
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
   2 /*
   3  *  linux/arch/arm/mm/cache-v7m.S
   4  *
   5  *  Based on linux/arch/arm/mm/cache-v7.S
   6  *
   7  *  Copyright (C) 2001 Deep Blue Solutions Ltd.
   8  *  Copyright (C) 2005 ARM Ltd.
   9  *
  10  *  This is the "shell" of the ARMv7M processor support.
  11  */
  12 #include <linux/linkage.h>
  13 #include <linux/init.h>
  14 #include <asm/assembler.h>
  15 #include <asm/errno.h>
  16 #include <asm/unwind.h>
  17 #include <asm/v7m.h>
  19 #include "proc-macros.S"
  21 /* Generic V7M read/write macros for memory mapped cache operations */
  22 .macro v7m_cache_read, rt, reg
  23         movw    \rt, #:lower16:BASEADDR_V7M_SCB + \reg
  24         movt    \rt, #:upper16:BASEADDR_V7M_SCB + \reg
  25         ldr     \rt, [\rt]
  26 .endm
  28 .macro v7m_cacheop, rt, tmp, op, c = al
  29         movw\c  \tmp, #:lower16:BASEADDR_V7M_SCB + \op
  30         movt\c  \tmp, #:upper16:BASEADDR_V7M_SCB + \op
  31         str\c   \rt, [\tmp]
  32 .endm
  35 .macro  read_ccsidr, rt
  36         v7m_cache_read \rt, V7M_SCB_CCSIDR
  37 .endm
  39 .macro read_clidr, rt
  40         v7m_cache_read \rt, V7M_SCB_CLIDR
  41 .endm
  43 .macro  write_csselr, rt, tmp
  44         v7m_cacheop \rt, \tmp, V7M_SCB_CSSELR
  45 .endm
  47 /*
  48  * dcisw: Invalidate data cache by set/way
  49  */
  50 .macro dcisw, rt, tmp
  51         v7m_cacheop \rt, \tmp, V7M_SCB_DCISW
  52 .endm
  54 /*
  55  * dccisw: Clean and invalidate data cache by set/way
  56  */
  57 .macro dccisw, rt, tmp
  58         v7m_cacheop \rt, \tmp, V7M_SCB_DCCISW
  59 .endm
  61 /*
  62  * dccimvac: Clean and invalidate data cache line by MVA to PoC.
  63  */
  64 .irp    c,,eq,ne,cs,cc,mi,pl,vs,vc,hi,ls,ge,lt,gt,le,hs,lo
  65 .macro dccimvac\c, rt, tmp
  66         v7m_cacheop \rt, \tmp, V7M_SCB_DCCIMVAC, \c
  67 .endm
  68 .endr
  70 /*
  71  * dcimvac: Invalidate data cache line by MVA to PoC
  72  */
  73 .irp    c,,eq,ne,cs,cc,mi,pl,vs,vc,hi,ls,ge,lt,gt,le,hs,lo
  74 .macro dcimvac\c, rt, tmp
  75         v7m_cacheop \rt, \tmp, V7M_SCB_DCIMVAC, \c
  76 .endm
  77 .endr
  79 /*
  80  * dccmvau: Clean data cache line by MVA to PoU
  81  */
  82 .macro dccmvau, rt, tmp
  83         v7m_cacheop \rt, \tmp, V7M_SCB_DCCMVAU
  84 .endm
  86 /*
  87  * dccmvac: Clean data cache line by MVA to PoC
  88  */
  89 .macro dccmvac,  rt, tmp
  90         v7m_cacheop \rt, \tmp, V7M_SCB_DCCMVAC
  91 .endm
  93 /*
  94  * icimvau: Invalidate instruction caches by MVA to PoU
  95  */
  96 .macro icimvau, rt, tmp
  97         v7m_cacheop \rt, \tmp, V7M_SCB_ICIMVAU
  98 .endm
 100 /*
 101  * Invalidate the icache, inner shareable if SMP, invalidate BTB for UP.
 102  * rt data ignored by ICIALLU(IS), so can be used for the address
 103  */
 104 .macro invalidate_icache, rt
 105         v7m_cacheop \rt, \rt, V7M_SCB_ICIALLU
 106         mov \rt, #0
 107 .endm
 109 /*
 110  * Invalidate the BTB, inner shareable if SMP.
