which this
 809  *                is the completion.
 810  * @rss_hash:     32-bit RSS hash
 811  * @csum:         16-bit sum of the packet's L2 payload.
 812  *                If the packet's L2 payload is odd length, an extra
 813  *                zero-value byte is included in the @csum calculation but
 814  *                not included in @len.
 815  * @vlan_tci:     VLAN tag stripped from the packet.  Valid if @VLAN is
 816  *                set.  Includes .1p and .1q tags.
 817  * @len:          Received packet length, in bytes.  Excludes FCS.
 818  * @csum_calc     L2 payload checksum is computed or not
 819  * @csum_tcp_ok:  The TCP checksum calculated by the device
 820  *                matched the checksum in the receive packet's
 821  *                TCP header
 822  * @csum_tcp_bad: The TCP checksum calculated by the device did
 823  *                not match the checksum in the receive packet's
 824  *                TCP header.
 825  * @csum_udp_ok:  The UDP checksum calculated by the device
 826  *                matched the checksum in the receive packet's
 827  *                UDP header
 828  * @csum_udp_bad: The UDP checksum calculated by the device did
 829  *                not match the checksum in the receive packet's
 830  *                UDP header.
 831  * @csum_ip_ok:   The IPv4 checksum calculated by the device
 832  *                matched the checksum in the receive packet's
 833  *                first IPv4 header.  If the receive packet
 834  *                contains both a tunnel IPv4 header and a
 835  *                transport IPv4 header, the device validates the
 836  *                checksum for the both IPv4 headers.
 837  * @csum_ip_bad:  The IPv4 checksum calculated by the device did
 838  *                not match the checksum in the receive packet's
 839  *                first IPv4 header. If the receive packet
 840  *                contains both a tunnel IPv4 header and a
 841  *                transport IPv4 header, the device validates the
 842  *                checksum for both IP headers.
 843  * @VLAN:         VLAN header was stripped and placed in @vlan_tci.
 844  * @pkt_type:     Packet type
 845  * @color:        Color bit.
 846  */
 847 struct ionic_rxq_comp {
 848         u8     status;
 849         u8     num_sg_elems;
 850         __le16 comp_index;
 851         __le32 rss_hash;
 852         __le16 csum;
 853         __le16 vlan_tci;
 854         __le16 len;
 855         u8     csum_flags;
 856 #define IONIC_RXQ_COMP_CSUM_F_TCP_OK    0x01
 857 #define IONIC_RXQ_COMP_CSUM_F_TCP_BAD   0x02
 858 #define IONIC_RXQ_COMP_CSUM_F_UDP_OK    0x04
 859 #define IONIC_RXQ_COMP_CSUM_F_UDP_BAD   0x08
 860 #define IONIC_RXQ_COMP_CSUM_F_IP_OK     0x10
 861 #define IONIC_RXQ_COMP_CSUM_F_IP_BAD    0x20
 862 #define IONIC_RXQ_COMP_CSUM_F_VLAN      0x40
 863 #define IONIC_RXQ_COMP_CSUM_F_CALC      0x80
 864         u8     pkt_type_color;
 865 #define IONIC_RXQ_COMP_PKT_TYPE_MASK    0x7f
 866 };
 868 enum ionic_pkt_type {
 869         IONIC_PKT_TYPE_NON_IP     = 0x000,
 870         IONIC_PKT_TYPE_IPV4       = 0x001,
 871         IONIC_PKT_TYPE_IPV4_TCP   = 0x003,
 872         IONIC_PKT_TYPE_IPV4_UDP   = 0x005,
 873         IONIC_PKT_TYPE_IPV6       = 0x008,
 874         IONIC_PKT_TYPE_IPV6_TCP   = 0x018,
 875         IONIC_PKT_TYPE_IPV6_UDP   = 0x028,
 876 };
 878 enum ionic_eth_hw_features {
 879         IONIC_ETH_HW_VLAN_TX_TAG        = BIT(0),
 880         IONIC_ETH_HW_VLAN_RX_STRIP      = BIT(1),
 881         IONIC_ETH_HW_VLAN_RX_FILTER     = BIT(2),
 882         IONIC_ETH_HW_RX_HASH            = BIT(3),
 883         IONIC_ETH_HW_RX_CSUM            = BIT(4),
 884         IONIC_ETH_HW_TX_SG              = BIT(5),
 885         IONIC_ETH_HW_RX_SG              = BIT(6),
 886         IONIC_ETH_HW_TX_CSUM            = BIT(7),
 887         IONIC_ETH_HW_TSO                = BIT(8),
 888         IONIC_ETH_HW_TSO_IPV6           = BIT(9),
 889         IONIC_ETH_HW_TSO_ECN            = BIT(10),
 890         IONIC_ETH_HW_TSO_GRE            = BIT(11),
 891         IONIC_ETH_HW_TSO_GRE_CSUM       = BIT(12),
 892         IONIC_ETH_HW_TSO_IPXIP4 = BIT(13),
 893         IONIC_ETH_HW_TSO_IPXIP6 = BIT(14),
 894         IONIC_ETH_HW_TSO_UDP            = BIT(15),
 895         IONIC_ETH_HW_TSO_UDP_CSUM       = BIT(16),
 896 };
 898 /**
 899  * struct q_control_cmd - Queue control command
 900  * @opcode:     opcode
 901  * @type:       Queue type
 902  * @lif_index:  LIF index
 903  * @index:      Queue index
 904  * @oper:       Operation (enum q_control_oper)
 905  */
 906 struct ionic_q_control_cmd {
 907         u8     opcode;
 908         u8     type;
 909         __le16 lif_index;
 910         __le32 index;
 911         u8     oper;
 912         u8     rsvd[55];
 913 };
 915 typedef struct ionic_admin_comp ionic_q_control_comp;
 917 enum q_control_oper {
 918         IONIC_Q_DISABLE         = 0,
 919         IONIC_Q_ENABLE          = 1,
 920         IONIC_Q_HANG_RESET      = 2,
 921 };
 923 /**
 924  * Physical connection type
 925  */
 926 enum ionic_phy_type {
 927         IONIC_PHY_TYPE_NONE     = 0,
 928         IONIC_PHY_TYPE_COPPER   = 1,
 929         IONIC_PHY_TYPE_FIBER    = 2,
 930 };
 932 /**
 933  * Transceiver status
 934  */
 935 enum ionic_xcvr_state {
 936         IONIC_XCVR_STATE_REMOVED         = 0,
 937         IONIC_XCVR_STATE_INSERTED        = 1,
 938         IONIC_XCVR_STATE_PENDING         = 2,
 939         IONIC_XCVR_STATE_SPROM_READ      = 3,
 941 };
 943 /**
 944  * Supported link modes
 945  */
 946 enum ionic_xcvr_pid {
 947         IONIC_XCVR_PID_UNKNOWN           = 0,
 949         /* CU */
 950         IONIC_XCVR_PID_QSFP_100G_CR4     = 1,
 951         IONIC_XCVR_PID_QSFP_40GBASE_CR4  = 2,
 952         IONIC_XCVR_PID_SFP_25GBASE_CR_S  = 3,
 953         IONIC_XCVR_PID_SFP_25GBASE_CR_L  = 4,
 954         IONIC_XCVR_PID_SFP_25GBASE_CR_N  = 5,
 956         /* Fiber */
 957         IONIC_XCVR_PID_QSFP_100G_AOC    = 50,
 958         IONIC_XCVR_PID_QSFP_100G_ACC    = 51,
 959         IONIC_XCVR_PID_QSFP_100G_SR4    = 52,
 960         IONIC_XCVR_PID_QSFP_100G_LR4    = 53,
 961         IONIC_XCVR_PID_QSFP_100G_ER4    = 54,
 962         IONIC_XCVR_PID_QSFP_40GBASE_ER4 = 55,
 963         IONIC_XCVR_PID_QSFP_40GBASE_SR4 = 56,
 964         IONIC_XCVR_PID_QSFP_40GBASE_LR4 = 57,
 965         IONIC_XCVR_PID_QSFP_40GBASE_AOC = 58,
 966         IONIC_XCVR_PID_SFP_25GBASE_SR   = 59,
 967         IONIC_XCVR_PID_SFP_25GBASE_LR   = 60,
 968         IONIC_XCVR_PID_SFP_25GBASE_ER   = 61,
 969         IONIC_XCVR_PID_SFP_25GBASE_AOC  = 62,
 970         IONIC_XCVR_PID_SFP_10GBASE_SR   = 63,
 971         IONIC_XCVR_PID_SFP_10GBASE_LR   = 64,
 972         IONIC_XCVR_PID_SFP_10GBASE_LRM  = 65,
 973         IONIC_XCVR_PID_SFP_10GBASE_ER   = 66,
 974         IONIC_XCVR_PID_SFP_10GBASE_AOC  = 67,
 975         IONIC_XCVR_PID_SFP_10GBASE_CU   = 68,
 976         IONIC_XCVR_PID_QSFP_100G_CWDM4  = 69,
 977         IONIC_XCVR_PID_QSFP_100G_PSM4   = 70,
 978 };
 980 /**
 981  * Port types
 982  */
 983 enum ionic_port_type {
 984         IONIC_PORT_TYPE_NONE = 0,  /* port type not configured */
 985         IONIC_PORT_TYPE_ETH  = 1,  /* port carries ethernet traffic (inband) */
 986         IONIC_PORT_TYPE_MGMT = 2,  /* port carries mgmt traffic (out-of-band) */
 987 };
 989 /**
 990  * Port config state
 991  */
 992 enum ionic_port_admin_state {
 993         IONIC_PORT_ADMIN_STATE_NONE = 0,   /* port admin state not configured */
 994         IONIC_PORT_ADMIN_STATE_DOWN = 1,   /* port is admin disabled */
 995         IONIC_PORT_ADMIN_STATE_UP   = 2,   /* port is admin enabled */
 996 };
 998 /**
 999  * Port operational status
1000  */
1001 enum ionic_port_oper_status {
1002         IONIC_PORT_OPER_STATUS_NONE  = 0,       /* port is disabled */
1003         IONIC_PORT_OPER_STATUS_UP    = 1,       /* port is linked up */
1004         IONIC_PORT_OPER_STATUS_DOWN  = 2,       /* port link status is down */
1005 };
1007 /**
1008  * Ethernet Forward error correction (fec) modes
1009  */
1010 enum ionic_port_fec_type {
1011         IONIC_PORT_FEC_TYPE_NONE = 0,           /* Disabled */
1012         IONIC_PORT_FEC_TYPE_FC   = 1,           /* FireCode */
1013         IONIC_PORT_FEC_TYPE_RS   = 2,           /* ReedSolomon */
1014 };
1016 /**
1017  * Ethernet pause (flow control) modes
1018  */
1019 enum ionic_port_pause_type {
1020         IONIC_PORT_PAUSE_TYPE_NONE = 0, /* Disable Pause */
1021         IONIC_PORT_PAUSE_TYPE_LINK = 1, /* Link level pause */
1022         IONIC_PORT_PAUSE_TYPE_PFC  = 2, /* Priority-Flow control */
1023 };
1025 /**
1026  * Loopback modes
1027  */
1028 enum ionic_port_loopback_mode {
1029         IONIC_PORT_LOOPBACK_MODE_NONE = 0,      /* Disable loopback */
1030         IONIC_PORT_LOOPBACK_MODE_MAC  = 1,      /* MAC loopback */
1031         IONIC_PORT_LOOPBACK_MODE_PHY  = 2,      /* PHY/Serdes loopback */
1032 };
1034 /**
1035  * Transceiver Status information
1036  * @state:    Transceiver status (enum xcvr_state)
1037  * @phy:      Physical connection type (enum phy_type)
1038  * @pid:      Transceiver link mode (enum pid)
1039  * @sprom:    Transceiver sprom contents
1040  */
1041 struct ionic_xcvr_status {
1042         u8     state;
1043         u8     phy;
1044         __le16 pid;
1045         u8     sprom[256];
1046 };
1048 /**
1049  * Port configuration
1050  * @speed:              port speed (in Mbps)
1051  * @mtu:                mtu
1052  * @state:              port admin state (enum port_admin_state)
1053  * @an_enable:          autoneg enable
1054  * @fec_type:           fec type (enum port_fec_type)
1055  * @pause_type:         pause type (enum port_pause_type)
1056  * @loopback_mode:      loopback mode (enum port_loopback_mode)
1057  */
1058 union ionic_port_config {
1059         struct {
1060 #define IONIC_SPEED_100G        100000  /* 100G in Mbps */
1061 #define IONIC_SPEED_50G         50000   /* 50G in Mbps */
1062 #define IONIC_SPEED_40G         40000   /* 40G in Mbps */
1063 #define IONIC_SPEED_25G         25000   /* 25G in Mbps */
1064 #define IONIC_SPEED_10G         10000   /* 10G in Mbps */
1065 #define IONIC_SPEED_1G          1000    /* 1G in Mbps */
1066                 __le32 speed;
1067                 __le32 mtu;
1068                 u8     state;
1069                 u8     an_enable;
1070                 u8     fec_type;
1071 #define IONIC_PAUSE_TYPE_MASK           0x0f
1072 #define IONIC_PAUSE_FLAGS_MASK          0xf0
1073 #define IONIC_PAUSE_F_TX                0x10
1074 #define IONIC_PAUSE_F_RX                0x20
1075                 u8     pause_type;
1076                 u8     loopback_mode;
1077         };
1078         __le32 words[64];
1079 };
1081 /**
1082  * Port Status information
1083  * @status:             link status (enum port_oper_status)
1084  * @id:                 port id
1085  * @speed:              link speed (in Mbps)
1086  * @xcvr:               tranceiver status
1087  */
1088 struct ionic_port_status {
1089         __le32 id;
1090         __le32 speed;
1091         u8     status;
1092         u8     rsvd[51];
1093         struct ionic_xcvr_status  xcvr;
1094 };
1096 /**
1097  * struct port_identify_cmd - Port identify command
1098  * @opcode:     opcode
1099  * @index:      port index
1100  * @ver:        Highest version of identify supported by driver
1101  */
1102 struct ionic_port_identify_cmd {
1103         u8 opcode;
1104         u8 index;
1105         u8 ver;
1106         u8 rsvd[61];
1107 };
1109 /**
1110  * struct port_identify_comp - Port identify command completion
1111  * @status: The status of the command (enum status_code)
1112  * @ver:    Version of identify returned by device
1113  */
1114 struct ionic_port_identify_comp {
1115         u8 status;
1116         u8 ver;
1117         u8 rsvd[14];
1118 };
1120 /**
1121  * struct port_init_cmd - Port initialization command
1122  * @opcode:     opcode
1123  * @index:      port index
1124  * @info_pa:    destination address for port info (struct port_info)
1125  */
1126 struct ionic_port_init_cmd {
1127         u8     opcode;
1128         u8     index;
1129         u8     rsvd[6];
1130         __le64 info_pa;
1131         u8     rsvd2[48];
1132 };
1134 /**
1135  * struct port_init_comp - Port initialization command completion
1136  * @status: The status of the command (enum status_code)
1137  */
1138 struct ionic_port_init_comp {
1139         u8 status;
1140         u8 rsvd[15];
1141 };
1143 /**
1144  * struct port_reset_cmd - Port reset command
1145  * @opcode:     opcode
1146  * @index:      port index
1147  */
1148 struct ionic_port_reset_cmd {
1149         u8 opcode;
1150         u8 index;
1151         u8 rsvd[62];
1152 };
1154 /**
1155  * struct port_reset_comp - Port reset command completion
1156  * @status: The status of the command (enum status_code)
1157  */
1158 struct ionic_port_reset_comp {
1159         u8 status;
1160         u8 rsvd[15];
1161 };
1163 /**
1164  * enum stats_ctl_cmd - List of commands for stats control
1165  */
1166 enum ionic_stats_ctl_cmd {
1167         IONIC_STATS_CTL_RESET           = 0,
1168 };
1171 /**
1172  * enum ionic_port_attr - List of device attributes
1173  */
1174 enum ionic_port_attr {
1175         IONIC_PORT_ATTR_STATE           = 0,
1176         IONIC_PORT_ATTR_SPEED           = 1,
1177         IONIC_PORT_ATTR_MTU             = 2,
1178         IONIC_PORT_ATTR_AUTONEG         = 3,
1179         IONIC_PORT_ATTR_FEC             = 4,
1180         IONIC_PORT_ATTR_PAUSE           = 5,
1181         IONIC_PORT_ATTR_LOOPBACK        = 6,
1182         IONIC_PORT_ATTR_STATS_CTRL      = 7,
1183 };
1185 /**
1186  * struct port_setattr_cmd - Set port attributes on the NIC
1187  * @opcode:     Opcode
1188  * @index:      port index
1189  * @attr:       Attribute type (enum ionic_port_attr)
1190  */
1191 struct ionic_port_setattr_cmd {
1192         u8     opcode;
1193         u8     index;
1194         u8     attr;
1195         u8     rsvd;
1196         union {
1197                 u8      state;
1198                 __le32  speed;
1199                 __le32  mtu;
1200                 u8      an_enable;
1201                 u8      fec_type;
1202                 u8      pause_type;
1203                 u8      loopback_mode;
1204                 u8      stats_ctl;
1205                 u8      rsvd2[60];
1206         };
1207 };
1209 /**
1210  * struct port_setattr_comp - Port set attr command completion
1211  * @status:     The status of the command (enum status_code)
1212  * @color:      Color bit
1213  */
1214 struct ionic_port_setattr_comp {
1215         u8     status;
1216         u8     rsvd[14];
1217         u8     color;
1218 };
1220 /**
1221  * struct port_getattr_cmd - Get port attributes from the NIC
1222  * @opcode:     Opcode
1223  * @index:      port index
1224  * @attr:       Attribute type (enum ionic_port_attr)
1225  */
1226 struct ionic_port_getattr_cmd {
1227         u8     opcode;
1228         u8     index;
1229         u8     attr;
1230         u8     rsvd[61];
1231 };
1233 /**
1234  * struct port_getattr_comp - Port get attr command completion
1235  * @status:     The status of the command (enum status_code)
1236  * @color:      Color bit
1237  */
1238 struct ionic_port_getattr_comp {
1239         u8     status;
1240         u8     rsvd[3];
1241         union {
1242                 u8      state;
1243                 __le32  speed;
1244                 __le32  mtu;
1245                 u8      an_enable;
1246                 u8      fec_type;
1247                 u8      pause_type;
1248                 u8      loopback_mode;
1249                 u8      rsvd2[11];
1250         };
1251         u8     color;
1252 };
1254 /**
1255  * struct lif_status - Lif status register
1256  * @eid:             most recent NotifyQ event id
1257  * @port_num:        port the lif is connected to
1258  * @link_status:     port status (enum port_oper_status)
1259  * @link_speed:      speed of link in Mbps
1260  * @link_down_count: number of times link status changes
1261  */
1262 struct ionic_lif_status {
1263         __le64 eid;
1264         u8     port_num;
1265         u8     rsvd;
1266         __le16 link_status;
1267         __le32 link_speed;              /* units of 1Mbps: eg 10000 = 10Gbps */
1268         __le16 link_down_count;
1269         u8      rsvd2[46];
1270 };
1272 /**
1273  * struct lif_reset_cmd - LIF reset command
1274  * @opcode:    opcode
1275  * @index:     LIF index
1276  */
1277 struct ionic_lif_reset_cmd {
1278         u8     opcode;
1279         u8     rsvd;
1280         __le16 index;
1281         __le32 rsvd2[15];
1282 };
1284 typedef struct ionic_admin_comp ionic_lif_reset_comp;
1286 enum ionic_dev_state {
1287         IONIC_DEV_DISABLE       = 0,
1288         IONIC_DEV_ENABLE        = 1,
1289         IONIC_DEV_HANG_RESET    = 2,
1290 };
1292 /**
1293  * enum dev_attr - List of device attributes
1294  */
1295 enum ionic_dev_attr {
1296         IONIC_DEV_ATTR_STATE    = 0,
1297         IONIC_DEV_ATTR_NAME     = 1,
1298         IONIC_DEV_ATTR_FEATURES = 2,
1299 };
1301 /**
1302  * struct dev_setattr_cmd - Set Device attributes on the NIC
1303  * @opcode:     Opcode
1304  * @attr:       Attribute type (enum dev_attr)
1305  * @state:      Device state (enum dev_state)
1306  * @name:       The bus info, e.g. PCI slot-device-function, 0 terminated
1307  * @features:   Device features
1308  */
1309 struct ionic_dev_setattr_cmd {
1310         u8     opcode;
1311         u8     attr;
1312         __le16 rsvd;
1313         union {
1314                 u8      state;
1315                 char    name[IONIC_IFNAMSIZ];
1316                 __le64  features;
1317                 u8      rsvd2[60];
1318         };
1319 };
1321 /**
1322  * struct dev_setattr_comp - Device set attr command completion
1323  * @status:     The status of the command (enum status_code)
1324  * @features:   Device features
1325  * @color:      Color bit
1326  */
1327 struct ionic_dev_setattr_comp {
1328         u8     status;
1329         u8     rsvd[3];
1330         union {
1331                 __le64  features;
1332                 u8      rsvd2[11];
1333         };
1334         u8     color;
1335 };
1337 /**
1338  * struct dev_getattr_cmd - Get Device attributes from the NIC
1339  * @opcode:     opcode
1340  * @attr:       Attribute type (enum dev_attr)
1341  */
1342 struct ionic_dev_getattr_cmd {
1343         u8     opcode;
1344         u8     attr;
1345         u8     rsvd[62];
1346 };
1348 /**
1349  * struct dev_setattr_comp - Device set attr command completion
1350  * @status:     The status of the command (enum status_code)
1351  * @features:   Device features
1352  * @color:      Color bit
1353  */
1354 struct ionic_dev_getattr_comp {
1355         u8     status;
1356         u8     rsvd[3];
1357         union {
1358                 __le64  features;
1359                 u8      rsvd2[11];
1360         };
1361         u8     color;
1362 };
1364 /**
1365  * RSS parameters
1366  */
1367 #define IONIC_RSS_HASH_KEY_SIZE         40
1369 enum ionic_rss_hash_types {
1370         IONIC_RSS_TYPE_IPV4     = BIT(0),
1371         IONIC_RSS_TYPE_IPV4_TCP = BIT(1),
1372         IONIC_RSS_TYPE_IPV4_UDP = BIT(2),
1373         IONIC_RSS_TYPE_IPV6     = BIT(3),
1374         IONIC_RSS_TYPE_IPV6_TCP = BIT(4),
1375         IONIC_RSS_TYPE_IPV6_UDP = BIT(5),
1376 };
1378 /**
1379  * enum lif_attr - List of LIF attributes
1380  */
1381 enum ionic_lif_attr {
1382         IONIC_LIF_ATTR_STATE        = 0,
1383         IONIC_LIF_ATTR_NAME         = 1,
1384         IONIC_LIF_ATTR_MTU          = 2,
1385         IONIC_LIF_ATTR_MAC          = 3,
1386         IONIC_LIF_ATTR_FEATURES     = 4,
1387         IONIC_LIF_ATTR_RSS          = 5,
1388         IONIC_LIF_ATTR_STATS_CTRL   = 6,
1389 };
1391 /**
1392  * struct lif_setattr_cmd - Set LIF attributes on the NIC
1393  * @opcode:     Opcode
1394  * @type:       Attribute type (enum lif_attr)
1395  * @index:      LIF index
1396  * @state:      lif state (enum lif_state)
1397  * @name:       The netdev name string, 0 terminated
1398  * @mtu:        Mtu
1399  * @mac:        Station mac
1400  * @features:   Features (enum eth_hw_features)
1401  * @rss:        RSS properties
1402  *              @types:     The hash types to enable (see rss_hash_types).
1403  *              @key:       The hash secret key.
1404  *              @addr:      Address for the indirection table shared memory.
1405  * @stats_ctl:  stats control commands (enum stats_ctl_cmd)
1406  */
1407 struct ionic_lif_setattr_cmd {
1408         u8     opcode;
1409         u8     attr;
1410         __le16 index;
1411         union {
1412                 u8      state;
1413                 char    name[IONIC_IFNAMSIZ];
1414                 __le32  mtu;
1415                 u8      mac[6];
1416                 __le64  features;
1417                 struct {
1418                         __le16 types;
1419                         u8     key[IONIC_RSS_HASH_KEY_SIZE];
1420                         u8     rsvd[6];
1421                         __le64 addr;
1422                 } rss;
1423                 u8      stats_ctl;
1424                 u8      rsvd[60];
1425         };
1426 };
1428 /**
1429  * struct lif_setattr_comp - LIF set attr command completion
1430  * @status:     The status of the command (enum status_code)
1431  * @comp_index: The index in the descriptor ring for which this
1432  *              is the completion.
1433  * @features:   features (enum eth_hw_features)
1434  * @color:      Color bit
1435  */
1436 struct ionic_lif_setattr_comp {
1437         u8     status;
1438         u8     rsvd;
1439         __le16 comp_index;
1440         union {
1441                 __le64  features;
1442                 u8      rsvd2[11];
1443         };
1444         u8     color;
1445 };
1447 /**
1448  * struct lif_getattr_cmd - Get LIF attributes from the NIC
1449  * @opcode:     Opcode
1450  * @attr:       Attribute type (enum lif_attr)
1451  * @index:      LIF index
1452  */
1453 struct ionic_lif_getattr_cmd {
1454         u8     opcode;
1455         u8     attr;
1456         __le16 index;
1457         u8     rsvd[60];
1458 };
1460 /**
1461  * struct lif_getattr_comp - LIF get attr command completion
1462  * @status:     The status of the command (enum status_code)
1463  * @comp_index: The index in the descriptor ring for which this
1464  *              is the completion.
1465  * @state:      lif state (enum lif_state)
1466  * @name:       The netdev name string, 0 terminated
1467  * @mtu:        Mtu
1468  * @mac:        Station mac
1469  * @features:   Features (enum eth_hw_features)
1470  * @color:      Color bit
1471  */
1472 struct ionic_lif_getattr_comp {
1473         u8     status;
1474         u8     rsvd;
1475         __le16 comp_index;
1476         union {
1477                 u8      state;
1478                 __le32  mtu;
1479                 u8      mac[6];
1480                 __le64  features;
1481                 u8      rsvd2[11];
1482         };
1483         u8     color;
1484 };
1486 enum ionic_rx_mode {
1487         IONIC_RX_MODE_F_UNICAST    = BIT(0),
1488         IONIC_RX_MODE_F_MULTICAST  = BIT(1),
1489         IONIC_RX_MODE_F_BROADCAST  = BIT(2),
1490         IONIC_RX_MODE_F_PROMISC    = BIT(3),
1491         IONIC_RX_MODE_F_ALLMULTI   = BIT(4),
1492 };
1494 /**
1495  * struct rx_mode_set_cmd - Set LIF's Rx mode command
1496  * @opcode:     opcode
1497  * @lif_index:  LIF index
1498  * @rx_mode:    Rx mode flags:
1499  *                  IONIC_RX_MODE_F_UNICAST: Accept known unicast packets.
1500  *                  IONIC_RX_MODE_F_MULTICAST: Accept known multicast packets.
1501  *                  IONIC_RX_MODE_F_BROADCAST: Accept broadcast packets.
1502  *                  IONIC_RX_MODE_F_PROMISC: Accept any packets.
1503  *                  IONIC_RX_MODE_F_ALLMULTI: Accept any multicast packets.
1504  */
1505 struct ionic_rx_mode_set_cmd {
1506         u8     opcode;
1507         u8     rsvd;
1508         __le16 lif_index;
1509         __le16 rx_mode;
1510         __le16 rsvd2[29];
1511 };
1513 typedef struct ionic_admin_comp ionic_rx_mode_set_comp;
1515 enum ionic_rx_filter_match_type {
1516         IONIC_RX_FILTER_MATCH_VLAN = 0,
1519 };
1521 /**
1522  * struct rx_filter_add_cmd - Add LIF Rx filter command
1523  * @opcode:     opcode
1524  * @qtype:      Queue type
1525  * @lif_index:  LIF index
1526  * @qid:        Queue ID
1527  * @match:      Rx filter match type.  (See IONIC_RX_FILTER_MATCH_xxx)
1528  * @vlan:       VLAN ID
1529  * @addr:       MAC address (network-byte order)
1530  */
1531 struct ionic_rx_filter_add_cmd {
1532         u8     opcode;
1533         u8     qtype;
1534         __le16 lif_index;
1535         __le32 qid;
1536         __le16 match;
1537         union {
1538                 struct {
1539                         __le16 vlan;
1540                 } vlan;
1541                 struct {
1542                         u8     addr[6];
1543                 } mac;
1544                 struct {
1545                         __le16 vlan;
1546                         u8     addr[6];
1547                 } mac_vlan;
1548                 u8 rsvd[54];
1549         };
1550 };
1552 /**
1553  * struct rx_filter_add_comp - Add LIF Rx filter command completion
1554  * @status:     The status of the command (enum status_code)
1555  * @comp_index: The index in the descriptor ring for which this
1556  *              is the completion.
1557  * @filter_id:  Filter ID
1558  * @color:      Color bit.
1559  */
1560 struct ionic_rx_filter_add_comp {
1561         u8     status;
1562         u8     rsvd;
1563         __le16 comp_index;
1564         __le32 filter_id;
1565         u8     rsvd2[7];
1566         u8     color;
1567 };
1569 /**
1570  * struct rx_filter_del_cmd - Delete LIF Rx filter command
1571  * @opcode:     opcode
1572  * @lif_index:  LIF index
1573  * @filter_id:  Filter ID
1574  */
1575 struct ionic_rx_filter_del_cmd {
1576         u8     opcode;
1577         u8     rsvd;
1578         __le16 lif_index;
1579         __le32 filter_id;
1580         u8     rsvd2[56];
1581 };
1583 typedef struct ionic_admin_comp ionic_rx_filter_del_comp;
1585 /**
1586  * struct qos_identify_cmd - QoS identify command
1587  * @opcode:    opcode
1588  * @ver:     Highest version of identify supported by driver
1589  *
1590  */
1591 struct ionic_qos_identify_cmd {
1592         u8 opcode;
1593         u8 ver;
1594         u8 rsvd[62];
1595 };
1597 /**
1598  * struct qos_identify_comp - QoS identify command completion
1599  * @status: The status of the command (enum status_code)
1600  * @ver:    Version of identify returned by device
1601  */
1602 struct ionic_qos_identify_comp {
1603         u8 status;
1604         u8 ver;
1605         u8 rsvd[14];
1606 };
1608 #define IONIC_QOS_CLASS_MAX             7
1609 #define IONIC_QOS_CLASS_NAME_SZ         32
1610 #define IONIC_QOS_DSCP_MAX_VALUES       64
1612 /**
1613  * enum qos_class
1614  */
1615 enum ionic_qos_class {
1616         IONIC_QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT         = 0,
1617         IONIC_QOS_CLASS_USER_DEFINED_1  = 1,
1618         IONIC_QOS_CLASS_USER_DEFINED_2  = 2,
1619         IONIC_QOS_CLASS_USER_DEFINED_3  = 3,
1620         IONIC_QOS_CLASS_USER_DEFINED_4  = 4,
1621         IONIC_QOS_CLASS_USER_DEFINED_5  = 5,
1622         IONIC_QOS_CLASS_USER_DEFINED_6  = 6,
1623 };
1625 /**
1626  * enum qos_class_type - Traffic classification criteria
1627  */
1628 enum ionic_qos_class_type {
1629         IONIC_QOS_CLASS_TYPE_NONE       = 0,
1630         IONIC_QOS_CLASS_TYPE_PCP        = 1,    /* Dot1Q pcp */
1631         IONIC_QOS_CLASS_TYPE_DSCP       = 2,    /* IP dscp */
1632 };
1634 /**
1635  * enum qos_sched_type - Qos class scheduling type
1636  */
1637 enum ionic_qos_sched_type {
1638         IONIC_QOS_SCHED_TYPE_STRICT     = 0,    /* Strict priority */
1639         IONIC_QOS_SCHED_TYPE_DWRR       = 1,    /* Deficit weighted round-robin */
1640 };
1642 /**
1643  * union qos_config - Qos configuration structure
1644  * @flags:              Configuration flags
1645  *      IONIC_QOS_CONFIG_F_ENABLE               enable
1646  *      IONIC_QOS_CONFIG_F_DROP                 drop/nodrop
1647  *      IONIC_QOS_CONFIG_F_RW_DOT1Q_PCP         enable dot1q pcp rewrite
1648  *      IONIC_QOS_CONFIG_F_RW_IP_DSCP           enable ip dscp rewrite
1649  * @sched_type:         Qos class scheduling type (enum qos_sched_type)
