
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
   2 /*
   3  * bcsr.h -- Db1xxx/Pb1xxx Devboard CPLD registers ("BCSR") abstraction.
   4  *
   5  * All Alchemy development boards (except, of course, the weird PB1000)
   6  * have a few registers in a CPLD with standardised layout; they mostly
   7  * only differ in base address and bit meanings in the RESETS and BOARD
   8  * registers.
   9  *
  10  * All data taken from the official AMD board documentation sheets.
  11  */
  13 #ifndef _DB1XXX_BCSR_H_
  14 #define _DB1XXX_BCSR_H_
  17 /* BCSR base addresses on various boards. BCSR base 2 refers to the
  18  * physical address of the first HEXLEDS register, which is usually
  19  * a variable offset from the WHOAMI register.
  20  */
  22 /* DB1000, DB1100, DB1500, PB1100, PB1500 */
  23 #define DB1000_BCSR_PHYS_ADDR   0x0E000000
  24 #define DB1000_BCSR_HEXLED_OFS  0x01000000
  26 #define DB1550_BCSR_PHYS_ADDR   0x0F000000
  27 #define DB1550_BCSR_HEXLED_OFS  0x00400000
  29 #define PB1550_BCSR_PHYS_ADDR   0x0F000000
  30 #define PB1550_BCSR_HEXLED_OFS  0x00800000
  32 #define DB1200_BCSR_PHYS_ADDR   0x19800000
  33 #define DB1200_BCSR_HEXLED_OFS  0x00400000
  35 #define PB1200_BCSR_PHYS_ADDR   0x0D800000
  36 #define PB1200_BCSR_HEXLED_OFS  0x00400000
  38 #define DB1300_BCSR_PHYS_ADDR   0x19800000
  39 #define DB1300_BCSR_HEXLED_OFS  0x00400000
  41 enum bcsr_id {
  42         /* BCSR base 1 */
  43         BCSR_WHOAMI     = 0,
  44         BCSR_STATUS,
  45         BCSR_SWITCHES,
  46         BCSR_RESETS,
  47         BCSR_PCMCIA,
  48         BCSR_BOARD,
  49         BCSR_LEDS,
  50         BCSR_SYSTEM,
  51         /* Au1200/1300 based boards */
  52         BCSR_INTCLR,
  53         BCSR_INTSET,
  54         BCSR_MASKCLR,
  55         BCSR_MASKSET,
  56         BCSR_SIGSTAT,
  57         BCSR_INTSTAT,
  59         /* BCSR base 2 */
  60         BCSR_HEXLEDS,
  61         BCSR_RSVD1,
  62         BCSR_HEXCLEAR,
  64         BCSR_CNT,
  65 };
  67 /* register offsets, valid for all Db1xxx/Pb1xxx boards */
  68 #define BCSR_REG_WHOAMI         0x00
  69 #define BCSR_REG_STATUS         0x04
  70 #define BCSR_REG_SWITCHES       0x08
  71 #define BCSR_REG_RESETS         0x0c
  72 #define BCSR_REG_PCMCIA         0x10
  73 #define BCSR_REG_BOARD          0x14
  74 #define BCSR_REG_LEDS           0x18
  75 #define BCSR_REG_SYSTEM         0x1c
  76 /* Au1200/Au1300 based boards: CPLD IRQ muxer */
  77 #define BCSR_REG_INTCLR         0x20
  78 #define BCSR_REG_INTSET         0x24
  79 #define BCSR_REG_MASKCLR        0x28
  80 #define BCSR_REG_MASKSET        0x2c
  81 #define BCSR_REG_SIGSTAT        0x30
  82 #define BCSR_REG_INTSTAT        0x34
  84 /* hexled control, offset from BCSR base 2 */
  85 #define BCSR_REG_HEXLEDS        0x00
  86 #define BCSR_REG_HEXCLEAR       0x08
  88 /*
  89  * Register Bits and Pieces.
  90  */
  91 #define BCSR_WHOAMI_DCID(x)             ((x) & 0xf)
  92 #define BCSR_WHOAMI_CPLD(x)             (((x) >> 4) & 0xf)
  93 #define BCSR_WHOAMI_BOARD(x)            (((x) >> 8) & 0xf)
  95 /* register "WHOAMI" bits 11:8 identify the board */
  96 enum bcsr_whoami_boards {
  97         BCSR_WHOAMI_PB1500 = 1,
  98         BCSR_WHOAMI_PB1500R2,
  99         BCSR_WHOAMI_PB1100,
 100         BCSR_WHOAMI_DB1000,
 101         BCSR_WHOAMI_DB1100,
 102         BCSR_WHOAMI_DB1500,
 103         BCSR_WHOAMI_DB1550,
 104         BCSR_WHOAMI_PB1550_DDR,
 105         BCSR_WHOAMI_PB1550 = BCSR_WHOAMI_PB1550_DDR,
 106         BCSR_WHOAMI_PB1550_SDR,
 107         BCSR_WHOAMI_PB1200_DDR1,
 108         BCSR_WHOAMI_PB1200 = BCSR_WHOAMI_PB1200_DDR1,
 109         BCSR_WHOAMI_PB1200_DDR2,
 110         BCSR_WHOAMI_DB1200,
 111         BCSR_WHOAMI_DB1300,
 112 };
 114 /* STATUS reg.  Unless otherwise noted, they're valid on all boards.
 115  * PB1200 = DB1200.
 116  */
 117 #define BCSR_STATUS_PC0VS               0x0003
 118 #define BCSR_STATUS_PC1VS               0x000C
 119 #define BCSR_STATUS_PC0FI               0x0010
 120 #define BCSR_STATUS_PC1FI               0x0020
 121 #define BCSR_STATUS_PB1550_SWAPBOOT     0x0040
 122 #define BCSR_STATUS_SRAMWIDTH           0x0080
 123 #define BCSR_STATUS_FLASHBUSY           0x0100
 124 #define BCSR_STATUS_ROMBUSY             0x0400
 125 #define BCSR_STATUS_SD0WP               0x0400  /* DB1200/DB1300:SD1 */
 126 #define BCSR_STATUS_SD1WP               0x0800
 127 #define BCSR_STATUS_USBOTGID            0x0800  /* PB/DB1550 */
 128 #define BCSR_STATUS_DB1000_SWAPBOOT     0x2000
 129 #define BCSR_STATUS_DB1200_SWAPBOOT     0x0040  /* DB1200/1300 */
 130 #define BCSR_STATUS_IDECBLID            0x0200  /* DB1200/1300 */
 131 #define BCSR_STATUS_DB1200_U0RXD        0x1000  /* DB1200 */
 132 #define BCSR_STATUS_DB1200_U1RXD        0x2000  /* DB1200 */
 133 #define BCSR_STATUS_FLASHDEN            0xC000
 134 #define BCSR_STATUS_DB1550_U0RXD        0x1000  /* DB1550 */
 135 #define BCSR_STATUS_DB1550_U3RXD        0x2000  /* DB1550 */
 136 #define BCSR_STATUS_PB1550_U0RXD        0x1000  /* PB1550 */
 137 #define BCSR_STATUS_PB1550_U1RXD        0x2000  /* PB1550 */
 138 #define BCSR_STATUS_PB1550_U3RXD        0x8000  /* PB1550 */
 140 #define BCSR_STATUS_CFWP                0x4000  /* DB1300 */
 141 #define BCSR_STATUS_USBOCn              0x2000  /* DB1300 */
 142 #define BCSR_STATUS_OTGOCn              0x1000  /* DB1300 */
 143 #define BCSR_STATUS_DCDMARQ             0x0010  /* DB1300 */
 144 #define BCSR_STATUS_IDEDMARQ            0x0020  /* DB1300 */
 146 /* DB/PB1000,1100,1500,1550 */
 147 #define BCSR_RESETS_PHY0                0x0001
 148 #define BCSR_RESETS_PHY1                0x0002
 149 #define BCSR_RESETS_DC                  0x0004
 150 #define BCSR_RESETS_FIR_SEL             0x2000
 151 #define BCSR_RESETS_IRDA_MODE_MASK      0xC000
 152 #define BCSR_RESETS_IRDA_MODE_FULL      0x0000
 153 #define BCSR_RESETS_PB1550_WSCFSM       0x2000
 154 #define BCSR_RESETS_IRDA_MODE_OFF       0x4000
 155 #define BCSR_RESETS_IRDA_MODE_2_3       0x8000
 156 #define BCSR_RESETS_IRDA_MODE_1_3       0xC000
 157 #define BCSR_RESETS_DMAREQ              0x8000  /* PB1550 */
 159 #define BCSR_BOARD_PCIM66EN             0x0001
 160 #define BCSR_BOARD_SD0PWR               0x0040
 161 #define BCSR_BOARD_SD1PWR               0x0080
 162 #define BCSR_BOARD_PCIM33               0x0100
 163 #define BCSR_BOARD_PCIEXTARB            0x0200
 164 #define BCSR_BOARD_GPIO200RST           0x0400
 165 #define BCSR_BOARD_PCICLKOUT            0x0800
 166 #define BCSR_BOARD_PB1100_SD0PWR        0x0400
 167 #define BCSR_BOARD_PB1100_SD1PWR        0x0800
 168 #define BCSR_BOARD_PCICFG               0x1000
 169 #define BCSR_BOARD_SPISEL               0x2000  /* PB/DB1550 */
 170 #define BCSR_BOARD_SD0WP                0x4000  /* DB1100 */
 171 #define BCSR_BOARD_SD1WP                0x8000  /* DB1100 */
 174 /* DB/PB1200/1300 */
 175 #define BCSR_RESETS_ETH                 0x0001
 176 #define BCSR_RESETS_CAMERA              0x0002
 177 #define BCSR_RESETS_DC                  0x0004
 178 #define BCSR_RESETS_IDE                 0x0008
 179 #define BCSR_RESETS_TV                  0x0010  /* DB1200/1300 */
 180 /* Not resets but in the same register */
 181 #define BCSR_RESETS_PWMR1MUX            0x0800  /* DB1200 */
 182 #define BCSR_RESETS_PB1200_WSCFSM       0x0800  /* PB1200 */
 183 #define BCSR_RESETS_PSC0MUX             0x1000
 184 #define BCSR_RESETS_PSC1MUX             0x2000
 185 #define BCSR_RESETS_SPISEL              0x4000
 186 #define BCSR_RESETS_SD1MUX              0x8000  /* PB1200 */
 188 #define BCSR_RESETS_VDDQSHDN            0x0200  /* DB1300 */
 189 #define BCSR_RESETS_OTPPGM              0x0400  /* DB1300 */
 190 #define BCSR_RESETS_OTPSCLK             0x0800  /* DB1300 */
 191 #define BCSR_RESETS_OTPWRPROT           0x1000  /* DB1300 */
 192 #define BCSR_RESETS_OTPCSB              0x2000  /* DB1300 */
 193 #define BCSR_RESETS_OTGPWR              0x4000  /* DB1300 */
 194 #define BCSR_RESETS_USBHPWR             0x8000  /* DB1300 */
 196 #define BCSR_BOARD_LCDVEE               0x0001
 197 #define BCSR_BOARD_LCDVDD               0x0002
 198 #define BCSR_BOARD_LCDBL                0x0004
 199 #define BCSR_BOARD_CAMSNAP              0x0010
 200 #define BCSR_BOARD_CAMPWR               0x0020
 201 #define BCSR_BOARD_SD0PWR               0x0040
 202 #define BCSR_BOARD_CAMCS                0x0010  /* DB1300 */
 203 #define BCSR_BOARD_HDMI_DE              0x0040  /* DB1300 */
 205 #define BCSR_SWITCHES_DIP               0x00FF
 206 #define BCSR_SWITCHES_DIP_1             0x0080
 207 #define BCSR_SWITCHES_DIP_2             0x0040
 208 #define BCSR_SWITCHES_DIP_3             0x0020
 209 #define BCSR_SWITCHES_DIP_4             0x0010
 210 #define BCSR_SWITCHES_DIP_5             0x0008
 211 #define BCSR_SWITCHES_DIP_6             0x0004
 212 #define BCSR_SWITCHES_DIP_7             0x0002
 213 #define BCSR_SWITCHES_DIP_8             0x0001
 214 #define BCSR_SWITCHES_ROTARY            0x0F00
 217 #define BCSR_PCMCIA_PC0VPP              0x0003
 218 #define BCSR_PCMCIA_PC0VCC              0x000C
 219 #define BCSR_PCMCIA_PC0DRVEN            0x0010
 220 #define BCSR_PCMCIA_PC0RST              0x0080
 221 #define BCSR_PCMCIA_PC1VPP              0x0300
 222 #define BCSR_PCMCIA_PC1VCC              0x0C00
 223 #define BCSR_PCMCIA_PC1DRVEN            0x1000
 224 #define BCSR_PCMCIA_PC1RST              0x8000
 227 #define BCSR_LEDS_DECIMALS              0x0003
 228 #define BCSR_LEDS_LED0                  0x0100
 229 #define BCSR_LEDS_LED1                  0x0200
 230 #define BCSR_LEDS_LED2                  0x0400
 231 #define BCSR_LEDS_LED3                  0x0800
 234 #define BCSR_SYSTEM_RESET               0x8000  /* clear to reset */
 235 #define BCSR_SYSTEM_PWROFF              0x4000  /* set to power off */
 236 #define BCSR_SYSTEM_VDDI                0x001F  /* PB1xxx boards */
 237 #define BCSR_SYSTEM_DEBUGCSMASK         0x003F  /* DB1300 */
 238 #define BCSR_SYSTEM_UDMAMODE            0x0100  /* DB1300 */
 239 #define BCSR_SYSTEM_WAKEONIRQ           0x0200  /* DB1300 */
 240 #define BCSR_SYSTEM_VDDI1300            0x3C00  /* DB1300 */
 244 /* initialize BCSR for a board. Provide the PHYSICAL addresses of both
 245  * BCSR spaces.
 246  */
 247 void __init bcsr_init(unsigned long bcsr1_phys, unsigned long bcsr2_phys);
 249 /* read a board register */
 250 unsigned short bcsr_read(enum bcsr_id reg);
 252 /* write to a board register */
 253 void bcsr_write(enum bcsr_id reg, unsigned short val);
 255 /* modify a register. clear bits set in 'clr', set bits set in 'set' */
 256 void bcsr_mod(enum bcsr_id reg, unsigned short clr, unsigned short set);
 258 /* install CPLD IRQ demuxer (DB1200/PB1200) */
 259 void __init bcsr_init_irq(int csc_start, int csc_end, int hook_irq);
 261 #endif

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