
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
   2 /* drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/regs-fimc.h
   3  *
   4  * Copyright (c) 2012 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
   5  *    
   6  *
   7  * Register definition file for Samsung Camera Interface (FIMC) driver
   8 */
  10 #ifndef EXYNOS_REGS_FIMC_H
  11 #define EXYNOS_REGS_FIMC_H
  13 /*
  14  * Register part
  15 */
  16 /* Input source format */
  17 #define EXYNOS_CISRCFMT         (0x00)
  18 /* Window offset */
  19 #define EXYNOS_CIWDOFST         (0x04)
  20 /* Global control */
  21 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL          (0x08)
  22 /* Window offset 2 */
  23 #define EXYNOS_CIWDOFST2        (0x14)
  24 /* Y 1st frame start address for output DMA */
  25 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA1          (0x18)
  26 /* Y 2nd frame start address for output DMA */
  27 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA2          (0x1c)
  28 /* Y 3rd frame start address for output DMA */
  29 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA3          (0x20)
  30 /* Y 4th frame start address for output DMA */
  31 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA4          (0x24)
  32 /* Cb 1st frame start address for output DMA */
  33 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA1         (0x28)
  34 /* Cb 2nd frame start address for output DMA */
  35 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA2         (0x2c)
  36 /* Cb 3rd frame start address for output DMA */
  37 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA3         (0x30)
  38 /* Cb 4th frame start address for output DMA */
  39 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA4         (0x34)
  40 /* Cr 1st frame start address for output DMA */
  41 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA1         (0x38)
  42 /* Cr 2nd frame start address for output DMA */
  43 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA2         (0x3c)
  44 /* Cr 3rd frame start address for output DMA */
  45 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA3         (0x40)
  46 /* Cr 4th frame start address for output DMA */
  47 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA4         (0x44)
  48 /* Target image format */
  49 #define EXYNOS_CITRGFMT         (0x48)
  50 /* Output DMA control */
  51 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL          (0x4c)
  52 /* Pre-scaler control 1 */
  53 #define EXYNOS_CISCPRERATIO     (0x50)
  54 /* Pre-scaler control 2 */
  55 #define EXYNOS_CISCPREDST               (0x54)
  56 /* Main scaler control */
  57 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL         (0x58)
  58 /* Target area */
  59 #define EXYNOS_CITAREA          (0x5c)
  60 /* Status */
  61 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS         (0x64)
  62 /* Status2 */
  63 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS2                (0x68)
  64 /* Image capture enable command */
  65 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGCPT         (0xc0)
  66 /* Capture sequence */
  67 #define EXYNOS_CICPTSEQ         (0xc4)
  68 /* Image effects */
  69 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGEFF         (0xd0)
  70 /* Y frame start address for input DMA */
  71 #define EXYNOS_CIIYSA0          (0xd4)
  72 /* Cb frame start address for input DMA */
  73 #define EXYNOS_CIICBSA0         (0xd8)
  74 /* Cr frame start address for input DMA */
  75 #define EXYNOS_CIICRSA0         (0xdc)
  76 /* Input DMA Y Line Skip */
  77 #define EXYNOS_CIILINESKIP_Y    (0xec)
  78 /* Input DMA Cb Line Skip */
  79 #define EXYNOS_CIILINESKIP_CB   (0xf0)
  80 /* Input DMA Cr Line Skip */
  81 #define EXYNOS_CIILINESKIP_CR   (0xf4)
  82 /* Real input DMA image size */
  83 #define EXYNOS_CIREAL_ISIZE     (0xf8)
  84 /* Input DMA control */
  85 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL           (0xfc)
  86 /* Y frame start address for input DMA */
  87 #define EXYNOS_CIIYSA1          (0x144)
  88 /* Cb frame start address for input DMA */
  89 #define EXYNOS_CIICBSA1         (0x148)
  90 /* Cr frame start address for input DMA */
  91 #define EXYNOS_CIICRSA1         (0x14c)
  92 /* Output DMA Y offset */
  93 #define EXYNOS_CIOYOFF          (0x168)
  94 /* Output DMA CB offset */
  95 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBOFF         (0x16c)
  96 /* Output DMA CR offset */
  97 #define EXYNOS_CIOCROFF         (0x170)
  98 /* Input DMA Y offset */
  99 #define EXYNOS_CIIYOFF          (0x174)
 100 /* Input DMA CB offset */
 101 #define EXYNOS_CIICBOFF         (0x178)
 102 /* Input DMA CR offset */
 103 #define EXYNOS_CIICROFF         (0x17c)
 104 /* Input DMA original image size */
 105 #define EXYNOS_ORGISIZE         (0x180)
 106 /* Output DMA original image size */
 107 #define EXYNOS_ORGOSIZE         (0x184)
 108 /* Real output DMA image size */
 109 #define EXYNOS_CIEXTEN          (0x188)
 110 /* DMA parameter */
 111 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM               (0x18c)
 112 /* MIPI CSI image format */
 113 #define EXYNOS_CSIIMGFMT                (0x194)
 114 /* FIMC Clock Source Select */
 115 #define EXYNOS_MISC_FIMC                (0x198)
 117 /* Add for FIMC v5.1 */
 118 /* Output Frame Buffer Sequence */
 119 #define EXYNOS_CIFCNTSEQ                (0x1fc)
 120 /* Y 5th frame start address for output DMA */
 121 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA5          (0x200)
 122 /* Y 6th frame start address for output DMA */
 123 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA6          (0x204)
 124 /* Y 7th frame start address for output DMA */
 125 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA7          (0x208)
 126 /* Y 8th frame start address for output DMA */
 127 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA8          (0x20c)
 128 /* Y 9th frame start address for output DMA */
 129 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA9          (0x210)
 130 /* Y 10th frame start address for output DMA */
 131 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA10         (0x214)
 132 /* Y 11th frame start address for output DMA */
 133 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA11         (0x218)
 134 /* Y 12th frame start address for output DMA */
 135 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA12         (0x21c)
 136 /* Y 13th frame start address for output DMA */
 137 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA13         (0x220)
 138 /* Y 14th frame start address for output DMA */
 139 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA14         (0x224)
 140 /* Y 15th frame start address for output DMA */
 141 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA15         (0x228)
 142 /* Y 16th frame start address for output DMA */
 143 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA16         (0x22c)
 144 /* Y 17th frame start address for output DMA */
 145 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA17         (0x230)
 146 /* Y 18th frame start address for output DMA */
 147 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA18         (0x234)
 148 /* Y 19th frame start address for output DMA */
 149 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA19         (0x238)
 150 /* Y 20th frame start address for output DMA */
 151 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA20         (0x23c)
 152 /* Y 21th frame start address for output DMA */
 153 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA21         (0x240)
 154 /* Y 22th frame start address for output DMA */
 155 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA22         (0x244)
 156 /* Y 23th frame start address for output DMA */
 157 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA23         (0x248)
 158 /* Y 24th frame start address for output DMA */
 159 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA24         (0x24c)
 160 /* Y 25th frame start address for output DMA */
 161 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA25         (0x250)
 162 /* Y 26th frame start address for output DMA */
 163 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA26         (0x254)
 164 /* Y 27th frame start address for output DMA */
 165 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA27         (0x258)
 166 /* Y 28th frame start address for output DMA */
 167 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA28         (0x25c)
 168 /* Y 29th frame start address for output DMA */
 169 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA29         (0x260)
 170 /* Y 30th frame start address for output DMA */
 171 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA30         (0x264)
 172 /* Y 31th frame start address for output DMA */
 173 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA31         (0x268)
 174 /* Y 32th frame start address for output DMA */
 175 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA32         (0x26c)
 177 /* CB 5th frame start address for output DMA */
 178 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA5         (0x270)
 179 /* CB 6th frame start address for output DMA */
 180 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA6         (0x274)
 181 /* CB 7th frame start address for output DMA */
 182 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA7         (0x278)
 183 /* CB 8th frame start address for output DMA */
 184 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA8         (0x27c)
 185 /* CB 9th frame start address for output DMA */
 186 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA9         (0x280)
 187 /* CB 10th frame start address for output DMA */
 188 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA10                (0x284)
 189 /* CB 11th frame start address for output DMA */
 190 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA11                (0x288)
 191 /* CB 12th frame start address for output DMA */
 192 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA12                (0x28c)
 193 /* CB 13th frame start address for output DMA */
 194 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA13                (0x290)
 195 /* CB 14th frame start address for output DMA */
 196 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA14                (0x294)
 197 /* CB 15th frame start address for output DMA */
 198 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA15                (0x298)
 199 /* CB 16th frame start address for output DMA */
 200 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA16                (0x29c)
 201 /* CB 17th frame start address for output DMA */
 202 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA17                (0x2a0)
 203 /* CB 18th frame start address for output DMA */
 204 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA18                (0x2a4)
 205 /* CB 19th frame start address for output DMA */
 206 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA19                (0x2a8)
 207 /* CB 20th frame start address for output DMA */
 208 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA20                (0x2ac)
 209 /* CB 21th frame start address for output DMA */
 210 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA21                (0x2b0)
 211 /* CB 22th frame start address for output DMA */
 212 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA22                (0x2b4)
 213 /* CB 23th frame start address for output DMA */
 214 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA23                (0x2b8)
 215 /* CB 24th frame start address for output DMA */
 216 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA24                (0x2bc)
 217 /* CB 25th frame start address for output DMA */
 218 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA25                (0x2c0)
 219 /* CB 26th frame start address for output DMA */
 220 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA26                (0x2c4)
 221 /* CB 27th frame start address for output DMA */
 222 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA27                (0x2c8)
 223 /* CB 28th frame start address for output DMA */
 224 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA28                (0x2cc)
 225 /* CB 29th frame start address for output DMA */
 226 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA29                (0x2d0)
 227 /* CB 30th frame start address for output DMA */
 228 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA30                (0x2d4)
 229 /* CB 31th frame start address for output DMA */
 230 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA31                (0x2d8)
 231 /* CB 32th frame start address for output DMA */
 232 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA32                (0x2dc)
 234 /* CR 5th frame start address for output DMA */
 235 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA5         (0x2e0)
 236 /* CR 6th frame start address for output DMA */
 237 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA6         (0x2e4)
 238 /* CR 7th frame start address for output DMA */
 239 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA7         (0x2e8)
 240 /* CR 8th frame start address for output DMA */
 241 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA8         (0x2ec)
 242 /* CR 9th frame start address for output DMA */
 243 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA9         (0x2f0)
 244 /* CR 10th frame start address for output DMA */
 245 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA10                (0x2f4)
 246 /* CR 11th frame start address for output DMA */
 247 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA11                (0x2f8)
 248 /* CR 12th frame start address for output DMA */
 249 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA12                (0x2fc)
 250 /* CR 13th frame start address for output DMA */
 251 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA13                (0x300)
 252 /* CR 14th frame start address for output DMA */
 253 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA14                (0x304)
 254 /* CR 15th frame start address for output DMA */
 255 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA15                (0x308)
 256 /* CR 16th frame start address for output DMA */
 257 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA16                (0x30c)
 258 /* CR 17th frame start address for output DMA */
 259 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA17                (0x310)
 260 /* CR 18th frame start address for output DMA */
 261 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA18                (0x314)
 262 /* CR 19th frame start address for output DMA */
 263 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA19                (0x318)
 264 /* CR 20th frame start address for output DMA */
 265 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA20                (0x31c)
 266 /* CR 21th frame start address for output DMA */
 267 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA21                (0x320)
 268 /* CR 22th frame start address for output DMA */
 269 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA22                (0x324)
 270 /* CR 23th frame start address for output DMA */
 271 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA23                (0x328)
 272 /* CR 24th frame start address for output DMA */
 273 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA24                (0x32c)
 274 /* CR 25th frame start address for output DMA */
 275 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA25                (0x330)
 276 /* CR 26th frame start address for output DMA */
 277 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA26                (0x334)
 278 /* CR 27th frame start address for output DMA */
 279 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA27                (0x338)
 280 /* CR 28th frame start address for output DMA */
 281 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA28                (0x33c)
 282 /* CR 29th frame start address for output DMA */
 283 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA29                (0x340)
 284 /* CR 30th frame start address for output DMA */
 285 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA30                (0x344)
 286 /* CR 31th frame start address for output DMA */
 287 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA31                (0x348)
 288 /* CR 32th frame start address for output DMA */
 289 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA32                (0x34c)
 291 /*
 292  * Macro part
 293 */
 294 /* frame start address 1 ~ 4, 5 ~ 32 */
 295 /* Number of Default PingPong Memory */
 296 #define DEF_PP          4
 297 #define EXYNOS_CIOYSA(__x)              \
 298         (((__x) < DEF_PP) ?     \
 299          (EXYNOS_CIOYSA1  + (__x) * 4) : \
 300         (EXYNOS_CIOYSA5  + ((__x) - DEF_PP) * 4))
 301 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBSA(__x)     \
 302         (((__x) < DEF_PP) ?     \
 303          (EXYNOS_CIOCBSA1 + (__x) * 4) : \
 304         (EXYNOS_CIOCBSA5 + ((__x) - DEF_PP) * 4))
 305 #define EXYNOS_CIOCRSA(__x)     \
 306         (((__x) < DEF_PP) ?     \
 307          (EXYNOS_CIOCRSA1 + (__x) * 4) : \
 308         (EXYNOS_CIOCRSA5 + ((__x) - DEF_PP) * 4))
 309 /* Number of Default PingPong Memory */
 310 #define DEF_IPP         1
 311 #define EXYNOS_CIIYSA(__x)              \
 312         (((__x) < DEF_IPP) ?    \
 313          (EXYNOS_CIIYSA0) : (EXYNOS_CIIYSA1))
 314 #define EXYNOS_CIICBSA(__x)     \
 315         (((__x) < DEF_IPP) ?    \
 316          (EXYNOS_CIICBSA0) : (EXYNOS_CIICBSA1))
 317 #define EXYNOS_CIICRSA(__x)     \
 318         (((__x) < DEF_IPP) ?    \
 319          (EXYNOS_CIICRSA0) : (EXYNOS_CIICRSA1))
 321 #define EXYNOS_CISRCFMT_SOURCEHSIZE(x)          ((x) << 16)
 322 #define EXYNOS_CISRCFMT_SOURCEVSIZE(x)          ((x) << 0)
 324 #define EXYNOS_CIWDOFST_WINHOROFST(x)           ((x) << 16)
 325 #define EXYNOS_CIWDOFST_WINVEROFST(x)           ((x) << 0)
 327 #define EXYNOS_CIWDOFST2_WINHOROFST2(x)         ((x) << 16)
 328 #define EXYNOS_CIWDOFST2_WINVEROFST2(x)         ((x) << 0)
 330 #define EXYNOS_CITRGFMT_TARGETHSIZE(x)          (((x) & 0x1fff) << 16)
 331 #define EXYNOS_CITRGFMT_TARGETVSIZE(x)          (((x) & 0x1fff) << 0)
 333 #define EXYNOS_CISCPRERATIO_SHFACTOR(x)         ((x) << 28)
 334 #define EXYNOS_CISCPRERATIO_PREHORRATIO(x)              ((x) << 16)
 335 #define EXYNOS_CISCPRERATIO_PREVERRATIO(x)              ((x) << 0)
 337 #define EXYNOS_CISCPREDST_PREDSTWIDTH(x)                ((x) << 16)
 338 #define EXYNOS_CISCPREDST_PREDSTHEIGHT(x)               ((x) << 0)
 340 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_MAINHORRATIO(x)         ((x) << 16)
 341 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_MAINVERRATIO(x)         ((x) << 0)
 343 #define EXYNOS_CITAREA_TARGET_AREA(x)           ((x) << 0)
 345 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_GET_FRAME_COUNT(x)              (((x) >> 26) & 0x3)
 346 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_GET_FRAME_END(x)                (((x) >> 17) & 0x1)
 347 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_GET_LAST_CAPTURE_END(x) (((x) >> 16) & 0x1)
 348 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_GET_LCD_STATUS(x)               (((x) >> 9) & 0x1)
 349 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_GET_ENVID_STATUS(x)     (((x) >> 8) & 0x1)
 351 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS2_GET_FRAMECOUNT_BEFORE(x)       (((x) >> 7) & 0x3f)
 352 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS2_GET_FRAMECOUNT_PRESENT(x)      ((x) & 0x3f)
 354 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGEFF_FIN(x)                  ((x & 0x7) << 26)
 355 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGEFF_PAT_CB(x)                       ((x) << 13)
 356 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGEFF_PAT_CR(x)                       ((x) << 0)
 358 #define EXYNOS_CIILINESKIP(x)                   (((x) & 0xf) << 24)
 360 #define EXYNOS_CIREAL_ISIZE_HEIGHT(x)           ((x) << 16)
 361 #define EXYNOS_CIREAL_ISIZE_WIDTH(x)            ((x) << 0)
 363 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_SUCCESSIVE_COUNT(x)               ((x) << 24)
 364 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_GET_INDMA_STATUS(x)               ((x) & 0x1)
 366 #define EXYNOS_CIOYOFF_VERTICAL(x)                      ((x) << 16)
 367 #define EXYNOS_CIOYOFF_HORIZONTAL(x)            ((x) << 0)
 369 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBOFF_VERTICAL(x)             ((x) << 16)
 370 #define EXYNOS_CIOCBOFF_HORIZONTAL(x)           ((x) << 0)
 372 #define EXYNOS_CIOCROFF_VERTICAL(x)             ((x) << 16)
 373 #define EXYNOS_CIOCROFF_HORIZONTAL(x)           ((x) << 0)
 375 #define EXYNOS_CIIYOFF_VERTICAL(x)                      ((x) << 16)
 376 #define EXYNOS_CIIYOFF_HORIZONTAL(x)            ((x) << 0)
 378 #define EXYNOS_CIICBOFF_VERTICAL(x)             ((x) << 16)
 379 #define EXYNOS_CIICBOFF_HORIZONTAL(x)           ((x) << 0)
 381 #define EXYNOS_CIICROFF_VERTICAL(x)             ((x) << 16)
 382 #define EXYNOS_CIICROFF_HORIZONTAL(x)           ((x) << 0)
 384 #define EXYNOS_ORGISIZE_VERTICAL(x)             ((x) << 16)
 385 #define EXYNOS_ORGISIZE_HORIZONTAL(x)           ((x) << 0)
 387 #define EXYNOS_ORGOSIZE_VERTICAL(x)             ((x) << 16)
 388 #define EXYNOS_ORGOSIZE_HORIZONTAL(x)           ((x) << 0)
 390 #define EXYNOS_CIEXTEN_TARGETH_EXT(x)           ((((x) & 0x2000) >> 13) << 26)
 391 #define EXYNOS_CIEXTEN_TARGETV_EXT(x)           ((((x) & 0x2000) >> 13) << 24)
 392 #define EXYNOS_CIEXTEN_MAINHORRATIO_EXT(x)              (((x) & 0x3F) << 10)
 393 #define EXYNOS_CIEXTEN_MAINVERRATIO_EXT(x)              ((x) & 0x3F)
 395 /*
 396  * Bit definition part
 397 */
 398 /* Source format register */
 399 #define EXYNOS_CISRCFMT_ITU601_8BIT             (1 << 31)
 400 #define EXYNOS_CISRCFMT_ITU656_8BIT             (0 << 31)
 401 #define EXYNOS_CISRCFMT_ITU601_16BIT            (1 << 29)
 402 #define EXYNOS_CISRCFMT_ORDER422_YCBYCR         (0 << 14)
 403 #define EXYNOS_CISRCFMT_ORDER422_YCRYCB         (1 << 14)
 404 #define EXYNOS_CISRCFMT_ORDER422_CBYCRY         (2 << 14)
 405 #define EXYNOS_CISRCFMT_ORDER422_CRYCBY         (3 << 14)
 406 /* ITU601 16bit only */
 407 #define EXYNOS_CISRCFMT_ORDER422_Y4CBCRCBCR     (0 << 14)
 408 /* ITU601 16bit only */
 409 #define EXYNOS_CISRCFMT_ORDER422_Y4CRCBCRCB     (1 << 14)
 411 /* Window offset register */
 412 #define EXYNOS_CIWDOFST_WINOFSEN                        (1 << 31)
 413 #define EXYNOS_CIWDOFST_CLROVFIY                        (1 << 30)
 414 #define EXYNOS_CIWDOFST_CLROVRLB                        (1 << 29)
 415 #define EXYNOS_CIWDOFST_WINHOROFST_MASK         (0x7ff << 16)
 416 #define EXYNOS_CIWDOFST_CLROVFICB                       (1 << 15)
 417 #define EXYNOS_CIWDOFST_CLROVFICR                       (1 << 14)
 418 #define EXYNOS_CIWDOFST_WINVEROFST_MASK         (0xfff << 0)
 420 /* Global control register */
 421 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_SWRST                    (1 << 31)
 422 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_CAMRST_A                 (1 << 30)
 423 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_SELCAM_ITU_B             (0 << 29)
 424 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_SELCAM_ITU_A             (1 << 29)
 425 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_SELCAM_ITU_MASK          (1 << 29)
 426 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_TESTPATTERN_NORMAL               (0 << 27)
 428 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_TESTPATTERN_HOR_INC              (2 << 27)
 429 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_TESTPATTERN_VER_INC              (3 << 27)
 430 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_TESTPATTERN_MASK         (3 << 27)
 431 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_TESTPATTERN_SHIFT                (27)
 432 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_INVPOLPCLK                       (1 << 26)
 433 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_INVPOLVSYNC                      (1 << 25)
 434 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_INVPOLHREF                       (1 << 24)
 435 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_IRQ_OVFEN                        (1 << 22)
 436 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_HREF_MASK                        (1 << 21)
 437 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_IRQ_EDGE                 (0 << 20)
 438 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_IRQ_LEVEL                        (1 << 20)
 439 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_IRQ_CLR                  (1 << 19)
 440 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_IRQ_END_DISABLE          (1 << 18)
 441 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_IRQ_DISABLE                      (0 << 16)
 442 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_IRQ_ENABLE                       (1 << 16)
 443 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_SHADOW_DISABLE           (1 << 12)
 444 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_CAM_JPEG                 (1 << 8)
 445 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_SELCAM_MIPI_B            (0 << 7)
 446 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_SELCAM_MIPI_A            (1 << 7)
 447 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_SELCAM_MIPI_MASK         (1 << 7)
 448 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_SELWB_CAMIF_CAMERA       (0 << 6)
 450 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_SELWRITEBACK_MASK                (1 << 10)
 451 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_SELWRITEBACK_A           (1 << 10)
 452 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_SELWRITEBACK_B           (0 << 10)
 453 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_SELWB_CAMIF_MASK         (1 << 6)
 454 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_CSC_ITU601                       (0 << 5)
 455 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_CSC_ITU709                       (1 << 5)
 456 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_CSC_MASK                 (1 << 5)
 457 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_INVPOLHSYNC                      (1 << 4)
 458 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_SELCAM_FIMC_ITU          (0 << 3)
 459 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_SELCAM_FIMC_MIPI         (1 << 3)
 460 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_SELCAM_FIMC_MASK         (1 << 3)
 461 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_PROGRESSIVE                      (0 << 0)
 462 #define EXYNOS_CIGCTRL_INTERLACE                        (1 << 0)
 464 /* Window offset2 register */
 465 #define EXYNOS_CIWDOFST_WINHOROFST2_MASK                (0xfff << 16)
 466 #define EXYNOS_CIWDOFST_WINVEROFST2_MASK                (0xfff << 16)
 468 /* Target format register */
 469 #define EXYNOS_CITRGFMT_INROT90_CLOCKWISE               (1 << 31)
 470 #define EXYNOS_CITRGFMT_OUTFORMAT_YCBCR420              (0 << 29)
 471 #define EXYNOS_CITRGFMT_OUTFORMAT_YCBCR422              (1 << 29)
 472 #define EXYNOS_CITRGFMT_OUTFORMAT_YCBCR422_1PLANE       (2 << 29)
 473 #define EXYNOS_CITRGFMT_OUTFORMAT_RGB           (3 << 29)
 474 #define EXYNOS_CITRGFMT_OUTFORMAT_MASK          (3 << 29)
 475 #define EXYNOS_CITRGFMT_FLIP_SHIFT                      (14)
 476 #define EXYNOS_CITRGFMT_FLIP_NORMAL             (0 << 14)
 477 #define EXYNOS_CITRGFMT_FLIP_X_MIRROR           (1 << 14)
 478 #define EXYNOS_CITRGFMT_FLIP_Y_MIRROR           (2 << 14)
 479 #define EXYNOS_CITRGFMT_FLIP_180                        (3 << 14)
 480 #define EXYNOS_CITRGFMT_FLIP_MASK                       (3 << 14)
 481 #define EXYNOS_CITRGFMT_OUTROT90_CLOCKWISE              (1 << 13)
 482 #define EXYNOS_CITRGFMT_TARGETV_MASK            (0x1fff << 0)
 483 #define EXYNOS_CITRGFMT_TARGETH_MASK            (0x1fff << 16)
 485 /* Output DMA control register */
 486 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL_WEAVE_OUT                        (1 << 31)
 487 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL_WEAVE_MASK                       (1 << 31)
 488 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL_LASTENDEN                        (1 << 30)
 489 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL_ORDER2P_LSB_CBCR         (0 << 24)
 490 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL_ORDER2P_LSB_CRCB         (1 << 24)
 491 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL_ORDER2P_MSB_CRCB         (2 << 24)
 492 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL_ORDER2P_MSB_CBCR         (3 << 24)
 493 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL_ORDER2P_SHIFT            (24)
 494 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL_ORDER2P_MASK             (3 << 24)
 495 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL_YCBCR_3PLANE             (0 << 3)
 496 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL_YCBCR_2PLANE             (1 << 3)
 497 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL_YCBCR_PLANE_MASK         (1 << 3)
 498 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL_LASTIRQ_ENABLE           (1 << 2)
 499 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL_ALPHA_OUT                        (0xff << 4)
 500 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL_ORDER422_YCBYCR          (0 << 0)
 501 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL_ORDER422_YCRYCB          (1 << 0)
 502 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL_ORDER422_CBYCRY          (2 << 0)
 503 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL_ORDER422_CRYCBY          (3 << 0)
 504 #define EXYNOS_CIOCTRL_ORDER422_MASK            (3 << 0)
 506 /* Main scaler control register */
 507 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_SCALERBYPASS            (1 << 31)
 508 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_SCALEUP_H                       (1 << 30)
 509 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_SCALEUP_V                       (1 << 29)
 510 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_CSCR2Y_NARROW           (0 << 28)
 511 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_CSCR2Y_WIDE             (1 << 28)
 512 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_CSCY2R_NARROW           (0 << 27)
 513 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_CSCY2R_WIDE             (1 << 27)
 514 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_LCDPATHEN_FIFO          (1 << 26)
 515 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_PROGRESSIVE             (0 << 25)
 516 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_INTERLACE                       (1 << 25)
 517 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_SCAN_MASK                       (1 << 25)
 518 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_SCALERSTART             (1 << 15)
 519 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_INRGB_FMT_RGB565                (0 << 13)
 520 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_INRGB_FMT_RGB666                (1 << 13)
 521 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_INRGB_FMT_RGB888                (2 << 13)
 522 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_INRGB_FMT_RGB_MASK              (3 << 13)
 523 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_OUTRGB_FMT_RGB565               (0 << 11)
 524 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_OUTRGB_FMT_RGB666               (1 << 11)
 525 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_OUTRGB_FMT_RGB888               (2 << 11)
 526 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_OUTRGB_FMT_RGB_MASK     (3 << 11)
 527 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_EXTRGB_NORMAL           (0 << 10)
 528 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_EXTRGB_EXTENSION                (1 << 10)
 529 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_ONE2ONE                 (1 << 9)
 530 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_MAIN_V_RATIO_MASK               (0x1ff << 0)
 531 #define EXYNOS_CISCCTRL_MAIN_H_RATIO_MASK               (0x1ff << 16)
 533 /* Status register */
 534 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_OVFIY                   (1 << 31)
 535 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_OVFICB                  (1 << 30)
 536 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_OVFICR                  (1 << 29)
 537 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_VSYNC                   (1 << 28)
 538 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_SCALERSTART             (1 << 26)
 539 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_WINOFSTEN                       (1 << 25)
 540 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_IMGCPTEN                        (1 << 22)
 541 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_IMGCPTENSC                      (1 << 21)
 542 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_VSYNC_A                 (1 << 20)
 543 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_VSYNC_B                 (1 << 19)
 544 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_OVRLB                   (1 << 18)
 545 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_FRAMEEND                        (1 << 17)
 546 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_LASTCAPTUREEND          (1 << 16)
 547 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_VVALID_A                        (1 << 15)
 548 #define EXYNOS_CISTATUS_VVALID_B                        (1 << 14)
 550 /* Image capture enable register */
 551 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGCPT_IMGCPTEN                        (1 << 31)
 552 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGCPT_IMGCPTEN_SC             (1 << 30)
 553 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGCPT_CPT_FREN_ENABLE         (1 << 25)
 554 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGCPT_CPT_FRMOD_EN            (0 << 18)
 555 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGCPT_CPT_FRMOD_CNT           (1 << 18)
 557 /* Image effects register */
 558 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGEFF_IE_DISABLE                      (0 << 30)
 559 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGEFF_IE_ENABLE                       (1 << 30)
 560 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGEFF_IE_SC_BEFORE            (0 << 29)
 561 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGEFF_IE_SC_AFTER             (1 << 29)
 562 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGEFF_FIN_BYPASS                      (0 << 26)
 563 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGEFF_FIN_ARBITRARY           (1 << 26)
 564 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGEFF_FIN_NEGATIVE            (2 << 26)
 565 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGEFF_FIN_ARTFREEZE           (3 << 26)
 566 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGEFF_FIN_EMBOSSING           (4 << 26)
 567 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGEFF_FIN_SILHOUETTE          (5 << 26)
 568 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGEFF_FIN_MASK                        (7 << 26)
 569 #define EXYNOS_CIIMGEFF_PAT_CBCR_MASK           ((0xff << 13) | (0xff << 0))
 571 /* Real input DMA size register */
 572 #define EXYNOS_CIREAL_ISIZE_AUTOLOAD_ENABLE     (1 << 31)
 573 #define EXYNOS_CIREAL_ISIZE_ADDR_CH_DISABLE     (1 << 30)
 574 #define EXYNOS_CIREAL_ISIZE_HEIGHT_MASK         (0x3FFF << 16)
 575 #define EXYNOS_CIREAL_ISIZE_WIDTH_MASK          (0x3FFF << 0)
 577 /* Input DMA control register */
 578 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_FIELD_MASK                        (1 << 31)
 579 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_FIELD_WEAVE                       (1 << 31)
 580 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_FIELD_NORMAL                      (0 << 31)
 581 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_BURST_CNT                 (24)
 582 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_BURST_CNT_MASK            (0xf << 24)
 583 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_ORDER2P_LSB_CBCR          (0 << 16)
 584 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_ORDER2P_LSB_CRCB          (1 << 16)
 585 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_ORDER2P_MSB_CRCB          (2 << 16)
 586 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_ORDER2P_MSB_CBCR          (3 << 16)
 587 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_ORDER2P_SHIFT             (16)
 588 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_ORDER2P_SHIFT_MASK                (0x3 << 16)
 589 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_C_INT_IN_3PLANE           (0 << 15)
 590 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_C_INT_IN_2PLANE           (1 << 15)
 591 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_FLIP_SHIFT                        (13)
 592 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_FLIP_NORMAL                       (0 << 13)
 593 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_FLIP_X_MIRROR             (1 << 13)
 594 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_FLIP_Y_MIRROR             (2 << 13)
 595 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_FLIP_180                  (3 << 13)
 596 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_FLIP_MASK                 (3 << 13)
 597 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_ORDER422_CRYCBY           (0 << 4)
 598 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_ORDER422_YCRYCB           (1 << 4)
 599 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_ORDER422_CBYCRY           (2 << 4)
 600 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_ORDER422_YCBYCR           (3 << 4)
 601 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_INPUT_EXTCAM                      (0 << 3)
 602 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_INPUT_MEMORY                      (1 << 3)
 603 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_INPUT_MASK                        (1 << 3)
 604 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_INFORMAT_YCBCR420         (0 << 1)
 605 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_INFORMAT_YCBCR422         (1 << 1)
 606 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_INFORMAT_YCBCR422_1PLANE  (2 << 1)
 607 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_INFORMAT_RGB                      (3 << 1)
 608 #define EXYNOS_MSCTRL_ENVID                     (1 << 0)
 610 /* DMA parameter register */
 611 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_R_MODE_LINEAR         (0 << 29)
 612 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_R_MODE_CONFTILE               (1 << 29)
 613 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_R_MODE_16X16          (2 << 29)
 614 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_R_MODE_64X32          (3 << 29)
 615 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_R_MODE_MASK           (3 << 29)
 616 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_R_TILE_HSIZE_64               (0 << 24)
 617 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_R_TILE_HSIZE_128              (1 << 24)
 618 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_R_TILE_HSIZE_256              (2 << 24)
 619 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_R_TILE_HSIZE_512              (3 << 24)
 620 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_R_TILE_HSIZE_1024     (4 << 24)
 621 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_R_TILE_HSIZE_2048     (5 << 24)
 622 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_R_TILE_HSIZE_4096     (6 << 24)
 623 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_R_TILE_VSIZE_1                (0 << 20)
 624 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_R_TILE_VSIZE_2                (1 << 20)
 625 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_R_TILE_VSIZE_4                (2 << 20)
 626 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_R_TILE_VSIZE_8                (3 << 20)
 627 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_R_TILE_VSIZE_16               (4 << 20)
 628 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_R_TILE_VSIZE_32               (5 << 20)
 629 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_W_MODE_LINEAR         (0 << 13)
 630 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_W_MODE_CONFTILE               (1 << 13)
 631 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_W_MODE_16X16          (2 << 13)
 632 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_W_MODE_64X32          (3 << 13)
 633 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_W_MODE_MASK           (3 << 13)
 634 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_W_TILE_HSIZE_64               (0 << 8)
 635 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_W_TILE_HSIZE_128              (1 << 8)
 636 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_W_TILE_HSIZE_256              (2 << 8)
 637 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_W_TILE_HSIZE_512              (3 << 8)
 638 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_W_TILE_HSIZE_1024     (4 << 8)
 639 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_W_TILE_HSIZE_2048     (5 << 8)
 640 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_W_TILE_HSIZE_4096     (6 << 8)
 641 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_W_TILE_VSIZE_1                (0 << 4)
 642 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_W_TILE_VSIZE_2                (1 << 4)
 643 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_W_TILE_VSIZE_4                (2 << 4)
 644 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_W_TILE_VSIZE_8                (3 << 4)
 645 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_W_TILE_VSIZE_16               (4 << 4)
 646 #define EXYNOS_CIDMAPARAM_W_TILE_VSIZE_32               (5 << 4)
 648 /* Gathering Extension register */
 649 #define EXYNOS_CIEXTEN_TARGETH_EXT_MASK         (1 << 26)
 650 #define EXYNOS_CIEXTEN_TARGETV_EXT_MASK         (1 << 24)
 653 #define EXYNOS_CIEXTEN_YUV444_OUT                       (1 << 22)
 655 /* FIMC Clock Source Select register */
 656 #define EXYNOS_CLKSRC_HCLK                              (0 << 1)
 657 #define EXYNOS_CLKSRC_HCLK_MASK                 (1 << 1)
 658 #define EXYNOS_CLKSRC_SCLK                              (1 << 1)
 660 /* SYSREG for FIMC writeback */
 661 #define SYSREG_CAMERA_BLK                       (0x0218)
 662 #define SYSREG_FIMD0WB_DEST_MASK                (0x3 << 23)
 663 #define SYSREG_FIMD0WB_DEST_SHIFT               23
 665 #endif /* EXYNOS_REGS_FIMC_H */

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