
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
   2 /* linux/drivers/media/platform/s5p-jpeg/jpeg-core.h
   3  *
   4  * Copyright (c) 2011 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
   5  *    
   6  *
   7  * Author: Andrzej Pietrasiewicz <>
   8  */
  10 #ifndef JPEG_CORE_H_
  11 #define JPEG_CORE_H_
  13 #include <linux/interrupt.h>
  14 #include <media/v4l2-device.h>
  15 #include <media/v4l2-fh.h>
  16 #include <media/v4l2-ctrls.h>
  18 #define S5P_JPEG_M2M_NAME               "s5p-jpeg"
  20 #define JPEG_MAX_CLOCKS                 4
  22 /* JPEG compression quality setting */
  23 #define S5P_JPEG_COMPR_QUAL_BEST        0
  24 #define S5P_JPEG_COMPR_QUAL_WORST       3
  26 /* JPEG RGB to YCbCr conversion matrix coefficients */
  27 #define S5P_JPEG_COEF11                 0x4d
  28 #define S5P_JPEG_COEF12                 0x97
  29 #define S5P_JPEG_COEF13                 0x1e
  30 #define S5P_JPEG_COEF21                 0x2c
  31 #define S5P_JPEG_COEF22                 0x57
  32 #define S5P_JPEG_COEF23                 0x83
  33 #define S5P_JPEG_COEF31                 0x83
  34 #define S5P_JPEG_COEF32                 0x6e
  35 #define S5P_JPEG_COEF33                 0x13
  37 #define EXYNOS3250_IRQ_TIMEOUT          0x10000000
  39 /* a selection of JPEG markers */
  40 #define TEM                             0x01
  41 #define SOF0                            0xc0
  42 #define DHT                             0xc4
  43 #define RST                             0xd0
  44 #define SOI                             0xd8
  45 #define EOI                             0xd9
  46 #define SOS                             0xda
  47 #define DQT                             0xdb
  48 #define DHP                             0xde
  50 /* Flags that indicate a format can be used for capture/output */
  51 #define SJPEG_FMT_FLAG_ENC_CAPTURE      (1 << 0)
  52 #define SJPEG_FMT_FLAG_ENC_OUTPUT       (1 << 1)
  53 #define SJPEG_FMT_FLAG_DEC_CAPTURE      (1 << 2)
  54 #define SJPEG_FMT_FLAG_DEC_OUTPUT       (1 << 3)
  55 #define SJPEG_FMT_FLAG_S5P              (1 << 4)
  56 #define SJPEG_FMT_FLAG_EXYNOS3250       (1 << 5)
  57 #define SJPEG_FMT_FLAG_EXYNOS4          (1 << 6)
  58 #define SJPEG_FMT_RGB                   (1 << 7)
  59 #define SJPEG_FMT_NON_RGB               (1 << 8)
  61 #define S5P_JPEG_ENCODE         0
  62 #define S5P_JPEG_DECODE         1
  63 #define S5P_JPEG_DISABLE        -1
  65 #define FMT_TYPE_OUTPUT         0
  66 #define FMT_TYPE_CAPTURE        1
  68 #define SJPEG_SUBSAMPLING_444   0x11
  69 #define SJPEG_SUBSAMPLING_422   0x21
  70 #define SJPEG_SUBSAMPLING_420   0x22
  72 #define S5P_JPEG_MAX_MARKER     4
  74 /* Version numbers */
  75 enum sjpeg_version {
  76         SJPEG_S5P,
  77         SJPEG_EXYNOS3250,
  78         SJPEG_EXYNOS4,
  79         SJPEG_EXYNOS5420,
  80         SJPEG_EXYNOS5433,
  81 };
  83 enum exynos4_jpeg_result {
  84         OK_ENC_OR_DEC,
  85         ERR_PROT,
  87         ERR_MULTI_SCAN,
  88         ERR_FRAME,
  89         ERR_UNKNOWN,
  90 };
  92 enum  exynos4_jpeg_img_quality_level {
  93         QUALITY_LEVEL_1 = 0,    /* high */
  94         QUALITY_LEVEL_2,
  95         QUALITY_LEVEL_3,
  96         QUALITY_LEVEL_4,        /* low */
  97 };
  99 enum s5p_jpeg_ctx_state {
 100         JPEGCTX_RUNNING = 0,
 102 };
 104 /**
 105  * struct s5p_jpeg - JPEG IP abstraction
 106  * @lock:               the mutex protecting this structure
 107  * @slock:              spinlock protecting the device contexts
 108  * @v4l2_dev:           v4l2 device for mem2mem mode
 109  * @vfd_encoder:        video device node for encoder mem2mem mode
 110  * @vfd_decoder:        video device node for decoder mem2mem mode
 111  * @m2m_dev:            v4l2 mem2mem device data
 112  * @regs:               JPEG IP registers mapping
 113  * @irq:                JPEG IP irq
 114  * @clocks:             JPEG IP clock(s)
 115  * @dev:                JPEG IP struct device
 116  * @variant:            driver variant to be used
 117  * @irq_status          interrupt flags set during single encode/decode
 118                         operation
 120  */
 121 struct s5p_jpeg {
 122         struct mutex            lock;
 123         spinlock_t              slock;
 125         struct v4l2_device      v4l2_dev;
 126         struct video_device     *vfd_encoder;
 127         struct video_device     *vfd_decoder;
 128         struct v4l2_m2m_dev     *m2m_dev;
 130         void __iomem            *regs;
 131         unsigned int            irq;
 132         enum exynos4_jpeg_result irq_ret;
 133         struct clk              *clocks[JPEG_MAX_CLOCKS];
 134         struct device           *dev;
 135         struct s5p_jpeg_variant *variant;
 136         u32                     irq_status;
 137 };
 139 struct s5p_jpeg_variant {
 140         unsigned int            version;
 141         unsigned int            fmt_ver_flag;
 142         unsigned int            hw3250_compat:1;
 143         unsigned int            htbl_reinit:1;
 144         unsigned int            hw_ex4_compat:1;
 145         struct v4l2_m2m_ops     *m2m_ops;
 146         irqreturn_t             (*jpeg_irq)(int irq, void *priv);
 147         const char              *clk_names[JPEG_MAX_CLOCKS];
 148         int                     num_clocks;
 149 };
 151 /**
 152  * struct jpeg_fmt - driver's internal color format data
 153  * @fourcc:     the fourcc code, 0 if not applicable
 154  * @depth:      number of bits per pixel
 155  * @colplanes:  number of color planes (1 for packed formats)
 156  * @h_align:    horizontal alignment order (align to 2^h_align)
 157  * @v_align:    vertical alignment order (align to 2^v_align)
 158  * @flags:      flags describing format applicability
 159  */
 160 struct s5p_jpeg_fmt {
 161         u32     fourcc;
 162         int     depth;
 163         int     colplanes;
 164         int     memplanes;
 165         int     h_align;
 166         int     v_align;
 167         int     subsampling;
 168         u32     flags;
 169 };
 171 /**
 172  * s5p_jpeg_marker - collection of markers from jpeg header
 173  * @marker:     markers' positions relative to the buffer beginning
 174  * @len:        markers' payload lengths (without length field)
 175  * @n:          number of markers in collection
 176  */
 177 struct s5p_jpeg_marker {
 178         u32     marker[S5P_JPEG_MAX_MARKER];
 179         u32     len[S5P_JPEG_MAX_MARKER];
 180         u32     n;
 181 };
 183 /**
 184  * s5p_jpeg_q_data - parameters of one queue
 185  * @fmt:        driver-specific format of this queue
 186  * @w:          image width
 187  * @h:          image height
 188  * @sos:        SOS marker's position relative to the buffer beginning
 189  * @dht:        DHT markers' positions relative to the buffer beginning
 190  * @dqt:        DQT markers' positions relative to the buffer beginning
 191  * @sof:        SOF0 marker's position relative to the buffer beginning
 192  * @sof_len:    SOF0 marker's payload length (without length field itself)
 193  * @components: number of image components
 194  * @size:       image buffer size in bytes
 195  */
 196 struct s5p_jpeg_q_data {
 197         struct s5p_jpeg_fmt     *fmt;
 198         u32                     w;
 199         u32                     h;
 200         u32                     sos;
 201         struct s5p_jpeg_marker  dht;
 202         struct s5p_jpeg_marker  dqt;
 203         u32                     sof;
 204         u32                     sof_len;
 205         u32                     components;
 206         u32                     size;
 207 };
 209 /**
 210  * s5p_jpeg_ctx - the device context data
 211  * @jpeg:               JPEG IP device for this context
 212  * @mode:               compression (encode) operation or decompression (decode)
 213  * @compr_quality:      destination image quality in compression (encode) mode
 214  * @restart_interval:   JPEG restart interval for JPEG encoding
 215  * @subsampling:        subsampling of a raw format or a JPEG
 216  * @out_q:              source (output) queue information
 217  * @cap_q:              destination (capture) queue queue information
 218  * @scale_factor:       scale factor for JPEG decoding
 219  * @crop_rect:          a rectangle representing crop area of the output buffer
 220  * @fh:                 V4L2 file handle
 221  * @hdr_parsed:         set if header has been parsed during decompression
 222  * @crop_altered:       set if crop rectangle has been altered by the user space
 223  * @ctrl_handler:       controls handler
 224  * @state:              state of the context
 225  */
 226 struct s5p_jpeg_ctx {
 227         struct s5p_jpeg         *jpeg;
 228         unsigned int            mode;
 229         unsigned short          compr_quality;
 230         unsigned short          restart_interval;
 231         unsigned short          subsampling;
 232         struct s5p_jpeg_q_data  out_q;
 233         struct s5p_jpeg_q_data  cap_q;
 234         unsigned int            scale_factor;
 235         struct v4l2_rect        crop_rect;
 236         struct v4l2_fh          fh;
 237         bool                    hdr_parsed;
 238         bool                    crop_altered;
 239         struct v4l2_ctrl_handler ctrl_handler;
 240         enum s5p_jpeg_ctx_state state;
 241 };
 243 /**
 244  * s5p_jpeg_buffer - description of memory containing input JPEG data
 245  * @size:       buffer size
 246  * @curr:       current position in the buffer
 247  * @data:       pointer to the data
 248  */
 249 struct s5p_jpeg_buffer {
 250         unsigned long size;
 251         unsigned long curr;
 252         unsigned long data;
 253 };
 255 /**
 256  * struct s5p_jpeg_addr - JPEG converter physical address set for DMA
 257  * @y:   luminance plane physical address
 258  * @cb:  Cb plane physical address
 259  * @cr:  Cr plane physical address
 260  */
 261 struct s5p_jpeg_addr {
 262         u32     y;
 263         u32     cb;
 264         u32     cr;
 265 };
 267 #endif /* JPEG_CORE_H */

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