
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. ctrl_to_sd
  2. to_ov965x
  3. ov965x_read
  4. ov965x_write
  5. ov965x_write_array
  6. ov965x_set_default_gamma_curve
  7. ov965x_set_color_matrix
  8. __ov965x_set_power
  9. ov965x_s_power
  10. ov965x_update_exposure_ctrl
  11. ov965x_set_banding_filter
  12. ov965x_set_white_balance
  13. ov965x_set_brightness
  14. ov965x_set_gain
  15. ov965x_set_sharpness
  16. ov965x_set_exposure
  17. ov965x_set_flip
  18. ov965x_set_saturation
  19. ov965x_set_test_pattern
  20. __g_volatile_ctrl
  21. ov965x_g_volatile_ctrl
  22. ov965x_s_ctrl
  23. ov965x_initialize_controls
  24. ov965x_get_default_format
  25. ov965x_enum_mbus_code
  26. ov965x_enum_frame_sizes
  27. ov965x_g_frame_interval
  28. __ov965x_set_frame_interval
  29. ov965x_s_frame_interval
  30. ov965x_get_fmt
  31. __ov965x_try_frame_size
  32. ov965x_set_fmt
  33. ov965x_set_frame_size
  34. __ov965x_set_params
  35. ov965x_s_stream
  36. ov965x_open
  37. ov965x_configure_gpios_pdata
  38. ov965x_configure_gpios
  39. ov965x_detect_sensor
  40. ov965x_probe
  41. ov965x_remove

   1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
   2 /*
   3  * Omnivision OV9650/OV9652 CMOS Image Sensor driver
   4  *
   5  * Copyright (C) 2013, Sylwester Nawrocki <>
   6  *
   7  * Register definitions and initial settings based on a driver written
   8  * by Vladimir Fonov.
   9  * Copyright (c) 2010, Vladimir Fonov
  10  */
  11 #include <linux/clk.h>
  12 #include <linux/delay.h>
  13 #include <linux/gpio.h>
  14 #include <linux/gpio/consumer.h>
  15 #include <linux/i2c.h>
  16 #include <linux/kernel.h>
  17 #include <linux/media.h>
  18 #include <linux/module.h>
  19 #include <linux/ratelimit.h>
  20 #include <linux/regmap.h>
  21 #include <linux/slab.h>
  22 #include <linux/string.h>
  23 #include <linux/videodev2.h>
  25 #include <media/media-entity.h>
  26 #include <media/v4l2-async.h>
  27 #include <media/v4l2-ctrls.h>
  28 #include <media/v4l2-device.h>
  29 #include <media/v4l2-event.h>
  30 #include <media/v4l2-image-sizes.h>
  31 #include <media/v4l2-subdev.h>
  32 #include <media/v4l2-mediabus.h>
  33 #include <media/i2c/ov9650.h>
  35 static int debug;
  36 module_param(debug, int, 0644);
  37 MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "Debug level (0-2)");
  39 #define DRIVER_NAME "OV9650"
  41 /*
  42  * OV9650/OV9652 register definitions
  43  */
  44 #define REG_GAIN                0x00    /* Gain control, AGC[7:0] */
  45 #define REG_BLUE                0x01    /* AWB - Blue channel gain */
  46 #define REG_RED                 0x02    /* AWB - Red channel gain */
  47 #define REG_VREF                0x03    /* [7:6] - AGC[9:8], [5:3]/[2:0] */
  48 #define  VREF_GAIN_MASK         0xc0    /* - VREF end/start low 3 bits */
  49 #define REG_COM1                0x04
  50 #define  COM1_CCIR656           0x40
  51 #define REG_B_AVE               0x05
  52 #define REG_GB_AVE              0x06
  53 #define REG_GR_AVE              0x07
  54 #define REG_R_AVE               0x08
  55 #define REG_COM2                0x09
  56 #define REG_PID                 0x0a    /* Product ID MSB */
  57 #define REG_VER                 0x0b    /* Product ID LSB */
  58 #define REG_COM3                0x0c
  59 #define  COM3_SWAP              0x40
  60 #define  COM3_VARIOPIXEL1       0x04
  61 #define REG_COM4                0x0d    /* Vario Pixels  */
  62 #define  COM4_VARIOPIXEL2       0x80
  63 #define REG_COM5                0x0e    /* System clock options */
  64 #define  COM5_SLAVE_MODE        0x10
  65 #define  COM5_SYSTEMCLOCK48MHZ  0x80
  66 #define REG_COM6                0x0f    /* HREF & ADBLC options */
  67 #define REG_AECH                0x10    /* Exposure value, AEC[9:2] */
  68 #define REG_CLKRC               0x11    /* Clock control */
  69 #define  CLK_EXT                0x40    /* Use external clock directly */
  70 #define  CLK_SCALE              0x3f    /* Mask for internal clock scale */
  71 #define REG_COM7                0x12    /* SCCB reset, output format */
  72 #define  COM7_RESET             0x80
  73 #define  COM7_FMT_MASK          0x38
  74 #define  COM7_FMT_VGA           0x40
  75 #define  COM7_FMT_CIF           0x20
  76 #define  COM7_FMT_QVGA          0x10
  77 #define  COM7_FMT_QCIF          0x08
  78 #define  COM7_RGB               0x04
  79 #define  COM7_YUV               0x00
  80 #define  COM7_BAYER             0x01
  81 #define  COM7_PBAYER            0x05
  82 #define REG_COM8                0x13    /* AGC/AEC options */
  83 #define  COM8_FASTAEC           0x80    /* Enable fast AGC/AEC */
  84 #define  COM8_AECSTEP           0x40    /* Unlimited AEC step size */
  85 #define  COM8_BFILT             0x20    /* Band filter enable */
  86 #define  COM8_AGC               0x04    /* Auto gain enable */
  87 #define  COM8_AWB               0x02    /* White balance enable */
  88 #define  COM8_AEC               0x01    /* Auto exposure enable */
  89 #define REG_COM9                0x14    /* Gain ceiling */
  90 #define  COM9_GAIN_CEIL_MASK    0x70    /* */
  91 #define REG_COM10               0x15    /* PCLK, HREF, HSYNC signals polarity */
  92 #define  COM10_HSYNC            0x40    /* HSYNC instead of HREF */
  93 #define  COM10_PCLK_HB          0x20    /* Suppress PCLK on horiz blank */
  94 #define  COM10_HREF_REV         0x08    /* Reverse HREF */
  95 #define  COM10_VS_LEAD          0x04    /* VSYNC on clock leading edge */
  96 #define  COM10_VS_NEG           0x02    /* VSYNC negative */
  97 #define  COM10_HS_NEG           0x01    /* HSYNC negative */
  98 #define REG_HSTART              0x17    /* Horiz start high bits */
  99 #define REG_HSTOP               0x18    /* Horiz stop high bits */
 100 #define REG_VSTART              0x19    /* Vert start high bits */
 101 #define REG_VSTOP               0x1a    /* Vert stop high bits */
 102 #define REG_PSHFT               0x1b    /* Pixel delay after HREF */
 103 #define REG_MIDH                0x1c    /* Manufacturer ID MSB */
 104 #define REG_MIDL                0x1d    /* Manufufacturer ID LSB */
 105 #define REG_MVFP                0x1e    /* Image mirror/flip */
 106 #define  MVFP_MIRROR            0x20    /* Mirror image */
 107 #define  MVFP_FLIP              0x10    /* Vertical flip */
 108 #define REG_BOS                 0x20    /* B channel Offset */
 109 #define REG_GBOS                0x21    /* Gb channel Offset */
 110 #define REG_GROS                0x22    /* Gr channel Offset */
 111 #define REG_ROS                 0x23    /* R channel Offset */
 112 #define REG_AEW                 0x24    /* AGC upper limit */
 113 #define REG_AEB                 0x25    /* AGC lower limit */
 114 #define REG_VPT                 0x26    /* AGC/AEC fast mode op region */
 115 #define REG_BBIAS               0x27    /* B channel output bias */
 116 #define REG_GBBIAS              0x28    /* Gb channel output bias */
 117 #define REG_GRCOM               0x29    /* Analog BLC & regulator */
 118 #define REG_EXHCH               0x2a    /* Dummy pixel insert MSB */
 119 #define REG_EXHCL               0x2b    /* Dummy pixel insert LSB */
 120 #define REG_RBIAS               0x2c    /* R channel output bias */
 121 #define REG_ADVFL               0x2d    /* LSB of dummy line insert */
 122 #define REG_ADVFH               0x2e    /* MSB of dummy line insert */
 123 #define REG_YAVE                0x2f    /* Y/G channel average value */
 124 #define REG_HSYST               0x30    /* HSYNC rising edge delay LSB*/
 125 #define REG_HSYEN               0x31    /* HSYNC falling edge delay LSB*/
 126 #define REG_HREF                0x32    /* HREF pieces */
 127 #define REG_CHLF                0x33    /* reserved */
 128 #define REG_ADC                 0x37    /* reserved */
 129 #define REG_ACOM                0x38    /* reserved */
 130 #define REG_OFON                0x39    /* Power down register */
 131 #define  OFON_PWRDN             0x08    /* Power down bit */
 132 #define REG_TSLB                0x3a    /* YUVU format */
 133 #define  TSLB_YUYV_MASK         0x0c    /* UYVY or VYUY - see com13 */
 134 #define REG_COM11               0x3b    /* Night mode, banding filter enable */
 135 #define  COM11_NIGHT            0x80    /* Night mode enable */
 136 #define  COM11_NMFR             0x60    /* Two bit NM frame rate */
 137 #define  COM11_BANDING          0x01    /* Banding filter */
 138 #define  COM11_AEC_REF_MASK     0x18    /* AEC reference area selection */
 139 #define REG_COM12               0x3c    /* HREF option, UV average */
 140 #define  COM12_HREF             0x80    /* HREF always */
 141 #define REG_COM13               0x3d    /* Gamma selection, Color matrix en. */
 142 #define  COM13_GAMMA            0x80    /* Gamma enable */
 143 #define  COM13_UVSAT            0x40    /* UV saturation auto adjustment */
 144 #define  COM13_UVSWAP           0x01    /* V before U - w/TSLB */
 145 #define REG_COM14               0x3e    /* Edge enhancement options */
 146 #define  COM14_EDGE_EN          0x02
 147 #define  COM14_EEF_X2           0x01
 148 #define REG_EDGE                0x3f    /* Edge enhancement factor */
 149 #define  EDGE_FACTOR_MASK       0x0f
 150 #define REG_COM15               0x40    /* Output range, RGB 555/565 */
 151 #define  COM15_R10F0            0x00    /* Data range 10 to F0 */
 152 #define  COM15_R01FE            0x80    /* 01 to FE */
 153 #define  COM15_R00FF            0xc0    /* 00 to FF */
 154 #define  COM15_RGB565           0x10    /* RGB565 output */
 155 #define  COM15_RGB555           0x30    /* RGB555 output */
 156 #define  COM15_SWAPRB           0x04    /* Swap R&B */
 157 #define REG_COM16               0x41    /* Color matrix coeff options */
 158 #define REG_COM17               0x42    /* Single frame out, banding filter */
 159 /* n = 1...9, 0x4f..0x57 */
 160 #define REG_MTX(__n)            (0x4f + (__n) - 1)
 161 #define REG_MTXS                0x58
 162 /* Lens Correction Option 1...5, __n = 0...5 */
 163 #define REG_LCC(__n)            (0x62 + (__n) - 1)
 164 #define  LCC5_LCC_ENABLE        0x01    /* LCC5, enable lens correction */
 165 #define  LCC5_LCC_COLOR         0x04
 166 #define REG_MANU                0x67    /* Manual U value */
 167 #define REG_MANV                0x68    /* Manual V value */
 168 #define REG_HV                  0x69    /* Manual banding filter MSB */
 169 #define REG_MBD                 0x6a    /* Manual banding filter value */
 170 #define REG_DBLV                0x6b    /* reserved */
 171 #define REG_GSP                 0x6c    /* Gamma curve */
 172 #define  GSP_LEN                15
 173 #define REG_GST                 0x7c    /* Gamma curve */
 174 #define  GST_LEN                15
 175 #define REG_COM21               0x8b
 176 #define REG_COM22               0x8c    /* Edge enhancement, denoising */
 177 #define  COM22_WHTPCOR          0x02    /* White pixel correction enable */
 178 #define  COM22_WHTPCOROPT       0x01    /* White pixel correction option */
 179 #define  COM22_DENOISE          0x10    /* White pixel correction option */
 180 #define REG_COM23               0x8d    /* Color bar test, color gain */
 181 #define  COM23_TEST_MODE        0x10
 182 #define REG_DBLC1               0x8f    /* Digital BLC */
 183 #define REG_DBLC_B              0x90    /* Digital BLC B channel offset */
 184 #define REG_DBLC_R              0x91    /* Digital BLC R channel offset */
 185 #define REG_DM_LNL              0x92    /* Dummy line low 8 bits */
 186 #define REG_DM_LNH              0x93    /* Dummy line high 8 bits */
 187 #define REG_LCCFB               0x9d    /* Lens Correction B channel */
 188 #define REG_LCCFR               0x9e    /* Lens Correction R channel */
 189 #define REG_DBLC_GB             0x9f    /* Digital BLC GB chan offset */
 190 #define REG_DBLC_GR             0xa0    /* Digital BLC GR chan offset */
 191 #define REG_AECHM               0xa1    /* Exposure value - bits AEC[15:10] */
 192 #define REG_BD50ST              0xa2    /* Banding filter value for 50Hz */
 193 #define REG_BD60ST              0xa3    /* Banding filter value for 60Hz */
 194 #define REG_NULL                0xff    /* Array end token */
 196 #define DEF_CLKRC               0x80
 198 #define OV965X_ID(_msb, _lsb)   ((_msb) << 8 | (_lsb))
 199 #define OV9650_ID               0x9650
 200 #define OV9652_ID               0x9652
 202 struct ov965x_ctrls {
 203         struct v4l2_ctrl_handler handler;
 204         struct {
 205                 struct v4l2_ctrl *auto_exp;
 206                 struct v4l2_ctrl *exposure;
 207         };
 208         struct {
 209                 struct v4l2_ctrl *auto_wb;
 210                 struct v4l2_ctrl *blue_balance;
 211                 struct v4l2_ctrl *red_balance;
 212         };
 213         struct {
 214                 struct v4l2_ctrl *hflip;
 215                 struct v4l2_ctrl *vflip;
 216         };
 217         struct {
 218                 struct v4l2_ctrl *auto_gain;
 219                 struct v4l2_ctrl *gain;
 220         };
 221         struct v4l2_ctrl *brightness;
 222         struct v4l2_ctrl *saturation;
 223         struct v4l2_ctrl *sharpness;
 224         struct v4l2_ctrl *light_freq;
 225         u8 update;
 226 };
 228 struct ov965x_framesize {
 229         u16 width;
 230         u16 height;
 231         u16 max_exp_lines;
 232         const u8 *regs;
 233 };
 235 struct ov965x_interval {
 236         struct v4l2_fract interval;
 237         /* Maximum resolution for this interval */
 238         struct v4l2_frmsize_discrete size;
 239         u8 clkrc_div;
 240 };
 242 enum gpio_id {
 243         GPIO_PWDN,
 244         GPIO_RST,
 245         NUM_GPIOS,
 246 };
 248 struct ov965x {
 249         struct v4l2_subdev sd;
 250         struct media_pad pad;
 251         enum v4l2_mbus_type bus_type;
 252         struct gpio_desc *gpios[NUM_GPIOS];
 253         /* External master clock frequency */
 254         unsigned long mclk_frequency;
 255         struct clk *clk;
 257         /* Protects the struct fields below */
 258         struct mutex lock;
 260         struct regmap *regmap;
 262         /* Exposure row interval in us */
 263         unsigned int exp_row_interval;
 265         unsigned short id;
 266         const struct ov965x_framesize *frame_size;
 267         /* YUYV sequence (pixel format) control register */
 268         u8 tslb_reg;
 269         struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt format;
 271         struct ov965x_ctrls ctrls;
 272         /* Pointer to frame rate control data structure */
 273         const struct ov965x_interval *fiv;
 275         int streaming;
 276         int power;
 278         u8 apply_frame_fmt;
 279 };
 281 struct i2c_rv {
 282         u8 addr;
 283         u8 value;
 284 };
 286 static const struct i2c_rv ov965x_init_regs[] = {
 287         { REG_COM2, 0x10 },     /* Set soft sleep mode */
 288         { REG_COM5, 0x00 },     /* System clock options */
 289         { REG_COM2, 0x01 },     /* Output drive, soft sleep mode */
 290         { REG_COM10, 0x00 },    /* Slave mode, HREF vs HSYNC, signals negate */
 291         { REG_EDGE, 0xa6 },     /* Edge enhancement treshhold and factor */
 292         { REG_COM16, 0x02 },    /* Color matrix coeff double option */
 293         { REG_COM17, 0x08 },    /* Single frame out, banding filter */
 294         { 0x16, 0x06 },
 295         { REG_CHLF, 0xc0 },     /* Reserved  */
 296         { 0x34, 0xbf },
 297         { 0xa8, 0x80 },
 298         { 0x96, 0x04 },
 299         { 0x8e, 0x00 },
 300         { REG_COM12, 0x77 },    /* HREF option, UV average  */
 301         { 0x8b, 0x06 },
 302         { 0x35, 0x91 },
 303         { 0x94, 0x88 },
 304         { 0x95, 0x88 },
 305         { REG_COM15, 0xc1 },    /* Output range, RGB 555/565 */
 306         { REG_GRCOM, 0x2f },    /* Analog BLC & regulator */
 307         { REG_COM6, 0x43 },     /* HREF & ADBLC options */
 308         { REG_COM8, 0xe5 },     /* AGC/AEC options */
 309         { REG_COM13, 0x90 },    /* Gamma selection, colour matrix, UV delay */
 310         { REG_HV, 0x80 },       /* Manual banding filter MSB  */
 311         { 0x5c, 0x96 },         /* Reserved up to 0xa5 */
 312         { 0x5d, 0x96 },
 313         { 0x5e, 0x10 },
 314         { 0x59, 0xeb },
 315         { 0x5a, 0x9c },
 316         { 0x5b, 0x55 },
 317         { 0x43, 0xf0 },
 318         { 0x44, 0x10 },
 319         { 0x45, 0x55 },
 320         { 0x46, 0x86 },
 321         { 0x47, 0x64 },
 322         { 0x48, 0x86 },
 323         { 0x5f, 0xe0 },
 324         { 0x60, 0x8c },
 325         { 0x61, 0x20 },
 326         { 0xa5, 0xd9 },
 327         { 0xa4, 0x74 },         /* reserved */
 328         { REG_COM23, 0x02 },    /* Color gain analog/_digital_ */
 329         { REG_COM8, 0xe7 },     /* Enable AEC, AWB, AEC */
 330         { REG_COM22, 0x23 },    /* Edge enhancement, denoising */
 331         { 0xa9, 0xb8 },
 332         { 0xaa, 0x92 },
 333         { 0xab, 0x0a },
 334         { REG_DBLC1, 0xdf },    /* Digital BLC */
 335         { REG_DBLC_B, 0x00 },   /* Digital BLC B chan offset */
 336         { REG_DBLC_R, 0x00 },   /* Digital BLC R chan offset */
 337         { REG_DBLC_GB, 0x00 },  /* Digital BLC GB chan offset */
 338         { REG_DBLC_GR, 0x00 },
 339         { REG_COM9, 0x3a },     /* Gain ceiling 16x */
 340         { REG_NULL, 0 }
 341 };
 343 #define NUM_FMT_REGS 14
 344 /*
 347  */
 348 static const u8 frame_size_reg_addr[NUM_FMT_REGS] = {
 349         0x12, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x17, 0x18, 0x32, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x03,
 350         0x2a, 0x2b, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39,
 351 };
 353 static const u8 ov965x_sxga_regs[NUM_FMT_REGS] = {
 354         0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1e, 0xbe, 0xbf, 0x01, 0x81, 0x12,
 355         0x10, 0x34, 0x81, 0x93, 0x51,
 356 };
 358 static const u8 ov965x_vga_regs[NUM_FMT_REGS] = {
 359         0x40, 0x04, 0x80, 0x26, 0xc6, 0xed, 0x01, 0x3d, 0x00,
 360         0x10, 0x40, 0x91, 0x12, 0x43,
 361 };
 363 /* Determined empirically. */
 364 static const u8 ov965x_qvga_regs[NUM_FMT_REGS] = {
 365         0x10, 0x04, 0x80, 0x25, 0xc5, 0xbf, 0x00, 0x80, 0x12,
 366         0x10, 0x40, 0x91, 0x12, 0x43,
 367 };
 369 static const struct ov965x_framesize ov965x_framesizes[] = {
 370         {
 371                 .width          = SXGA_WIDTH,
 372                 .height         = SXGA_HEIGHT,
 373                 .regs           = ov965x_sxga_regs,
 374                 .max_exp_lines  = 1048,
 375         }, {
 376                 .width          = VGA_WIDTH,
 377                 .height         = VGA_HEIGHT,
 378                 .regs           = ov965x_vga_regs,
 379                 .max_exp_lines  = 498,
 380         }, {
 381                 .width          = QVGA_WIDTH,
 382                 .height         = QVGA_HEIGHT,
 383                 .regs           = ov965x_qvga_regs,
 384                 .max_exp_lines  = 248,
 385         },
 386 };
 388 struct ov965x_pixfmt {
 389         u32 code;
 390         u32 colorspace;
 391         /* REG_TSLB value, only bits [3:2] may be set. */
 392         u8 tslb_reg;
 393 };
 395 static const struct ov965x_pixfmt ov965x_formats[] = {
 396         { MEDIA_BUS_FMT_YUYV8_2X8, V4L2_COLORSPACE_JPEG, 0x00},
 397         { MEDIA_BUS_FMT_YVYU8_2X8, V4L2_COLORSPACE_JPEG, 0x04},
 398         { MEDIA_BUS_FMT_UYVY8_2X8, V4L2_COLORSPACE_JPEG, 0x0c},
 399         { MEDIA_BUS_FMT_VYUY8_2X8, V4L2_COLORSPACE_JPEG, 0x08},
 400 };
 402 /*
 403  * This table specifies possible frame resolution and interval
 404  * combinations. Default CLKRC[5:0] divider values are valid
 405  * only for 24 MHz external clock frequency.
 406  */
 407 static struct ov965x_interval ov965x_intervals[] = {
 408         {{ 100, 625 }, { SXGA_WIDTH, SXGA_HEIGHT }, 0 },  /* 6.25 fps */
 409         {{ 10,  125 }, { VGA_WIDTH, VGA_HEIGHT },   1 },  /* 12.5 fps */
 410         {{ 10,  125 }, { QVGA_WIDTH, QVGA_HEIGHT }, 3 },  /* 12.5 fps */
 411         {{ 1,   25  }, { VGA_WIDTH, VGA_HEIGHT },   0 },  /* 25 fps */
 412         {{ 1,   25  }, { QVGA_WIDTH, QVGA_HEIGHT }, 1 },  /* 25 fps */
 413 };
 415 static inline struct v4l2_subdev *ctrl_to_sd(struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl)
 416 {
 417         return &container_of(ctrl->handler, struct ov965x, ctrls.handler)->sd;
 418 }
 420 static inline struct ov965x *to_ov965x(struct v4l2_subdev *sd)
 421 {
 422         return container_of(sd, struct ov965x, sd);
 423 }
 425 static int ov965x_read(struct ov965x *ov965x, u8 addr, u8 *val)
 426 {
 427         int ret;
 428         unsigned int buf;
 430         ret = regmap_read(ov965x->regmap, addr, &buf);
 431         if (!ret)
 432                 *val = buf;
 433         else
 434                 *val = -1;
 436         v4l2_dbg(2, debug, &ov965x->sd, "%s: 0x%02x @ 0x%02x. (%d)\n",
 437                  __func__, *val, addr, ret);
 439         return ret;
 440 }
 442 static int ov965x_write(struct ov965x *ov965x, u8 addr, u8 val)
 443 {
 444         int ret;
 446         ret = regmap_write(ov965x->regmap, addr, val);
 448         v4l2_dbg(2, debug, &ov965x->sd, "%s: 0x%02x @ 0x%02X (%d)\n",
 449                  __func__, val, addr, ret);
 451         return ret;
 452 }
 454 static int ov965x_write_array(struct ov965x *ov965x,
 455                               const struct i2c_rv *regs)
 456 {
 457         int i, ret = 0;
 459         for (i = 0; ret == 0 && regs[i].addr != REG_NULL; i++)
 460                 ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, regs[i].addr, regs[i].value);
 462         return ret;
 463 }
 465 static int ov965x_set_default_gamma_curve(struct ov965x *ov965x)
 466 {
 467         static const u8 gamma_curve[] = {
 468                 /* Values taken from OV application note. */
 469                 0x40, 0x30, 0x4b, 0x60, 0x70, 0x70, 0x70, 0x70,
 470                 0x60, 0x60, 0x50, 0x48, 0x3a, 0x2e, 0x28, 0x22,
 471                 0x04, 0x07, 0x10, 0x28, 0x36, 0x44, 0x52, 0x60,
 472                 0x6c, 0x78, 0x8c, 0x9e, 0xbb, 0xd2, 0xe6
 473         };
 474         u8 addr = REG_GSP;
 475         unsigned int i;
 477         for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(gamma_curve); i++) {
 478                 int ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, addr, gamma_curve[i]);
 480                 if (ret < 0)
 481                         return ret;
 482                 addr++;
 483         }
 485         return 0;
 486 };
 488 static int ov965x_set_color_matrix(struct ov965x *ov965x)
 489 {
 490         static const u8 mtx[] = {
 491                 /* MTX1..MTX9, MTXS */
 492                 0x3a, 0x3d, 0x03, 0x12, 0x26, 0x38, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x0d
 493         };
 494         u8 addr = REG_MTX(1);
 495         unsigned int i;
 497         for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(mtx); i++) {
 498                 int ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, addr, mtx[i]);
 500                 if (ret < 0)
 501                         return ret;
 502                 addr++;
 503         }
 505         return 0;
 506 }
 508 static int __ov965x_set_power(struct ov965x *ov965x, int on)
 509 {
 510         if (on) {
 511                 int ret = clk_prepare_enable(ov965x->clk);
 513                 if (ret)
 514                         return ret;
 516                 gpiod_set_value_cansleep(ov965x->gpios[GPIO_PWDN], 0);
 517                 gpiod_set_value_cansleep(ov965x->gpios[GPIO_RST], 0);
 518                 msleep(25);
 519         } else {
 520                 gpiod_set_value_cansleep(ov965x->gpios[GPIO_RST], 1);
 521                 gpiod_set_value_cansleep(ov965x->gpios[GPIO_PWDN], 1);
 523                 clk_disable_unprepare(ov965x->clk);
 524         }
 526         ov965x->streaming = 0;
 528         return 0;
 529 }
 531 static int ov965x_s_power(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int on)
 532 {
 533         struct ov965x *ov965x = to_ov965x(sd);
 534         int ret = 0;
 536         v4l2_dbg(1, debug, sd, "%s: on: %d\n", __func__, on);
 538         mutex_lock(&ov965x->lock);
 539         if (ov965x->power == !on) {
 540                 ret = __ov965x_set_power(ov965x, on);
 541                 if (!ret && on) {
 542                         ret = ov965x_write_array(ov965x,
 543                                                  ov965x_init_regs);
 544                         ov965x->apply_frame_fmt = 1;
 545                         ov965x->ctrls.update = 1;
 546                 }
 547         }
 548         if (!ret)
 549                 ov965x->power += on ? 1 : -1;
 551         WARN_ON(ov965x->power < 0);
 552         mutex_unlock(&ov965x->lock);
 553         return ret;
 554 }
 556 /*
 557  * V4L2 controls
 558  */
 560 static void ov965x_update_exposure_ctrl(struct ov965x *ov965x)
 561 {
 562         struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl = ov965x->ctrls.exposure;
 563         unsigned long fint, trow;
 564         int min, max, def;
 565         u8 clkrc;
 567         mutex_lock(&ov965x->lock);
 568         if (WARN_ON(!ctrl || !ov965x->frame_size)) {
 569                 mutex_unlock(&ov965x->lock);
 570                 return;
 571         }
 572         clkrc = DEF_CLKRC + ov965x->fiv->clkrc_div;
 573         /* Calculate internal clock frequency */
 574         fint = ov965x->mclk_frequency * ((clkrc >> 7) + 1) /
 575                                 ((2 * ((clkrc & 0x3f) + 1)));
 576         /* and the row interval (in us). */
 577         trow = (2 * 1520 * 1000000UL) / fint;
 578         max = ov965x->frame_size->max_exp_lines * trow;
 579         ov965x->exp_row_interval = trow;
 580         mutex_unlock(&ov965x->lock);
 582         v4l2_dbg(1, debug, &ov965x->sd, "clkrc: %#x, fi: %lu, tr: %lu, %d\n",
 583                  clkrc, fint, trow, max);
 585         /* Update exposure time range to match current frame format. */
 586         min = (trow + 100) / 100;
 587         max = (max - 100) / 100;
 588         def = min + (max - min) / 2;
 590         if (v4l2_ctrl_modify_range(ctrl, min, max, 1, def))
 591                 v4l2_err(&ov965x->sd, "Exposure ctrl range update failed\n");
 592 }
 594 static int ov965x_set_banding_filter(struct ov965x *ov965x, int value)
 595 {
 596         unsigned long mbd, light_freq;
 597         int ret;
 598         u8 reg;
 600         ret = ov965x_read(ov965x, REG_COM8, &reg);
 601         if (!ret) {
 602                 if (value == V4L2_CID_POWER_LINE_FREQUENCY_DISABLED)
 603                         reg &= ~COM8_BFILT;
 604                 else
 605                         reg |= COM8_BFILT;
 606                 ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_COM8, reg);
 607         }
 608         if (value == V4L2_CID_POWER_LINE_FREQUENCY_DISABLED)
 609                 return 0;
 610         if (WARN_ON(!ov965x->fiv))
 611                 return -EINVAL;
 612         /* Set minimal exposure time for 50/60 HZ lighting */
 613         if (value == V4L2_CID_POWER_LINE_FREQUENCY_50HZ)
 614                 light_freq = 50;
 615         else
 616                 light_freq = 60;
 617         mbd = (1000UL * ov965x->fiv->interval.denominator *
 618                ov965x->frame_size->max_exp_lines) /
 619                ov965x->fiv->interval.numerator;
 620         mbd = ((mbd / (light_freq * 2)) + 500) / 1000UL;
 622         return ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_MBD, mbd);
 623 }
 625 static int ov965x_set_white_balance(struct ov965x *ov965x, int awb)
 626 {
 627         int ret;
 628         u8 reg;
 630         ret = ov965x_read(ov965x, REG_COM8, &reg);
 631         if (!ret) {
 632                 reg = awb ? reg | REG_COM8 : reg & ~REG_COM8;
 633                 ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_COM8, reg);
 634         }
 635         if (!ret && !awb) {
 636                 ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_BLUE,
 637                                    ov965x->ctrls.blue_balance->val);
 638                 if (ret < 0)
 639                         return ret;
 640                 ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_RED,
 641                                    ov965x->ctrls.red_balance->val);
 642         }
 643         return ret;
 644 }
 646 #define NUM_BR_LEVELS   7
 647 #define NUM_BR_REGS     3
 649 static int ov965x_set_brightness(struct ov965x *ov965x, int val)
 650 {
 651         static const u8 regs[NUM_BR_LEVELS + 1][NUM_BR_REGS] = {
 652                 { REG_AEW, REG_AEB, REG_VPT },
 653                 { 0x1c, 0x12, 0x50 }, /* -3 */
 654                 { 0x3d, 0x30, 0x71 }, /* -2 */
 655                 { 0x50, 0x44, 0x92 }, /* -1 */
 656                 { 0x70, 0x64, 0xc3 }, /*  0 */
 657                 { 0x90, 0x84, 0xd4 }, /* +1 */
 658                 { 0xc4, 0xbf, 0xf9 }, /* +2 */
 659                 { 0xd8, 0xd0, 0xfa }, /* +3 */
 660         };
 661         int i, ret = 0;
 663         val += (NUM_BR_LEVELS / 2 + 1);
 664         if (val > NUM_BR_LEVELS)
 665                 return -EINVAL;
 667         for (i = 0; i < NUM_BR_REGS && !ret; i++)
 668                 ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, regs[0][i],
 669                                    regs[val][i]);
 670         return ret;
 671 }
 673 static int ov965x_set_gain(struct ov965x *ov965x, int auto_gain)
 674 {
 675         struct ov965x_ctrls *ctrls = &ov965x->ctrls;
 676         int ret = 0;
 677         u8 reg;
 678         /*
 679          * For manual mode we need to disable AGC first, so
 680          * gain value in REG_VREF, REG_GAIN is not overwritten.
 681          */
 682         if (ctrls->auto_gain->is_new) {
 683                 ret = ov965x_read(ov965x, REG_COM8, &reg);
 684                 if (ret < 0)
 685                         return ret;
 686                 if (ctrls->auto_gain->val)
 687                         reg |= COM8_AGC;
 688                 else
 689                         reg &= ~COM8_AGC;
 690                 ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_COM8, reg);
 691                 if (ret < 0)
 692                         return ret;
 693         }
 695         if (ctrls->gain->is_new && !auto_gain) {
 696                 unsigned int gain = ctrls->gain->val;
 697                 unsigned int rgain;
 698                 int m;
 699                 /*
 700                  * Convert gain control value to the sensor's gain
 701                  * registers (VREF[7:6], GAIN[7:0]) format.
 702                  */
 703                 for (m = 6; m >= 0; m--)
 704                         if (gain >= (1 << m) * 16)
 705                                 break;
 707                 /* Sanity check: don't adjust the gain with a negative value */
 708                 if (m < 0)
 709                         return -EINVAL;
 711                 rgain = (gain - ((1 << m) * 16)) / (1 << m);
 712                 rgain |= (((1 << m) - 1) << 4);
 714                 ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_GAIN, rgain & 0xff);
 715                 if (ret < 0)
 716                         return ret;
 717                 ret = ov965x_read(ov965x, REG_VREF, &reg);
 718                 if (ret < 0)
 719                         return ret;
 720                 reg &= ~VREF_GAIN_MASK;
 721                 reg |= (((rgain >> 8) & 0x3) << 6);
 722                 ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_VREF, reg);
 723                 if (ret < 0)
 724                         return ret;
 725                 /* Return updated control's value to userspace */
 726                 ctrls->gain->val = (1 << m) * (16 + (rgain & 0xf));
 727         }
 729         return ret;
 730 }
 732 static int ov965x_set_sharpness(struct ov965x *ov965x, unsigned int value)
 733 {
 734         u8 com14, edge;
 735         int ret;
 737         ret = ov965x_read(ov965x, REG_COM14, &com14);
 738         if (ret < 0)
 739                 return ret;
 740         ret = ov965x_read(ov965x, REG_EDGE, &edge);
 741         if (ret < 0)
 742                 return ret;
 743         com14 = value ? com14 | COM14_EDGE_EN : com14 & ~COM14_EDGE_EN;
 744         value--;
 745         if (value > 0x0f) {
 746                 com14 |= COM14_EEF_X2;
 747                 value >>= 1;
 748         } else {
 749                 com14 &= ~COM14_EEF_X2;
 750         }
 751         ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_COM14, com14);
 752         if (ret < 0)
 753                 return ret;
 755         edge &= ~EDGE_FACTOR_MASK;
 756         edge |= ((u8)value & 0x0f);
 758         return ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_EDGE, edge);
 759 }
 761 static int ov965x_set_exposure(struct ov965x *ov965x, int exp)
 762 {
 763         struct ov965x_ctrls *ctrls = &ov965x->ctrls;
 764         bool auto_exposure = (exp == V4L2_EXPOSURE_AUTO);
 765         int ret;
 766         u8 reg;
 768         if (ctrls->auto_exp->is_new) {
 769                 ret = ov965x_read(ov965x, REG_COM8, &reg);
 770                 if (ret < 0)
 771                         return ret;
 772                 if (auto_exposure)
 773                         reg |= (COM8_AEC | COM8_AGC);
 774                 else
 775                         reg &= ~(COM8_AEC | COM8_AGC);
 776                 ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_COM8, reg);
 777                 if (ret < 0)
 778                         return ret;
 779         }
 781         if (!auto_exposure && ctrls->exposure->is_new) {
 782                 unsigned int exposure = (ctrls->exposure->val * 100)
 783                                          / ov965x->exp_row_interval;
 784                 /*
 785                  * Manual exposure value
 786                  * [b15:b0] - AECHM (b15:b10), AECH (b9:b2), COM1 (b1:b0)
 787                  */
 788                 ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_COM1, exposure & 0x3);
 789                 if (!ret)
 790                         ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_AECH,
 791                                            (exposure >> 2) & 0xff);
 792                 if (!ret)
 793                         ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_AECHM,
 794                                            (exposure >> 10) & 0x3f);
 795                 /* Update the value to minimize rounding errors */
 796                 ctrls->exposure->val = ((exposure * ov965x->exp_row_interval)
 797                                                         + 50) / 100;
 798                 if (ret < 0)
 799                         return ret;
 800         }
 802         v4l2_ctrl_activate(ov965x->ctrls.brightness, !exp);
 803         return 0;
 804 }
 806 static int ov965x_set_flip(struct ov965x *ov965x)
 807 {
 808         u8 mvfp = 0;
 810         if (ov965x->ctrls.hflip->val)
 811                 mvfp |= MVFP_MIRROR;
 813         if (ov965x->ctrls.vflip->val)
 814                 mvfp |= MVFP_FLIP;
 816         return ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_MVFP, mvfp);
 817 }
 819 #define NUM_SAT_LEVELS  5
 820 #define NUM_SAT_REGS    6
 822 static int ov965x_set_saturation(struct ov965x *ov965x, int val)
 823 {
 824         static const u8 regs[NUM_SAT_LEVELS][NUM_SAT_REGS] = {
 825                 /* MTX(1)...MTX(6) */
 826                 { 0x1d, 0x1f, 0x02, 0x09, 0x13, 0x1c }, /* -2 */
 827                 { 0x2e, 0x31, 0x02, 0x0e, 0x1e, 0x2d }, /* -1 */
 828                 { 0x3a, 0x3d, 0x03, 0x12, 0x26, 0x38 }, /*  0 */
 829                 { 0x46, 0x49, 0x04, 0x16, 0x2e, 0x43 }, /* +1 */
 830                 { 0x57, 0x5c, 0x05, 0x1b, 0x39, 0x54 }, /* +2 */
 831         };
 832         u8 addr = REG_MTX(1);
 833         int i, ret = 0;
 835         val += (NUM_SAT_LEVELS / 2);
 836         if (val >= NUM_SAT_LEVELS)
 837                 return -EINVAL;
 839         for (i = 0; i < NUM_SAT_REGS && !ret; i++)
 840                 ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, addr + i, regs[val][i]);
 842         return ret;
 843 }
 845 static int ov965x_set_test_pattern(struct ov965x *ov965x, int value)
 846 {
 847         int ret;
 848         u8 reg;
 850         ret = ov965x_read(ov965x, REG_COM23, &reg);
 851         if (ret < 0)
 852                 return ret;
 853         reg = value ? reg | COM23_TEST_MODE : reg & ~COM23_TEST_MODE;
 854         return ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_COM23, reg);
 855 }
 857 static int __g_volatile_ctrl(struct ov965x *ov965x, struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl)
 858 {
 859         unsigned int exposure, gain, m;
 860         u8 reg0, reg1, reg2;
 861         int ret;
 863         if (!ov965x->power)
 864                 return 0;
 866         switch (ctrl->id) {
 867         case V4L2_CID_AUTOGAIN:
 868                 if (!ctrl->val)
 869                         return 0;
 870                 ret = ov965x_read(ov965x, REG_GAIN, &reg0);
 871                 if (ret < 0)
 872                         return ret;
 873                 ret = ov965x_read(ov965x, REG_VREF, &reg1);
 874                 if (ret < 0)
 875                         return ret;
 876                 gain = ((reg1 >> 6) << 8) | reg0;
 877                 m = 0x01 << fls(gain >> 4);
 878                 ov965x->ctrls.gain->val = m * (16 + (gain & 0xf));
 879                 break;
 881         case V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE_AUTO:
 882                 if (ctrl->val == V4L2_EXPOSURE_MANUAL)
 883                         return 0;
 884                 ret = ov965x_read(ov965x, REG_COM1, &reg0);
 885                 if (ret < 0)
 886                         return ret;
 887                 ret = ov965x_read(ov965x, REG_AECH, &reg1);
 888                 if (ret < 0)
 889                         return ret;
 890                 ret = ov965x_read(ov965x, REG_AECHM, &reg2);
 891                 if (ret < 0)
 892                         return ret;
 893                 exposure = ((reg2 & 0x3f) << 10) | (reg1 << 2) |
 894                                                 (reg0 & 0x3);
 895                 ov965x->ctrls.exposure->val = ((exposure *
 896                                 ov965x->exp_row_interval) + 50) / 100;
 897                 break;
 898         }
 900         return 0;
 901 }
 903 static int ov965x_g_volatile_ctrl(struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl)
 904 {
 905         struct v4l2_subdev *sd = ctrl_to_sd(ctrl);
 906         struct ov965x *ov965x = to_ov965x(sd);
 907         int ret;
 909         v4l2_dbg(1, debug, sd, "g_ctrl: %s\n", ctrl->name);
 911         mutex_lock(&ov965x->lock);
 912         ret = __g_volatile_ctrl(ov965x, ctrl);
 913         mutex_unlock(&ov965x->lock);
 914         return ret;
 915 }
 917 static int ov965x_s_ctrl(struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl)
 918 {
 919         struct v4l2_subdev *sd = ctrl_to_sd(ctrl);
 920         struct ov965x *ov965x = to_ov965x(sd);
 921         int ret = -EINVAL;
 923         v4l2_dbg(1, debug, sd, "s_ctrl: %s, value: %d. power: %d\n",
 924                  ctrl->name, ctrl->val, ov965x->power);
 926         mutex_lock(&ov965x->lock);
 927         /*
 928          * If the device is not powered up now postpone applying control's
 929          * value to the hardware, until it is ready to accept commands.
 930          */
 931         if (ov965x->power == 0) {
 932                 mutex_unlock(&ov965x->lock);
 933                 return 0;
 934         }
 936         switch (ctrl->id) {
 937         case V4L2_CID_AUTO_WHITE_BALANCE:
 938                 ret = ov965x_set_white_balance(ov965x, ctrl->val);
 939                 break;
 941         case V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS:
 942                 ret = ov965x_set_brightness(ov965x, ctrl->val);
 943                 break;
 945         case V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE_AUTO:
 946                 ret = ov965x_set_exposure(ov965x, ctrl->val);
 947                 break;
 949         case V4L2_CID_AUTOGAIN:
 950                 ret = ov965x_set_gain(ov965x, ctrl->val);
 951                 break;
 953         case V4L2_CID_HFLIP:
 954                 ret = ov965x_set_flip(ov965x);
 955                 break;
 957         case V4L2_CID_POWER_LINE_FREQUENCY:
 958                 ret = ov965x_set_banding_filter(ov965x, ctrl->val);
 959                 break;
 961         case V4L2_CID_SATURATION:
 962                 ret = ov965x_set_saturation(ov965x, ctrl->val);
 963                 break;
 965         case V4L2_CID_SHARPNESS:
 966                 ret = ov965x_set_sharpness(ov965x, ctrl->val);
 967                 break;
 969         case V4L2_CID_TEST_PATTERN:
 970                 ret = ov965x_set_test_pattern(ov965x, ctrl->val);
 971                 break;
 972         }
 974         mutex_unlock(&ov965x->lock);
 975         return ret;
 976 }
 978 static const struct v4l2_ctrl_ops ov965x_ctrl_ops = {
 979         .g_volatile_ctrl = ov965x_g_volatile_ctrl,
 980         .s_ctrl = ov965x_s_ctrl,
 981 };
 983 static const char * const test_pattern_menu[] = {
 984         "Disabled",
 985         "Color bars",
 986 };
 988 static int ov965x_initialize_controls(struct ov965x *ov965x)
 989 {
 990         const struct v4l2_ctrl_ops *ops = &ov965x_ctrl_ops;
 991         struct ov965x_ctrls *ctrls = &ov965x->ctrls;
 992         struct v4l2_ctrl_handler *hdl = &ctrls->handler;
 993         int ret;
 995         ret = v4l2_ctrl_handler_init(hdl, 16);
 996         if (ret < 0)
 997                 return ret;
 999         /* Auto/manual white balance */
1000         ctrls->auto_wb = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(hdl, ops,
1001                                            V4L2_CID_AUTO_WHITE_BALANCE,
1002                                            0, 1, 1, 1);
1003         ctrls->blue_balance = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(hdl, ops, V4L2_CID_BLUE_BALANCE,
1004                                                 0, 0xff, 1, 0x80);
1005         ctrls->red_balance = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(hdl, ops, V4L2_CID_RED_BALANCE,
1006                                                0, 0xff, 1, 0x80);
1007         /* Auto/manual exposure */
1008         ctrls->auto_exp =
1009                 v4l2_ctrl_new_std_menu(hdl, ops,
1010                                        V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE_AUTO,
1011                                        V4L2_EXPOSURE_MANUAL, 0,
1012                                        V4L2_EXPOSURE_AUTO);
1013         /* Exposure time, in 100 us units. min/max is updated dynamically. */
1014         ctrls->exposure = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(hdl, ops,
1015                                             V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE_ABSOLUTE,
1016                                             2, 1500, 1, 500);
1017         /* Auto/manual gain */
1018         ctrls->auto_gain = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(hdl, ops, V4L2_CID_AUTOGAIN,
1019                                              0, 1, 1, 1);
1020         ctrls->gain = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(hdl, ops, V4L2_CID_GAIN,
1021                                         16, 64 * (16 + 15), 1, 64 * 16);
1023         ctrls->saturation = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(hdl, ops, V4L2_CID_SATURATION,
1024                                               -2, 2, 1, 0);
1025         ctrls->brightness = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(hdl, ops, V4L2_CID_BRIGHTNESS,
1026                                               -3, 3, 1, 0);
1027         ctrls->sharpness = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(hdl, ops, V4L2_CID_SHARPNESS,
1028                                              0, 32, 1, 6);
1030         ctrls->hflip = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(hdl, ops, V4L2_CID_HFLIP, 0, 1, 1, 0);
1031         ctrls->vflip = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(hdl, ops, V4L2_CID_VFLIP, 0, 1, 1, 0);
1033         ctrls->light_freq =
1034                 v4l2_ctrl_new_std_menu(hdl, ops,
1035                                        V4L2_CID_POWER_LINE_FREQUENCY,
1036                                        V4L2_CID_POWER_LINE_FREQUENCY_60HZ, ~0x7,
1037                                        V4L2_CID_POWER_LINE_FREQUENCY_50HZ);
1039         v4l2_ctrl_new_std_menu_items(hdl, ops, V4L2_CID_TEST_PATTERN,
1040                                      ARRAY_SIZE(test_pattern_menu) - 1, 0, 0,
1041                                      test_pattern_menu);
1042         if (hdl->error) {
1043                 ret = hdl->error;
1044                 v4l2_ctrl_handler_free(hdl);
1045                 return ret;
1046         }
1048         ctrls->gain->flags |= V4L2_CTRL_FLAG_VOLATILE;
1049         ctrls->exposure->flags |= V4L2_CTRL_FLAG_VOLATILE;
1051         v4l2_ctrl_auto_cluster(3, &ctrls->auto_wb, 0, false);
1052         v4l2_ctrl_auto_cluster(2, &ctrls->auto_gain, 0, true);
1053         v4l2_ctrl_auto_cluster(2, &ctrls->auto_exp, 1, true);
1054         v4l2_ctrl_cluster(2, &ctrls->hflip);
1056         ov965x->sd.ctrl_handler = hdl;
1057         return 0;
1058 }
1060 /*
1061  * V4L2 subdev video and pad level operations
1062  */
1063 static void ov965x_get_default_format(struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt *mf)
1064 {
1065         mf->width = ov965x_framesizes[0].width;
1066         mf->height = ov965x_framesizes[0].height;
1067         mf->colorspace = ov965x_formats[0].colorspace;
1068         mf->code = ov965x_formats[0].code;
1069         mf->field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE;
1070 }
1072 static int ov965x_enum_mbus_code(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
1073                                  struct v4l2_subdev_pad_config *cfg,
1074                                  struct v4l2_subdev_mbus_code_enum *code)
1075 {
1076         if (code->index >= ARRAY_SIZE(ov965x_formats))
1077                 return -EINVAL;
1079         code->code = ov965x_formats[code->index].code;
1080         return 0;
1081 }
1083 static int ov965x_enum_frame_sizes(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
1084                                    struct v4l2_subdev_pad_config *cfg,
1085                                    struct v4l2_subdev_frame_size_enum *fse)
1086 {
1087         int i = ARRAY_SIZE(ov965x_formats);
1089         if (fse->index >= ARRAY_SIZE(ov965x_framesizes))
1090                 return -EINVAL;
1092         while (--i)
1093                 if (fse->code == ov965x_formats[i].code)
1094                         break;
1096         fse->code = ov965x_formats[i].code;
1098         fse->min_width  = ov965x_framesizes[fse->index].width;
1099         fse->max_width  = fse->min_width;
1100         fse->max_height = ov965x_framesizes[fse->index].height;
1101         fse->min_height = fse->max_height;
1103         return 0;
1104 }
1106 static int ov965x_g_frame_interval(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
1107                                    struct v4l2_subdev_frame_interval *fi)
1108 {
1109         struct ov965x *ov965x = to_ov965x(sd);
1111         mutex_lock(&ov965x->lock);
1112         fi->interval = ov965x->fiv->interval;
1113         mutex_unlock(&ov965x->lock);
1115         return 0;
1116 }
1118 static int __ov965x_set_frame_interval(struct ov965x *ov965x,
1119                                        struct v4l2_subdev_frame_interval *fi)
1120 {
1121         struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt *mbus_fmt = &ov965x->format;
1122         const struct ov965x_interval *fiv = &ov965x_intervals[0];
1123         u64 req_int, err, min_err = ~0ULL;
1124         unsigned int i;
1126         if (fi->interval.denominator == 0)
1127                 return -EINVAL;
1129         req_int = (u64)fi->interval.numerator * 10000;
1130         do_div(req_int, fi->interval.denominator);
1132         for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ov965x_intervals); i++) {
1133                 const struct ov965x_interval *iv = &ov965x_intervals[i];
1135                 if (mbus_fmt->width != iv->size.width ||
1136                     mbus_fmt->height != iv->size.height)
1137                         continue;
1138                 err = abs((u64)(iv->interval.numerator * 10000) /
1139                             iv->interval.denominator - req_int);
1140                 if (err < min_err) {
1141                         fiv = iv;
1142                         min_err = err;
1143                 }
1144         }
1145         ov965x->fiv = fiv;
1147         v4l2_dbg(1, debug, &ov965x->sd, "Changed frame interval to %u us\n",
1148                  fiv->interval.numerator * 1000000 / fiv->interval.denominator);
1150         return 0;
1151 }
1153 static int ov965x_s_frame_interval(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
1154                                    struct v4l2_subdev_frame_interval *fi)
1155 {
1156         struct ov965x *ov965x = to_ov965x(sd);
1157         int ret;
1159         v4l2_dbg(1, debug, sd, "Setting %d/%d frame interval\n",
1160                  fi->interval.numerator, fi->interval.denominator);
1162         mutex_lock(&ov965x->lock);
1163         ret = __ov965x_set_frame_interval(ov965x, fi);
1164         ov965x->apply_frame_fmt = 1;
1165         mutex_unlock(&ov965x->lock);
1166         return ret;
1167 }
1169 static int ov965x_get_fmt(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
1170                           struct v4l2_subdev_pad_config *cfg,
1171                           struct v4l2_subdev_format *fmt)
1172 {
1173         struct ov965x *ov965x = to_ov965x(sd);
1174         struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt *mf;
1176         if (fmt->which == V4L2_SUBDEV_FORMAT_TRY) {
1177                 mf = v4l2_subdev_get_try_format(sd, cfg, 0);
1178                 fmt->format = *mf;
1179                 return 0;
1180         }
1182         mutex_lock(&ov965x->lock);
1183         fmt->format = ov965x->format;
1184         mutex_unlock(&ov965x->lock);
1186         return 0;
1187 }
1189 static void __ov965x_try_frame_size(struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt *mf,
1190                                     const struct ov965x_framesize **size)
1191 {
1192         const struct ov965x_framesize *fsize = &ov965x_framesizes[0],
1193                 *match = NULL;
1194         int i = ARRAY_SIZE(ov965x_framesizes);
1195         unsigned int min_err = UINT_MAX;
1197         while (i--) {
1198                 int err = abs(fsize->width - mf->width)
1199                                 + abs(fsize->height - mf->height);
1200                 if (err < min_err) {
1201                         min_err = err;
1202                         match = fsize;
1203                 }
1204                 fsize++;
1205         }
1206         if (!match)
1207                 match = &ov965x_framesizes[0];
1208         mf->width  = match->width;
1209         mf->height = match->height;
1210         if (size)
1211                 *size = match;
1212 }
1214 static int ov965x_set_fmt(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
1215                           struct v4l2_subdev_pad_config *cfg,
1216                           struct v4l2_subdev_format *fmt)
1217 {
1218         unsigned int index = ARRAY_SIZE(ov965x_formats);
1219         struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt *mf = &fmt->format;
1220         struct ov965x *ov965x = to_ov965x(sd);
1221         const struct ov965x_framesize *size = NULL;
1222         int ret = 0;
1224         __ov965x_try_frame_size(mf, &size);
1226         while (--index)
1227                 if (ov965x_formats[index].code == mf->code)
1228                         break;
1230         mf->colorspace  = V4L2_COLORSPACE_JPEG;
1231         mf->code        = ov965x_formats[index].code;
1232         mf->field       = V4L2_FIELD_NONE;
1234         mutex_lock(&ov965x->lock);
1236         if (fmt->which == V4L2_SUBDEV_FORMAT_TRY) {
1237                 if (cfg) {
1238                         mf = v4l2_subdev_get_try_format(sd, cfg, fmt->pad);
1239                         *mf = fmt->format;
1240                 }
1241         } else {
1242                 if (ov965x->streaming) {
1243                         ret = -EBUSY;
1244                 } else {
1245                         ov965x->frame_size = size;
1246                         ov965x->format = fmt->format;
1247                         ov965x->tslb_reg = ov965x_formats[index].tslb_reg;
1248                         ov965x->apply_frame_fmt = 1;
1249                 }
1250         }
1252         if (!ret && fmt->which == V4L2_SUBDEV_FORMAT_ACTIVE) {
1253                 struct v4l2_subdev_frame_interval fiv = {
1254                         .interval = { 0, 1 }
1255                 };
1256                 /* Reset to minimum possible frame interval */
1257                 __ov965x_set_frame_interval(ov965x, &fiv);
1258         }
1259         mutex_unlock(&ov965x->lock);
1261         if (!ret)
1262                 ov965x_update_exposure_ctrl(ov965x);
1264         return ret;
1265 }
1267 static int ov965x_set_frame_size(struct ov965x *ov965x)
1268 {
1269         int i, ret = 0;
1271         for (i = 0; ret == 0 && i < NUM_FMT_REGS; i++)
1272                 ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, frame_size_reg_addr[i],
1273                                    ov965x->frame_size->regs[i]);
1274         return ret;
1275 }
1277 static int __ov965x_set_params(struct ov965x *ov965x)
1278 {
1279         struct ov965x_ctrls *ctrls = &ov965x->ctrls;
1280         int ret = 0;
1281         u8 reg;
1283         if (ov965x->apply_frame_fmt) {
1284                 reg = DEF_CLKRC + ov965x->fiv->clkrc_div;
1285                 ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_CLKRC, reg);
1286                 if (ret < 0)
1287                         return ret;
1288                 ret = ov965x_set_frame_size(ov965x);
1289                 if (ret < 0)
1290                         return ret;
1291                 ret = ov965x_read(ov965x, REG_TSLB, &reg);
1292                 if (ret < 0)
1293                         return ret;
1294                 reg &= ~TSLB_YUYV_MASK;
1295                 reg |= ov965x->tslb_reg;
1296                 ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_TSLB, reg);
1297                 if (ret < 0)
1298                         return ret;
1299         }
1300         ret = ov965x_set_default_gamma_curve(ov965x);
1301         if (ret < 0)
1302                 return ret;
1303         ret = ov965x_set_color_matrix(ov965x);
1304         if (ret < 0)
1305                 return ret;
1306         /*
1307          * Select manual banding filter, the filter will
1308          * be enabled further if required.
1309          */
1310         ret = ov965x_read(ov965x, REG_COM11, &reg);
1311         if (!ret)
1312                 reg |= COM11_BANDING;
1313         ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_COM11, reg);
1314         if (ret < 0)
1315                 return ret;
1316         /*
1317          * Banding filter (REG_MBD value) needs to match selected
1318          * resolution and frame rate, so it's always updated here.
1319          */
1320         return ov965x_set_banding_filter(ov965x, ctrls->light_freq->val);
1321 }
1323 static int ov965x_s_stream(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int on)
1324 {
1325         struct ov965x *ov965x = to_ov965x(sd);
1326         struct ov965x_ctrls *ctrls = &ov965x->ctrls;
1327         int ret = 0;
1329         v4l2_dbg(1, debug, sd, "%s: on: %d\n", __func__, on);
1331         mutex_lock(&ov965x->lock);
1332         if (ov965x->streaming == !on) {
1333                 if (on)
1334                         ret = __ov965x_set_params(ov965x);
1336                 if (!ret && ctrls->update) {
1337                         /*
1338                          * ov965x_s_ctrl callback takes the mutex
1339                          * so it needs to be released here.
1340                          */
1341                         mutex_unlock(&ov965x->lock);
1342                         ret = v4l2_ctrl_handler_setup(&ctrls->handler);
1344                         mutex_lock(&ov965x->lock);
1345                         if (!ret)
1346                                 ctrls->update = 0;
1347                 }
1348                 if (!ret)
1349                         ret = ov965x_write(ov965x, REG_COM2,
1350                                            on ? 0x01 : 0x11);
1351         }
1352         if (!ret)
1353                 ov965x->streaming += on ? 1 : -1;
1355         WARN_ON(ov965x->streaming < 0);
1356         mutex_unlock(&ov965x->lock);
1358         return ret;
1359 }
1361 /*
1362  * V4L2 subdev internal operations
1363  */
1364 static int ov965x_open(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, struct v4l2_subdev_fh *fh)
1365 {
1366         struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt *mf =
1367                 v4l2_subdev_get_try_format(sd, fh->pad, 0);
1369         ov965x_get_default_format(mf);
1370         return 0;
1371 }
1373 static const struct v4l2_subdev_pad_ops ov965x_pad_ops = {
1374         .enum_mbus_code = ov965x_enum_mbus_code,
1375         .enum_frame_size = ov965x_enum_frame_sizes,
1376         .get_fmt = ov965x_get_fmt,
1377         .set_fmt = ov965x_set_fmt,
1378 };
1380 static const struct v4l2_subdev_video_ops ov965x_video_ops = {
1381         .s_stream = ov965x_s_stream,
1382         .g_frame_interval = ov965x_g_frame_interval,
1383         .s_frame_interval = ov965x_s_frame_interval,
1385 };
1387 static const struct v4l2_subdev_internal_ops ov965x_sd_internal_ops = {
1388         .open = ov965x_open,
1389 };
1391 static const struct v4l2_subdev_core_ops ov965x_core_ops = {
1392         .s_power = ov965x_s_power,
1393         .log_status = v4l2_ctrl_subdev_log_status,
1394         .subscribe_event = v4l2_ctrl_subdev_subscribe_event,
1395         .unsubscribe_event = v4l2_event_subdev_unsubscribe,
1396 };
1398 static const struct v4l2_subdev_ops ov965x_subdev_ops = {
1399         .core = &ov965x_core_ops,
1400         .pad = &ov965x_pad_ops,
1401         .video = &ov965x_video_ops,
1402 };
1404 /*
1405  * Reset and power down GPIOs configuration
1406  */
1407 static int ov965x_configure_gpios_pdata(struct ov965x *ov965x,
1408                                 const struct ov9650_platform_data *pdata)
1409 {
1410         int ret, i;
1411         int gpios[NUM_GPIOS];
1412         struct device *dev = regmap_get_device(ov965x->regmap);
1414         gpios[GPIO_PWDN] = pdata->gpio_pwdn;
1415         gpios[GPIO_RST]  = pdata->gpio_reset;
1417         for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ov965x->gpios); i++) {
1418                 int gpio = gpios[i];
1420                 if (!gpio_is_valid(gpio))
1421                         continue;
1422                 ret = devm_gpio_request_one(dev, gpio,
1423                                             GPIOF_OUT_INIT_HIGH, "OV965X");
1424                 if (ret < 0)
1425                         return ret;
1426                 v4l2_dbg(1, debug, &ov965x->sd, "set gpio %d to 1\n", gpio);
1428                 gpio_set_value_cansleep(gpio, 1);
1429                 gpio_export(gpio, 0);
1430                 ov965x->gpios[i] = gpio_to_desc(gpio);
1431         }
1433         return 0;
1434 }
1436 static int ov965x_configure_gpios(struct ov965x *ov965x)
1437 {
1438         struct device *dev = regmap_get_device(ov965x->regmap);
1440         ov965x->gpios[GPIO_PWDN] = devm_gpiod_get_optional(dev, "powerdown",
1441                                                         GPIOD_OUT_HIGH);
1442         if (IS_ERR(ov965x->gpios[GPIO_PWDN])) {
1443                 dev_info(dev, "can't get %s GPIO\n", "powerdown");
1444                 return PTR_ERR(ov965x->gpios[GPIO_PWDN]);
1445         }
1447         ov965x->gpios[GPIO_RST] = devm_gpiod_get_optional(dev, "reset",
1448                                                         GPIOD_OUT_HIGH);
1449         if (IS_ERR(ov965x->gpios[GPIO_RST])) {
1450                 dev_info(dev, "can't get %s GPIO\n", "reset");
1451                 return PTR_ERR(ov965x->gpios[GPIO_RST]);
1452         }
1454         return 0;
1455 }
1457 static int ov965x_detect_sensor(struct v4l2_subdev *sd)
1458 {
1459         struct ov965x *ov965x = to_ov965x(sd);
1460         u8 pid, ver;
1461         int ret;
1463         mutex_lock(&ov965x->lock);
1464         ret = __ov965x_set_power(ov965x, 1);
1465         if (ret)
1466                 goto out;
1468         msleep(25);
1470         /* Check sensor revision */
1471         ret = ov965x_read(ov965x, REG_PID, &pid);
1472         if (!ret)
1473                 ret = ov965x_read(ov965x, REG_VER, &ver);
1475         __ov965x_set_power(ov965x, 0);
1477         if (!ret) {
1478                 ov965x->id = OV965X_ID(pid, ver);
1479                 if (ov965x->id == OV9650_ID || ov965x->id == OV9652_ID) {
1480                         v4l2_info(sd, "Found OV%04X sensor\n", ov965x->id);
1481                 } else {
1482                         v4l2_err(sd, "Sensor detection failed (%04X, %d)\n",
1483                                  ov965x->id, ret);
1484                         ret = -ENODEV;
1485                 }
1486         }
1487 out:
1488         mutex_unlock(&ov965x->lock);
1490         return ret;
1491 }
1493 static int ov965x_probe(struct i2c_client *client)
1494 {
1495         const struct ov9650_platform_data *pdata = client->dev.platform_data;
1496         struct v4l2_subdev *sd;
1497         struct ov965x *ov965x;
1498         int ret;
1499         static const struct regmap_config ov965x_regmap_config = {
1500                 .reg_bits = 8,
1501                 .val_bits = 8,
1502                 .max_register = 0xab,
1503         };
1505         ov965x = devm_kzalloc(&client->dev, sizeof(*ov965x), GFP_KERNEL);
1506         if (!ov965x)
1507                 return -ENOMEM;
1509         ov965x->regmap = devm_regmap_init_sccb(client, &ov965x_regmap_config);
1510         if (IS_ERR(ov965x->regmap)) {
1511                 dev_err(&client->dev, "Failed to allocate register map\n");
1512                 return PTR_ERR(ov965x->regmap);
1513         }
1515         if (pdata) {
1516                 if (pdata->mclk_frequency == 0) {
1517                         dev_err(&client->dev, "MCLK frequency not specified\n");
1518                         return -EINVAL;
1519                 }
1520                 ov965x->mclk_frequency = pdata->mclk_frequency;
1522                 ret = ov965x_configure_gpios_pdata(ov965x, pdata);
1523                 if (ret < 0)
1524                         return ret;
1525         } else if (dev_fwnode(&client->dev)) {
1526                 ov965x->clk = devm_clk_get(&client->dev, NULL);
1527                 if (IS_ERR(ov965x->clk))
1528                         return PTR_ERR(ov965x->clk);
1529                 ov965x->mclk_frequency = clk_get_rate(ov965x->clk);
1531                 ret = ov965x_configure_gpios(ov965x);
1532                 if (ret < 0)
1533                         return ret;
1534         } else {
1535                 dev_err(&client->dev,
1536                         "Neither platform data nor device property specified\n");
1538                 return -EINVAL;
1539         }
1541         mutex_init(&ov965x->lock);
1543         sd = &ov965x->sd;
1544         v4l2_i2c_subdev_init(sd, client, &ov965x_subdev_ops);
1545         strscpy(sd->name, DRIVER_NAME, sizeof(sd->name));
1547         sd->internal_ops = &ov965x_sd_internal_ops;
1548         sd->flags |= V4L2_SUBDEV_FL_HAS_DEVNODE |
1549                      V4L2_SUBDEV_FL_HAS_EVENTS;
1551         ov965x->pad.flags = MEDIA_PAD_FL_SOURCE;
1552         sd->entity.function = MEDIA_ENT_F_CAM_SENSOR;
1553         ret = media_entity_pads_init(&sd->entity, 1, &ov965x->pad);
1554         if (ret < 0)
1555                 goto err_mutex;
1557         ret = ov965x_initialize_controls(ov965x);
1558         if (ret < 0)
1559                 goto err_me;
1561         ov965x_get_default_format(&ov965x->format);
1562         ov965x->frame_size = &ov965x_framesizes[0];
1563         ov965x->fiv = &ov965x_intervals[0];
1565         ret = ov965x_detect_sensor(sd);
1566         if (ret < 0)
1567                 goto err_ctrls;
1569         /* Update exposure time min/max to match frame format */
1570         ov965x_update_exposure_ctrl(ov965x);
1572         ret = v4l2_async_register_subdev(sd);
1573         if (ret < 0)
1574                 goto err_ctrls;
1576         return 0;
1577 err_ctrls:
1578         v4l2_ctrl_handler_free(sd->ctrl_handler);
1579 err_me:
1580         media_entity_cleanup(&sd->entity);
1581 err_mutex:
1582         mutex_destroy(&ov965x->lock);
1583         return ret;
1584 }
1586 static int ov965x_remove(struct i2c_client *client)
1587 {
1588         struct v4l2_subdev *sd = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
1589         struct ov965x *ov965x = to_ov965x(sd);
1591         v4l2_async_unregister_subdev(sd);
1592         v4l2_ctrl_handler_free(sd->ctrl_handler);
1593         media_entity_cleanup(&sd->entity);
1594         mutex_destroy(&ov965x->lock);
1596         return 0;
1597 }
1599 static const struct i2c_device_id ov965x_id[] = {
1600         { "OV9650", 0 },
1601         { "OV9652", 0 },
1602         { /* sentinel */ }
1603 };
1604 MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(i2c, ov965x_id);
1607 static const struct of_device_id ov965x_of_match[] = {
1608         { .compatible = "ovti,ov9650", },
1609         { .compatible = "ovti,ov9652", },
1610         { /* sentinel */ }
1611 };
1612 MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, ov965x_of_match);
1613 #endif
1615 static struct i2c_driver ov965x_i2c_driver = {
1616         .driver = {
1617                 .name   = DRIVER_NAME,
1618                 .of_match_table = of_match_ptr(ov965x_of_match),
1619         },
1620         .probe_new      = ov965x_probe,
1621         .remove         = ov965x_remove,
1622         .id_table       = ov965x_id,
1623 };
1625 module_i2c_driver(ov965x_i2c_driver);
1627 MODULE_AUTHOR("Sylwester Nawrocki <>");
1628 MODULE_DESCRIPTION("OV9650/OV9652 CMOS Image Sensor driver");

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