
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
   2 /*
   3  * arch/arm/mach-tegra/sleep.S
   4  *
   5  * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, NVIDIA Corporation.
   6  * Copyright (c) 2011, Google, Inc.
   7  *
   8  * Author: Colin Cross <>
   9  *         Gary King <>
  10  */
  12 #include <linux/linkage.h>
  14 #include <asm/assembler.h>
  15 #include <asm/cache.h>
  16 #include <asm/cp15.h>
  17 #include <asm/hardware/cache-l2x0.h>
  19 #include "iomap.h"
  20 #include "sleep.h"
  22 #define CLK_RESET_CCLK_BURST    0x20
  23 #define CLK_RESET_CCLK_DIVIDER  0x24
  25 #if defined(CONFIG_HOTPLUG_CPU) || defined(CONFIG_PM_SLEEP)
  26 /*
  27  * tegra_disable_clean_inv_dcache
  28  *
  29  * disable, clean & invalidate the D-cache
  30  *
  31  * Corrupted registers: r1-r3, r6, r8, r9-r11
  32  */
  33 ENTRY(tegra_disable_clean_inv_dcache)
  34         stmfd   sp!, {r0, r4-r5, r7, r9-r11, lr}
  35         dmb                                     @ ensure ordering
  37         /* Disable the D-cache */
  38         mrc     p15, 0, r2, c1, c0, 0
  39         tst     r2, #CR_C                       @ see tegra_sleep_cpu()
  40         bic     r2, r2, #CR_C
  41         mcrne   p15, 0, r2, c1, c0, 0
  42         isb
  44         /* Flush the D-cache */
  45         cmp     r0, #TEGRA_FLUSH_CACHE_ALL
  46         blne    v7_flush_dcache_louis
  47         bleq    v7_flush_dcache_all
  49         /* Trun off coherency */
  50         exit_smp r4, r5
  52         ldmfd   sp!, {r0, r4-r5, r7, r9-r11, pc}
  53 ENDPROC(tegra_disable_clean_inv_dcache)
  54 #endif
  56 #ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP
  57 /*
  58  * tegra_init_l2_for_a15
  59  *
  60  * set up the correct L2 cache data RAM latency
  61  */
  62 ENTRY(tegra_init_l2_for_a15)
  63         mrc     p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 5
  64         ubfx    r0, r0, #8, #4
  65         tst     r0, #1                          @ only need for cluster 0
  66         bne     _exit_init_l2_a15
  68         mrc     p15, 0x1, r0, c9, c0, 2
  69         and     r0, r0, #7
  70         cmp     r0, #2
  71         bicne   r0, r0, #7
  72         orrne   r0, r0, #2
  73         mcrne   p15, 0x1, r0, c9, c0, 2
  74 _exit_init_l2_a15:
  76         ret     lr
  77 ENDPROC(tegra_init_l2_for_a15)
  79 /*
  80  * tegra_sleep_cpu_finish(unsigned long v2p)
  81  *
  82  * enters suspend in LP2 by turning off the mmu and jumping to
  83  * tegra?_tear_down_cpu
  84  */
  85 ENTRY(tegra_sleep_cpu_finish)
  86         mov     r4, r0
  87         /* Flush and disable the L1 data cache */
  88         mov     r0, #TEGRA_FLUSH_CACHE_ALL
  89         bl      tegra_disable_clean_inv_dcache
  91         mov     r0, r4
  92         mov32   r6, tegra_tear_down_cpu
  93         ldr     r1, [r6]
  94         add     r1, r1, r0
  96         mov32   r3, tegra_shut_off_mmu
  97         add     r3, r3, r0
  98         mov     r0, r1
 100         ret     r3
 101 ENDPROC(tegra_sleep_cpu_finish)
 103 /*
 104  * tegra_shut_off_mmu
 105  *
 106  * r0 = physical address to jump to with mmu off
 107  *
 108  * called with VA=PA mapping
 109  * turns off MMU, icache, dcache and branch prediction
 110  */
 111         .align  L1_CACHE_SHIFT
 112         .pushsection    .idmap.text, "ax"
 113 ENTRY(tegra_shut_off_mmu)
 114         mrc     p15, 0, r3, c1, c0, 0
 115         movw    r2, #CR_I | CR_Z | CR_C | CR_M
 116         bic     r3, r3, r2
 117         dsb
 118         mcr     p15, 0, r3, c1, c0, 0
 119         isb
 120 #ifdef CONFIG_CACHE_L2X0
 121         /* Disable L2 cache */
 122         check_cpu_part_num 0xc09, r9, r10
 123         retne   r0
 125         mov32   r2, TEGRA_ARM_PERIF_BASE + 0x3000
 126         ldr     r3, [r2, #L2X0_CTRL]
 127         tst     r3, #L2X0_CTRL_EN               @ see tegra_sleep_cpu()
 128         mov     r3, #0
 129         strne   r3, [r2, #L2X0_CTRL]
 130 #endif
 131         ret     r0
 132 ENDPROC(tegra_shut_off_mmu)
 133         .popsection
 135 /*
 136  * tegra_switch_cpu_to_pllp
 137  *
 138  * In LP2 the normal cpu clock pllx will be turned off. Switch the CPU to pllp
 139  */
 140 ENTRY(tegra_switch_cpu_to_pllp)
 141         /* in LP2 idle (SDRAM active), set the CPU burst policy to PLLP */
 142         mov32   r5, TEGRA_CLK_RESET_BASE
 143         mov     r0, #(2 << 28)                  @ burst policy = run mode
 144         orr     r0, r0, #(4 << 4)               @ use PLLP in run mode burst
 145         str     r0, [r5, #CLK_RESET_CCLK_BURST]
 146         mov     r0, #0
 147         str     r0, [r5, #CLK_RESET_CCLK_DIVIDER]
 148         ret     lr
 149 ENDPROC(tegra_switch_cpu_to_pllp)
 150 #endif

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