
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
   2 /*
   3  * Copyright 2015, Cyril Bur, IBM Corp.
   4  */
   6 #include "basic_asm.h"
   7 #include "vsx_asm.h"
   9 #long check_vsx(vector int *r3);
  10 #This function wraps storeing VSX regs to the end of an array and a
  11 #call to a comparison function in C which boils down to a memcmp()
  12 FUNC_START(check_vsx)
  13         PUSH_BASIC_STACK(32)
  14         std     r3,STACK_FRAME_PARAM(0)(sp)
  15         addi r3, r3, 16 * 12 #Second half of array
  16         bl store_vsx
  17         ld r3,STACK_FRAME_PARAM(0)(sp)
  18         bl vsx_memcmp
  19         POP_BASIC_STACK(32)
  20         blr
  21 FUNC_END(check_vsx)
  23 # int preempt_vmx(vector int *varray, int *threads_starting,
  24 #                 int *running);
  25 # On starting will (atomically) decrement threads_starting as a signal
  26 # that the VMX have been loaded with varray. Will proceed to check the
  27 # validity of the VMX registers while running is not zero.
  28 FUNC_START(preempt_vsx)
  29         PUSH_BASIC_STACK(512)
  30         std r3,STACK_FRAME_PARAM(0)(sp) # vector int *varray
  31         std r4,STACK_FRAME_PARAM(1)(sp) # int *threads_starting
  32         std r5,STACK_FRAME_PARAM(2)(sp) # int *running
  34         bl load_vsx
  35         nop
  37         sync
  38         # Atomic DEC
  39         ld r3,STACK_FRAME_PARAM(1)(sp)
  40 1:      lwarx r4,0,r3
  41         addi r4,r4,-1
  42         stwcx. r4,0,r3
  43         bne- 1b
  45 2:      ld r3,STACK_FRAME_PARAM(0)(sp)
  46         bl check_vsx
  47         nop
  48         cmpdi r3,0
  49         bne 3f
  50         ld r4,STACK_FRAME_PARAM(2)(sp)
  51         ld r5,0(r4)
  52         cmpwi r5,0
  53         bne 2b
  55 3:      POP_BASIC_STACK(512)
  56         blr
  57 FUNC_END(preempt_vsx)

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */