
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. cvmx_fpa_get_name
  2. cvmx_fpa_get_base
  3. cvmx_fpa_is_member
  4. cvmx_fpa_enable
  5. cvmx_fpa_alloc
  6. cvmx_fpa_async_alloc
  7. cvmx_fpa_free_nosync
  8. cvmx_fpa_free

   1 /***********************license start***************
   2  * Author: Cavium Networks
   3  *
   4  * Contact:
   5  * This file is part of the OCTEON SDK
   6  *
   7  * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Cavium Networks
   8  *
   9  * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  10  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2, as
  11  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  12  *
  13  * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  14  * AS-IS and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
  16  * NONINFRINGEMENT.  See the GNU General Public License for more
  17  * details.
  18  *
  19  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  20  * along with this file; if not, write to the Free Software
  21  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
  22  * or visit
  23  *
  24  * This file may also be available under a different license from Cavium.
  25  * Contact Cavium Networks for more information
  26  ***********************license end**************************************/
  28 /**
  29  * @file
  30  *
  31  * Interface to the hardware Free Pool Allocator.
  32  *
  33  *
  34  */
  36 #ifndef __CVMX_FPA_H__
  37 #define __CVMX_FPA_H__
  39 #include <linux/delay.h>
  41 #include <asm/octeon/cvmx-address.h>
  42 #include <asm/octeon/cvmx-fpa-defs.h>
  44 #define CVMX_FPA_NUM_POOLS      8
  45 #define CVMX_FPA_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE 128
  46 #define CVMX_FPA_ALIGNMENT      128
  48 /**
  49  * Structure describing the data format used for stores to the FPA.
  50  */
  51 typedef union {
  52         uint64_t u64;
  53         struct {
  55                 /*
  56                  * the (64-bit word) location in scratchpad to write
  57                  * to (if len != 0)
  58                  */
  59                 uint64_t scraddr:8;
  60                 /* the number of words in the response (0 => no response) */
  61                 uint64_t len:8;
  62                 /* the ID of the device on the non-coherent bus */
  63                 uint64_t did:8;
  64                 /*
  65                  * the address that will appear in the first tick on
  66                  * the NCB bus.
  67                  */
  68                 uint64_t addr:40;
  69 #else
  70                 uint64_t addr:40;
  71                 uint64_t did:8;
  72                 uint64_t len:8;
  73                 uint64_t scraddr:8;
  74 #endif
  75         } s;
  76 } cvmx_fpa_iobdma_data_t;
  78 /**
  79  * Structure describing the current state of a FPA pool.
  80  */
  81 typedef struct {
  82         /* Name it was created under */
  83         const char *name;
  84         /* Size of each block */
  85         uint64_t size;
  86         /* The base memory address of whole block */
  87         void *base;
  88         /* The number of elements in the pool at creation */
  89         uint64_t starting_element_count;
  90 } cvmx_fpa_pool_info_t;
  92 /**
  93  * Current state of all the pools. Use access functions
  94  * instead of using it directly.
  95  */
  96 extern cvmx_fpa_pool_info_t cvmx_fpa_pool_info[CVMX_FPA_NUM_POOLS];
  98 /* CSR typedefs have been moved to cvmx-csr-*.h */
 100 /**
 101  * Return the name of the pool
 102  *
 103  * @pool:   Pool to get the name of
 104  * Returns The name
 105  */
 106 static inline const char *cvmx_fpa_get_name(uint64_t pool)
 107 {
 108         return cvmx_fpa_pool_info[pool].name;
 109 }
 111 /**
 112  * Return the base of the pool
 113  *
 114  * @pool:   Pool to get the base of
 115  * Returns The base
 116  */
 117 static inline void *cvmx_fpa_get_base(uint64_t pool)
 118 {
 119         return cvmx_fpa_pool_info[pool].base;
 120 }
 122 /**
 123  * Check if a pointer belongs to an FPA pool. Return non-zero
 124  * if the supplied pointer is inside the memory controlled by
 125  * an FPA pool.
 126  *
 127  * @pool:   Pool to check
 128  * @ptr:    Pointer to check
 129  * Returns Non-zero if pointer is in the pool. Zero if not
 130  */
 131 static inline int cvmx_fpa_is_member(uint64_t pool, void *ptr)
 132 {
 133         return ((ptr >= cvmx_fpa_pool_info[pool].base) &&
 134                 ((char *)ptr <
 135                  ((char *)(cvmx_fpa_pool_info[pool].base)) +
 136                  cvmx_fpa_pool_info[pool].size *
 137                  cvmx_fpa_pool_info[pool].starting_element_count));
 138 }
 140 /**
 141  * Enable the FPA for use. Must be performed after any CSR
 142  * configuration but before any other FPA functions.
 143  */
 144 static inline void cvmx_fpa_enable(void)
 145 {
 146         union cvmx_fpa_ctl_status status;
 148         status.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_FPA_CTL_STATUS);
 149         if (status.s.enb) {
 150                 cvmx_dprintf
 151                     ("Warning: Enabling FPA when FPA already enabled.\n");
 152         }
 154         /*
 155          * Do runtime check as we allow pass1 compiled code to run on
 156          * pass2 chips.
 157          */
 158         if (cvmx_octeon_is_pass1()) {
 159                 union cvmx_fpa_fpfx_marks marks;
 160                 int i;
 161                 for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
 162                         marks.u64 =
 163                             cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_FPA_FPF1_MARKS + (i - 1) * 8ull);
 164                         marks.s.fpf_wr = 0xe0;
 165                         cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_FPA_FPF1_MARKS + (i - 1) * 8ull,
 166                                        marks.u64);
 167                 }
 169                 /* Enforce a 10 cycle delay between config and enable */
 170                 __delay(10);
 171         }
 173         /* FIXME: CVMX_FPA_CTL_STATUS read is unmodelled */
 174         status.u64 = 0;
 175         status.s.enb = 1;
 176         cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_FPA_CTL_STATUS, status.u64);
 177 }
 179 /**
 180  * Get a new block from the FPA
 181  *
 182  * @pool:   Pool to get the block from
 183  * Returns Pointer to the block or NULL on failure
 184  */
 185 static inline void *cvmx_fpa_alloc(uint64_t pool)
 186 {
 187         uint64_t address =
 188             cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_ADDR_DID(CVMX_FULL_DID(CVMX_OCT_DID_FPA, pool)));
 189         if (address)
 190                 return cvmx_phys_to_ptr(address);
 191         else
 192                 return NULL;
 193 }
 195 /**
 196  * Asynchronously get a new block from the FPA
 197  *
 198  * @scr_addr: Local scratch address to put response in.  This is a byte address,
 199  *                  but must be 8 byte aligned.
 200  * @pool:      Pool to get the block from
 201  */
 202 static inline void cvmx_fpa_async_alloc(uint64_t scr_addr, uint64_t pool)
 203 {
 204         cvmx_fpa_iobdma_data_t data;
 206         /*
 207          * Hardware only uses 64 bit aligned locations, so convert
 208          * from byte address to 64-bit index
 209          */
 210         data.s.scraddr = scr_addr >> 3;
 211         data.s.len = 1;
 212         data.s.did = CVMX_FULL_DID(CVMX_OCT_DID_FPA, pool);
 213         data.s.addr = 0;
 214         cvmx_send_single(data.u64);
 215 }
 217 /**
 218  * Free a block allocated with a FPA pool.  Does NOT provide memory
 219  * ordering in cases where the memory block was modified by the core.
 220  *
 221  * @ptr:    Block to free
 222  * @pool:   Pool to put it in
 223  * @num_cache_lines:
 224  *               Cache lines to invalidate
 225  */
 226 static inline void cvmx_fpa_free_nosync(void *ptr, uint64_t pool,
 227                                         uint64_t num_cache_lines)
 228 {
 229         cvmx_addr_t newptr;
 230         newptr.u64 = cvmx_ptr_to_phys(ptr);
 231         newptr.sfilldidspace.didspace =
 233         /* Prevent GCC from reordering around free */
 234         barrier();
 235         /* value written is number of cache lines not written back */
 236         cvmx_write_io(newptr.u64, num_cache_lines);
 237 }
 239 /**
 240  * Free a block allocated with a FPA pool.  Provides required memory
 241  * ordering in cases where memory block was modified by core.
 242  *
 243  * @ptr:    Block to free
 244  * @pool:   Pool to put it in
 245  * @num_cache_lines:
 246  *               Cache lines to invalidate
 247  */
 248 static inline void cvmx_fpa_free(void *ptr, uint64_t pool,
 249                                  uint64_t num_cache_lines)
 250 {
 251         cvmx_addr_t newptr;
 252         newptr.u64 = cvmx_ptr_to_phys(ptr);
 253         newptr.sfilldidspace.didspace =
 255         /*
 256          * Make sure that any previous writes to memory go out before
 257          * we free this buffer.  This also serves as a barrier to
 258          * prevent GCC from reordering operations to after the
 259          * free.
 260          */
 261         CVMX_SYNCWS;
 262         /* value written is number of cache lines not written back */
 263         cvmx_write_io(newptr.u64, num_cache_lines);
 264 }
 266 /**
 267  * Setup a FPA pool to control a new block of memory.
 268  * This can only be called once per pool. Make sure proper
 269  * locking enforces this.
 270  *
 271  * @pool:       Pool to initialize
 272  *                   0 <= pool < 8
 273  * @name:       Constant character string to name this pool.
 274  *                   String is not copied.
 275  * @buffer:     Pointer to the block of memory to use. This must be
 276  *                   accessible by all processors and external hardware.
 277  * @block_size: Size for each block controlled by the FPA
 278  * @num_blocks: Number of blocks
 279  *
 280  * Returns 0 on Success,
 281  *         -1 on failure
 282  */
 283 extern int cvmx_fpa_setup_pool(uint64_t pool, const char *name, void *buffer,
 284                                uint64_t block_size, uint64_t num_blocks);
 286 /**
 287  * Shutdown a Memory pool and validate that it had all of
 288  * the buffers originally placed in it. This should only be
 289  * called by one processor after all hardware has finished
 290  * using the pool.
 291  *
 292  * @pool:   Pool to shutdown
 293  * Returns Zero on success
 294  *         - Positive is count of missing buffers
 295  *         - Negative is too many buffers or corrupted pointers
 296  */
 297 extern uint64_t cvmx_fpa_shutdown_pool(uint64_t pool);
 299 /**
 300  * Get the size of blocks controlled by the pool
 301  * This is resolved to a constant at compile time.
 302  *
 303  * @pool:   Pool to access
 304  * Returns Size of the block in bytes
 305  */
 306 uint64_t cvmx_fpa_get_block_size(uint64_t pool);
 308 #endif /*  __CVM_FPA_H__ */

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