1650  * @class_type:         Qos class type (enum qos_class_type)
1651  * @pause_type:         Qos pause type (enum qos_pause_type)
1652  * @name:               Qos class name
1653  * @mtu:                MTU of the class
1654  * @pfc_dot1q_pcp:      Pcp value for pause frames (valid iff F_NODROP)
1655  * @dwrr_weight:        Qos class scheduling weight
1656  * @strict_rlmt:        Rate limit for strict priority scheduling
1657  * @rw_dot1q_pcp:       Rewrite dot1q pcp to this value (valid iff F_RW_DOT1Q_PCP)
1658  * @rw_ip_dscp:         Rewrite ip dscp to this value   (valid iff F_RW_IP_DSCP)
1659  * @dot1q_pcp:          Dot1q pcp value
1660  * @ndscp:              Number of valid dscp values in the ip_dscp field
1661  * @ip_dscp:            IP dscp values
1662  */
1663 union ionic_qos_config {
1664         struct {
1665 #define IONIC_QOS_CONFIG_F_ENABLE               BIT(0)
1666 #define IONIC_QOS_CONFIG_F_DROP                 BIT(1)
1667 #define IONIC_QOS_CONFIG_F_RW_DOT1Q_PCP         BIT(2)
1668 #define IONIC_QOS_CONFIG_F_RW_IP_DSCP           BIT(3)
1669                 u8      flags;
1670                 u8      sched_type;
1671                 u8      class_type;
1672                 u8      pause_type;
1673                 char    name[IONIC_QOS_CLASS_NAME_SZ];
1674                 __le32  mtu;
1675                 /* flow control */
1676                 u8      pfc_cos;
1677                 /* scheduler */
1678                 union {
1679                         u8      dwrr_weight;
1680                         __le64  strict_rlmt;
1681                 };
1682                 /* marking */
1683                 union {
1684                         u8      rw_dot1q_pcp;
1685                         u8      rw_ip_dscp;
1686                 };
1687                 /* classification */
1688                 union {
1689                         u8      dot1q_pcp;
1690                         struct {
1691                                 u8      ndscp;
1692                                 u8      ip_dscp[IONIC_QOS_DSCP_MAX_VALUES];
1693                         };
1694                 };
1695         };
1696         __le32  words[64];
1697 };
1699 /**
1700  * union qos_identity - QoS identity structure
1701  * @version:    Version of the identify structure
1702  * @type:       QoS system type
1703  * @nclasses:   Number of usable QoS classes
1704  * @config:     Current configuration of classes
1705  */
1706 union ionic_qos_identity {
1707         struct {
1708                 u8     version;
1709                 u8     type;
1710                 u8     rsvd[62];
1711                 union  ionic_qos_config config[IONIC_QOS_CLASS_MAX];
1712         };
1713         __le32 words[512];
1714 };
1716 /**
1717  * struct qos_init_cmd - QoS config init command
1718  * @opcode:     Opcode
1719  * @group:      Qos class id
1720  * @info_pa:    destination address for qos info
1721  */
1722 struct ionic_qos_init_cmd {
1723         u8     opcode;
1724         u8     group;
1725         u8     rsvd[6];
1726         __le64 info_pa;
1727         u8     rsvd1[48];
1728 };
1730 typedef struct ionic_admin_comp ionic_qos_init_comp;
1732 /**
1733  * struct qos_reset_cmd - Qos config reset command
1734  * @opcode:     Opcode
1735  */
1736 struct ionic_qos_reset_cmd {
1737         u8    opcode;
1738         u8    group;
1739         u8    rsvd[62];
1740 };
1742 typedef struct ionic_admin_comp ionic_qos_reset_comp;
1744 /**
1745  * struct fw_download_cmd - Firmware download command
1746  * @opcode:     opcode
1747  * @addr:       dma address of the firmware buffer
1748  * @offset:     offset of the firmware buffer within the full image
1749  * @length:     number of valid bytes in the firmware buffer
1750  */
1751 struct ionic_fw_download_cmd {
1752         u8     opcode;
1753         u8     rsvd[3];
1754         __le32 offset;
1755         __le64 addr;
1756         __le32 length;
1757 };
1759 typedef struct ionic_admin_comp ionic_fw_download_comp;
1761 enum ionic_fw_control_oper {
1762         IONIC_FW_RESET          = 0,    /* Reset firmware */
1763         IONIC_FW_INSTALL        = 1,    /* Install firmware */
1764         IONIC_FW_ACTIVATE       = 2,    /* Activate firmware */
1765 };
1767 /**
1768  * struct fw_control_cmd - Firmware control command
1769  * @opcode:    opcode
1770  * @oper:      firmware control operation (enum fw_control_oper)
1771  * @slot:      slot to activate
1772  */
1773 struct ionic_fw_control_cmd {
1774         u8  opcode;
1775         u8  rsvd[3];
1776         u8  oper;
1777         u8  slot;
1778         u8  rsvd1[58];
1779 };
1781 /**
1782  * struct fw_control_comp - Firmware control copletion
1783  * @opcode:    opcode
1784  * @slot:      slot where the firmware was installed
1785  */
1786 struct ionic_fw_control_comp {
1787         u8     status;
1788         u8     rsvd;
1789         __le16 comp_index;
1790         u8     slot;
1791         u8     rsvd1[10];
1792         u8     color;
1793 };
1795 /******************************************************************
1796  ******************* RDMA Commands ********************************
1797  ******************************************************************/
1799 /**
1800  * struct rdma_reset_cmd - Reset RDMA LIF cmd
1801  * @opcode:        opcode
1802  * @lif_index:     lif index
1803  *
1804  * There is no rdma specific dev command completion struct.  Completion uses
1805  * the common struct admin_comp.  Only the status is indicated.  Nonzero status
1806  * means the LIF does not support rdma.
1807  **/
1808 struct ionic_rdma_reset_cmd {
1809         u8     opcode;
1810         u8     rsvd;
1811         __le16 lif_index;
1812         u8     rsvd2[60];
1813 };
1815 /**
1816  * struct rdma_queue_cmd - Create RDMA Queue command
1817  * @opcode:        opcode, 52, 53
1818  * @lif_index      lif index
1819  * @qid_ver:       (qid | (rdma version << 24))
1820  * @cid:           intr, eq_id, or cq_id
1821  * @dbid:          doorbell page id
1822  * @depth_log2:    log base two of queue depth
1823  * @stride_log2:   log base two of queue stride
1824  * @dma_addr:      address of the queue memory
1825  * @xxx_table_index: temporary, but should not need pgtbl for contig. queues.
1826  *
1827  * The same command struct is used to create an rdma event queue, completion
1828  * queue, or rdma admin queue.  The cid is an interrupt number for an event
1829  * queue, an event queue id for a completion queue, or a completion queue id
1830  * for an rdma admin queue.
1831  *
1832  * The queue created via a dev command must be contiguous in dma space.
1833  *
1834  * The dev commands are intended only to be used during driver initialization,
1835  * to create queues supporting the rdma admin queue.  Other queues, and other
1836  * types of rdma resources like memory regions, will be created and registered
1837  * via the rdma admin queue, and will support a more complete interface
1838  * providing scatter gather lists for larger, scattered queue buffers and
1839  * memory registration.
1840  *
1841  * There is no rdma specific dev command completion struct.  Completion uses
1842  * the common struct admin_comp.  Only the status is indicated.
1843  **/
1844 struct ionic_rdma_queue_cmd {
1845         u8     opcode;
1846         u8     rsvd;
1847         __le16 lif_index;
1848         __le32 qid_ver;
1849         __le32 cid;
1850         __le16 dbid;
1851         u8     depth_log2;
1852         u8     stride_log2;
1853         __le64 dma_addr;
1854         u8     rsvd2[36];
1855         __le32 xxx_table_index;
1856 };
1858 /******************************************************************
1859  ******************* Notify Events ********************************
1860  ******************************************************************/
1862 /**
1863  * struct notifyq_event
1864  * @eid:   event number
1865  * @ecode: event code
1866  * @data:  unspecified data about the event
1867  *
1868  * This is the generic event report struct from which the other
1869  * actual events will be formed.
1870  */
1871 struct ionic_notifyq_event {
1872         __le64 eid;
1873         __le16 ecode;
1874         u8     data[54];
1875 };
1877 /**
1878  * struct link_change_event
1879  * @eid:                event number
1880  * @ecode:              event code = EVENT_OPCODE_LINK_CHANGE
1881  * @link_status:        link up or down, with error bits (enum port_status)
1882  * @link_speed:         speed of the network link
1883  *
1884  * Sent when the network link state changes between UP and DOWN
1885  */
1886 struct ionic_link_change_event {
1887         __le64 eid;
1888         __le16 ecode;
1889         __le16 link_status;
1890         __le32 link_speed;      /* units of 1Mbps: e.g. 10000 = 10Gbps */
1891         u8     rsvd[48];
1892 };
1894 /**
1895  * struct reset_event
1896  * @eid:                event number
1897  * @ecode:              event code = EVENT_OPCODE_RESET
1898  * @reset_code:         reset type
1899  * @state:              0=pending, 1=complete, 2=error
1900  *
1901  * Sent when the NIC or some subsystem is going to be or
1902  * has been reset.
1903  */
1904 struct ionic_reset_event {
1905         __le64 eid;
1906         __le16 ecode;
1907         u8     reset_code;
1908         u8     state;
1909         u8     rsvd[52];
1910 };
1912 /**
1913  * struct heartbeat_event
1914  * @eid:        event number
1915  * @ecode:      event code = EVENT_OPCODE_HEARTBEAT
1916  *
1917  * Sent periodically by the NIC to indicate continued health
1918  */
1919 struct ionic_heartbeat_event {
1920         __le64 eid;
1921         __le16 ecode;
1922         u8     rsvd[54];
1923 };
1925 /**
1926  * struct log_event
1927  * @eid:        event number
1928  * @ecode:      event code = EVENT_OPCODE_LOG
1929  * @data:       log data
1930  *
1931  * Sent to notify the driver of an internal error.
1932  */
1933 struct ionic_log_event {
1934         __le64 eid;
1935         __le16 ecode;
1936         u8     data[54];
1937 };
1939 /**
1940  * struct port_stats
1941  */
1942 struct ionic_port_stats {
1943         __le64 frames_rx_ok;
1944         __le64 frames_rx_all;
1945         __le64 frames_rx_bad_fcs;
1946         __le64 frames_rx_bad_all;
1947         __le64 octets_rx_ok;
1948         __le64 octets_rx_all;
1949         __le64 frames_rx_unicast;
1950         __le64 frames_rx_multicast;
1951         __le64 frames_rx_broadcast;
1952         __le64 frames_rx_pause;
1953         __le64 frames_rx_bad_length;
1954         __le64 frames_rx_undersized;
1955         __le64 frames_rx_oversized;
1956         __le64 frames_rx_fragments;
1957         __le64 frames_rx_jabber;
1958         __le64 frames_rx_pripause;
1959         __le64 frames_rx_stomped_crc;
1960         __le64 frames_rx_too_long;
1961         __le64 frames_rx_vlan_good;
1962         __le64 frames_rx_dropped;
1963         __le64 frames_rx_less_than_64b;
1964         __le64 frames_rx_64b;
1965         __le64 frames_rx_65b_127b;
1966         __le64 frames_rx_128b_255b;
1967         __le64 frames_rx_256b_511b;
1968         __le64 frames_rx_512b_1023b;
1969         __le64 frames_rx_1024b_1518b;
1970         __le64 frames_rx_1519b_2047b;
1971         __le64 frames_rx_2048b_4095b;
1972         __le64 frames_rx_4096b_8191b;
1973         __le64 frames_rx_8192b_9215b;
1974         __le64 frames_rx_other;
1975         __le64 frames_tx_ok;
1976         __le64 frames_tx_all;
1977         __le64 frames_tx_bad;
1978         __le64 octets_tx_ok;
1979         __le64 octets_tx_total;
1980         __le64 frames_tx_unicast;
1981         __le64 frames_tx_multicast;
1982         __le64 frames_tx_broadcast;
1983         __le64 frames_tx_pause;
1984         __le64 frames_tx_pripause;
1985         __le64 frames_tx_vlan;
1986         __le64 frames_tx_less_than_64b;
1987         __le64 frames_tx_64b;
1988         __le64 frames_tx_65b_127b;
1989         __le64 frames_tx_128b_255b;
1990         __le64 frames_tx_256b_511b;
1991         __le64 frames_tx_512b_1023b;
1992         __le64 frames_tx_1024b_1518b;
1993         __le64 frames_tx_1519b_2047b;
1994         __le64 frames_tx_2048b_4095b;
1995         __le64 frames_tx_4096b_8191b;
1996         __le64 frames_tx_8192b_9215b;
1997         __le64 frames_tx_other;
1998         __le64 frames_tx_pri_0;
1999         __le64 frames_tx_pri_1;
2000         __le64 frames_tx_pri_2;
2001         __le64 frames_tx_pri_3;
2002         __le64 frames_tx_pri_4;
2003         __le64 frames_tx_pri_5;
2004         __le64 frames_tx_pri_6;
2005         __le64 frames_tx_pri_7;
2006         __le64 frames_rx_pri_0;
2007         __le64 frames_rx_pri_1;
2008         __le64 frames_rx_pri_2;
2009         __le64 frames_rx_pri_3;
2010         __le64 frames_rx_pri_4;
2011         __le64 frames_rx_pri_5;
2012         __le64 frames_rx_pri_6;
2013         __le64 frames_rx_pri_7;
2014         __le64 tx_pripause_0_1us_count;
2015         __le64 tx_pripause_1_1us_count;
2016         __le64 tx_pripause_2_1us_count;
2017         __le64 tx_pripause_3_1us_count;
2018         __le64 tx_pripause_4_1us_count;
2019         __le64 tx_pripause_5_1us_count;
2020         __le64 tx_pripause_6_1us_count;
2021         __le64 tx_pripause_7_1us_count;
2022         __le64 rx_pripause_0_1us_count;
2023         __le64 rx_pripause_1_1us_count;
2024         __le64 rx_pripause_2_1us_count;
2025         __le64 rx_pripause_3_1us_count;
2026         __le64 rx_pripause_4_1us_count;
2027         __le64 rx_pripause_5_1us_count;
2028         __le64 rx_pripause_6_1us_count;
2029         __le64 rx_pripause_7_1us_count;
2030         __le64 rx_pause_1us_count;
2031         __le64 frames_tx_truncated;
2032 };
2034 struct ionic_mgmt_port_stats {
2035         __le64 frames_rx_ok;
2036         __le64 frames_rx_all;
2037         __le64 frames_rx_bad_fcs;
2038         __le64 frames_rx_bad_all;
2039         __le64 octets_rx_ok;
2040         __le64 octets_rx_all;
2041         __le64 frames_rx_unicast;
2042         __le64 frames_rx_multicast;
2043         __le64 frames_rx_broadcast;
2044         __le64 frames_rx_pause;
2045         __le64 frames_rx_bad_length0;
2046         __le64 frames_rx_undersized1;
2047         __le64 frames_rx_oversized2;
2048         __le64 frames_rx_fragments3;
2049         __le64 frames_rx_jabber4;
2050         __le64 frames_rx_64b5;
2051         __le64 frames_rx_65b_127b6;
2052         __le64 frames_rx_128b_255b7;
2053         __le64 frames_rx_256b_511b8;
2054         __le64 frames_rx_512b_1023b9;
2055         __le64 frames_rx_1024b_1518b0;
2056         __le64 frames_rx_gt_1518b1;
2057         __le64 frames_rx_fifo_full2;
2058         __le64 frames_tx_ok3;
2059         __le64 frames_tx_all4;
2060         __le64 frames_tx_bad5;
2061         __le64 octets_tx_ok6;
2062         __le64 octets_tx_total7;
2063         __le64 frames_tx_unicast8;
2064         __le64 frames_tx_multicast9;
2065         __le64 frames_tx_broadcast0;
2066         __le64 frames_tx_pause1;
2067 };
2069 /**
2070  * struct port_identity - port identity structure
2071  * @version:        identity structure version
2072  * @type:           type of port (enum port_type)
2073  * @num_lanes:      number of lanes for the port
2074  * @autoneg:        autoneg supported
2075  * @min_frame_size: minimum frame size supported
2076  * @max_frame_size: maximum frame size supported
2077  * @fec_type:       supported fec types
2078  * @pause_type:     supported pause types
2079  * @loopback_mode:  supported loopback mode
2080  * @speeds:         supported speeds
2081  * @config:         current port configuration
2082  */
2083 union ionic_port_identity {
2084         struct {
2085                 u8     version;
2086                 u8     type;
2087                 u8     num_lanes;
2088                 u8     autoneg;
2089                 __le32 min_frame_size;
2090                 __le32 max_frame_size;
2091                 u8     fec_type[4];
2092                 u8     pause_type[2];
2093                 u8     loopback_mode[2];
2094                 __le32 speeds[16];
2095                 u8     rsvd2[44];
2096                 union ionic_port_config config;
2097         };
2098         __le32 words[512];
2099 };
2101 /**
2102  * struct port_info - port info structure
2103  * @port_status:     port status
2104  * @port_stats:      port stats
2105  */
2106 struct ionic_port_info {
2107         union ionic_port_config config;
2108         struct ionic_port_status status;
2109         struct ionic_port_stats stats;
2110 };
2112 /**
2113  * struct lif_stats
2114  */
2115 struct ionic_lif_stats {
2116         /* RX */
2117         __le64 rx_ucast_bytes;
2118         __le64 rx_ucast_packets;
2119         __le64 rx_mcast_bytes;
2120         __le64 rx_mcast_packets;
2121         __le64 rx_bcast_bytes;
2122         __le64 rx_bcast_packets;
2123         __le64 rsvd0;
2124         __le64 rsvd1;
2125         /* RX drops */
2126         __le64 rx_ucast_drop_bytes;
2127         __le64 rx_ucast_drop_packets;
2128         __le64 rx_mcast_drop_bytes;
2129         __le64 rx_mcast_drop_packets;
2130         __le64 rx_bcast_drop_bytes;
2131         __le64 rx_bcast_drop_packets;
2132         __le64 rx_dma_error;
2133         __le64 rsvd2;
2134         /* TX */
2135         __le64 tx_ucast_bytes;
2136         __le64 tx_ucast_packets;
2137         __le64 tx_mcast_bytes;
2138         __le64 tx_mcast_packets;
2139         __le64 tx_bcast_bytes;
2140         __le64 tx_bcast_packets;
2141         __le64 rsvd3;
2142         __le64 rsvd4;
2143         /* TX drops */
2144         __le64 tx_ucast_drop_bytes;
2145         __le64 tx_ucast_drop_packets;
2146         __le64 tx_mcast_drop_bytes;
2147         __le64 tx_mcast_drop_packets;
2148         __le64 tx_bcast_drop_bytes;
2149         __le64 tx_bcast_drop_packets;
2150         __le64 tx_dma_error;
2151         __le64 rsvd5;
2152         /* Rx Queue/Ring drops */
2153         __le64 rx_queue_disabled;
2154         __le64 rx_queue_empty;
2155         __le64 rx_queue_error;
2156         __le64 rx_desc_fetch_error;
2157         __le64 rx_desc_data_error;
2158         __le64 rsvd6;
2159         __le64 rsvd7;
2160         __le64 rsvd8;
2161         /* Tx Queue/Ring drops */
2162         __le64 tx_queue_disabled;
2163         __le64 tx_queue_error;
2164         __le64 tx_desc_fetch_error;
2165         __le64 tx_desc_data_error;
2166         __le64 rsvd9;
2167         __le64 rsvd10;
2168         __le64 rsvd11;
2169         __le64 rsvd12;
2171         /* RDMA/ROCE TX */
2172         __le64 tx_rdma_ucast_bytes;
2173         __le64 tx_rdma_ucast_packets;
2174         __le64 tx_rdma_mcast_bytes;
2175         __le64 tx_rdma_mcast_packets;
2176         __le64 tx_rdma_cnp_packets;
2177         __le64 rsvd13;
2178         __le64 rsvd14;
2179         __le64 rsvd15;
2181         /* RDMA/ROCE RX */
2182         __le64 rx_rdma_ucast_bytes;
2183         __le64 rx_rdma_ucast_packets;
2184         __le64 rx_rdma_mcast_bytes;
2185         __le64 rx_rdma_mcast_packets;
2186         __le64 rx_rdma_cnp_packets;
2187         __le64 rx_rdma_ecn_packets;
2188         __le64 rsvd16;
2189         __le64 rsvd17;
2191         __le64 rsvd18;
2192         __le64 rsvd19;
2193         __le64 rsvd20;
2194         __le64 rsvd21;
2195         __le64 rsvd22;
2196         __le64 rsvd23;
2197         __le64 rsvd24;
2198         __le64 rsvd25;
2200         __le64 rsvd26;
2201         __le64 rsvd27;
2202         __le64 rsvd28;
2203         __le64 rsvd29;
2204         __le64 rsvd30;
2205         __le64 rsvd31;
2206         __le64 rsvd32;
2207         __le64 rsvd33;
2209         __le64 rsvd34;
2210         __le64 rsvd35;
2211         __le64 rsvd36;
2212         __le64 rsvd37;
2213         __le64 rsvd38;
2214         __le64 rsvd39;
2215         __le64 rsvd40;
2216         __le64 rsvd41;
2218         __le64 rsvd42;
2219         __le64 rsvd43;
2220         __le64 rsvd44;
2221         __le64 rsvd45;
2222         __le64 rsvd46;
2223         __le64 rsvd47;
2224         __le64 rsvd48;
2225         __le64 rsvd49;
2227         /* RDMA/ROCE REQ Error/Debugs (768 - 895) */
2228         __le64 rdma_req_rx_pkt_seq_err;
2229         __le64 rdma_req_rx_rnr_retry_err;
2230         __le64 rdma_req_rx_remote_access_err;
2231         __le64 rdma_req_rx_remote_inv_req_err;
2232         __le64 rdma_req_rx_remote_oper_err;
2233         __le64 rdma_req_rx_implied_nak_seq_err;
2234         __le64 rdma_req_rx_cqe_err;
2235         __le64 rdma_req_rx_cqe_flush_err;
2237         __le64 rdma_req_rx_dup_responses;
2238         __le64 rdma_req_rx_invalid_packets;
2239         __le64 rdma_req_tx_local_access_err;
2240         __le64 rdma_req_tx_local_oper_err;
2241         __le64 rdma_req_tx_memory_mgmt_err;
2242         __le64 rsvd52;
2243         __le64 rsvd53;
2244         __le64 rsvd54;
2246         /* RDMA/ROCE RESP Error/Debugs (896 - 1023) */
2247         __le64 rdma_resp_rx_dup_requests;
2248         __le64 rdma_resp_rx_out_of_buffer;
2249         __le64 rdma_resp_rx_out_of_seq_pkts;
2250         __le64 rdma_resp_rx_cqe_err;
2251         __le64 rdma_resp_rx_cqe_flush_err;
2252         __le64 rdma_resp_rx_local_len_err;
2253         __le64 rdma_resp_rx_inv_request_err;
2254         __le64 rdma_resp_rx_local_qp_oper_err;
2256         __le64 rdma_resp_rx_out_of_atomic_resource;
2257         __le64 rdma_resp_tx_pkt_seq_err;
2258         __le64 rdma_resp_tx_remote_inv_req_err;
2259         __le64 rdma_resp_tx_remote_access_err;
2260         __le64 rdma_resp_tx_remote_oper_err;
2261         __le64 rdma_resp_tx_rnr_retry_err;
2262         __le64 rsvd57;
2263         __le64 rsvd58;
2264 };
2266 /**
2267  * struct lif_info - lif info structure
2268  */
2269 struct ionic_lif_info {
2270         union ionic_lif_config config;
2271         struct ionic_lif_status status;
2272         struct ionic_lif_stats stats;
2273 };
2275 union ionic_dev_cmd {
2276         u32 words[16];
2277         struct ionic_admin_cmd cmd;
2278         struct ionic_nop_cmd nop;
2280         struct ionic_dev_identify_cmd identify;
2281         struct ionic_dev_init_cmd init;
2282         struct ionic_dev_reset_cmd reset;
2283         struct ionic_dev_getattr_cmd getattr;
2284         struct ionic_dev_setattr_cmd setattr;
2286         struct ionic_port_identify_cmd port_identify;
2287         struct ionic_port_init_cmd port_init;
2288         struct ionic_port_reset_cmd port_reset;
2289         struct ionic_port_getattr_cmd port_getattr;
2290         struct ionic_port_setattr_cmd port_setattr;
2292         struct ionic_lif_identify_cmd lif_identify;
2293         struct ionic_lif_init_cmd lif_init;
2294         struct ionic_lif_reset_cmd lif_reset;
2296         struct ionic_qos_identify_cmd qos_identify;
2297         struct ionic_qos_init_cmd qos_init;
2298         struct ionic_qos_reset_cmd qos_reset;
2300         struct ionic_q_init_cmd q_init;
2301 };
2303 union ionic_dev_cmd_comp {
2304         u32 words[4];
2305         u8 status;
2306         struct ionic_admin_comp comp;
2307         struct ionic_nop_comp nop;
2309         struct ionic_dev_identify_comp identify;
2310         struct ionic_dev_init_comp init;
2311         struct ionic_dev_reset_comp reset;
2312         struct ionic_dev_getattr_comp getattr;
2313         struct ionic_dev_setattr_comp setattr;
2315         struct ionic_port_identify_comp port_identify;
2316         struct ionic_port_init_comp port_init;
2317         struct ionic_port_reset_comp port_reset;
2318         struct ionic_port_getattr_comp port_getattr;
2319         struct ionic_port_setattr_comp port_setattr;
2321         struct ionic_lif_identify_comp lif_identify;
2322         struct ionic_lif_init_comp lif_init;
2323         ionic_lif_reset_comp lif_reset;
2325         struct ionic_qos_identify_comp qos_identify;
2326         ionic_qos_init_comp qos_init;
2327         ionic_qos_reset_comp qos_reset;
2329         struct ionic_q_init_comp q_init;
2330 };
2332 /**
2333  * union dev_info - Device info register format (read-only)
2334  * @signature:       Signature value of 0x44455649 ('DEVI').
2335  * @version:         Current version of info.
2336  * @asic_type:       Asic type.
2337  * @asic_rev:        Asic revision.
2338  * @fw_status:       Firmware status.
2339  * @fw_heartbeat:    Firmware heartbeat counter.
2340  * @serial_num:      Serial number.
2341  * @fw_version:      Firmware version.
2342  */
2343 union ionic_dev_info_regs {
2346         struct {
2347                 u32    signature;
2348                 u8     version;
2349                 u8     asic_type;
2350                 u8     asic_rev;
2351                 u8     fw_status;
2352                 u32    fw_heartbeat;
2353                 char   fw_version[IONIC_DEVINFO_FWVERS_BUFLEN];
2354                 char   serial_num[IONIC_DEVINFO_SERIAL_BUFLEN];
2355         };
2356         u32 words[512];
2357 };
2359 /**
2360  * union dev_cmd_regs - Device command register format (read-write)
2361  * @doorbell:        Device Cmd Doorbell, write-only.
2362  *                   Write a 1 to signal device to process cmd,
2363  *                   poll done for completion.
2364  * @done:            Done indicator, bit 0 == 1 when command is complete.
2365  * @cmd:             Opcode-specific command bytes
2366  * @comp:            Opcode-specific response bytes
2367  * @data:            Opcode-specific side-data
2368  */
2369 union ionic_dev_cmd_regs {
2370         struct {
2371                 u32                   doorbell;
2372                 u32                   done;
2373                 union ionic_dev_cmd         cmd;
2374                 union ionic_dev_cmd_comp    comp;
2375                 u8                    rsvd[48];
2376                 u32                   data[478];
2377         };
2378         u32 words[512];
2379 };
2381 /**
2382  * union dev_regs - Device register format in for bar 0 page 0
2383  * @info:            Device info registers
2384  * @devcmd:          Device command registers
2385  */
2386 union ionic_dev_regs {
2387         struct {
2388                 union ionic_dev_info_regs info;
2389                 union ionic_dev_cmd_regs  devcmd;
2390         };
2391         __le32 words[1024];
2392 };
2394 union ionic_adminq_cmd {
2395         struct ionic_admin_cmd cmd;
2396         struct ionic_nop_cmd nop;
2397         struct ionic_q_init_cmd q_init;
2398         struct ionic_q_control_cmd q_control;
2399         struct ionic_lif_setattr_cmd lif_setattr;
2400         struct ionic_lif_getattr_cmd lif_getattr;
2401         struct ionic_rx_mode_set_cmd rx_mode_set;
2402         struct ionic_rx_filter_add_cmd rx_filter_add;
2403         struct ionic_rx_filter_del_cmd rx_filter_del;
2404         struct ionic_rdma_reset_cmd rdma_reset;
2405         struct ionic_rdma_queue_cmd rdma_queue;
2406         struct ionic_fw_download_cmd fw_download;
2407         struct ionic_fw_control_cmd fw_control;
2408 };
2410 union ionic_adminq_comp {
2411         struct ionic_admin_comp comp;
2412         struct ionic_nop_comp nop;
2413         struct ionic_q_init_comp q_init;
2414         struct ionic_lif_setattr_comp lif_setattr;
2415         struct ionic_lif_getattr_comp lif_getattr;
2416         struct ionic_rx_filter_add_comp rx_filter_add;
2417         struct ionic_fw_control_comp fw_control;
2418 };
2420 #define IONIC_BARS_MAX                  6
2421 #define IONIC_PCI_BAR_DBELL             1
2423 /* BAR0 */
2424 #define IONIC_BAR0_SIZE                         0x8000
2426 #define IONIC_BAR0_DEV_INFO_REGS_OFFSET         0x0000
2427 #define IONIC_BAR0_DEV_CMD_REGS_OFFSET          0x0800
2428 #define IONIC_BAR0_DEV_CMD_DATA_REGS_OFFSET     0x0c00
2429 #define IONIC_BAR0_INTR_STATUS_OFFSET           0x1000
2430 #define IONIC_BAR0_INTR_CTRL_OFFSET             0x2000
2431 #define IONIC_DEV_CMD_DONE                      0x00000001
2433 #define IONIC_ASIC_TYPE_CAPRI                   0
2435 /**
2436  * struct doorbell - Doorbell register layout
2437  * @p_index: Producer index
2438  * @ring:    Selects the specific ring of the queue to update.
2439  *           Type-specific meaning:
2440  *              ring=0: Default producer/consumer queue.
2441  *              ring=1: (CQ, EQ) Re-Arm queue.  RDMA CQs
2442  *              send events to EQs when armed.  EQs send
2443  *              interrupts when armed.
2444  * @qid:     The queue id selects the queue destination for the
2445  *           producer index and flags.
2446  */
2447 struct ionic_doorbell {
2448         __le16 p_index;
2449         u8     ring;
2450         u8     qid_lo;
2451         __le16 qid_hi;
2452         u16    rsvd2;
2453 };
2455 struct ionic_intr_status {
2456         u32 status[2];
2457 };
2459 struct ionic_notifyq_cmd {
2460         __le32 data;    /* Not used but needed for qcq structure */
2461 };
2463 union ionic_notifyq_comp {
2464         struct ionic_notifyq_event event;
2465         struct ionic_link_change_event link_change;
2466         struct ionic_reset_event reset;
2467         struct ionic_heartbeat_event heartbeat;
2468         struct ionic_log_event log;
2469 };
2471 /* Deprecate */
2472 struct ionic_identity {
2473         union ionic_drv_identity drv;
2474         union ionic_dev_identity dev;
2475         union ionic_lif_identity lif;
2476         union ionic_port_identity port;
2477         union ionic_qos_identity qos;
2478 };
2480 #pragma pack(pop)
2482 #endif /* _IONIC_IF_H_ */

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