
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. handle_twl4030_pih
  2. twl4030_init_sih_modules
  3. activate_irq
  4. twl4030_sih_mask
  5. twl4030_sih_unmask
  6. twl4030_sih_set_type
  7. twl4030_sih_bus_lock
  8. twl4030_sih_bus_sync_unlock
  9. sih_read_isr
  10. handle_twl4030_sih
  11. twl4030_sih_setup
  12. twl4030_init_irq
  13. twl4030_exit_irq
  14. twl4030_init_chip_irq

   1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
   2 /*
   3  * twl4030-irq.c - TWL4030/TPS659x0 irq support
   4  *
   5  * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Texas Instruments, Inc.
   6  *
   7  * Modifications to defer interrupt handling to a kernel thread:
   8  * Copyright (C) 2006 MontaVista Software, Inc.
   9  *
  10  * Based on tlv320aic23.c:
  11  * Copyright (c) by Kai Svahn <>
  12  *
  13  * Code cleanup and modifications to IRQ handler.
  14  * by syed khasim <>
  15  */
  17 #include <linux/export.h>
  18 #include <linux/interrupt.h>
  19 #include <linux/irq.h>
  20 #include <linux/slab.h>
  21 #include <linux/of.h>
  22 #include <linux/irqdomain.h>
  23 #include <linux/mfd/twl.h>
  25 #include "twl-core.h"
  27 /*
  28  * TWL4030 IRQ handling has two stages in hardware, and thus in software.
  29  * The Primary Interrupt Handler (PIH) stage exposes status bits saying
  30  * which Secondary Interrupt Handler (SIH) stage is raising an interrupt.
  31  * SIH modules are more traditional IRQ components, which support per-IRQ
  32  * enable/disable and trigger controls; they do most of the work.
  33  *
  34  * These chips are designed to support IRQ handling from two different
  35  * I2C masters.  Each has a dedicated IRQ line, and dedicated IRQ status
  36  * and mask registers in the PIH and SIH modules.
  37  *
  38  * We set up IRQs starting at a platform-specified base, always starting
  39  * with PIH and the SIH for PWR_INT and then usually adding GPIO:
  40  *      base + 0  .. base + 7   PIH
  41  *      base + 8  .. base + 15  SIH for PWR_INT
  42  *      base + 16 .. base + 33  SIH for GPIO
  43  */
  44 #define TWL4030_CORE_NR_IRQS    8
  45 #define TWL4030_PWR_NR_IRQS     8
  47 /* PIH register offsets */
  48 #define REG_PIH_ISR_P1                  0x01
  49 #define REG_PIH_ISR_P2                  0x02
  50 #define REG_PIH_SIR                     0x03    /* for testing */
  52 /* Linux could (eventually) use either IRQ line */
  53 static int irq_line;
  55 struct sih {
  56         char    name[8];
  57         u8      module;                 /* module id */
  58         u8      control_offset;         /* for SIH_CTRL */
  59         bool    set_cor;
  61         u8      bits;                   /* valid in isr/imr */
  62         u8      bytes_ixr;              /* bytelen of ISR/IMR/SIR */
  64         u8      edr_offset;
  65         u8      bytes_edr;              /* bytelen of EDR */
  67         u8      irq_lines;              /* number of supported irq lines */
  69         /* SIR ignored -- set interrupt, for testing only */
  70         struct sih_irq_data {
  71                 u8      isr_offset;
  72                 u8      imr_offset;
  73         } mask[2];
  74         /* + 2 bytes padding */
  75 };
  77 static const struct sih *sih_modules;
  78 static int nr_sih_modules;
  80 #define SIH_INITIALIZER(modname, nbits) \
  81         .module         = TWL4030_MODULE_ ## modname, \
  82         .control_offset = TWL4030_ ## modname ## _SIH_CTRL, \
  83         .bits           = nbits, \
  84         .bytes_ixr      = DIV_ROUND_UP(nbits, 8), \
  85         .edr_offset     = TWL4030_ ## modname ## _EDR, \
  86         .bytes_edr      = DIV_ROUND_UP((2*(nbits)), 8), \
  87         .irq_lines      = 2, \
  88         .mask = { { \
  89                 .isr_offset     = TWL4030_ ## modname ## _ISR1, \
  90                 .imr_offset     = TWL4030_ ## modname ## _IMR1, \
  91         }, \
  92         { \
  93                 .isr_offset     = TWL4030_ ## modname ## _ISR2, \
  94                 .imr_offset     = TWL4030_ ## modname ## _IMR2, \
  95         }, },
  97 /* register naming policies are inconsistent ... */
  98 #define TWL4030_INT_PWR_EDR             TWL4030_INT_PWR_EDR1
 100 #define TWL4030_MODULE_INT_PWR          TWL4030_MODULE_INT
 103 /*
 104  * Order in this table matches order in PIH_ISR.  That is,
 105  * BIT(n) in PIH_ISR is sih_modules[n].
 106  */
 107 /* sih_modules_twl4030 is used both in twl4030 and twl5030 */
 108 static const struct sih sih_modules_twl4030[6] = {
 109         [0] = {
 110                 .name           = "gpio",
 111                 .module         = TWL4030_MODULE_GPIO,
 112                 .control_offset = REG_GPIO_SIH_CTRL,
 113                 .set_cor        = true,
 114                 .bits           = TWL4030_GPIO_MAX,
 115                 .bytes_ixr      = 3,
 116                 /* Note: *all* of these IRQs default to no-trigger */
 117                 .edr_offset     = REG_GPIO_EDR1,
 118                 .bytes_edr      = 5,
 119                 .irq_lines      = 2,
 120                 .mask = { {
 121                         .isr_offset     = REG_GPIO_ISR1A,
 122                         .imr_offset     = REG_GPIO_IMR1A,
 123                 }, {
 124                         .isr_offset     = REG_GPIO_ISR1B,
 125                         .imr_offset     = REG_GPIO_IMR1B,
 126                 }, },
 127         },
 128         [1] = {
 129                 .name           = "keypad",
 130                 .set_cor        = true,
 131                 SIH_INITIALIZER(KEYPAD_KEYP, 4)
 132         },
 133         [2] = {
 134                 .name           = "bci",
 135                 .module         = TWL4030_MODULE_INTERRUPTS,
 136                 .control_offset = TWL4030_INTERRUPTS_BCISIHCTRL,
 137                 .set_cor        = true,
 138                 .bits           = 12,
 139                 .bytes_ixr      = 2,
 140                 .edr_offset     = TWL4030_INTERRUPTS_BCIEDR1,
 141                 /* Note: most of these IRQs default to no-trigger */
 142                 .bytes_edr      = 3,
 143                 .irq_lines      = 2,
 144                 .mask = { {
 145                         .isr_offset     = TWL4030_INTERRUPTS_BCIISR1A,
 146                         .imr_offset     = TWL4030_INTERRUPTS_BCIIMR1A,
 147                 }, {
 148                         .isr_offset     = TWL4030_INTERRUPTS_BCIISR1B,
 149                         .imr_offset     = TWL4030_INTERRUPTS_BCIIMR1B,
 150                 }, },
 151         },
 152         [3] = {
 153                 .name           = "madc",
 154                 SIH_INITIALIZER(MADC, 4)
 155         },
 156         [4] = {
 157                 /* USB doesn't use the same SIH organization */
 158                 .name           = "usb",
 159         },
 160         [5] = {
 161                 .name           = "power",
 162                 .set_cor        = true,
 163                 SIH_INITIALIZER(INT_PWR, 8)
 164         },
 165                 /* there are no SIH modules #6 or #7 ... */
 166 };
 168 static const struct sih sih_modules_twl5031[8] = {
 169         [0] = {
 170                 .name           = "gpio",
 171                 .module         = TWL4030_MODULE_GPIO,
 172                 .control_offset = REG_GPIO_SIH_CTRL,
 173                 .set_cor        = true,
 174                 .bits           = TWL4030_GPIO_MAX,
 175                 .bytes_ixr      = 3,
 176                 /* Note: *all* of these IRQs default to no-trigger */
 177                 .edr_offset     = REG_GPIO_EDR1,
 178                 .bytes_edr      = 5,
 179                 .irq_lines      = 2,
 180                 .mask = { {
 181                         .isr_offset     = REG_GPIO_ISR1A,
 182                         .imr_offset     = REG_GPIO_IMR1A,
 183                 }, {
 184                         .isr_offset     = REG_GPIO_ISR1B,
 185                         .imr_offset     = REG_GPIO_IMR1B,
 186                 }, },
 187         },
 188         [1] = {
 189                 .name           = "keypad",
 190                 .set_cor        = true,
 191                 SIH_INITIALIZER(KEYPAD_KEYP, 4)
 192         },
 193         [2] = {
 194                 .name           = "bci",
 195                 .module         = TWL5031_MODULE_INTERRUPTS,
 196                 .control_offset = TWL5031_INTERRUPTS_BCISIHCTRL,
 197                 .bits           = 7,
 198                 .bytes_ixr      = 1,
 199                 .edr_offset     = TWL5031_INTERRUPTS_BCIEDR1,
 200                 /* Note: most of these IRQs default to no-trigger */
 201                 .bytes_edr      = 2,
 202                 .irq_lines      = 2,
 203                 .mask = { {
 204                         .isr_offset     = TWL5031_INTERRUPTS_BCIISR1,
 205                         .imr_offset     = TWL5031_INTERRUPTS_BCIIMR1,
 206                 }, {
 207                         .isr_offset     = TWL5031_INTERRUPTS_BCIISR2,
 208                         .imr_offset     = TWL5031_INTERRUPTS_BCIIMR2,
 209                 }, },
 210         },
 211         [3] = {
 212                 .name           = "madc",
 213                 SIH_INITIALIZER(MADC, 4)
 214         },
 215         [4] = {
 216                 /* USB doesn't use the same SIH organization */
 217                 .name           = "usb",
 218         },
 219         [5] = {
 220                 .name           = "power",
 221                 .set_cor        = true,
 222                 SIH_INITIALIZER(INT_PWR, 8)
 223         },
 224         [6] = {
 225                 /*
 226                  * ECI/DBI doesn't use the same SIH organization.
 227                  * For example, it supports only one interrupt output line.
 228                  * That is, the interrupts are seen on both INT1 and INT2 lines.
 229                  */
 230                 .name           = "eci_dbi",
 231                 .module         = TWL5031_MODULE_ACCESSORY,
 232                 .bits           = 9,
 233                 .bytes_ixr      = 2,
 234                 .irq_lines      = 1,
 235                 .mask = { {
 236                         .isr_offset     = TWL5031_ACIIDR_LSB,
 237                         .imr_offset     = TWL5031_ACIIMR_LSB,
 238                 }, },
 240         },
 241         [7] = {
 242                 /* Audio accessory */
 243                 .name           = "audio",
 244                 .module         = TWL5031_MODULE_ACCESSORY,
 245                 .control_offset = TWL5031_ACCSIHCTRL,
 246                 .bits           = 2,
 247                 .bytes_ixr      = 1,
 248                 .edr_offset     = TWL5031_ACCEDR1,
 249                 /* Note: most of these IRQs default to no-trigger */
 250                 .bytes_edr      = 1,
 251                 .irq_lines      = 2,
 252                 .mask = { {
 253                         .isr_offset     = TWL5031_ACCISR1,
 254                         .imr_offset     = TWL5031_ACCIMR1,
 255                 }, {
 256                         .isr_offset     = TWL5031_ACCISR2,
 257                         .imr_offset     = TWL5031_ACCIMR2,
 258                 }, },
 259         },
 260 };
 262 #undef TWL4030_MODULE_KEYPAD_KEYP
 263 #undef TWL4030_MODULE_INT_PWR
 264 #undef TWL4030_INT_PWR_EDR
 266 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 268 static unsigned twl4030_irq_base;
 270 /*
 271  * handle_twl4030_pih() is the desc->handle method for the twl4030 interrupt.
 272  * This is a chained interrupt, so there is no desc->action method for it.
 273  * Now we need to query the interrupt controller in the twl4030 to determine
 274  * which module is generating the interrupt request.  However, we can't do i2c
 275  * transactions in interrupt context, so we must defer that work to a kernel
 276  * thread.  All we do here is acknowledge and mask the interrupt and wakeup
 277  * the kernel thread.
 278  */
 279 static irqreturn_t handle_twl4030_pih(int irq, void *devid)
 280 {
 281         irqreturn_t     ret;
 282         u8              pih_isr;
 284         ret = twl_i2c_read_u8(TWL_MODULE_PIH, &pih_isr,
 285                               REG_PIH_ISR_P1);
 286         if (ret) {
 287                 pr_warn("twl4030: I2C error %d reading PIH ISR\n", ret);
 288                 return IRQ_NONE;
 289         }
 291         while (pih_isr) {
 292                 unsigned long   pending = __ffs(pih_isr);
 293                 unsigned int    irq;
 295                 pih_isr &= ~BIT(pending);
 296                 irq = pending + twl4030_irq_base;
 297                 handle_nested_irq(irq);
 298         }
 300         return IRQ_HANDLED;
 301 }
 303 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 305 /*
 306  * twl4030_init_sih_modules() ... start from a known state where no
 307  * IRQs will be coming in, and where we can quickly enable them then
 308  * handle them as they arrive.  Mask all IRQs: maybe init SIH_CTRL.
 309  *
 310  * NOTE:  we don't touch EDR registers here; they stay with hardware
 311  * defaults or whatever the last value was.  Note that when both EDR
 312  * bits for an IRQ are clear, that's as if its IMR bit is set...
 313  */
 314 static int twl4030_init_sih_modules(unsigned line)
 315 {
 316         const struct sih *sih;
 317         u8 buf[4];
 318         int i;
 319         int status;
 321         /* line 0 == int1_n signal; line 1 == int2_n signal */
 322         if (line > 1)
 323                 return -EINVAL;
 325         irq_line = line;
 327         /* disable all interrupts on our line */
 328         memset(buf, 0xff, sizeof(buf));
 329         sih = sih_modules;
 330         for (i = 0; i < nr_sih_modules; i++, sih++) {
 331                 /* skip USB -- it's funky */
 332                 if (!sih->bytes_ixr)
 333                         continue;
 335                 /* Not all the SIH modules support multiple interrupt lines */
 336                 if (sih->irq_lines <= line)
 337                         continue;
 339                 status = twl_i2c_write(sih->module, buf,
 340                                 sih->mask[line].imr_offset, sih->bytes_ixr);
 341                 if (status < 0)
 342                         pr_err("twl4030: err %d initializing %s %s\n",
 343                                         status, sih->name, "IMR");
 345                 /*
 346                  * Maybe disable "exclusive" mode; buffer second pending irq;
 347                  * set Clear-On-Read (COR) bit.
 348                  *
 349                  * NOTE that sometimes COR polarity is documented as being
 350                  * inverted:  for MADC, COR=1 means "clear on write".
 351                  * And for PWR_INT it's not documented...
 352                  */
 353                 if (sih->set_cor) {
 354                         status = twl_i2c_write_u8(sih->module,
 355                                         TWL4030_SIH_CTRL_COR_MASK,
 356                                         sih->control_offset);
 357                         if (status < 0)
 358                                 pr_err("twl4030: err %d initializing %s %s\n",
 359                                                 status, sih->name, "SIH_CTRL");
 360                 }
 361         }
 363         sih = sih_modules;
 364         for (i = 0; i < nr_sih_modules; i++, sih++) {
 365                 u8 rxbuf[4];
 366                 int j;
 368                 /* skip USB */
 369                 if (!sih->bytes_ixr)
 370                         continue;
 372                 /* Not all the SIH modules support multiple interrupt lines */
 373                 if (sih->irq_lines <= line)
 374                         continue;
 376                 /*
 377                  * Clear pending interrupt status.  Either the read was
 378                  * enough, or we need to write those bits.  Repeat, in
 379                  * case an IRQ is pending (PENDDIS=0) ... that's not
 380                  * uncommon with PWR_INT.PWRON.
 381                  */
 382                 for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
 383                         status = twl_i2c_read(sih->module, rxbuf,
 384                                 sih->mask[line].isr_offset, sih->bytes_ixr);
 385                         if (status < 0)
 386                                 pr_warn("twl4030: err %d initializing %s %s\n",
 387                                         status, sih->name, "ISR");
 389                         if (!sih->set_cor) {
 390                                 status = twl_i2c_write(sih->module, buf,
 391                                         sih->mask[line].isr_offset,
 392                                         sih->bytes_ixr);
 393                                 if (status < 0)
 394                                         pr_warn("twl4030: write failed: %d\n",
 395                                                 status);
 396                         }
 397                         /*
 398                          * else COR=1 means read sufficed.
 399                          * (for most SIH modules...)
 400                          */
 401                 }
 402         }
 404         return 0;
 405 }
 407 static inline void activate_irq(int irq)
 408 {
 409         irq_clear_status_flags(irq, IRQ_NOREQUEST | IRQ_NOPROBE);
 410 }
 412 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 414 struct sih_agent {
 415         int                     irq_base;
 416         const struct sih        *sih;
 418         u32                     imr;
 419         bool                    imr_change_pending;
 421         u32                     edge_change;
 423         struct mutex            irq_lock;
 424         char                    *irq_name;
 425 };
 427 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 429 /*
 430  * All irq_chip methods get issued from code holding irq_desc[irq].lock,
 431  * which can't perform the underlying I2C operations (because they sleep).
 432  * So we must hand them off to a thread (workqueue) and cope with asynch
 433  * completion, potentially including some re-ordering, of these requests.
 434  */
 436 static void twl4030_sih_mask(struct irq_data *data)
 437 {
 438         struct sih_agent *agent = irq_data_get_irq_chip_data(data);
 440         agent->imr |= BIT(data->irq - agent->irq_base);
 441         agent->imr_change_pending = true;
 442 }
 444 static void twl4030_sih_unmask(struct irq_data *data)
 445 {
 446         struct sih_agent *agent = irq_data_get_irq_chip_data(data);
 448         agent->imr &= ~BIT(data->irq - agent->irq_base);
 449         agent->imr_change_pending = true;
 450 }
 452 static int twl4030_sih_set_type(struct irq_data *data, unsigned trigger)
 453 {
 454         struct sih_agent *agent = irq_data_get_irq_chip_data(data);
 456         if (trigger & ~(IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING | IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING))
 457                 return -EINVAL;
 459         if (irqd_get_trigger_type(data) != trigger)
 460                 agent->edge_change |= BIT(data->irq - agent->irq_base);
 462         return 0;
 463 }
 465 static void twl4030_sih_bus_lock(struct irq_data *data)
 466 {
 467         struct sih_agent        *agent = irq_data_get_irq_chip_data(data);
 469         mutex_lock(&agent->irq_lock);
 470 }
 472 static void twl4030_sih_bus_sync_unlock(struct irq_data *data)
 473 {
 474         struct sih_agent        *agent = irq_data_get_irq_chip_data(data);
 475         const struct sih        *sih = agent->sih;
 476         int                     status;
 478         if (agent->imr_change_pending) {
 479                 union {
 480                         u32     word;
 481                         u8      bytes[4];
 482                 } imr;
 484                 /* byte[0] gets overwritten as we write ... */
 485                 imr.word = cpu_to_le32(agent->imr);
 486                 agent->imr_change_pending = false;
 488                 /* write the whole mask ... simpler than subsetting it */
 489                 status = twl_i2c_write(sih->module, imr.bytes,
 490                                 sih->mask[irq_line].imr_offset,
 491                                 sih->bytes_ixr);
 492                 if (status)
 493                         pr_err("twl4030: %s, %s --> %d\n", __func__,
 494                                         "write", status);
 495         }
 497         if (agent->edge_change) {
 498                 u32             edge_change;
 499                 u8              bytes[6];
 501                 edge_change = agent->edge_change;
 502                 agent->edge_change = 0;
 504                 /*
 505                  * Read, reserving first byte for write scratch.  Yes, this
 506                  * could be cached for some speedup ... but be careful about
 507                  * any processor on the other IRQ line, EDR registers are
 508                  * shared.
 509                  */
 510                 status = twl_i2c_read(sih->module, bytes,
 511                                 sih->edr_offset, sih->bytes_edr);
 512                 if (status) {
 513                         pr_err("twl4030: %s, %s --> %d\n", __func__,
 514                                         "read", status);
 515                         return;
 516                 }
 518                 /* Modify only the bits we know must change */
 519                 while (edge_change) {
 520                         int             i = fls(edge_change) - 1;
 521                         int             byte = i >> 2;
 522                         int             off = (i & 0x3) * 2;
 523                         unsigned int    type;
 525                         bytes[byte] &= ~(0x03 << off);
 527                         type = irq_get_trigger_type(i + agent->irq_base);
 528                         if (type & IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING)
 529                                 bytes[byte] |= BIT(off + 1);
 530                         if (type & IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING)
 531                                 bytes[byte] |= BIT(off + 0);
 533                         edge_change &= ~BIT(i);
 534                 }
 536                 /* Write */
 537                 status = twl_i2c_write(sih->module, bytes,
 538                                 sih->edr_offset, sih->bytes_edr);
 539                 if (status)
 540                         pr_err("twl4030: %s, %s --> %d\n", __func__,
 541                                         "write", status);
 542         }
 544         mutex_unlock(&agent->irq_lock);
 545 }
 547 static struct irq_chip twl4030_sih_irq_chip = {
 548         .name           = "twl4030",
 549         .irq_mask       = twl4030_sih_mask,
 550         .irq_unmask     = twl4030_sih_unmask,
 551         .irq_set_type   = twl4030_sih_set_type,
 552         .irq_bus_lock   = twl4030_sih_bus_lock,
 553         .irq_bus_sync_unlock = twl4030_sih_bus_sync_unlock,
 554         .flags          = IRQCHIP_SKIP_SET_WAKE,
 555 };
 557 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 559 static inline int sih_read_isr(const struct sih *sih)
 560 {
 561         int status;
 562         union {
 563                 u8 bytes[4];
 564                 u32 word;
 565         } isr;
 567         /* FIXME need retry-on-error ... */
 569         isr.word = 0;
 570         status = twl_i2c_read(sih->module, isr.bytes,
 571                         sih->mask[irq_line].isr_offset, sih->bytes_ixr);
 573         return (status < 0) ? status : le32_to_cpu(isr.word);
 574 }
 576 /*
 577  * Generic handler for SIH interrupts ... we "know" this is called
 578  * in task context, with IRQs enabled.
 579  */
 580 static irqreturn_t handle_twl4030_sih(int irq, void *data)
 581 {
 582         struct sih_agent *agent = irq_get_handler_data(irq);
 583         const struct sih *sih = agent->sih;
 584         int isr;
 586         /* reading ISR acks the IRQs, using clear-on-read mode */
 587         isr = sih_read_isr(sih);
 589         if (isr < 0) {
 590                 pr_err("twl4030: %s SIH, read ISR error %d\n",
 591                         sih->name, isr);
 592                 /* REVISIT:  recover; eventually mask it all, etc */
 593                 return IRQ_HANDLED;
 594         }
 596         while (isr) {
 597                 irq = fls(isr);
 598                 irq--;
 599                 isr &= ~BIT(irq);
 601                 if (irq < sih->bits)
 602                         handle_nested_irq(agent->irq_base + irq);
 603                 else
 604                         pr_err("twl4030: %s SIH, invalid ISR bit %d\n",
 605                                 sih->name, irq);
 606         }
 607         return IRQ_HANDLED;
 608 }
 610 /* returns the first IRQ used by this SIH bank, or negative errno */
 611 int twl4030_sih_setup(struct device *dev, int module, int irq_base)
 612 {
 613         int                     sih_mod;
 614         const struct sih        *sih = NULL;
 615         struct sih_agent        *agent;
 616         int                     i, irq;
 617         int                     status = -EINVAL;
 619         /* only support modules with standard clear-on-read for now */
 620         for (sih_mod = 0, sih = sih_modules; sih_mod < nr_sih_modules;
 621                         sih_mod++, sih++) {
 622                 if (sih->module == module && sih->set_cor) {
 623                         status = 0;
 624                         break;
 625                 }
 626         }
 628         if (status < 0) {
 629                 dev_err(dev, "module to setup SIH for not found\n");
 630                 return status;
 631         }
 633         agent = kzalloc(sizeof(*agent), GFP_KERNEL);
 634         if (!agent)
 635                 return -ENOMEM;
 637         agent->irq_base = irq_base;
 638         agent->sih = sih;
 639         agent->imr = ~0;
 640         mutex_init(&agent->irq_lock);
 642         for (i = 0; i < sih->bits; i++) {
 643                 irq = irq_base + i;
 645                 irq_set_chip_data(irq, agent);
 646                 irq_set_chip_and_handler(irq, &twl4030_sih_irq_chip,
 647                                          handle_edge_irq);
 648                 irq_set_nested_thread(irq, 1);
 649                 activate_irq(irq);
 650         }
 652         /* replace generic PIH handler (handle_simple_irq) */
 653         irq = sih_mod + twl4030_irq_base;
 654         irq_set_handler_data(irq, agent);
 655         agent->irq_name = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "twl4030_%s", sih->name);
 656         status = request_threaded_irq(irq, NULL, handle_twl4030_sih,
 657                                       IRQF_EARLY_RESUME | IRQF_ONESHOT,
 658                                       agent->irq_name ?: sih->name, NULL);
 660         dev_info(dev, "%s (irq %d) chaining IRQs %d..%d\n", sih->name,
 661                         irq, irq_base, irq_base + i - 1);
 663         return status < 0 ? status : irq_base;
 664 }
 666 /* FIXME need a call to reverse twl4030_sih_setup() ... */
 668 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 670 /* FIXME pass in which interrupt line we'll use ... */
 671 #define twl_irq_line    0
 673 int twl4030_init_irq(struct device *dev, int irq_num)
 674 {
 675         static struct irq_chip  twl4030_irq_chip;
 676         int                     status, i;
 677         int                     irq_base, irq_end, nr_irqs;
 678         struct                  device_node *node = dev->of_node;
 680         /*
 681          * TWL core and pwr interrupts must be contiguous because
 682          * the hwirqs numbers are defined contiguously from 1 to 15.
 683          * Create only one domain for both.
 684          */
 685         nr_irqs = TWL4030_PWR_NR_IRQS + TWL4030_CORE_NR_IRQS;
 687         irq_base = irq_alloc_descs(-1, 0, nr_irqs, 0);
 688         if (irq_base < 0) {
 689                 dev_err(dev, "Fail to allocate IRQ descs\n");
 690                 return irq_base;
 691         }
 693         irq_domain_add_legacy(node, nr_irqs, irq_base, 0,
 694                               &irq_domain_simple_ops, NULL);
 696         irq_end = irq_base + TWL4030_CORE_NR_IRQS;
 698         /*
 699          * Mask and clear all TWL4030 interrupts since initially we do
 700          * not have any TWL4030 module interrupt handlers present
 701          */
 702         status = twl4030_init_sih_modules(twl_irq_line);
 703         if (status < 0)
 704                 return status;
 706         twl4030_irq_base = irq_base;
 708         /*
 709          * Install an irq handler for each of the SIH modules;
 710          * clone dummy irq_chip since PIH can't *do* anything
 711          */
 712         twl4030_irq_chip = dummy_irq_chip;
 713 = "twl4030";
 715         twl4030_sih_irq_chip.irq_ack = dummy_irq_chip.irq_ack;
 717         for (i = irq_base; i < irq_end; i++) {
 718                 irq_set_chip_and_handler(i, &twl4030_irq_chip,
 719                                          handle_simple_irq);
 720                 irq_set_nested_thread(i, 1);
 721                 activate_irq(i);
 722         }
 724         dev_info(dev, "%s (irq %d) chaining IRQs %d..%d\n", "PIH",
 725                         irq_num, irq_base, irq_end);
 727         /* ... and the PWR_INT module ... */
 728         status = twl4030_sih_setup(dev, TWL4030_MODULE_INT, irq_end);
 729         if (status < 0) {
 730                 dev_err(dev, "sih_setup PWR INT --> %d\n", status);
 731                 goto fail;
 732         }
 734         /* install an irq handler to demultiplex the TWL4030 interrupt */
 735         status = request_threaded_irq(irq_num, NULL, handle_twl4030_pih,
 736                                       IRQF_ONESHOT,
 737                                       "TWL4030-PIH", NULL);
 738         if (status < 0) {
 739                 dev_err(dev, "could not claim irq%d: %d\n", irq_num, status);
 740                 goto fail_rqirq;
 741         }
 742         enable_irq_wake(irq_num);
 744         return irq_base;
 745 fail_rqirq:
 746         /* clean up twl4030_sih_setup */
 747 fail:
 748         for (i = irq_base; i < irq_end; i++) {
 749                 irq_set_nested_thread(i, 0);
 750                 irq_set_chip_and_handler(i, NULL, NULL);
 751         }
 753         return status;
 754 }
 756 int twl4030_exit_irq(void)
 757 {
 758         /* FIXME undo twl_init_irq() */
 759         if (twl4030_irq_base) {
 760                 pr_err("twl4030: can't yet clean up IRQs?\n");
 761                 return -ENOSYS;
 762         }
 763         return 0;
 764 }
 766 int twl4030_init_chip_irq(const char *chip)
 767 {
 768         if (!strcmp(chip, "twl5031")) {
 769                 sih_modules = sih_modules_twl5031;
 770                 nr_sih_modules = ARRAY_SIZE(sih_modules_twl5031);
 771         } else {
 772                 sih_modules = sih_modules_twl4030;
 773                 nr_sih_modules = ARRAY_SIZE(sih_modules_twl4030);
 774         }
 776         return 0;
 777 }

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