
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
   2 /*
   3  * Copyright 2015, Cyril Bur, IBM Corp.
   4  */
   6 #include "basic_asm.h"
   7 #include "fpu_asm.h"
   9 FUNC_START(check_fpu)
  10         mr r4,r3
  11         li      r3,1 # assume a bad result
  12         lfd     f0,0(r4)
  13         fcmpu   cr1,f0,f14
  14         bne     cr1,1f
  15         lfd     f0,8(r4)
  16         fcmpu   cr1,f0,f15
  17         bne     cr1,1f
  18         lfd     f0,16(r4)
  19         fcmpu   cr1,f0,f16
  20         bne     cr1,1f
  21         lfd     f0,24(r4)
  22         fcmpu   cr1,f0,f17
  23         bne     cr1,1f
  24         lfd     f0,32(r4)
  25         fcmpu   cr1,f0,f18
  26         bne     cr1,1f
  27         lfd     f0,40(r4)
  28         fcmpu   cr1,f0,f19
  29         bne     cr1,1f
  30         lfd     f0,48(r4)
  31         fcmpu   cr1,f0,f20
  32         bne     cr1,1f
  33         lfd     f0,56(r4)
  34         fcmpu   cr1,f0,f21
  35         bne     cr1,1f
  36         lfd     f0,64(r4)
  37         fcmpu   cr1,f0,f22
  38         bne     cr1,1f
  39         lfd     f0,72(r4)
  40         fcmpu   cr1,f0,f23
  41         bne     cr1,1f
  42         lfd     f0,80(r4)
  43         fcmpu   cr1,f0,f24
  44         bne     cr1,1f
  45         lfd     f0,88(r4)
  46         fcmpu   cr1,f0,f25
  47         bne     cr1,1f
  48         lfd     f0,96(r4)
  49         fcmpu   cr1,f0,f26
  50         bne     cr1,1f
  51         lfd     f0,104(r4)
  52         fcmpu   cr1,f0,f27
  53         bne     cr1,1f
  54         lfd     f0,112(r4)
  55         fcmpu   cr1,f0,f28
  56         bne     cr1,1f
  57         lfd     f0,120(r4)
  58         fcmpu   cr1,f0,f29
  59         bne     cr1,1f
  60         lfd     f0,128(r4)
  61         fcmpu   cr1,f0,f30
  62         bne     cr1,1f
  63         lfd     f0,136(r4)
  64         fcmpu   cr1,f0,f31
  65         bne     cr1,1f
  66         li      r3,0 # Success!!!
  67 1:      blr
  69 FUNC_START(test_fpu)
  70         # r3 holds pointer to where to put the result of fork
  71         # r4 holds pointer to the pid
  72         # f14-f31 are non volatiles
  73         PUSH_BASIC_STACK(256)
  74         PUSH_FPU(256)
  75         std     r3,STACK_FRAME_PARAM(0)(sp) # Address of darray
  76         std r4,STACK_FRAME_PARAM(1)(sp) # Address of pid
  78         bl load_fpu
  79         nop
  80         li      r0,__NR_fork
  81         sc
  83         # pass the result of the fork to the caller
  84         ld      r9,STACK_FRAME_PARAM(1)(sp)
  85         std     r3,0(r9)
  87         ld r3,STACK_FRAME_PARAM(0)(sp)
  88         bl check_fpu
  89         nop
  91         POP_FPU(256)
  92         POP_BASIC_STACK(256)
  93         blr
  94 FUNC_END(test_fpu)
  96 # int preempt_fpu(double *darray, int *threads_running, int *running)
  97 # On starting will (atomically) decrement not_ready as a signal that the FPU
  98 # has been loaded with darray. Will proceed to check the validity of the FPU
  99 # registers while running is not zero.
 100 FUNC_START(preempt_fpu)
 101         PUSH_BASIC_STACK(256)
 102         PUSH_FPU(256)
 103         std r3,STACK_FRAME_PARAM(0)(sp) # double *darray
 104         std r4,STACK_FRAME_PARAM(1)(sp) # int *threads_starting
 105         std r5,STACK_FRAME_PARAM(2)(sp) # int *running
 107         bl load_fpu
 108         nop
 110         sync
 111         # Atomic DEC
 112         ld r3,STACK_FRAME_PARAM(1)(sp)
 113 1:      lwarx r4,0,r3
 114         addi r4,r4,-1
 115         stwcx. r4,0,r3
 116         bne- 1b
 118 2:      ld r3,STACK_FRAME_PARAM(0)(sp)
 119         bl check_fpu
 120         nop
 121         cmpdi r3,0
 122         bne 3f
 123         ld r4,STACK_FRAME_PARAM(2)(sp)
 124         ld r5,0(r4)
 125         cmpwi r5,0
 126         bne 2b
 128 3:      POP_FPU(256)
 129         POP_BASIC_STACK(256)
 130         blr
 131 FUNC_END(preempt_fpu)

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */