
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
   2 /*
   3  * tmon.h contains data structures and constants used by TMON
   4  *
   5  * Copyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
   6  *
   7  * Author Name Jacob Pan <>
   8  */
  10 #ifndef TMON_H
  11 #define TMON_H
  13 #define MAX_DISP_TEMP 125
  14 #define MAX_CTRL_TEMP 105
  15 #define MIN_CTRL_TEMP 40
  16 #define MAX_NR_TZONE 16
  17 #define MAX_NR_CDEV 32
  18 #define MAX_NR_TRIP 16
  19 #define MAX_NR_CDEV_TRIP 12 /* number of cooling devices that can bind
  20                              * to a thermal zone trip.
  21                              */
  22 #define MAX_TEMP_KC 140000
  23 /* starting char position to draw sensor data, such as tz names
  24  * trip point list, etc.
  25  */
  26 #define DATA_LEFT_ALIGN 10
  27 #define NR_LINES_TZDATA 1
  28 #define TMON_LOG_FILE "/var/tmp/tmon.log"
  30 extern unsigned long ticktime;
  31 extern double time_elapsed;
  32 extern unsigned long target_temp_user;
  33 extern int dialogue_on;
  34 extern char ctrl_cdev[];
  35 extern pthread_mutex_t input_lock;
  36 extern int tmon_exit;
  37 extern int target_thermal_zone;
  38 /* use fixed size record to simplify data processing and transfer
  39  * TBD: more info to be added, e.g. programmable trip point data.
  40 */
  41 struct thermal_data_record {
  42         struct timeval tv;
  43         unsigned long temp[MAX_NR_TZONE];
  44         double pid_out_pct;
  45 };
  47 struct cdev_info {
  48         char type[64];
  49         int instance;
  50         unsigned long max_state;
  51         unsigned long cur_state;
  52         unsigned long flag;
  53 };
  55 enum trip_type {
  57         THERMAL_TRIP_HOT,
  60         NR_THERMAL_TRIP_TYPE,
  61 };
  63 struct trip_point {
  64         enum trip_type type;
  65         unsigned long temp;
  66         unsigned long hysteresis;
  67         int attribute; /* programmability etc. */
  68 };
  70 /* thermal zone configuration information, binding with cooling devices could
  71  * change at runtime.
  72  */
  73 struct tz_info {
  74         char type[256]; /* e.g. acpitz */
  75         int instance;
  76         int passive; /* active zone has passive node to force passive mode */
  77         int nr_cdev; /* number of cooling device binded */
  78         int nr_trip_pts;
  79         struct trip_point tp[MAX_NR_TRIP];
  80         unsigned long cdev_binding; /* bitmap for attached cdevs */
  81         /* cdev bind trip points, allow one cdev bind to multiple trips */
  82         unsigned long trip_binding[MAX_NR_CDEV];
  83 };
  85 struct tmon_platform_data {
  86         int nr_tz_sensor;
  87         int nr_cooling_dev;
  88         /* keep track of instance ids since there might be gaps */
  89         int max_tz_instance;
  90         int max_cdev_instance;
  91         struct tz_info *tzi;
  92         struct cdev_info *cdi;
  93 };
  95 struct control_ops {
  96         void (*set_ratio)(unsigned long ratio);
  97         unsigned long (*get_ratio)(unsigned long ratio);
  99 };
 101 enum cdev_types {
 102         CDEV_TYPE_PROC,
 103         CDEV_TYPE_FAN,
 104         CDEV_TYPE_MEM,
 105         CDEV_TYPE_NR,
 106 };
 108 /* REVISIT: the idea is to group sensors if possible, e.g. on intel mid
 109  * we have "skin0", "skin1", "sys", "msicdie"
 110  * on DPTF enabled systems, we might have PCH, TSKN, TAMB, etc.
 111  */
 112 enum tzone_types {
 113         TZONE_TYPE_ACPI,
 114         TZONE_TYPE_PCH,
 115         TZONE_TYPE_NR,
 116 };
 118 /* limit the output of PID controller adjustment */
 119 #define LIMIT_HIGH (95)
 120 #define LIMIT_LOW  (2)
 122 struct pid_params {
 123         double kp;  /* Controller gain from Dialog Box */
 124         double ki;  /* Time-constant for I action from Dialog Box */
 125         double kd;  /* Time-constant for D action from Dialog Box */
 126         double ts;
 127         double k_lpf;
 129         double t_target;
 130         double y_k;
 131 };
 133 extern int init_thermal_controller(void);
 134 extern void controller_handler(const double xk, double *yk);
 136 extern struct tmon_platform_data ptdata;
 137 extern struct pid_params p_param;
 139 extern FILE *tmon_log;
 140 extern int cur_thermal_record; /* index to the trec array */
 141 extern struct thermal_data_record trec[];
 142 extern const char *trip_type_name[];
 143 extern unsigned long no_control;
 145 extern void initialize_curses(void);
 146 extern void show_controller_stats(char *line);
 147 extern void show_title_bar(void);
 148 extern void setup_windows(void);
 149 extern void disable_tui(void);
 150 extern void show_sensors_w(void);
 151 extern void show_data_w(void);
 152 extern void write_status_bar(int x, char *line);
 153 extern void show_control_w();
 155 extern void show_cooling_device(void);
 156 extern void show_dialogue(void);
 157 extern int update_thermal_data(void);
 159 extern int probe_thermal_sysfs(void);
 160 extern void free_thermal_data(void);
 161 extern  void resize_handler(int sig);
 162 extern void set_ctrl_state(unsigned long state);
 163 extern void get_ctrl_state(unsigned long *state);
 164 extern void *handle_tui_events(void *arg);
 165 extern int sysfs_set_ulong(char *path, char *filename, unsigned long val);
 166 extern int zone_instance_to_index(int zone_inst);
 167 extern void close_windows(void);
 169 #define PT_COLOR_DEFAULT    1
 170 #define PT_COLOR_HEADER_BAR 2
 171 #define PT_COLOR_ERROR      3
 172 #define PT_COLOR_RED        4
 173 #define PT_COLOR_YELLOW     5
 174 #define PT_COLOR_GREEN      6
 175 #define PT_COLOR_BRIGHT     7
 176 #define PT_COLOR_BLUE       8
 178 /* each thermal zone uses 12 chars, 8 for name, 2 for instance, 2 space
 179  * also used to list trip points in forms of AAAC, which represents
 180  * A: Active
 181  * C: Critical
 182  */
 183 #define TZONE_RECORD_SIZE 12
 184 #define TZ_LEFT_ALIGN 32
 185 #define CDEV_NAME_SIZE 20
 186 #define CDEV_FLAG_IN_CONTROL (1 << 0)
 188 /* dialogue box starts */
 189 #define DIAG_X 48
 190 #define DIAG_Y 8
 191 #define THERMAL_SYSFS "/sys/class/thermal"
 192 #define CDEV "cooling_device"
 193 #define TZONE "thermal_zone"
 194 #define TDATA_LEFT 16
 195 #endif /* TMON_H */

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