
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. iol_mode_enable
  2. iol_execute
  3. iol_InitLLTTable
  4. rtl8188e_iol_efuse_patch
  5. _8051Reset88E
  6. rtl8188e_InitializeFirmwareVars
  7. rtw_hal_free_data
  8. rtw_hal_read_chip_version
  9. rtw_hal_set_odm_var
  10. rtw_hal_notch_filter
  11. _LLTWrite
  12. InitLLTTable
  13. Hal_InitPGData88E
  14. Hal_EfuseParseIDCode88E
  15. Hal_ReadPowerValueFromPROM_8188E
  16. Hal_GetChnlGroup88E
  17. Hal_ReadPowerSavingMode88E
  18. Hal_ReadTxPowerInfo88E
  19. Hal_EfuseParseXtal_8188E
  20. Hal_EfuseParseBoardType88E
  21. Hal_EfuseParseEEPROMVer88E
  22. rtl8188e_EfuseParseChnlPlan
  23. Hal_EfuseParseCustomerID88E
  24. Hal_ReadAntennaDiversity88E
  25. Hal_ReadThermalMeter_88E

   1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
   2 /******************************************************************************
   3  *
   4  * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
   5  *
   6  ******************************************************************************/
   7 #define _HAL_INIT_C_
   9 #include <linux/firmware.h>
  10 #include <linux/vmalloc.h>
  11 #include <drv_types.h>
  12 #include <rtw_efuse.h>
  13 #include <phy.h>
  14 #include <rtl8188e_hal.h>
  16 #include <rtw_iol.h>
  18 void iol_mode_enable(struct adapter *padapter, u8 enable)
  19 {
  20         u8 reg_0xf0 = 0;
  22         if (enable) {
  23                 /* Enable initial offload */
  24                 reg_0xf0 = usb_read8(padapter, REG_SYS_CFG);
  25                 usb_write8(padapter, REG_SYS_CFG, reg_0xf0|SW_OFFLOAD_EN);
  27                 if (!padapter->bFWReady) {
  28                         DBG_88E("bFWReady == false call reset 8051...\n");
  29                         _8051Reset88E(padapter);
  30                 }
  32         } else {
  33                 /* disable initial offload */
  34                 reg_0xf0 = usb_read8(padapter, REG_SYS_CFG);
  35                 usb_write8(padapter, REG_SYS_CFG, reg_0xf0 & ~SW_OFFLOAD_EN);
  36         }
  37 }
  39 s32 iol_execute(struct adapter *padapter, u8 control)
  40 {
  41         s32 status = _FAIL;
  42         u8 reg_0x88 = 0;
  43         unsigned long start = 0;
  45         control = control&0x0f;
  46         reg_0x88 = usb_read8(padapter, REG_HMEBOX_E0);
  47         usb_write8(padapter, REG_HMEBOX_E0,  reg_0x88|control);
  49         start = jiffies;
  50         while ((reg_0x88 = usb_read8(padapter, REG_HMEBOX_E0)) & control &&
  51                jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies - start) < 1000) {
  52                 udelay(5);
  53         }
  55         reg_0x88 = usb_read8(padapter, REG_HMEBOX_E0);
  56         status = (reg_0x88 & control) ? _FAIL : _SUCCESS;
  57         if (reg_0x88 & control<<4)
  58                 status = _FAIL;
  59         return status;
  60 }
  62 static s32 iol_InitLLTTable(struct adapter *padapter, u8 txpktbuf_bndy)
  63 {
  64         s32 rst = _SUCCESS;
  66         iol_mode_enable(padapter, 1);
  67         usb_write8(padapter, REG_TDECTRL+1, txpktbuf_bndy);
  68         rst = iol_execute(padapter, CMD_INIT_LLT);
  69         iol_mode_enable(padapter, 0);
  70         return rst;
  71 }
  73 s32 rtl8188e_iol_efuse_patch(struct adapter *padapter)
  74 {
  75         s32     result = _SUCCESS;
  77         DBG_88E("==> %s\n", __func__);
  78         if (rtw_iol_applied(padapter)) {
  79                 iol_mode_enable(padapter, 1);
  80                 result = iol_execute(padapter, CMD_READ_EFUSE_MAP);
  81                 if (result == _SUCCESS)
  82                         result = iol_execute(padapter, CMD_EFUSE_PATCH);
  84                 iol_mode_enable(padapter, 0);
  85         }
  86         return result;
  87 }
  89 #define MAX_REG_BOLCK_SIZE      196
  91 void _8051Reset88E(struct adapter *padapter)
  92 {
  93         u8 u1bTmp;
  95         u1bTmp = usb_read8(padapter, REG_SYS_FUNC_EN+1);
  96         usb_write8(padapter, REG_SYS_FUNC_EN+1, u1bTmp&(~BIT(2)));
  97         usb_write8(padapter, REG_SYS_FUNC_EN+1, u1bTmp|(BIT(2)));
  98         DBG_88E("=====> _8051Reset88E(): 8051 reset success .\n");
  99 }
 101 void rtl8188e_InitializeFirmwareVars(struct adapter *padapter)
 102 {
 103         /*  Init Fw LPS related. */
 104         padapter->pwrctrlpriv.bFwCurrentInPSMode = false;
 106         /*  Init H2C counter. by tynli. 2009.12.09. */
 107         padapter->HalData->LastHMEBoxNum = 0;
 108 }
 110 void rtw_hal_free_data(struct adapter *padapter)
 111 {
 112         kfree(padapter->HalData);
 113         padapter->HalData = NULL;
 114 }
 116 void rtw_hal_read_chip_version(struct adapter *padapter)
 117 {
 118         u32                             value32;
 119         struct HAL_VERSION              ChipVersion;
 120         struct hal_data_8188e *pHalData = padapter->HalData;
 122         value32 = usb_read32(padapter, REG_SYS_CFG);
 123         ChipVersion.ChipType = ((value32 & RTL_ID) ? TEST_CHIP : NORMAL_CHIP);
 124         ChipVersion.VendorType = ((value32 & VENDOR_ID) ? CHIP_VENDOR_UMC : CHIP_VENDOR_TSMC);
 125         ChipVersion.CUTVersion = (value32 & CHIP_VER_RTL_MASK)>>CHIP_VER_RTL_SHIFT; /*  IC version (CUT) */
 127         dump_chip_info(ChipVersion);
 129         pHalData->VersionID = ChipVersion;
 130 }
 132 void rtw_hal_set_odm_var(struct adapter *Adapter, enum hal_odm_variable eVariable, void *pValue1, bool bSet)
 133 {
 134         struct odm_dm_struct *podmpriv = &Adapter->HalData->odmpriv;
 136         switch (eVariable) {
 137         case HAL_ODM_STA_INFO:
 138                 {
 139                         struct sta_info *psta = pValue1;
 141                         if (bSet) {
 142                                 DBG_88E("### Set STA_(%d) info\n", psta->mac_id);
 143                                 ODM_CmnInfoPtrArrayHook(podmpriv, ODM_CMNINFO_STA_STATUS, psta->mac_id, psta);
 144                                 ODM_RAInfo_Init(podmpriv, psta->mac_id);
 145                         } else {
 146                                 DBG_88E("### Clean STA_(%d) info\n", psta->mac_id);
 147                                 ODM_CmnInfoPtrArrayHook(podmpriv, ODM_CMNINFO_STA_STATUS, psta->mac_id, NULL);
 148                        }
 149                 }
 150                 break;
 151         case HAL_ODM_P2P_STATE:
 152                 podmpriv->bWIFI_Direct = bSet;
 153                 break;
 154         case HAL_ODM_WIFI_DISPLAY_STATE:
 155                 podmpriv->bWIFI_Display = bSet;
 156                 break;
 157         default:
 158                 break;
 159         }
 160 }
 162 void rtw_hal_notch_filter(struct adapter *adapter, bool enable)
 163 {
 164         if (enable) {
 165                 DBG_88E("Enable notch filter\n");
 166                 usb_write8(adapter, rOFDM0_RxDSP+1, usb_read8(adapter, rOFDM0_RxDSP+1) | BIT(1));
 167         } else {
 168                 DBG_88E("Disable notch filter\n");
 169                 usb_write8(adapter, rOFDM0_RxDSP+1, usb_read8(adapter, rOFDM0_RxDSP+1) & ~BIT(1));
 170         }
 171 }
 173 /*  */
 174 /*  */
 175 /*  LLT R/W/Init function */
 176 /*  */
 177 /*  */
 178 static s32 _LLTWrite(struct adapter *padapter, u32 address, u32 data)
 179 {
 180         s32     status = _SUCCESS;
 181         s32     count = 0;
 182         u32     value = _LLT_INIT_ADDR(address) | _LLT_INIT_DATA(data) | _LLT_OP(_LLT_WRITE_ACCESS);
 183         u16     LLTReg = REG_LLT_INIT;
 185         usb_write32(padapter, LLTReg, value);
 187         /* polling */
 188         do {
 189                 value = usb_read32(padapter, LLTReg);
 190                 if (_LLT_NO_ACTIVE == _LLT_OP_VALUE(value))
 191                         break;
 193                 if (count > POLLING_LLT_THRESHOLD) {
 194                         RT_TRACE(_module_hal_init_c_, _drv_err_, ("Failed to polling write LLT done at address %d!\n", address));
 195                         status = _FAIL;
 196                         break;
 197                 }
 198                 udelay(5);
 199         } while (count++);
 201         return status;
 202 }
 204 s32 InitLLTTable(struct adapter *padapter, u8 txpktbuf_bndy)
 205 {
 206         s32     status = _FAIL;
 207         u32     i;
 208         u32     Last_Entry_Of_TxPktBuf = LAST_ENTRY_OF_TX_PKT_BUFFER;/*  176, 22k */
 210         if (rtw_iol_applied(padapter)) {
 211                 status = iol_InitLLTTable(padapter, txpktbuf_bndy);
 212         } else {
 213                 for (i = 0; i < (txpktbuf_bndy - 1); i++) {
 214                         status = _LLTWrite(padapter, i, i + 1);
 215                         if (status != _SUCCESS)
 216                                 return status;
 217                 }
 219                 /*  end of list */
 220                 status = _LLTWrite(padapter, (txpktbuf_bndy - 1), 0xFF);
 221                 if (status != _SUCCESS)
 222                         return status;
 224                 /*  Make the other pages as ring buffer */
 225                 /*  This ring buffer is used as beacon buffer if we config this MAC as two MAC transfer. */
 226                 /*  Otherwise used as local loopback buffer. */
 227                 for (i = txpktbuf_bndy; i < Last_Entry_Of_TxPktBuf; i++) {
 228                         status = _LLTWrite(padapter, i, (i + 1));
 229                         if (status != _SUCCESS)
 230                                 return status;
 231                 }
 233                 /*  Let last entry point to the start entry of ring buffer */
 234                 status = _LLTWrite(padapter, Last_Entry_Of_TxPktBuf, txpktbuf_bndy);
 235                 if (status != _SUCCESS)
 236                         return status;
 237         }
 239         return status;
 240 }
 242 void Hal_InitPGData88E(struct adapter *padapter)
 243 {
 244         struct eeprom_priv *pEEPROM = GET_EEPROM_EFUSE_PRIV(padapter);
 246         if (!pEEPROM->bautoload_fail_flag) { /*  autoload OK. */
 247                 if (!is_boot_from_eeprom(padapter)) {
 248                         /*  Read EFUSE real map to shadow. */
 249                         EFUSE_ShadowMapUpdate(padapter, EFUSE_WIFI);
 250                 }
 251         } else {/* autoload fail */
 252                 RT_TRACE(_module_hci_hal_init_c_, _drv_notice_, ("AutoLoad Fail reported from CR9346!!\n"));
 253                 /* update to default value 0xFF */
 254                 if (!is_boot_from_eeprom(padapter))
 255                         EFUSE_ShadowMapUpdate(padapter, EFUSE_WIFI);
 256         }
 257 }
 259 void Hal_EfuseParseIDCode88E(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *hwinfo)
 260 {
 261         struct eeprom_priv *pEEPROM = GET_EEPROM_EFUSE_PRIV(padapter);
 262         u16                     EEPROMId;
 264         /*  Checl 0x8129 again for making sure autoload status!! */
 265         EEPROMId = le16_to_cpu(*((__le16 *)hwinfo));
 266         if (EEPROMId != RTL_EEPROM_ID) {
 267                 DBG_88E("EEPROM ID(%#x) is invalid!!\n", EEPROMId);
 268                 pEEPROM->bautoload_fail_flag = true;
 269         } else {
 270                 pEEPROM->bautoload_fail_flag = false;
 271         }
 273         DBG_88E("EEPROM ID = 0x%04x\n", EEPROMId);
 274 }
 276 static void Hal_ReadPowerValueFromPROM_8188E(struct txpowerinfo24g *pwrInfo24G, u8 *PROMContent, bool AutoLoadFail)
 277 {
 278         u32 rfPath, eeAddr = EEPROM_TX_PWR_INX_88E, group, TxCount = 0;
 280         memset(pwrInfo24G, 0, sizeof(struct txpowerinfo24g));
 282         if (AutoLoadFail) {
 283                 for (rfPath = 0; rfPath < MAX_RF_PATH; rfPath++) {
 284                         /* 2.4G default value */
 285                         for (group = 0; group < MAX_CHNL_GROUP_24G; group++) {
 286                                 pwrInfo24G->IndexCCK_Base[rfPath][group] =      EEPROM_DEFAULT_24G_INDEX;
 287                                 pwrInfo24G->IndexBW40_Base[rfPath][group] =     EEPROM_DEFAULT_24G_INDEX;
 288                         }
 289                         for (TxCount = 0; TxCount < MAX_TX_COUNT; TxCount++) {
 290                                 if (TxCount == 0) {
 291                                         pwrInfo24G->BW20_Diff[rfPath][0] = EEPROM_DEFAULT_24G_HT20_DIFF;
 292                                         pwrInfo24G->OFDM_Diff[rfPath][0] = EEPROM_DEFAULT_24G_OFDM_DIFF;
 293                                 } else {
 294                                         pwrInfo24G->BW20_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] = EEPROM_DEFAULT_DIFF;
 295                                         pwrInfo24G->BW40_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] = EEPROM_DEFAULT_DIFF;
 296                                         pwrInfo24G->CCK_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] = EEPROM_DEFAULT_DIFF;
 297                                         pwrInfo24G->OFDM_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] = EEPROM_DEFAULT_DIFF;
 298                                 }
 299                         }
 300                 }
 301                 return;
 302         }
 304         for (rfPath = 0; rfPath < MAX_RF_PATH; rfPath++) {
 305                 /* 2.4G default value */
 306                 for (group = 0; group < MAX_CHNL_GROUP_24G; group++) {
 307                         pwrInfo24G->IndexCCK_Base[rfPath][group] =      PROMContent[eeAddr++];
 308                         if (pwrInfo24G->IndexCCK_Base[rfPath][group] == 0xFF)
 309                                 pwrInfo24G->IndexCCK_Base[rfPath][group] = EEPROM_DEFAULT_24G_INDEX;
 310                 }
 311                 for (group = 0; group < MAX_CHNL_GROUP_24G-1; group++) {
 312                         pwrInfo24G->IndexBW40_Base[rfPath][group] =     PROMContent[eeAddr++];
 313                         if (pwrInfo24G->IndexBW40_Base[rfPath][group] == 0xFF)
 314                                 pwrInfo24G->IndexBW40_Base[rfPath][group] =     EEPROM_DEFAULT_24G_INDEX;
 315                 }
 316                 for (TxCount = 0; TxCount < MAX_TX_COUNT; TxCount++) {
 317                         if (TxCount == 0) {
 318                                 pwrInfo24G->BW40_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] = 0;
 319                                 if (PROMContent[eeAddr] == 0xFF) {
 320                                         pwrInfo24G->BW20_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] = EEPROM_DEFAULT_24G_HT20_DIFF;
 321                                 } else {
 322                                         pwrInfo24G->BW20_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] = (PROMContent[eeAddr]&0xf0)>>4;
 323                                         if (pwrInfo24G->BW20_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] & BIT(3))            /* 4bit sign number to 8 bit sign number */
 324                                                 pwrInfo24G->BW20_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] |= 0xF0;
 325                                 }
 327                                 if (PROMContent[eeAddr] == 0xFF) {
 328                                         pwrInfo24G->OFDM_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] =        EEPROM_DEFAULT_24G_OFDM_DIFF;
 329                                 } else {
 330                                         pwrInfo24G->OFDM_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] =        (PROMContent[eeAddr]&0x0f);
 331                                         if (pwrInfo24G->OFDM_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] & BIT(3))            /* 4bit sign number to 8 bit sign number */
 332                                                 pwrInfo24G->OFDM_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] |= 0xF0;
 333                                 }
 334                                 pwrInfo24G->CCK_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] = 0;
 335                                 eeAddr++;
 336                         } else {
 337                                 if (PROMContent[eeAddr] == 0xFF) {
 338                                         pwrInfo24G->BW40_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] =        EEPROM_DEFAULT_DIFF;
 339                                 } else {
 340                                         pwrInfo24G->BW40_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] =        (PROMContent[eeAddr]&0xf0)>>4;
 341                                         if (pwrInfo24G->BW40_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] & BIT(3))            /* 4bit sign number to 8 bit sign number */
 342                                                 pwrInfo24G->BW40_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] |= 0xF0;
 343                                 }
 345                                 if (PROMContent[eeAddr] == 0xFF) {
 346                                         pwrInfo24G->BW20_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] =        EEPROM_DEFAULT_DIFF;
 347                                 } else {
 348                                         pwrInfo24G->BW20_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] =        (PROMContent[eeAddr]&0x0f);
 349                                         if (pwrInfo24G->BW20_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] & BIT(3))            /* 4bit sign number to 8 bit sign number */
 350                                                 pwrInfo24G->BW20_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] |= 0xF0;
 351                                 }
 352                                 eeAddr++;
 354                                 if (PROMContent[eeAddr] == 0xFF) {
 355                                         pwrInfo24G->OFDM_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] = EEPROM_DEFAULT_DIFF;
 356                                 } else {
 357                                         pwrInfo24G->OFDM_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] =        (PROMContent[eeAddr]&0xf0)>>4;
 358                                         if (pwrInfo24G->OFDM_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] & BIT(3))            /* 4bit sign number to 8 bit sign number */
 359                                                 pwrInfo24G->OFDM_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] |= 0xF0;
 360                                 }
 362                                 if (PROMContent[eeAddr] == 0xFF) {
 363                                         pwrInfo24G->CCK_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] = EEPROM_DEFAULT_DIFF;
 364                                 } else {
 365                                         pwrInfo24G->CCK_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] = (PROMContent[eeAddr]&0x0f);
 366                                         if (pwrInfo24G->CCK_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] & BIT(3))             /* 4bit sign number to 8 bit sign number */
 367                                                 pwrInfo24G->CCK_Diff[rfPath][TxCount] |= 0xF0;
 368                                 }
 369                                 eeAddr++;
 370                         }
 371                 }
 372         }
 373 }
 375 void Hal_GetChnlGroup88E(u8 chnl, u8 *group)
 376 {
 377         if (chnl < 3)                   /*  Channel 1-2 */
 378                 *group = 0;
 379         else if (chnl < 6)              /*  Channel 3-5 */
 380                 *group = 1;
 381         else if (chnl < 9)              /*  Channel 6-8 */
 382                 *group = 2;
 383         else if (chnl < 12)             /*  Channel 9-11 */
 384                 *group = 3;
 385         else if (chnl < 14)             /*  Channel 12-13 */
 386                 *group = 4;
 387         else if (chnl == 14)            /*  Channel 14 */
 388                 *group = 5;
 389 }
 391 void Hal_ReadPowerSavingMode88E(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *hwinfo, bool AutoLoadFail)
 392 {
 393         if (AutoLoadFail) {
 394                 padapter->pwrctrlpriv.bHWPowerdown = false;
 395                 padapter->pwrctrlpriv.bSupportRemoteWakeup = false;
 396         } else {
 397                 /* hw power down mode selection , 0:rf-off / 1:power down */
 399                 if (padapter->registrypriv.hwpdn_mode == 2)
 400                         padapter->pwrctrlpriv.bHWPowerdown = (hwinfo[EEPROM_RF_FEATURE_OPTION_88E] & BIT(4));
 401                 else
 402                         padapter->pwrctrlpriv.bHWPowerdown = padapter->registrypriv.hwpdn_mode;
 404                 /*  decide hw if support remote wakeup function */
 405                 /*  if hw supported, 8051 (SIE) will generate WeakUP signal(D+/D- toggle) when autoresume */
 406                 padapter->pwrctrlpriv.bSupportRemoteWakeup = (hwinfo[EEPROM_USB_OPTIONAL_FUNCTION0] & BIT(1)) ? true : false;
 408                 DBG_88E("%s...bHWPwrPindetect(%x)-bHWPowerdown(%x) , bSupportRemoteWakeup(%x)\n", __func__,
 409                 padapter->pwrctrlpriv.bHWPwrPindetect, padapter->pwrctrlpriv.bHWPowerdown, padapter->pwrctrlpriv.bSupportRemoteWakeup);
 411                 DBG_88E("### PS params =>  power_mgnt(%x), usbss_enable(%x) ###\n", padapter->registrypriv.power_mgnt, padapter->registrypriv.usbss_enable);
 412         }
 413 }
 415 void Hal_ReadTxPowerInfo88E(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *PROMContent, bool AutoLoadFail)
 416 {
 417         struct hal_data_8188e *pHalData = padapter->HalData;
 418         struct txpowerinfo24g pwrInfo24G;
 419         u8 ch, group;
 420         u8 TxCount;
 422         Hal_ReadPowerValueFromPROM_8188E(&pwrInfo24G, PROMContent, AutoLoadFail);
 424         if (!AutoLoadFail)
 425                 pHalData->bTXPowerDataReadFromEEPORM = true;
 427         for (ch = 0; ch < CHANNEL_MAX_NUMBER; ch++) {
 428                 Hal_GetChnlGroup88E(ch, &group);
 429                 pHalData->Index24G_CCK_Base[0][ch] = pwrInfo24G.IndexCCK_Base[0][group];
 430                 if (ch == 14)
 431                         pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[0][ch] = pwrInfo24G.IndexBW40_Base[0][4];
 432                 else
 433                         pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[0][ch] = pwrInfo24G.IndexBW40_Base[0][group];
 435                 DBG_88E("======= Path %d, Channel %d =======\n", 0, ch);
 436                 DBG_88E("Index24G_CCK_Base[%d][%d] = 0x%x\n", 0, ch, pHalData->Index24G_CCK_Base[0][ch]);
 437                 DBG_88E("Index24G_BW40_Base[%d][%d] = 0x%x\n", 0, ch, pHalData->Index24G_BW40_Base[0][ch]);
 438         }
 439         for (TxCount = 0; TxCount < MAX_TX_COUNT; TxCount++) {
 440                 pHalData->CCK_24G_Diff[0][TxCount] = pwrInfo24G.CCK_Diff[0][TxCount];
 441                 pHalData->OFDM_24G_Diff[0][TxCount] = pwrInfo24G.OFDM_Diff[0][TxCount];
 442                 pHalData->BW20_24G_Diff[0][TxCount] = pwrInfo24G.BW20_Diff[0][TxCount];
 443                 pHalData->BW40_24G_Diff[0][TxCount] = pwrInfo24G.BW40_Diff[0][TxCount];
 444                 DBG_88E("======= TxCount %d =======\n", TxCount);
 445                 DBG_88E("CCK_24G_Diff[%d][%d] = %d\n", 0, TxCount, pHalData->CCK_24G_Diff[0][TxCount]);
 446                 DBG_88E("OFDM_24G_Diff[%d][%d] = %d\n", 0, TxCount, pHalData->OFDM_24G_Diff[0][TxCount]);
 447                 DBG_88E("BW20_24G_Diff[%d][%d] = %d\n", 0, TxCount, pHalData->BW20_24G_Diff[0][TxCount]);
 448                 DBG_88E("BW40_24G_Diff[%d][%d] = %d\n", 0, TxCount, pHalData->BW40_24G_Diff[0][TxCount]);
 449         }
 451         /*  2010/10/19 MH Add Regulator recognize for CU. */
 452         if (!AutoLoadFail) {
 453                 pHalData->EEPROMRegulatory = (PROMContent[EEPROM_RF_BOARD_OPTION_88E]&0x7);     /* bit0~2 */
 454                 if (PROMContent[EEPROM_RF_BOARD_OPTION_88E] == 0xFF)
 455                         pHalData->EEPROMRegulatory = (EEPROM_DEFAULT_BOARD_OPTION&0x7); /* bit0~2 */
 456         } else {
 457                 pHalData->EEPROMRegulatory = 0;
 458         }
 459         DBG_88E("EEPROMRegulatory = 0x%x\n", pHalData->EEPROMRegulatory);
 460 }
 462 void Hal_EfuseParseXtal_8188E(struct adapter *pAdapter, u8 *hwinfo, bool AutoLoadFail)
 463 {
 464         struct hal_data_8188e *pHalData = pAdapter->HalData;
 466         if (!AutoLoadFail) {
 467                 pHalData->CrystalCap = hwinfo[EEPROM_XTAL_88E];
 468                 if (pHalData->CrystalCap == 0xFF)
 469                         pHalData->CrystalCap = EEPROM_Default_CrystalCap_88E;
 470         } else {
 471                 pHalData->CrystalCap = EEPROM_Default_CrystalCap_88E;
 472         }
 473         DBG_88E("CrystalCap: 0x%2x\n", pHalData->CrystalCap);
 474 }
 476 void Hal_EfuseParseBoardType88E(struct adapter *pAdapter, u8 *hwinfo, bool AutoLoadFail)
 477 {
 478         struct hal_data_8188e *pHalData = pAdapter->HalData;
 480         if (!AutoLoadFail)
 481                 pHalData->BoardType = (hwinfo[EEPROM_RF_BOARD_OPTION_88E]
 482                                         & 0xE0) >> 5;
 483         else
 484                 pHalData->BoardType = 0;
 485         DBG_88E("Board Type: 0x%2x\n", pHalData->BoardType);
 486 }
 488 void Hal_EfuseParseEEPROMVer88E(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *hwinfo, bool AutoLoadFail)
 489 {
 490         struct hal_data_8188e *pHalData = padapter->HalData;
 492         if (!AutoLoadFail) {
 493                 pHalData->EEPROMVersion = hwinfo[EEPROM_VERSION_88E];
 494                 if (pHalData->EEPROMVersion == 0xFF)
 495                         pHalData->EEPROMVersion = EEPROM_Default_Version;
 496         } else {
 497                 pHalData->EEPROMVersion = 1;
 498         }
 499         RT_TRACE(_module_hci_hal_init_c_, _drv_info_,
 500                  ("Hal_EfuseParseEEPROMVer(), EEVer = %d\n",
 501                  pHalData->EEPROMVersion));
 502 }
 504 void rtl8188e_EfuseParseChnlPlan(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *hwinfo, bool AutoLoadFail)
 505 {
 506         padapter->mlmepriv.ChannelPlan =
 507                  hal_com_get_channel_plan(hwinfo ? hwinfo[EEPROM_ChannelPlan_88E] : 0xFF,
 508                                           padapter->registrypriv.channel_plan,
 509                                           RT_CHANNEL_DOMAIN_WORLD_WIDE_13, AutoLoadFail);
 511         DBG_88E("mlmepriv.ChannelPlan = 0x%02x\n", padapter->mlmepriv.ChannelPlan);
 512 }
 514 void Hal_EfuseParseCustomerID88E(struct adapter *padapter, u8 *hwinfo, bool AutoLoadFail)
 515 {
 516         struct hal_data_8188e   *pHalData = padapter->HalData;
 518         if (!AutoLoadFail) {
 519                 pHalData->EEPROMCustomerID = hwinfo[EEPROM_CUSTOMERID_88E];
 520         } else {
 521                 pHalData->EEPROMCustomerID = 0;
 522                 pHalData->EEPROMSubCustomerID = 0;
 523         }
 524         DBG_88E("EEPROM Customer ID: 0x%2x\n", pHalData->EEPROMCustomerID);
 525 }
 527 void Hal_ReadAntennaDiversity88E(struct adapter *pAdapter, u8 *PROMContent, bool AutoLoadFail)
 528 {
 529         struct hal_data_8188e *pHalData = pAdapter->HalData;
 530         struct registry_priv    *registry_par = &pAdapter->registrypriv;
 532         if (!AutoLoadFail) {
 533                 /*  Antenna Diversity setting. */
 534                 if (registry_par->antdiv_cfg == 2) { /*  2:By EFUSE */
 535                         pHalData->AntDivCfg = (PROMContent[EEPROM_RF_BOARD_OPTION_88E]&0x18)>>3;
 536                         if (PROMContent[EEPROM_RF_BOARD_OPTION_88E] == 0xFF)
 537                                 pHalData->AntDivCfg = (EEPROM_DEFAULT_BOARD_OPTION&0x18)>>3;
 538                 } else {
 539                         pHalData->AntDivCfg = registry_par->antdiv_cfg;  /*  0:OFF , 1:ON, 2:By EFUSE */
 540                 }
 542                 if (registry_par->antdiv_type == 0) {
 543                         /* If TRxAntDivType is AUTO in advanced setting, use EFUSE value instead. */
 544                         pHalData->TRxAntDivType = PROMContent[EEPROM_RF_ANTENNA_OPT_88E];
 545                         if (pHalData->TRxAntDivType == 0xFF)
 546                                 pHalData->TRxAntDivType = CG_TRX_HW_ANTDIV; /*  For 88EE, 1Tx and 1RxCG are fixed.(1Ant, Tx and RxCG are both on aux port) */
 547                 } else {
 548                         pHalData->TRxAntDivType = registry_par->antdiv_type;
 549                 }
 551                 if (pHalData->TRxAntDivType == CG_TRX_HW_ANTDIV || pHalData->TRxAntDivType == CGCS_RX_HW_ANTDIV)
 552                         pHalData->AntDivCfg = 1; /*  0xC1[3] is ignored. */
 553         } else {
 554                 pHalData->AntDivCfg = 0;
 555                 pHalData->TRxAntDivType = pHalData->TRxAntDivType; /*  The value in the driver setting of device manager. */
 556         }
 557         DBG_88E("EEPROM : AntDivCfg = %x, TRxAntDivType = %x\n", pHalData->AntDivCfg, pHalData->TRxAntDivType);
 558 }
 560 void Hal_ReadThermalMeter_88E(struct adapter *Adapter, u8 *PROMContent, bool AutoloadFail)
 561 {
 562         struct hal_data_8188e *pHalData = Adapter->HalData;
 564         /*  ThermalMeter from EEPROM */
 565         if (!AutoloadFail)
 566                 pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter = PROMContent[EEPROM_THERMAL_METER_88E];
 567         else
 568                 pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter = EEPROM_Default_ThermalMeter_88E;
 570         if (pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter == 0xff || AutoloadFail) {
 571                 pHalData->bAPKThermalMeterIgnore = true;
 572                 pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter = EEPROM_Default_ThermalMeter_88E;
 573         }
 574         DBG_88E("ThermalMeter = 0x%x\n", pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter);
 575 }

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