
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. wf_get_mpu

   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
   2 /*
   3  * Windfarm PowerMac thermal control
   4  *
   5  * Copyright 2012 Benjamin Herrenschmidt, IBM Corp.
   6  */
   8 #ifndef __WINDFARM_MPU_H
   9 #define __WINDFARM_MPU_H
  11 typedef unsigned short fu16;
  12 typedef int fs32;
  13 typedef short fs16;
  15 /* Definition of the MPU data structure which contains per CPU
  16  * calibration information (among others) for the G5 machines
  17  */
  18 struct mpu_data
  19 {
  20         u8      signature;              /* 0x00 - EEPROM sig. */
  21         u8      bytes_used;             /* 0x01 - Bytes used in eeprom (160 ?) */
  22         u8      size;                   /* 0x02 - EEPROM size (256 ?) */
  23         u8      version;                /* 0x03 - EEPROM version */
  24         u32     data_revision;          /* 0x04 - Dataset revision */
  25         u8      processor_bin_code[3];  /* 0x08 - Processor BIN code */
  26         u8      bin_code_expansion;     /* 0x0b - ??? (padding ?) */
  27         u8      processor_num;          /* 0x0c - Number of CPUs on this MPU */
  28         u8      input_mul_bus_div;      /* 0x0d - Clock input multiplier/bus divider */
  29         u8      reserved1[2];           /* 0x0e - */
  30         u32     input_clk_freq_high;    /* 0x10 - Input clock frequency high */
  31         u8      cpu_nb_target_cycles;   /* 0x14 - ??? */
  32         u8      cpu_statlat;            /* 0x15 - ??? */
  33         u8      cpu_snooplat;           /* 0x16 - ??? */
  34         u8      cpu_snoopacc;           /* 0x17 - ??? */
  35         u8      nb_paamwin;             /* 0x18 - ??? */
  36         u8      nb_statlat;             /* 0x19 - ??? */
  37         u8      nb_snooplat;            /* 0x1a - ??? */
  38         u8      nb_snoopwin;            /* 0x1b - ??? */
  39         u8      api_bus_mode;           /* 0x1c - ??? */
  40         u8      reserved2[3];           /* 0x1d - */
  41         u32     input_clk_freq_low;     /* 0x20 - Input clock frequency low */
  42         u8      processor_card_slot;    /* 0x24 - Processor card slot number */
  43         u8      reserved3[2];           /* 0x25 - */
  44         u8      padjmax;                /* 0x27 - Max power adjustment (Not in OF!) */
  45         u8      ttarget;                /* 0x28 - Target temperature */
  46         u8      tmax;                   /* 0x29 - Max temperature */
  47         u8      pmaxh;                  /* 0x2a - Max power */
  48         u8      tguardband;             /* 0x2b - Guardband temp ??? Hist. len in OSX */
  49         fs32    pid_gp;                 /* 0x2c - PID proportional gain */
  50         fs32    pid_gr;                 /* 0x30 - PID reset gain */
  51         fs32    pid_gd;                 /* 0x34 - PID derivative gain */
  52         fu16    voph;                   /* 0x38 - Vop High */
  53         fu16    vopl;                   /* 0x3a - Vop Low */
  54         fs16    nactual_die;            /* 0x3c - nActual Die */
  55         fs16    nactual_heatsink;       /* 0x3e - nActual Heatsink */
  56         fs16    nactual_system;         /* 0x40 - nActual System */
  57         u16     calibration_flags;      /* 0x42 - Calibration flags */
  58         fu16    mdiode;                 /* 0x44 - Diode M value (scaling factor) */
  59         fs16    bdiode;                 /* 0x46 - Diode B value (offset) */
  60         fs32    theta_heat_sink;        /* 0x48 - Theta heat sink */
  61         u16     rminn_intake_fan;       /* 0x4c - Intake fan min RPM */
  62         u16     rmaxn_intake_fan;       /* 0x4e - Intake fan max RPM */
  63         u16     rminn_exhaust_fan;      /* 0x50 - Exhaust fan min RPM */
  64         u16     rmaxn_exhaust_fan;      /* 0x52 - Exhaust fan max RPM */
  65         u8      processor_part_num[8];  /* 0x54 - Processor part number XX pumps min/max */
  66         u32     processor_lot_num;      /* 0x5c - Processor lot number */
  67         u8      orig_card_sernum[0x10]; /* 0x60 - Card original serial number */
  68         u8      curr_card_sernum[0x10]; /* 0x70 - Card current serial number */
  69         u8      mlb_sernum[0x18];       /* 0x80 - MLB serial number */
  70         u32     checksum1;              /* 0x98 - */
  71         u32     checksum2;              /* 0x9c - */    
  72 }; /* Total size = 0xa0 */
  74 static inline const struct mpu_data *wf_get_mpu(int cpu)
  75 {
  76         struct device_node *np;
  77         char nodename[64];
  78         const void *data;
  79         int len;
  81         /*
  82          * prom.c routine for finding a node by path is a bit brain dead
  83          * and requires exact @xxx unit numbers. This is a bit ugly but
  84          * will work for these machines
  85          */
  86         sprintf(nodename, "/u3@0,f8000000/i2c@f8001000/cpuid@a%d", cpu ? 2 : 0);
  87         np = of_find_node_by_path(nodename);
  88         if (!np)
  89                 return NULL;
  90         data = of_get_property(np, "cpuid", &len);      
  91         of_node_put(np);
  92         if (!data)
  93                 return NULL;
  95         /*
  96          * We are naughty, we have dropped the reference to the device
  97          * node and still return a pointer to the content. We know we
  98          * can do that though as this is only ever called on PowerMac
  99          * which cannot remove those nodes
 100          */
 101         return data;
 102 }
 104 #endif /*  __WINDFARM_MPU_H */

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