 111  * rt data ignored by BPIALL, so it can be used for the address
 112  */
 113 .macro invalidate_bp, rt
 114         v7m_cacheop \rt, \rt, V7M_SCB_BPIALL
 115         mov \rt, #0
 116 .endm
 118 ENTRY(v7m_invalidate_l1)
 119         mov     r0, #0
 121         write_csselr r0, r1
 122         read_ccsidr r0
 124         movw    r1, #0x7fff
 125         and     r2, r1, r0, lsr #13
 127         movw    r1, #0x3ff
 129         and     r3, r1, r0, lsr #3      @ NumWays - 1
 130         add     r2, r2, #1              @ NumSets
 132         and     r0, r0, #0x7
 133         add     r0, r0, #4      @ SetShift
 135         clz     r1, r3          @ WayShift
 136         add     r4, r3, #1      @ NumWays
 137 1:      sub     r2, r2, #1      @ NumSets--
 138         mov     r3, r4          @ Temp = NumWays
 139 2:      subs    r3, r3, #1      @ Temp--
 140         mov     r5, r3, lsl r1
 141         mov     r6, r2, lsl r0
 142         orr     r5, r5, r6      @ Reg = (Temp<<WayShift)|(NumSets<<SetShift)
 143         dcisw   r5, r6
 144         bgt     2b
 145         cmp     r2, #0
 146         bgt     1b
 147         dsb     st
 148         isb
 149         ret     lr
 150 ENDPROC(v7m_invalidate_l1)
 152 /*
 153  *      v7m_flush_icache_all()
 154  *
 155  *      Flush the whole I-cache.
 156  *
 157  *      Registers:
 158  *      r0 - set to 0
 159  */
 160 ENTRY(v7m_flush_icache_all)
 161         invalidate_icache r0
 162         ret     lr
 163 ENDPROC(v7m_flush_icache_all)
 165 /*
 166  *      v7m_flush_dcache_all()
 167  *
 168  *      Flush the whole D-cache.
 169  *
 170  *      Corrupted registers: r0-r7, r9-r11
 171  */
 172 ENTRY(v7m_flush_dcache_all)
 173         dmb                                     @ ensure ordering with previous memory accesses
 174         read_clidr r0
 175         mov     r3, r0, lsr #23                 @ move LoC into position
 176         ands    r3, r3, #7 << 1                 @ extract LoC*2 from clidr
 177         beq     finished                        @ if loc is 0, then no need to clean
 178 start_flush_levels:
 179         mov     r10, #0                         @ start clean at cache level 0
 180 flush_levels:
 181         add     r2, r10, r10, lsr #1            @ work out 3x current cache level
 182         mov     r1, r0, lsr r2                  @ extract cache type bits from clidr
 183         and     r1, r1, #7                      @ mask of the bits for current cache only
 184         cmp     r1, #2                          @ see what cache we have at this level
 185         blt     skip                            @ skip if no cache, or just i-cache
 186 #ifdef CONFIG_PREEMPT
 187         save_and_disable_irqs_notrace r9        @ make cssr&csidr read atomic
 188 #endif
 189         write_csselr r10, r1                    @ set current cache level
 190         isb                                     @ isb to sych the new cssr&csidr
 191         read_ccsidr r1                          @ read the new csidr
 192 #ifdef CONFIG_PREEMPT
 193         restore_irqs_notrace r9
 194 #endif
 195         and     r2, r1, #7                      @ extract the length of the cache lines
 196         add     r2, r2, #4                      @ add 4 (line length offset)
 197         movw    r4, #0x3ff
 198         ands    r4, r4, r1, lsr #3              @ find maximum number on the way size
 199         clz     r5, r4                          @ find bit position of way size increment
 200         movw    r7, #0x7fff
 201         ands    r7, r7, r1, lsr #13             @ extract max number of the index size
 202 loop1:
 203         mov     r9, r7                          @ create working copy of max index
 204 loop2:
 205         lsl     r6, r4, r5
 206         orr     r11, r10, r6                    @ factor way and cache number into r11
 207         lsl     r6, r9, r2
 208         orr     r11, r11, r6                    @ factor index number into r11
 209         dccisw  r11, r6                         @ clean/invalidate by set/way
 210         subs    r9, r9, #1                      @ decrement the index
 211         bge     loop2
 212         subs    r4, r4, #1                      @ decrement the way
 213         bge     loop1
 214 skip:
 215         add     r10, r10, #2                    @ increment cache number
 216         cmp     r3, r10
 217         bgt     flush_levels
 218 finished:
 219         mov     r10, #0                         @ switch back to cache level 0
 220         write_csselr r10, r3                    @ select current cache level in cssr
 221         dsb     st
 222         isb
 223         ret     lr
 224 ENDPROC(v7m_flush_dcache_all)
 226 /*
 227  *      v7m_flush_cache_all()
 228  *
 229  *      Flush the entire cache system.
 230  *  The data cache flush is now achieved using atomic clean / invalidates
 231  *  working outwards from L1 cache. This is done using Set/Way based cache
 232  *  maintenance instructions.
 233  *  The instruction cache can still be invalidated back to the point of
 234  *  unification in a single instruction.
 235  *
 236  */
 237 ENTRY(v7m_flush_kern_cache_all)
 238         stmfd   sp!, {r4-r7, r9-r11, lr}
 239         bl      v7m_flush_dcache_all
 240         invalidate_icache r0
 241         ldmfd   sp!, {r4-r7, r9-r11, lr}
 242         ret     lr
 243 ENDPROC(v7m_flush_kern_cache_all)
 245 /*
 246  *      v7m_flush_cache_all()
 247  *
 248  *      Flush all TLB entries in a particular address space
 249  *
 250  *      - mm    - mm_struct describing address space
 251  */
 252 ENTRY(v7m_flush_user_cache_all)
 253         /*FALLTHROUGH*/
 255 /*
 256  *      v7m_flush_cache_range(start, end, flags)
 257  *
 258  *      Flush a range of TLB entries in the specified address space.
 259  *
 260  *      - start - start address (may not be aligned)
 261  *      - end   - end address (exclusive, may not be aligned)
 262  *      - flags - vm_area_struct flags describing address space
 263  *
 264  *      It is assumed that:
 265  *      - we have a VIPT cache.
 266  */
 267 ENTRY(v7m_flush_user_cache_range)
 268         ret     lr
 269 ENDPROC(v7m_flush_user_cache_all)
 270 ENDPROC(v7m_flush_user_cache_range)
 272 /*
 273  *      v7m_coherent_kern_range(start,end)
 274  *
 275  *      Ensure that the I and D caches are coherent within specified
 276  *      region.  This is typically used when code has been written to
 277  *      a memory region, and will be executed.
 278  *
 279  *      - start   - virtual start address of region
 280  *      - end     - virtual end address of region
 281  *
 282  *      It is assumed that:
 283  *      - the Icache does not read data from the write buffer
 284  */
 285 ENTRY(v7m_coherent_kern_range)
 286         /* FALLTHROUGH */
 288 /*
 289  *      v7m_coherent_user_range(start,end)
 290  *
 291  *      Ensure that the I and D caches are coherent within specified
 292  *      region.  This is typically used when code has been written to
 293  *      a memory region, and will be executed.
 294  *
 295  *      - start   - virtual start address of region
 296  *      - end     - virtual end address of region
 297  *
 298  *      It is assumed that:
 299  *      - the Icache does not read data from the write buffer
 300  */
 301 ENTRY(v7m_coherent_user_range)
 302  UNWIND(.fnstart                )
 303         dcache_line_size r2, r3
 304         sub     r3, r2, #1
 305         bic     r12, r0, r3
 306 1:
 307 /*
 308  * We use open coded version of dccmvau otherwise USER() would
 309  * point at movw instruction.
 310  */
 311         dccmvau r12, r3
 312         add     r12, r12, r2
 313         cmp     r12, r1
 314         blo     1b
 315         dsb     ishst
 316         icache_line_size r2, r3
 317         sub     r3, r2, #1
 318         bic     r12, r0, r3
 319 2:
 320         icimvau r12, r3
 321         add     r12, r12, r2
 322         cmp     r12, r1
 323         blo     2b
 324         invalidate_bp r0
 325         dsb     ishst
 326         isb
 327         ret     lr
 328  UNWIND(.fnend          )
 329 ENDPROC(v7m_coherent_kern_range)
 330 ENDPROC(v7m_coherent_user_range)
 332 /*
 333  *      v7m_flush_kern_dcache_area(void *addr, size_t size)
 334  *
 335  *      Ensure that the data held in the page kaddr is written back
 336  *      to the page in question.
 337  *
 338  *      - addr  - kernel address
 339  *      - size  - region size
 340  */
 341 ENTRY(v7m_flush_kern_dcache_area)
 342         dcache_line_size r2, r3
 343         add     r1, r0, r1
 344         sub     r3, r2, #1
 345         bic     r0, r0, r3
 346 1:
 347         dccimvac r0, r3         @ clean & invalidate D line / unified line
 348         add     r0, r0, r2
 349         cmp     r0, r1
 350         blo     1b
 351         dsb     st
 352         ret     lr
 353 ENDPROC(v7m_flush_kern_dcache_area)
 355 /*
 356  *      v7m_dma_inv_range(start,end)
 357  *
 358  *      Invalidate the data cache within the specified region; we will
 359  *      be performing a DMA operation in this region and we want to
 360  *      purge old data in the cache.
 361  *
 362  *      - start   - virtual start address of region
 363  *      - end     - virtual end address of region
 364  */
 365 v7m_dma_inv_range:
 366         dcache_line_size r2, r3
 367         sub     r3, r2, #1
 368         tst     r0, r3
 369         bic     r0, r0, r3
 370         dccimvacne r0, r3
 371         addne   r0, r0, r2
 372         subne   r3, r2, #1      @ restore r3, corrupted by v7m's dccimvac
 373         tst     r1, r3
 374         bic     r1, r1, r3
 375         dccimvacne r1, r3
 376         cmp     r0, r1
 377 1:
 378         dcimvaclo r0, r3
 379         addlo   r0, r0, r2
 380         cmplo   r0, r1
 381         blo     1b
 382         dsb     st
 383         ret     lr
 384 ENDPROC(v7m_dma_inv_range)
 386 /*
 387  *      v7m_dma_clean_range(start,end)
 388  *      - start   - virtual start address of region
 389  *      - end     - virtual end address of region
 390  */
 391 v7m_dma_clean_range:
 392         dcache_line_size r2, r3
 393         sub     r3, r2, #1
 394         bic     r0, r0, r3
 395 1:
 396         dccmvac r0, r3                  @ clean D / U line
 397         add     r0, r0, r2
 398         cmp     r0, r1
 399         blo     1b
 400         dsb     st
 401         ret     lr
 402 ENDPROC(v7m_dma_clean_range)
 404 /*
 405  *      v7m_dma_flush_range(start,end)
 406  *      - start   - virtual start address of region
 407  *      - end     - virtual end address of region
 408  */
 409 ENTRY(v7m_dma_flush_range)
 410         dcache_line_size r2, r3
 411         sub     r3, r2, #1
 412         bic     r0, r0, r3
 413 1:
 414         dccimvac r0, r3                  @ clean & invalidate D / U line
 415         add     r0, r0, r2
 416         cmp     r0, r1
 417         blo     1b
 418         dsb     st
 419         ret     lr
 420 ENDPROC(v7m_dma_flush_range)
 422 /*
 423  *      dma_map_area(start, size, dir)
 424  *      - start - kernel virtual start address
 425  *      - size  - size of region
 426  *      - dir   - DMA direction
 427  */
 428 ENTRY(v7m_dma_map_area)
 429         add     r1, r1, r0
 430         teq     r2, #DMA_FROM_DEVICE
 431         beq     v7m_dma_inv_range
 432         b       v7m_dma_clean_range
 433 ENDPROC(v7m_dma_map_area)
 435 /*
 436  *      dma_unmap_area(start, size, dir)
 437  *      - start - kernel virtual start address
 438  *      - size  - size of region
 439  *      - dir   - DMA direction
 440  */
 441 ENTRY(v7m_dma_unmap_area)
 442         add     r1, r1, r0
 443         teq     r2, #DMA_TO_DEVICE
 444         bne     v7m_dma_inv_range
 445         ret     lr
 446 ENDPROC(v7m_dma_unmap_area)
 448         .globl  v7m_flush_kern_cache_louis
 449         .equ    v7m_flush_kern_cache_louis, v7m_flush_kern_cache_all
 451         __INITDATA
 453         @ define struct cpu_cache_fns (see <asm/cacheflush.h> and proc-macros.S)
 454         define_cache_functions v7m

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */