
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
   2 /*
   3  * This routine clears to zero a linear memory buffer in user space.
   4  *
   5  * Inputs:
   6  *      in0:    address of buffer
   7  *      in1:    length of buffer in bytes
   8  * Outputs:
   9  *      r8:     number of bytes that didn't get cleared due to a fault
  10  *
  11  * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2001 Hewlett-Packard Co
  12  *      Stephane Eranian <>
  13  */
  15 #include <asm/asmmacro.h>
  16 #include <asm/export.h>
  18 //
  19 // arguments
  20 //
  21 #define buf             r32
  22 #define len             r33
  24 //
  25 // local registers
  26 //
  27 #define cnt             r16
  28 #define buf2            r17
  29 #define saved_lc        r18
  30 #define saved_pfs       r19
  31 #define tmp             r20
  32 #define len2            r21
  33 #define len3            r22
  35 //
  36 // Theory of operations:
  37 //      - we check whether or not the buffer is small, i.e., less than 17
  38 //        in which case we do the byte by byte loop.
  39 //
  40 //      - Otherwise we go progressively from 1 byte store to 8byte store in
  41 //        the head part, the body is a 16byte store loop and we finish we the
  42 //        tail for the last 15 bytes.
  43 //        The good point about this breakdown is that the long buffer handling
  44 //        contains only 2 branches.
  45 //
  46 //      The reason for not using shifting & masking for both the head and the
  47 //      tail is to stay semantically correct. This routine is not supposed
  48 //      to write bytes outside of the buffer. While most of the time this would
  49 //      be ok, we can't tolerate a mistake. A classical example is the case
  50 //      of multithreaded code were to the extra bytes touched is actually owned
  51 //      by another thread which runs concurrently to ours. Another, less likely,
  52 //      example is with device drivers where reading an I/O mapped location may
  53 //      have side effects (same thing for writing).
  54 //
  56 GLOBAL_ENTRY(__do_clear_user)
  57         .prologue
  58         .save ar.pfs, saved_pfs
  59         alloc   saved_pfs=ar.pfs,2,0,0,0
  60         cmp.eq p6,p0=r0,len             // check for zero length
  61         .save, saved_lc
  62         mov              // preserve (slow)
  63         .body
  64         ;;                              // avoid WAW on CFM
  65         adds tmp=-1,len                 // br.ctop is repeat/until
  66         mov ret0=len                    // return value is length at this point
  67 (p6)    br.ret.spnt.many rp
  68         ;;
  69 p6,p0=16,len             // if len > 16 then long memset
  70         mov                   // initialize lc for small count
  71 (p6)    br.cond.dptk .long_do_clear
  72         ;;                              // WAR on
  73         //
  74         // worst case 16 iterations, avg 8 iterations
  75         //
  76         // We could have played with the predicates to use the extra
  77         // M slot for 2 stores/iteration but the cost the initialization
  78         // the various counters compared to how long the loop is supposed
  79         // to last on average does not make this solution viable.
  80         //
  81 1:
  82         EX( .Lexit1, st1 [buf]=r0,1 )
  83         adds len=-1,len                 // countdown length using len
  84         br.cloop.dptk 1b
  85         ;;                              // avoid RAW on
  86         //
  87         // .Lexit4: comes from byte by byte loop
  88         //          len contains bytes left
  89 .Lexit1:
  90         mov ret0=len                    // faster than using
  91         mov
  92         br.ret.sptk.many rp             // end of short clear_user
  95         //
  96         // At this point we know we have more than 16 bytes to copy
  97         // so we focus on alignment (no branches required)
  98         //
  99         // The use of len/len2 for countdown of the number of bytes left
 100         // instead of ret0 is due to the fact that the exception code
 101         // changes the values of r8.
 102         //
 103 .long_do_clear:
 104 p6,p0=buf,0             // odd alignment (for long_do_clear)
 105         ;;
 106         EX( .Lexit3, (p6) st1 [buf]=r0,1 )      // 1-byte aligned
 107 (p6)    adds len=-1,len;;               // sync because buf is modified
 108 p6,p0=buf,1
 109         ;;
 110         EX( .Lexit3, (p6) st2 [buf]=r0,2 )      // 2-byte aligned
 111 (p6)    adds len=-2,len;;
 112 p6,p0=buf,2
 113         ;;
 114         EX( .Lexit3, (p6) st4 [buf]=r0,4 )      // 4-byte aligned
 115 (p6)    adds len=-4,len;;
 116 p6,p0=buf,3
 117         ;;
 118         EX( .Lexit3, (p6) st8 [buf]=r0,8 )      // 8-byte aligned
 119 (p6)    adds len=-8,len;;
 120         shr.u cnt=len,4         // number of 128-bit (2x64bit) words
 121         ;;
 122         cmp.eq p6,p0=r0,cnt
 123         adds tmp=-1,cnt
 124 (p6)    br.cond.dpnt .dotail            // we have less than 16 bytes left
 125         ;;
 126         adds buf2=8,buf                 // setup second base pointer
 127         mov
 128         ;;
 130         //
 131         // 16bytes/iteration core loop
 132         //
 133         // The second store can never generate a fault because
 134         // we come into the loop only when we are 16-byte aligned.
 135         // This means that if we cross a page then it will always be
 136         // in the first store and never in the second.
 137         //
 138         //
 139         // We need to keep track of the remaining length. A possible (optimistic)
 140         // way would be to use and derive how many byte were left by
 141         // doing : left= 16* + 16.  this would avoid the addition at
 142         // every iteration.
 143         // However we need to keep the synchronization point. A template
 144         // M;;MB does not exist and thus we can keep the addition at no
 145         // extra cycle cost (use a nop slot anyway). It also simplifies the
 146         // (unlikely)  error recovery code
 147         //
 149 2:      EX(.Lexit3, st8 [buf]=r0,16 )
 150         ;;                              // needed to get len correct when error
 151         st8 [buf2]=r0,16
 152         adds len=-16,len
 153         br.cloop.dptk 2b
 154         ;;
 155         mov
 156         //
 157         // tail correction based on len only
 158         //
 159         // We alternate the use of len3,len2 to allow parallelism and correct
 160         // error handling. We also reuse p6/p7 to return correct value.
 161         // The addition of len2/len3 does not cost anything more compared to
 162         // the regular memset as we had empty slots.
 163         //
 164 .dotail:
 165         mov len2=len                    // for parallelization of error handling
 166         mov len3=len
 167 p6,p0=len,3
 168         ;;
 169         EX( .Lexit2, (p6) st8 [buf]=r0,8 )      // at least 8 bytes
 170 (p6)    adds len3=-8,len2
 171 p7,p6=len,2
 172         ;;
 173         EX( .Lexit2, (p7) st4 [buf]=r0,4 )      // at least 4 bytes
 174 (p7)    adds len2=-4,len3
 175 p6,p7=len,1
 176         ;;
 177         EX( .Lexit2, (p6) st2 [buf]=r0,2 )      // at least 2 bytes
 178 (p6)    adds len3=-2,len2
 179 p7,p6=len,0
 180         ;;
 181         EX( .Lexit2, (p7) st1 [buf]=r0 )        // only 1 byte left
 182         mov ret0=r0                             // success
 183         br.ret.sptk.many rp                     // end of most likely path
 185         //
 186         // Outlined error handling code
 187         //
 189         //
 190         // .Lexit3: comes from core loop, need restore pr/lc
 191         //          len contains bytes left
 192         //
 193         //
 194         // .Lexit2:
 195         //      if p6 -> coming from st8 or st2 : len2 contains what's left
 196         //      if p7 -> coming from st4 or st1 : len3 contains what's left
 197         // We must restore lc/pr even though might not have been used.
 198 .Lexit2:
 199         .pred.rel "mutex", p6, p7
 200 (p6)    mov len=len2
 201 (p7)    mov len=len3
 202         ;;
 203         //
 204         // .Lexit4: comes from head, need not restore pr/lc
 205         //          len contains bytes left
 206         //
 207 .Lexit3:
 208         mov ret0=len
 209         mov
 210         br.ret.sptk.many rp
 211 END(__do_clear_user)
 212 EXPORT_SYMBOL(__do_clear_user)

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */