
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
   1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
   2 /*
   3  * Secondary CPU startup routine source file.
   4  *
   5  * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Texas Instruments, Inc.
   6  *
   7  * Author:
   8  *      Santosh Shilimkar <>
   9  *
  10  * Interface functions needed for the SMP. This file is based on arm
  11  * realview smp platform.
  12  * Copyright (c) 2003 ARM Limited.
  13  */
  15 #include <linux/linkage.h>
  16 #include <linux/init.h>
  17 #include <asm/assembler.h>
  19 #include "omap44xx.h"
  21 /* Physical address needed since MMU not enabled yet on secondary core */
  22 #define AUX_CORE_BOOT0_PA                       0x48281800
  23 #define API_HYP_ENTRY                           0x102
  25 ENTRY(omap_secondary_startup)
  26 #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
  27         b       secondary_startup
  28 #else
  29 /* Should never get here */
  30 again:  wfi
  31         b       again
  32 #endif
  33 #ENDPROC(omap_secondary_startup)
  35 /*
  36  * OMAP5 specific entry point for secondary CPU to jump from ROM
  37  * code.  This routine also provides a holding flag into which
  38  * secondary core is held until we're ready for it to initialise.
  39  * The primary core will update this flag using a hardware
  40  * register AuxCoreBoot0.
  41  */
  42 ENTRY(omap5_secondary_startup)
  43 wait:   ldr     r2, =AUX_CORE_BOOT0_PA  @ read from AuxCoreBoot0
  44         ldr     r0, [r2]
  45         mov     r0, r0, lsr #5
  46         mrc     p15, 0, r4, c0, c0, 5
  47         and     r4, r4, #0x0f
  48         cmp     r0, r4
  49         bne     wait
  50         b       omap_secondary_startup
  51 ENDPROC(omap5_secondary_startup)
  52 /*
  53  * Same as omap5_secondary_startup except we call into the ROM to
  54  * enable HYP mode first.  This is called instead of
  55  * omap5_secondary_startup if the primary CPU was put into HYP mode by
  56  * the boot loader.
  57  */
  58         .arch armv7-a
  59         .arch_extension sec
  60 ENTRY(omap5_secondary_hyp_startup)
  61 wait_2: ldr     r2, =AUX_CORE_BOOT0_PA  @ read from AuxCoreBoot0
  62         ldr     r0, [r2]
  63         mov     r0, r0, lsr #5
  64         mrc     p15, 0, r4, c0, c0, 5
  65         and     r4, r4, #0x0f
  66         cmp     r0, r4
  67         bne     wait_2
  68         ldr     r12, =API_HYP_ENTRY
  69         badr    r0, hyp_boot
  70         smc     #0
  71 hyp_boot:
  72         b       omap_secondary_startup
  73 ENDPROC(omap5_secondary_hyp_startup)
  74 /*
  75  * OMAP4 specific entry point for secondary CPU to jump from ROM
  76  * code.  This routine also provides a holding flag into which
  77  * secondary core is held until we're ready for it to initialise.
  78  * The primary core will update this flag using a hardware
  79  * register AuxCoreBoot0.
  80  */
  81 ENTRY(omap4_secondary_startup)
  82 hold:   ldr     r12,=0x103
  83         dsb
  84         smc     #0                      @ read from AuxCoreBoot0
  85         mov     r0, r0, lsr #9
  86         mrc     p15, 0, r4, c0, c0, 5
  87         and     r4, r4, #0x0f
  88         cmp     r0, r4
  89         bne     hold
  91         /*
  92          * we've been released from the wait loop,secondary_stack
  93          * should now contain the SVC stack for this core
  94          */
  95         b       omap_secondary_startup
  96 ENDPROC(omap4_secondary_startup)
  98 ENTRY(omap4460_secondary_startup)
  99 hold_2: ldr     r12,=0x103
 100         dsb
 101         smc     #0                      @ read from AuxCoreBoot0
 102         mov     r0, r0, lsr #9
 103         mrc     p15, 0, r4, c0, c0, 5
 104         and     r4, r4, #0x0f
 105         cmp     r0, r4
 106         bne     hold_2
 108         /*
 109          * GIC distributor control register has changed between
 110          * CortexA9 r1pX and r2pX. The Control Register secure
 111          * banked version is now composed of 2 bits:
 112          * bit 0 == Secure Enable
 113          * bit 1 == Non-Secure Enable
 114          * The Non-Secure banked register has not changed
 115          * Because the ROM Code is based on the r1pX GIC, the CPU1
 116          * GIC restoration will cause a problem to CPU0 Non-Secure SW.
 117          * The workaround must be:
 118          * 1) Before doing the CPU1 wakeup, CPU0 must disable
 119          * the GIC distributor
 120          * 2) CPU1 must re-enable the GIC distributor on
 121          * it's wakeup path.
 122          */
 123         ldr     r1, =OMAP44XX_GIC_DIST_BASE
 124         ldr     r0, [r1]
 125         orr     r0, #1
 126         str     r0, [r1]
 128         /*
 129          * we've been released from the wait loop,secondary_stack
 130          * should now contain the SVC stack for this core
 131          */
 132         b       omap_secondary_startup
 133 ENDPROC(omap4460_secondary_startup)

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