
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


   1 /*
   2  * drivers/media/radio/si4713-i2c.h
   3  *
   4  * Property and commands definitions for Si4713 radio transmitter chip.
   5  *
   6  * Copyright (c) 2008 Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia - INdT
   7  * Contact: Eduardo Valentin <>
   8  *
   9  * This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  10  * version 2. This program is licensed "as is" without any warranty of any
  11  * kind, whether express or implied.
  12  *
  13  */
  15 #ifndef SI4713_I2C_H
  16 #define SI4713_I2C_H
  18 #include <linux/platform_device.h>
  19 #include <linux/regulator/consumer.h>
  20 #include <linux/gpio/consumer.h>
  21 #include <media/v4l2-subdev.h>
  22 #include <media/v4l2-ctrls.h>
  23 #include <linux/platform_data/media/si4713.h>
  25 #define SI4713_PRODUCT_NUMBER           0x0D
  27 /* Command Timeouts */
  28 #define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT                 500
  29 #define TIMEOUT_SET_PROPERTY            20
  30 #define TIMEOUT_TX_TUNE_POWER           30000
  31 #define TIMEOUT_TX_TUNE                 110000
  32 #define TIMEOUT_POWER_UP                200000
  34 /*
  35  * Command and its arguments definitions
  36  */
  37 #define SI4713_PWUP_CTSIEN              (1<<7)
  38 #define SI4713_PWUP_GPO2OEN             (1<<6)
  39 #define SI4713_PWUP_PATCH               (1<<5)
  40 #define SI4713_PWUP_XOSCEN              (1<<4)
  41 #define SI4713_PWUP_FUNC_TX             0x02
  42 #define SI4713_PWUP_FUNC_PATCH          0x0F
  43 #define SI4713_PWUP_OPMOD_ANALOG        0x50
  44 #define SI4713_PWUP_OPMOD_DIGITAL       0x0F
  45 #define SI4713_PWUP_NARGS               2
  46 #define SI4713_PWUP_NRESP               1
  47 #define SI4713_CMD_POWER_UP             0x01
  49 #define SI4713_GETREV_NRESP             9
  50 #define SI4713_CMD_GET_REV              0x10
  52 #define SI4713_PWDN_NRESP               1
  53 #define SI4713_CMD_POWER_DOWN           0x11
  55 #define SI4713_SET_PROP_NARGS           5
  56 #define SI4713_SET_PROP_NRESP           1
  57 #define SI4713_CMD_SET_PROPERTY         0x12
  59 #define SI4713_GET_PROP_NARGS           3
  60 #define SI4713_GET_PROP_NRESP           4
  61 #define SI4713_CMD_GET_PROPERTY         0x13
  63 #define SI4713_GET_STATUS_NRESP         1
  64 #define SI4713_CMD_GET_INT_STATUS       0x14
  66 #define SI4713_CMD_PATCH_ARGS           0x15
  67 #define SI4713_CMD_PATCH_DATA           0x16
  69 #define SI4713_MAX_FREQ                 10800
  70 #define SI4713_MIN_FREQ                 7600
  71 #define SI4713_TXFREQ_NARGS             3
  72 #define SI4713_TXFREQ_NRESP             1
  73 #define SI4713_CMD_TX_TUNE_FREQ         0x30
  75 #define SI4713_MAX_POWER                120
  76 #define SI4713_MIN_POWER                88
  77 #define SI4713_MAX_ANTCAP               191
  78 #define SI4713_MIN_ANTCAP               0
  79 #define SI4713_TXPWR_NARGS              4
  80 #define SI4713_TXPWR_NRESP              1
  81 #define SI4713_CMD_TX_TUNE_POWER        0x31
  83 #define SI4713_TXMEA_NARGS              4
  84 #define SI4713_TXMEA_NRESP              1
  85 #define SI4713_CMD_TX_TUNE_MEASURE      0x32
  87 #define SI4713_INTACK_MASK              0x01
  88 #define SI4713_TXSTATUS_NARGS           1
  89 #define SI4713_TXSTATUS_NRESP           8
  90 #define SI4713_CMD_TX_TUNE_STATUS       0x33
  92 #define SI4713_OVERMOD_BIT              (1 << 2)
  93 #define SI4713_IALH_BIT                 (1 << 1)
  94 #define SI4713_IALL_BIT                 (1 << 0)
  95 #define SI4713_ASQSTATUS_NARGS          1
  96 #define SI4713_ASQSTATUS_NRESP          5
  97 #define SI4713_CMD_TX_ASQ_STATUS        0x34
  99 #define SI4713_RDSBUFF_MODE_MASK        0x87
 100 #define SI4713_RDSBUFF_NARGS            7
 101 #define SI4713_RDSBUFF_NRESP            6
 102 #define SI4713_CMD_TX_RDS_BUFF          0x35
 104 #define SI4713_RDSPS_PSID_MASK          0x1F
 105 #define SI4713_RDSPS_NARGS              5
 106 #define SI4713_RDSPS_NRESP              1
 107 #define SI4713_CMD_TX_RDS_PS            0x36
 109 #define SI4713_CMD_GPO_CTL              0x80
 110 #define SI4713_CMD_GPO_SET              0x81
 112 /*
 113  * Bits from status response
 114  */
 115 #define SI4713_CTS                      (1<<7)
 116 #define SI4713_ERR                      (1<<6)
 117 #define SI4713_RDS_INT                  (1<<2)
 118 #define SI4713_ASQ_INT                  (1<<1)
 119 #define SI4713_STC_INT                  (1<<0)
 121 /*
 122  * Property definitions
 123  */
 124 #define SI4713_GPO_IEN                  0x0001
 125 #define SI4713_DIG_INPUT_FORMAT         0x0101
 126 #define SI4713_DIG_INPUT_SAMPLE_RATE    0x0103
 127 #define SI4713_REFCLK_FREQ              0x0201
 128 #define SI4713_REFCLK_PRESCALE          0x0202
 129 #define SI4713_TX_COMPONENT_ENABLE      0x2100
 130 #define SI4713_TX_AUDIO_DEVIATION       0x2101
 131 #define SI4713_TX_PILOT_DEVIATION       0x2102
 132 #define SI4713_TX_RDS_DEVIATION         0x2103
 133 #define SI4713_TX_LINE_INPUT_LEVEL      0x2104
 134 #define SI4713_TX_LINE_INPUT_MUTE       0x2105
 135 #define SI4713_TX_PREEMPHASIS           0x2106
 136 #define SI4713_TX_PILOT_FREQUENCY       0x2107
 137 #define SI4713_TX_ACOMP_ENABLE          0x2200
 138 #define SI4713_TX_ACOMP_THRESHOLD       0x2201
 139 #define SI4713_TX_ACOMP_ATTACK_TIME     0x2202
 140 #define SI4713_TX_ACOMP_RELEASE_TIME    0x2203
 141 #define SI4713_TX_ACOMP_GAIN            0x2204
 142 #define SI4713_TX_LIMITER_RELEASE_TIME  0x2205
 143 #define SI4713_TX_ASQ_INTERRUPT_SOURCE  0x2300
 144 #define SI4713_TX_ASQ_LEVEL_LOW         0x2301
 145 #define SI4713_TX_ASQ_DURATION_LOW      0x2302
 146 #define SI4713_TX_ASQ_LEVEL_HIGH        0x2303
 147 #define SI4713_TX_ASQ_DURATION_HIGH     0x2304
 148 #define SI4713_TX_RDS_INTERRUPT_SOURCE  0x2C00
 149 #define SI4713_TX_RDS_PI                0x2C01
 150 #define SI4713_TX_RDS_PS_MIX            0x2C02
 151 #define SI4713_TX_RDS_PS_MISC           0x2C03
 152 #define SI4713_TX_RDS_PS_REPEAT_COUNT   0x2C04
 153 #define SI4713_TX_RDS_PS_MESSAGE_COUNT  0x2C05
 154 #define SI4713_TX_RDS_PS_AF             0x2C06
 155 #define SI4713_TX_RDS_FIFO_SIZE         0x2C07
 157 #define PREEMPHASIS_USA                 75
 158 #define PREEMPHASIS_EU                  50
 159 #define PREEMPHASIS_DISABLED            0
 160 #define FMPE_USA                        0x00
 161 #define FMPE_EU                         0x01
 162 #define FMPE_DISABLED                   0x02
 164 #define POWER_UP                        0x01
 165 #define POWER_DOWN                      0x00
 167 #define MAX_RDS_PTY                     31
 168 #define MAX_RDS_DEVIATION               90000
 170 /*
 171  * PSNAME is known to be defined as 8 character sized (RDS Spec).
 172  * However, there is receivers which scroll PSNAME 8xN sized.
 173  */
 174 #define MAX_RDS_PS_NAME                 96
 176 /*
 177  * MAX_RDS_RADIO_TEXT is known to be defined as 32 (2A group) or 64 (2B group)
 178  * character sized (RDS Spec).
 179  * However, there is receivers which scroll them as well.
 180  */
 181 #define MAX_RDS_RADIO_TEXT              384
 183 #define MAX_LIMITER_RELEASE_TIME        102390
 184 #define MAX_LIMITER_DEVIATION           90000
 186 #define MAX_PILOT_DEVIATION             90000
 187 #define MAX_PILOT_FREQUENCY             19000
 189 #define MAX_ACOMP_RELEASE_TIME          1000000
 190 #define MAX_ACOMP_ATTACK_TIME           5000
 191 #define MAX_ACOMP_THRESHOLD             0
 192 #define MIN_ACOMP_THRESHOLD             (-40)
 193 #define MAX_ACOMP_GAIN                  20
 195 /*
 196  * si4713_device - private data
 197  */
 198 struct si4713_device {
 199         /* v4l2_subdev and i2c reference (v4l2_subdev priv data) */
 200         struct v4l2_subdev sd;
 201         struct v4l2_ctrl_handler ctrl_handler;
 202         /* private data structures */
 203         struct { /* si4713 control cluster */
 204                 /* This is one big cluster since the mute control
 205                  * powers off the device and after unmuting again all
 206                  * controls need to be set at once. The only way of doing
 207                  * that is by making it one big cluster. */
 208                 struct v4l2_ctrl *mute;
 209                 struct v4l2_ctrl *rds_ps_name;
 210                 struct v4l2_ctrl *rds_radio_text;
 211                 struct v4l2_ctrl *rds_pi;
 212                 struct v4l2_ctrl *rds_deviation;
 213                 struct v4l2_ctrl *rds_pty;
 214                 struct v4l2_ctrl *rds_compressed;
 215                 struct v4l2_ctrl *rds_art_head;
 216                 struct v4l2_ctrl *rds_stereo;
 217                 struct v4l2_ctrl *rds_ta;
 218                 struct v4l2_ctrl *rds_tp;
 219                 struct v4l2_ctrl *rds_ms;
 220                 struct v4l2_ctrl *rds_dyn_pty;
 221                 struct v4l2_ctrl *rds_alt_freqs_enable;
 222                 struct v4l2_ctrl *rds_alt_freqs;
 223                 struct v4l2_ctrl *compression_enabled;
 224                 struct v4l2_ctrl *compression_threshold;
 225                 struct v4l2_ctrl *compression_gain;
 226                 struct v4l2_ctrl *compression_attack_time;
 227                 struct v4l2_ctrl *compression_release_time;
 228                 struct v4l2_ctrl *pilot_tone_enabled;
 229                 struct v4l2_ctrl *pilot_tone_freq;
 230                 struct v4l2_ctrl *pilot_tone_deviation;
 231                 struct v4l2_ctrl *limiter_enabled;
 232                 struct v4l2_ctrl *limiter_deviation;
 233                 struct v4l2_ctrl *limiter_release_time;
 234                 struct v4l2_ctrl *tune_preemphasis;
 235                 struct v4l2_ctrl *tune_pwr_level;
 236                 struct v4l2_ctrl *tune_ant_cap;
 237         };
 238         struct completion work;
 239         struct regulator *vdd;
 240         struct regulator *vio;
 241         struct gpio_desc *gpio_reset;
 242         struct platform_device *pd;
 243         u32 power_state;
 244         u32 rds_enabled;
 245         u32 frequency;
 246         u32 preemphasis;
 247         u32 stereo;
 248         u32 tune_rnl;
 249 };
 251 struct radio_si4713_platform_data {
 252         struct i2c_client *subdev;
 253 };
 254 #endif /* ifndef SI4713_I2C_H */

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