
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. fimc_hw_set_dma_seq

   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
   2 /*
   3  * Samsung camera host interface (FIMC) registers definition
   4  *
   5  * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2012 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
   6  */
   8 #ifndef FIMC_REG_H_
   9 #define FIMC_REG_H_
  11 #include <linux/bitops.h>
  13 #include "fimc-core.h"
  15 /* Input source format */
  16 #define FIMC_REG_CISRCFMT                       0x00
  17 #define FIMC_REG_CISRCFMT_ITU601_8BIT           BIT(31)
  18 #define FIMC_REG_CISRCFMT_ITU601_16BIT          BIT(29)
  19 #define FIMC_REG_CISRCFMT_ORDER422_YCBYCR       (0 << 14)
  20 #define FIMC_REG_CISRCFMT_ORDER422_YCRYCB       (1 << 14)
  21 #define FIMC_REG_CISRCFMT_ORDER422_CBYCRY       (2 << 14)
  22 #define FIMC_REG_CISRCFMT_ORDER422_CRYCBY       (3 << 14)
  24 /* Window offset */
  25 #define FIMC_REG_CIWDOFST                       0x04
  26 #define FIMC_REG_CIWDOFST_OFF_EN                BIT(31)
  27 #define FIMC_REG_CIWDOFST_CLROVFIY              BIT(30)
  28 #define FIMC_REG_CIWDOFST_CLROVRLB              BIT(29)
  29 #define FIMC_REG_CIWDOFST_HOROFF_MASK           (0x7ff << 16)
  30 #define FIMC_REG_CIWDOFST_CLROVFICB             BIT(15)
  31 #define FIMC_REG_CIWDOFST_CLROVFICR             BIT(14)
  32 #define FIMC_REG_CIWDOFST_VEROFF_MASK           (0xfff << 0)
  34 /* Global control */
  35 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL                        0x08
  36 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_SWRST                  BIT(31)
  37 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_CAMRST_A               BIT(30)
  38 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_SELCAM_ITU_A           BIT(29)
  39 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_TESTPAT_NORMAL         (0 << 27)
  40 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_TESTPAT_COLOR_BAR      (1 << 27)
  41 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_TESTPAT_HOR_INC        (2 << 27)
  42 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_TESTPAT_VER_INC        (3 << 27)
  43 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_TESTPAT_MASK           (3 << 27)
  44 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_TESTPAT_SHIFT          27
  45 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_INVPOLPCLK             BIT(26)
  46 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_INVPOLVSYNC            BIT(25)
  47 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_INVPOLHREF             BIT(24)
  48 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_IRQ_OVFEN              BIT(22)
  49 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_HREF_MASK              BIT(21)
  50 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_IRQ_LEVEL              BIT(20)
  51 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_IRQ_CLR                BIT(19)
  52 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_IRQ_ENABLE             BIT(16)
  53 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_SHDW_DISABLE           BIT(12)
  54 /* 0 - selects Writeback A (LCD), 1 - selects Writeback B (LCD/ISP) */
  55 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_SELWB_A                BIT(10)
  56 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_CAM_JPEG               BIT(8)
  57 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_SELCAM_MIPI_A          BIT(7)
  58 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_CAMIF_SELWB            BIT(6)
  59 /* 0 - ITU601; 1 - ITU709 */
  60 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_CSC_ITU601_709         BIT(5)
  61 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_INVPOLHSYNC            BIT(4)
  62 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_SELCAM_MIPI            BIT(3)
  63 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_INVPOLFIELD            BIT(1)
  64 #define FIMC_REG_CIGCTRL_INTERLACE              BIT(0)
  66 /* Window offset 2 */
  67 #define FIMC_REG_CIWDOFST2                      0x14
  68 #define FIMC_REG_CIWDOFST2_HOROFF_MASK          (0xfff << 16)
  69 #define FIMC_REG_CIWDOFST2_VEROFF_MASK          (0xfff << 0)
  71 /* Output DMA Y/Cb/Cr plane start addresses */
  72 #define FIMC_REG_CIOYSA(n)                      (0x18 + (n) * 4)
  73 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCBSA(n)                     (0x28 + (n) * 4)
  74 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCRSA(n)                     (0x38 + (n) * 4)
  76 /* Target image format */
  77 #define FIMC_REG_CITRGFMT                       0x48
  78 #define FIMC_REG_CITRGFMT_INROT90               BIT(31)
  79 #define FIMC_REG_CITRGFMT_YCBCR420              (0 << 29)
  80 #define FIMC_REG_CITRGFMT_YCBCR422              (1 << 29)
  81 #define FIMC_REG_CITRGFMT_YCBCR422_1P           (2 << 29)
  82 #define FIMC_REG_CITRGFMT_RGB                   (3 << 29)
  83 #define FIMC_REG_CITRGFMT_FMT_MASK              (3 << 29)
  84 #define FIMC_REG_CITRGFMT_HSIZE_MASK            (0xfff << 16)
  85 #define FIMC_REG_CITRGFMT_FLIP_SHIFT            14
  86 #define FIMC_REG_CITRGFMT_FLIP_NORMAL           (0 << 14)
  87 #define FIMC_REG_CITRGFMT_FLIP_X_MIRROR         (1 << 14)
  88 #define FIMC_REG_CITRGFMT_FLIP_Y_MIRROR         (2 << 14)
  89 #define FIMC_REG_CITRGFMT_FLIP_180              (3 << 14)
  90 #define FIMC_REG_CITRGFMT_FLIP_MASK             (3 << 14)
  91 #define FIMC_REG_CITRGFMT_OUTROT90              BIT(13)
  92 #define FIMC_REG_CITRGFMT_VSIZE_MASK            (0xfff << 0)
  94 /* Output DMA control */
  95 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCTRL                        0x4c
  96 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCTRL_ORDER422_MASK          (3 << 0)
  97 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCTRL_ORDER422_YCBYCR        (0 << 0)
  98 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCTRL_ORDER422_YCRYCB        (1 << 0)
  99 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCTRL_ORDER422_CBYCRY        (2 << 0)
 100 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCTRL_ORDER422_CRYCBY        (3 << 0)
 102 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCTRL_YCBCR_3PLANE           (0 << 3)
 103 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCTRL_YCBCR_2PLANE           (1 << 3)
 104 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCTRL_YCBCR_PLANE_MASK       (1 << 3)
 105 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCTRL_ALPHA_OUT_MASK         (0xff << 4)
 106 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCTRL_RGB16FMT_MASK          (3 << 16)
 107 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCTRL_RGB565                 (0 << 16)
 108 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCTRL_ARGB1555               (1 << 16)
 109 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCTRL_ARGB4444               (2 << 16)
 110 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCTRL_ORDER2P_SHIFT          24
 111 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCTRL_ORDER2P_MASK           (3 << 24)
 112 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCTRL_ORDER422_2P_LSB_CRCB   (0 << 24)
 114 /* Pre-scaler control 1 */
 115 #define FIMC_REG_CISCPRERATIO                   0x50
 117 #define FIMC_REG_CISCPREDST                     0x54
 119 /* Main scaler control */
 120 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL                       0x58
 121 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_SCALERBYPASS          BIT(31)
 122 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_SCALEUP_H             BIT(30)
 123 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_SCALEUP_V             BIT(29)
 124 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_CSCR2Y_WIDE           BIT(28)
 125 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_CSCY2R_WIDE           BIT(27)
 127 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_INTERLACE             BIT(25)
 128 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_SCALERSTART           BIT(15)
 129 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_INRGB_FMT_RGB565      (0 << 13)
 130 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_INRGB_FMT_RGB666      (1 << 13)
 131 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_INRGB_FMT_RGB888      (2 << 13)
 132 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_INRGB_FMT_MASK        (3 << 13)
 133 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_OUTRGB_FMT_RGB565     (0 << 11)
 134 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_OUTRGB_FMT_RGB666     (1 << 11)
 135 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_OUTRGB_FMT_RGB888     (2 << 11)
 136 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_OUTRGB_FMT_MASK       (3 << 11)
 137 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_RGB_EXT               BIT(10)
 138 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_ONE2ONE               BIT(9)
 139 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_MHRATIO(x)            ((x) << 16)
 140 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_MVRATIO(x)            ((x) << 0)
 141 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_MHRATIO_MASK          (0x1ff << 16)
 142 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_MVRATIO_MASK          (0x1ff << 0)
 143 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_MHRATIO_EXT(x)        (((x) >> 6) << 16)
 144 #define FIMC_REG_CISCCTRL_MVRATIO_EXT(x)        (((x) >> 6) << 0)
 146 /* Target area */
 147 #define FIMC_REG_CITAREA                        0x5c
 148 #define FIMC_REG_CITAREA_MASK                   0x0fffffff
 150 /* General status */
 151 #define FIMC_REG_CISTATUS                       0x64
 152 #define FIMC_REG_CISTATUS_OVFIY                 BIT(31)
 153 #define FIMC_REG_CISTATUS_OVFICB                BIT(30)
 154 #define FIMC_REG_CISTATUS_OVFICR                BIT(29)
 155 #define FIMC_REG_CISTATUS_VSYNC                 BIT(28)
 156 #define FIMC_REG_CISTATUS_FRAMECNT_MASK         (3 << 26)
 158 #define FIMC_REG_CISTATUS_WINOFF_EN             BIT(25)
 159 #define FIMC_REG_CISTATUS_IMGCPT_EN             BIT(22)
 160 #define FIMC_REG_CISTATUS_IMGCPT_SCEN           BIT(21)
 161 #define FIMC_REG_CISTATUS_VSYNC_A               BIT(20)
 162 #define FIMC_REG_CISTATUS_VSYNC_B               BIT(19)
 163 #define FIMC_REG_CISTATUS_OVRLB                 BIT(18)
 164 #define FIMC_REG_CISTATUS_FRAME_END             BIT(17)
 165 #define FIMC_REG_CISTATUS_LASTCAPT_END          BIT(16)
 166 #define FIMC_REG_CISTATUS_VVALID_A              BIT(15)
 167 #define FIMC_REG_CISTATUS_VVALID_B              BIT(14)
 169 /* Indexes to the last and the currently processed buffer. */
 170 #define FIMC_REG_CISTATUS2                      0x68
 172 /* Image capture control */
 173 #define FIMC_REG_CIIMGCPT                       0xc0
 174 #define FIMC_REG_CIIMGCPT_IMGCPTEN              BIT(31)
 175 #define FIMC_REG_CIIMGCPT_IMGCPTEN_SC           BIT(30)
 177 #define FIMC_REG_CIIMGCPT_CPT_FRMOD_CNT         BIT(18)
 179 /* Frame capture sequence */
 180 #define FIMC_REG_CICPTSEQ                       0xc4
 182 /* Image effect */
 183 #define FIMC_REG_CIIMGEFF                       0xd0
 184 #define FIMC_REG_CIIMGEFF_IE_ENABLE             BIT(30)
 185 #define FIMC_REG_CIIMGEFF_IE_SC_BEFORE          (0 << 29)
 186 #define FIMC_REG_CIIMGEFF_IE_SC_AFTER           (1 << 29)
 187 #define FIMC_REG_CIIMGEFF_FIN_BYPASS            (0 << 26)
 188 #define FIMC_REG_CIIMGEFF_FIN_ARBITRARY         (1 << 26)
 189 #define FIMC_REG_CIIMGEFF_FIN_NEGATIVE          (2 << 26)
 190 #define FIMC_REG_CIIMGEFF_FIN_ARTFREEZE         (3 << 26)
 191 #define FIMC_REG_CIIMGEFF_FIN_EMBOSSING         (4 << 26)
 192 #define FIMC_REG_CIIMGEFF_FIN_SILHOUETTE        (5 << 26)
 193 #define FIMC_REG_CIIMGEFF_FIN_MASK              (7 << 26)
 194 #define FIMC_REG_CIIMGEFF_PAT_CBCR_MASK         ((0xff << 13) | 0xff)
 196 /* Input DMA Y/Cb/Cr plane start address 0/1 */
 197 #define FIMC_REG_CIIYSA(n)                      (0xd4 + (n) * 0x70)
 198 #define FIMC_REG_CIICBSA(n)                     (0xd8 + (n) * 0x70)
 199 #define FIMC_REG_CIICRSA(n)                     (0xdc + (n) * 0x70)
 201 /* Real input DMA image size */
 202 #define FIMC_REG_CIREAL_ISIZE                   0xf8
 204 #define FIMC_REG_CIREAL_ISIZE_ADDR_CH_DIS       BIT(30)
 206 /* Input DMA control */
 207 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL                         0xfc
 208 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_IN_BURST_COUNT_MASK     (0xf << 24)
 209 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_2P_IN_ORDER_MASK        (3 << 16)
 210 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_2P_IN_ORDER_SHIFT       16
 211 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_C_INT_IN_3PLANE         (0 << 15)
 212 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_C_INT_IN_2PLANE         (1 << 15)
 213 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_C_INT_IN_MASK           (1 << 15)
 214 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_FLIP_SHIFT              13
 215 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_FLIP_MASK               (3 << 13)
 216 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_FLIP_NORMAL             (0 << 13)
 217 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_FLIP_X_MIRROR           (1 << 13)
 218 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_FLIP_Y_MIRROR           (2 << 13)
 219 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_FLIP_180                (3 << 13)
 220 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_FIFO_CTRL_FULL          BIT(12)
 221 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_ORDER422_SHIFT          4
 222 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_ORDER422_CRYCBY         (0 << 4)
 223 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_ORDER422_YCRYCB         (1 << 4)
 224 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_ORDER422_CBYCRY         (2 << 4)
 225 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_ORDER422_YCBYCR         (3 << 4)
 226 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_ORDER422_MASK           (3 << 4)
 227 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_INPUT_EXTCAM            (0 << 3)
 228 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_INPUT_MEMORY            BIT(3)
 229 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_INPUT_MASK              BIT(3)
 230 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_INFORMAT_YCBCR420       (0 << 1)
 231 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_INFORMAT_YCBCR422       (1 << 1)
 232 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_INFORMAT_YCBCR422_1P    (2 << 1)
 233 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_INFORMAT_RGB            (3 << 1)
 234 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_INFORMAT_MASK           (3 << 1)
 235 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_ENVID                   BIT(0)
 236 #define FIMC_REG_MSCTRL_IN_BURST_COUNT(x)       ((x) << 24)
 238 /* Output DMA Y/Cb/Cr offset */
 239 #define FIMC_REG_CIOYOFF                        0x168
 240 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCBOFF                       0x16c
 241 #define FIMC_REG_CIOCROFF                       0x170
 243 /* Input DMA Y/Cb/Cr offset */
 244 #define FIMC_REG_CIIYOFF                        0x174
 245 #define FIMC_REG_CIICBOFF                       0x178
 246 #define FIMC_REG_CIICROFF                       0x17c
 248 /* Input DMA original image size */
 249 #define FIMC_REG_ORGISIZE                       0x180
 251 /* Output DMA original image size */
 252 #define FIMC_REG_ORGOSIZE                       0x184
 254 /* Real output DMA image size (extension register) */
 255 #define FIMC_REG_CIEXTEN                        0x188
 256 #define FIMC_REG_CIEXTEN_MHRATIO_EXT(x)         (((x) & 0x3f) << 10)
 257 #define FIMC_REG_CIEXTEN_MVRATIO_EXT(x)         ((x) & 0x3f)
 258 #define FIMC_REG_CIEXTEN_MHRATIO_EXT_MASK       (0x3f << 10)
 259 #define FIMC_REG_CIEXTEN_MVRATIO_EXT_MASK       0x3f
 261 #define FIMC_REG_CIDMAPARAM                     0x18c
 262 #define FIMC_REG_CIDMAPARAM_R_LINEAR            (0 << 29)
 263 #define FIMC_REG_CIDMAPARAM_R_64X32             (3 << 29)
 264 #define FIMC_REG_CIDMAPARAM_W_LINEAR            (0 << 13)
 265 #define FIMC_REG_CIDMAPARAM_W_64X32             (3 << 13)
 266 #define FIMC_REG_CIDMAPARAM_TILE_MASK           ((3 << 29) | (3 << 13))
 268 /* MIPI CSI image format */
 269 #define FIMC_REG_CSIIMGFMT                      0x194
 270 #define FIMC_REG_CSIIMGFMT_YCBCR422_8BIT        0x1e
 271 #define FIMC_REG_CSIIMGFMT_RAW8                 0x2a
 272 #define FIMC_REG_CSIIMGFMT_RAW10                0x2b
 273 #define FIMC_REG_CSIIMGFMT_RAW12                0x2c
 274 /* User defined formats. x = 0...16. */
 275 #define FIMC_REG_CSIIMGFMT_USER(x)              (0x30 + x - 1)
 277 /* Output frame buffer sequence mask */
 278 #define FIMC_REG_CIFCNTSEQ                      0x1fc
 280 /* SYSREG ISP Writeback register address offsets */
 281 #define SYSREG_ISPBLK                           0x020c
 282 #define SYSREG_ISPBLK_FIFORST_CAM_BLK           BIT(7)
 284 #define SYSREG_CAMBLK                           0x0218
 285 #define SYSREG_CAMBLK_FIFORST_ISP               BIT(15)
 286 #define SYSREG_CAMBLK_ISPWB_FULL_EN             (7 << 20)
 288 /*
 289  * Function declarations
 290  */
 291 void fimc_hw_reset(struct fimc_dev *fimc);
 292 void fimc_hw_set_rotation(struct fimc_ctx *ctx);
 293 void fimc_hw_set_target_format(struct fimc_ctx *ctx);
 294 void fimc_hw_set_out_dma(struct fimc_ctx *ctx);
 295 void fimc_hw_en_lastirq(struct fimc_dev *fimc, int enable);
 296 void fimc_hw_en_irq(struct fimc_dev *fimc, int enable);
 297 void fimc_hw_set_prescaler(struct fimc_ctx *ctx);
 298 void fimc_hw_set_mainscaler(struct fimc_ctx *ctx);
 299 void fimc_hw_enable_capture(struct fimc_ctx *ctx);
 300 void fimc_hw_set_effect(struct fimc_ctx *ctx);
 301 void fimc_hw_set_rgb_alpha(struct fimc_ctx *ctx);
 302 void fimc_hw_set_in_dma(struct fimc_ctx *ctx);
 303 void fimc_hw_set_input_path(struct fimc_ctx *ctx);
 304 void fimc_hw_set_output_path(struct fimc_ctx *ctx);
 305 void fimc_hw_set_input_addr(struct fimc_dev *fimc, struct fimc_addr *paddr);
 306 void fimc_hw_set_output_addr(struct fimc_dev *fimc, struct fimc_addr *paddr,
 307                              int index);
 308 int fimc_hw_set_camera_source(struct fimc_dev *fimc,
 309                               struct fimc_source_info *cam);
 310 void fimc_hw_set_camera_offset(struct fimc_dev *fimc, struct fimc_frame *f);
 311 int fimc_hw_set_camera_polarity(struct fimc_dev *fimc,
 312                                 struct fimc_source_info *cam);
 313 int fimc_hw_set_camera_type(struct fimc_dev *fimc,
 314                             struct fimc_source_info *cam);
 315 void fimc_hw_clear_irq(struct fimc_dev *dev);
 316 void fimc_hw_enable_scaler(struct fimc_dev *dev, bool on);
 317 void fimc_hw_activate_input_dma(struct fimc_dev *dev, bool on);
 318 void fimc_hw_disable_capture(struct fimc_dev *dev);
 319 s32 fimc_hw_get_frame_index(struct fimc_dev *dev);
 320 s32 fimc_hw_get_prev_frame_index(struct fimc_dev *dev);
 321 int fimc_hw_camblk_cfg_writeback(struct fimc_dev *fimc);
 322 void fimc_activate_capture(struct fimc_ctx *ctx);
 323 void fimc_deactivate_capture(struct fimc_dev *fimc);
 325 /**
 326  * fimc_hw_set_dma_seq - configure output DMA buffer sequence
 327  * @mask: bitmask for the DMA output buffer registers, set to 0 to skip buffer
 328  * This function masks output DMA ring buffers, it allows to select which of
 329  * the 32 available output buffer address registers will be used by the DMA
 330  * engine.
 331  */
 332 static inline void fimc_hw_set_dma_seq(struct fimc_dev *dev, u32 mask)
 333 {
 334         writel(mask, dev->regs + FIMC_REG_CIFCNTSEQ);
 335 }
 337 #endif /* FIMC_REG_H_ */

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */