BT_ERR            195 drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c 	BT_ERR("Firmware loading err = %d, len = %d, size = %d, count = %d",
BT_ERR            219 drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate memory chunk for firmware");
BT_ERR            228 drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c 		BT_ERR("Can't change to loading configuration err");
BT_ERR            314 drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate memory chunk for firmware");
BT_ERR            326 drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c 		BT_ERR("Can't change to loading configuration err");
BT_ERR            375 drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c 		BT_ERR("Can't get state to change to normal mode err");
BT_ERR            401 drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c 		BT_ERR("Can't get state to change to load ram patch err");
BT_ERR            412 drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c 		BT_ERR("Can't get version to change to load ram patch err");
BT_ERR            421 drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c 		BT_ERR("Patch file not found %s", filename);
BT_ERR            432 drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c 		BT_ERR("Patch file version did not match with firmware");
BT_ERR            453 drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c 		BT_ERR("Can't get state to change to load configuration err");
BT_ERR            459 drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c 		BT_ERR("Can't get version to change to load ram patch err");
BT_ERR            484 drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c 		BT_ERR("Configuration file not found %s", filename);
BT_ERR            523 drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c 			BT_ERR("Loading patch file failed");
BT_ERR            528 drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c 			BT_ERR("Loading sysconfig file failed");
BT_ERR            533 drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c 			BT_ERR("Set normal mode failed");
BT_ERR            543 drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c 			BT_ERR("Firmware file \"%s\" not found",
BT_ERR            546 drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c 			BT_ERR("Firmware file \"%s\" request failed (err=%d)",
BT_ERR             73 drivers/bluetooth/bcm203x.c 		BT_ERR("URB failed with status %d", urb->status);
BT_ERR             98 drivers/bluetooth/bcm203x.c 			BT_ERR("Can't submit URB");
BT_ERR            103 drivers/bluetooth/bcm203x.c 			BT_ERR("Memory select failed");
BT_ERR            126 drivers/bluetooth/bcm203x.c 			BT_ERR("Can't submit URB");
BT_ERR            131 drivers/bluetooth/bcm203x.c 			BT_ERR("Firmware loading failed");
BT_ERR            150 drivers/bluetooth/bcm203x.c 		BT_ERR("Can't submit URB");
BT_ERR            177 drivers/bluetooth/bcm203x.c 		BT_ERR("Mini driver request failed");
BT_ERR            188 drivers/bluetooth/bcm203x.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate memory for mini driver");
BT_ERR            202 drivers/bluetooth/bcm203x.c 		BT_ERR("Firmware request failed");
BT_ERR            212 drivers/bluetooth/bcm203x.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate memory for firmware image");
BT_ERR            136 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 		BT_ERR("%s bulk tx submit failed urb %p err %d", 
BT_ERR            235 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 		BT_ERR("%s bulk rx submit failed urb %p err %d",
BT_ERR            250 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 		BT_ERR("%s error in block", data->hdev->name);
BT_ERR            262 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 			BT_ERR("%s unexpected start block", data->hdev->name);
BT_ERR            268 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 			BT_ERR("%s no packet type found", data->hdev->name);
BT_ERR            280 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 				BT_ERR("%s event block is too short", data->hdev->name);
BT_ERR            290 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 				BT_ERR("%s data block is too short", data->hdev->name);
BT_ERR            300 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 				BT_ERR("%s audio block is too short", data->hdev->name);
BT_ERR            308 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 			BT_ERR("%s no memory for the packet", data->hdev->name);
BT_ERR            317 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 			BT_ERR("%s unexpected continuation block", data->hdev->name);
BT_ERR            369 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 			BT_ERR("%s block extends over URB buffer ranges",
BT_ERR            394 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 		BT_ERR("%s bulk resubmit failed urb %p err %d",
BT_ERR            480 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate memory for new packet");
BT_ERR            531 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate memory chunk for firmware");
BT_ERR            539 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 		BT_ERR("Can't change to loading configuration");
BT_ERR            557 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 			BT_ERR("Error in firmware loading");
BT_ERR            568 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 		BT_ERR("Error in null packet request");
BT_ERR            577 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 		BT_ERR("Can't change to running configuration");
BT_ERR            618 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 		BT_ERR("Bulk endpoints not found");
BT_ERR            641 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 		BT_ERR("Firmware request failed");
BT_ERR            648 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 		BT_ERR("Firmware loading failed");
BT_ERR            657 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate HCI device");
BT_ERR            675 drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.c 		BT_ERR("Can't register HCI device");
BT_ERR            220 drivers/bluetooth/bluecard_cs.c 		BT_ERR("Unknown device");
BT_ERR            374 drivers/bluetooth/bluecard_cs.c 		BT_ERR("Unknown device");
BT_ERR            393 drivers/bluetooth/bluecard_cs.c 				BT_ERR("Can't allocate mem for new packet");
BT_ERR            434 drivers/bluetooth/bluecard_cs.c 				BT_ERR("Unknown HCI packet with type 0x%02x received",
BT_ERR            570 drivers/bluetooth/bluecard_cs.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate mem for new packet");
BT_ERR            701 drivers/bluetooth/bluecard_cs.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate HCI device");
BT_ERR            785 drivers/bluetooth/bluecard_cs.c 		BT_ERR("Can't register HCI device");
BT_ERR            181 drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c 		BT_ERR("Unknown device");
BT_ERR            206 drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c 			BT_ERR("Very strange");
BT_ERR            222 drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c 		BT_ERR("Unknown device");
BT_ERR            241 drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c 				BT_ERR("Can't allocate mem for new packet");
BT_ERR            271 drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c 				BT_ERR("Unknown HCI packet with type 0x%02x received",
BT_ERR            354 drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c 			BT_ERR("Very strange (stat=0x%04x)", stat);
BT_ERR            470 drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c 			BT_ERR("Bad address in firmware");
BT_ERR            499 drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c 			BT_ERR("Checksum error in firmware");
BT_ERR            555 drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate HCI device");
BT_ERR            573 drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c 		BT_ERR("Firmware request failed");
BT_ERR            582 drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c 		BT_ERR("Firmware loading failed");
BT_ERR            592 drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c 		BT_ERR("Can't register HCI device");
BT_ERR            703 drivers/bluetooth/bt3c_cs.c 	BT_ERR("No usable port range found");
BT_ERR            164 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_debugfs.c 		BT_ERR("Can not allocate memory for btmrvl_debugfs_data.");
BT_ERR            182 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 		BT_ERR("Card is removed");
BT_ERR            188 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 		BT_ERR("No free skb");
BT_ERR            227 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 		BT_ERR("module_cfg_cmd(%x) failed", subcmd);
BT_ERR            240 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 		BT_ERR("BT_CMD_ROUTE_SCO_TO_HOST command failed: %#x", ret);
BT_ERR            256 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 		BT_ERR("PSCAN_WIN_REPORT_ENABLE command failed: %#x", ret);
BT_ERR            275 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 		BT_ERR("HSCFG command failed");
BT_ERR            293 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 		BT_ERR("PSMODE command failed");
BT_ERR            306 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 		BT_ERR("Host sleep enable command failed");
BT_ERR            315 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 		BT_ERR("event_hs_wait_q terminated (%d): %d,%d,%d",
BT_ERR            319 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 		BT_ERR("hs_enable timeout: %d,%d,%d", adapter->hs_state,
BT_ERR            369 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 		BT_ERR("Tx Error: Bad skb length %d : %d",
BT_ERR            404 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 		BT_ERR("Unable to allocate buffer for hw_regs.");
BT_ERR            434 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 		BT_ERR("%s: Device is suspending or suspended", __func__);
BT_ERR            499 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 		BT_ERR("Failed to download calibration data");
BT_ERR            536 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 			BT_ERR("Fail to download calibrate data");
BT_ERR            581 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 		BT_ERR("%s: changing btmrvl device address failed (%ld)",
BT_ERR            676 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 		BT_ERR("Can not allocate HCI device");
BT_ERR            695 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 		BT_ERR("Can not register HCI device");
BT_ERR            725 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 		BT_ERR("Can not allocate priv");
BT_ERR            731 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_main.c 		BT_ERR("Allocate buffer for btmrvl_adapter failed!");
BT_ERR            441 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("Unable to enable the host interrupt!");
BT_ERR            462 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("Unable to disable the host interrupt!");
BT_ERR            488 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 	BT_ERR("FAILED! ret=%d", ret);
BT_ERR            529 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("request_firmware(helper) failed, error code = %d",
BT_ERR            545 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("Unable to allocate buffer for helper."
BT_ERR            562 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 			BT_ERR("Helper download poll status timeout @ %d",
BT_ERR            587 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 			BT_ERR("IO error during helper download @ %d",
BT_ERR            602 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("IO error in writing helper image EOF block");
BT_ERR            629 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("request_firmware(firmware) failed, error code = %d",
BT_ERR            643 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("Unable to allocate buffer for firmware."
BT_ERR            658 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 			BT_ERR("FW download with helper poll status"
BT_ERR            671 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 				BT_ERR("BASE0 register read failed:"
BT_ERR            681 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 				BT_ERR("BASE1 register read failed:"
BT_ERR            699 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 			BT_ERR("FW download failure @%d, invalid length %d",
BT_ERR            710 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 				BT_ERR("FW download failure @%d, "
BT_ERR            715 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 			BT_ERR("FW CRC error indicated by the helper: "
BT_ERR            736 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 			BT_ERR("FW download, writesb(%d) failed @%d",
BT_ERR            741 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 				BT_ERR("writeb failed (CFG)");
BT_ERR            768 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("card or function is NULL!");
BT_ERR            776 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("read rx_len failed");
BT_ERR            786 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("invalid packet length: %d", buf_len);
BT_ERR            794 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("No free skb");
BT_ERR            811 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("readsb failed: %d", ret);
BT_ERR            825 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("Skip incorrect packet: hdrlen %d buffer %d",
BT_ERR            863 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("Unknown packet type:%d", type);
BT_ERR            864 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("hex: %*ph", blksz * num_blocks, payload);
BT_ERR            915 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("sdio_readsb: read int hw_regs failed: %d", ret);
BT_ERR            931 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("sdio_readb: read int status failed: %d", ret);
BT_ERR            947 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 			BT_ERR("sdio_writeb: clear int status failed: %d", ret);
BT_ERR            965 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("sbi_interrupt(%p) card or priv is NULL, card=%p",
BT_ERR            997 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("Error: card or function is NULL!");
BT_ERR           1008 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("sdio_enable_func() failed: ret=%d", ret);
BT_ERR           1015 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("sdio_claim_irq failed: ret=%d", ret);
BT_ERR           1022 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("cannot set SDIO block size");
BT_ERR           1155 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("card or function is NULL!");
BT_ERR           1181 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 			BT_ERR("i=%d writesb failed: %d", i, ret);
BT_ERR           1182 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 			BT_ERR("hex: %*ph", nb, payload);
BT_ERR           1205 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("card or function is NULL!");
BT_ERR           1219 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("Failed to read FW downloading status!");
BT_ERR           1232 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 				BT_ERR("Failed to download helper!");
BT_ERR           1239 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 			BT_ERR("Failed to download firmware!");
BT_ERR           1250 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("FW failed to be active in time!");
BT_ERR           1270 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("card or function is NULL!");
BT_ERR           1347 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("SDIO write err");
BT_ERR           1356 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 			BT_ERR("SDIO read err");
BT_ERR           1369 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 				BT_ERR("SDIO write err");
BT_ERR           1377 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("Fail to pull ctrl_data");
BT_ERR           1404 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("Firmware dump not supported for this card!");
BT_ERR           1432 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("SDIO read memory length err");
BT_ERR           1449 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 				BT_ERR("SDIO read err");
BT_ERR           1461 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 				BT_ERR("SDIO Write MEMDUMP_FINISH ERR");
BT_ERR           1471 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 			BT_ERR("Vzalloc %s failed", entry->mem_name);
BT_ERR           1498 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 					BT_ERR("SDIO read err");
BT_ERR           1504 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 					BT_ERR("Allocated buffer not enough");
BT_ERR           1528 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("Vzalloc fw_dump_data fail!");
BT_ERR           1595 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("Failed to register BT device!");
BT_ERR           1603 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("Downloading firmware failed!");
BT_ERR           1615 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("Initializing card failed!");
BT_ERR           1628 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("Register hdev failed!");
BT_ERR           1678 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 			BT_ERR("%s: cannot remain alive while suspended",
BT_ERR           1684 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 			BT_ERR("card or priv structure is not valid");
BT_ERR           1688 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("sdio_func is not specified");
BT_ERR           1707 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 			BT_ERR("HS not activated, suspend failed!");
BT_ERR           1747 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 			BT_ERR("card or priv structure is not valid");
BT_ERR           1751 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("sdio_func is not specified");
BT_ERR           1803 drivers/bluetooth/btmrvl_sdio.c 		BT_ERR("SDIO Driver Registration Failed");
BT_ERR            220 drivers/bluetooth/btqca.c 		BT_ERR("Unknown TLV type %d", config->type);
BT_ERR            126 drivers/bluetooth/btrsi.c 		BT_ERR("Failed to alloc HCI device");
BT_ERR            146 drivers/bluetooth/btrsi.c 		BT_ERR("HCI registration failed with errcode %d", err);
BT_ERR           3882 drivers/bluetooth/btusb.c 			BT_ERR("failed to set interface 0, alt 0 %d", err);
BT_ERR           4025 drivers/bluetooth/btusb.c 				BT_ERR("%s urb %p submission failed (%d)",
BT_ERR            100 drivers/bluetooth/btwilink.c 		BT_ERR("Unable to push skb to HCI core(%d)", err);
BT_ERR            167 drivers/bluetooth/btwilink.c 			BT_ERR("st_register failed %d", err);
BT_ERR            180 drivers/bluetooth/btwilink.c 			BT_ERR("Timeout(%d sec),didn't get reg "
BT_ERR            190 drivers/bluetooth/btwilink.c 			BT_ERR("ST registration completed with invalid "
BT_ERR            198 drivers/bluetooth/btwilink.c 			BT_ERR("undefined ST write function");
BT_ERR            203 drivers/bluetooth/btwilink.c 					BT_ERR("st_unregister() failed with "
BT_ERR            222 drivers/bluetooth/btwilink.c 			BT_ERR("st_unregister(%d) failed with error %d",
BT_ERR            252 drivers/bluetooth/btwilink.c 		BT_ERR("ST write failed (%ld)", len);
BT_ERR            291 drivers/bluetooth/btwilink.c 		BT_ERR("Can't register HCI device error %d", err);
BT_ERR            132 drivers/bluetooth/dtl1_cs.c 		BT_ERR("Unknown device");
BT_ERR            209 drivers/bluetooth/dtl1_cs.c 		BT_ERR("Unknown device");
BT_ERR            222 drivers/bluetooth/dtl1_cs.c 				BT_ERR("Can't allocate mem for new packet");
BT_ERR            267 drivers/bluetooth/dtl1_cs.c 					BT_ERR("Unknown HCI packet with type 0x%02x received",
BT_ERR            315 drivers/bluetooth/dtl1_cs.c 			BT_ERR("RLSI");
BT_ERR            328 drivers/bluetooth/dtl1_cs.c 			BT_ERR("Unhandled IIR=%#x", iir);
BT_ERR            454 drivers/bluetooth/dtl1_cs.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate HCI device");
BT_ERR            494 drivers/bluetooth/dtl1_cs.c 		BT_ERR("Can't register HCI device");
BT_ERR            139 drivers/bluetooth/hci_bcsp.c 		BT_ERR("Packet too long");
BT_ERR            155 drivers/bluetooth/hci_bcsp.c 		BT_ERR("Unknown packet type");
BT_ERR            193 drivers/bluetooth/hci_bcsp.c 		BT_ERR("Unknown packet type");
BT_ERR            292 drivers/bluetooth/hci_bcsp.c 			BT_ERR("Could not dequeue pkt because alloc_skb failed");
BT_ERR            317 drivers/bluetooth/hci_bcsp.c 				BT_ERR("Could not dequeue pkt because alloc_skb failed");
BT_ERR            368 drivers/bluetooth/hci_bcsp.c 		BT_ERR("Peer acked invalid packet");
BT_ERR            390 drivers/bluetooth/hci_bcsp.c 		BT_ERR("Removed only %u out of %u pkts", i, pkts_to_be_removed);
BT_ERR            421 drivers/bluetooth/hci_bcsp.c 		BT_ERR("Found a LE sync pkt, card has reset");
BT_ERR            465 drivers/bluetooth/hci_bcsp.c 			BT_ERR("Invalid byte %02x after esc byte", byte);
BT_ERR            490 drivers/bluetooth/hci_bcsp.c 			BT_ERR("Out-of-order packet arrived, got %u expected %u",
BT_ERR            550 drivers/bluetooth/hci_bcsp.c 				BT_ERR("Packet for unknown channel (%u %s)",
BT_ERR            592 drivers/bluetooth/hci_bcsp.c 				BT_ERR("Short BCSP packet");
BT_ERR            608 drivers/bluetooth/hci_bcsp.c 				BT_ERR("Error in BCSP hdr checksum");
BT_ERR            630 drivers/bluetooth/hci_bcsp.c 				BT_ERR("Checksum failed: computed %04x received %04x",
BT_ERR            675 drivers/bluetooth/hci_bcsp.c 					BT_ERR("Can't allocate mem for new packet");
BT_ERR            180 drivers/bluetooth/hci_h5.c 	BT_ERR("Peer device has reset");
BT_ERR            290 drivers/bluetooth/hci_h5.c 		BT_ERR("Controller acked invalid packet");
BT_ERR            439 drivers/bluetooth/hci_h5.c 		BT_ERR("Invalid header checksum");
BT_ERR            445 drivers/bluetooth/hci_h5.c 		BT_ERR("Out-of-order packet arrived (%u != %u)",
BT_ERR            453 drivers/bluetooth/hci_h5.c 		BT_ERR("Non-link packet received in non-active state");
BT_ERR            476 drivers/bluetooth/hci_h5.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate mem for new packet");
BT_ERR            515 drivers/bluetooth/hci_h5.c 			BT_ERR("Invalid esc byte 0x%02hhx", c);
BT_ERR            552 drivers/bluetooth/hci_h5.c 				BT_ERR("Too short H5 packet");
BT_ERR            579 drivers/bluetooth/hci_h5.c 		BT_ERR("Packet too long (%u bytes)", skb->len);
BT_ERR            585 drivers/bluetooth/hci_h5.c 		BT_ERR("Ignoring HCI data in non-active state");
BT_ERR            601 drivers/bluetooth/hci_h5.c 		BT_ERR("Unknown packet type %u", hci_skb_pkt_type(skb));
BT_ERR            656 drivers/bluetooth/hci_h5.c 		BT_ERR("Unknown packet type %u", pkt_type);
BT_ERR            733 drivers/bluetooth/hci_h5.c 		BT_ERR("Could not dequeue pkt because alloc_skb failed");
BT_ERR            753 drivers/bluetooth/hci_h5.c 		BT_ERR("Could not dequeue pkt because alloc_skb failed");
BT_ERR            338 drivers/bluetooth/hci_intel.c 				BT_ERR("hu %p, unable to allocate irq-%d",
BT_ERR            195 drivers/bluetooth/hci_ldisc.c 		BT_ERR("Can't register HCI device");
BT_ERR            432 drivers/bluetooth/hci_ldisc.c 		BT_ERR("%s: Reading local version information failed (%ld)",
BT_ERR            438 drivers/bluetooth/hci_ldisc.c 		BT_ERR("%s: Event length mismatch for version information",
BT_ERR            491 drivers/bluetooth/hci_ldisc.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate control structure");
BT_ERR            632 drivers/bluetooth/hci_ldisc.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate HCI device");
BT_ERR            683 drivers/bluetooth/hci_ldisc.c 		BT_ERR("Can't register HCI device");
BT_ERR            846 drivers/bluetooth/hci_ldisc.c 		BT_ERR("HCI line discipline registration failed. (%d)", err);
BT_ERR            922 drivers/bluetooth/hci_ldisc.c 		BT_ERR("Can't unregister HCI line discipline (%d)", err);
BT_ERR             96 drivers/bluetooth/hci_ll.c 		BT_ERR("cannot allocate memory for HCILL packet");
BT_ERR            226 drivers/bluetooth/hci_ll.c 			BT_ERR("cannot acknowledge device wake up");
BT_ERR            232 drivers/bluetooth/hci_ll.c 		BT_ERR("received HCILL_WAKE_UP_IND in state %ld",
BT_ERR            262 drivers/bluetooth/hci_ll.c 		BT_ERR("ERR: HCILL_GO_TO_SLEEP_IND in state %ld",
BT_ERR            267 drivers/bluetooth/hci_ll.c 		BT_ERR("cannot acknowledge device sleep");
BT_ERR            296 drivers/bluetooth/hci_ll.c 		BT_ERR("received HCILL_WAKE_UP_ACK in state %ld",
BT_ERR            335 drivers/bluetooth/hci_ll.c 			BT_ERR("cannot wake up device");
BT_ERR            346 drivers/bluetooth/hci_ll.c 		BT_ERR("illegal hcill state: %ld (losing packet)",
BT_ERR            255 drivers/bluetooth/hci_qca.c 		BT_ERR("Voting irregularity");
BT_ERR            294 drivers/bluetooth/hci_qca.c 		BT_ERR("Failed to allocate memory for HCI_IBS packet");
BT_ERR            323 drivers/bluetooth/hci_qca.c 		BT_ERR("Failed to send WAKE to device");
BT_ERR            355 drivers/bluetooth/hci_qca.c 		BT_ERR("Failed to acknowledge device wake up");
BT_ERR            408 drivers/bluetooth/hci_qca.c 			BT_ERR("Failed to send SLEEP to device");
BT_ERR            421 drivers/bluetooth/hci_qca.c 		BT_ERR("Spurious timeout tx state %d", qca->tx_ibs_state);
BT_ERR            446 drivers/bluetooth/hci_qca.c 			BT_ERR("Failed to acknowledge device wake up");
BT_ERR            459 drivers/bluetooth/hci_qca.c 		BT_ERR("Spurious timeout tx state %d", qca->tx_ibs_state);
BT_ERR            490 drivers/bluetooth/hci_qca.c 		BT_ERR("QCA Workqueue not initialized properly");
BT_ERR            665 drivers/bluetooth/hci_qca.c 			BT_ERR("Failed to acknowledge device wake up");
BT_ERR            673 drivers/bluetooth/hci_qca.c 		BT_ERR("Received HCI_IBS_WAKE_IND in rx state %d",
BT_ERR            710 drivers/bluetooth/hci_qca.c 		BT_ERR("Received HCI_IBS_SLEEP_IND in rx state %d",
BT_ERR            755 drivers/bluetooth/hci_qca.c 		BT_ERR("Received HCI_IBS_WAKE_ACK in tx state %d",
BT_ERR            817 drivers/bluetooth/hci_qca.c 		BT_ERR("Illegal tx state: %d (losing packet)",
BT_ERR           1442 drivers/bluetooth/hci_qca.c 			BT_ERR("failed to enable regulator:%s", vregs[i].name);
BT_ERR           1507 drivers/bluetooth/hci_qca.c 			BT_ERR("Failed to init regulators:%d", err);
BT_ERR           1520 drivers/bluetooth/hci_qca.c 			BT_ERR("wcn3990 serdev registration failed");
BT_ERR            292 drivers/bluetooth/hci_serdev.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate HCI device");
BT_ERR            335 drivers/bluetooth/hci_serdev.c 		BT_ERR("Can't register HCI device");
BT_ERR            125 drivers/bluetooth/hci_vhci.c 		BT_ERR("Can't register HCI device");
BT_ERR            146 include/net/bluetooth/bluetooth.h 	BT_ERR("%s: " fmt, (hdev)->name, ##__VA_ARGS__)
BT_ERR           1233 include/net/bluetooth/hci_core.h 		BT_ERR("unknown link type %d", type);
BT_ERR            974 net/bluetooth/6lowpan.c 		BT_ERR("psm cannot be added err %d", err);
BT_ERR            669 net/bluetooth/a2mp.c 			BT_ERR("Unknown A2MP sig cmd 0x%2.2x", hdr->code);
BT_ERR            881 net/bluetooth/a2mp.c 		BT_ERR("Could not create AMP manager");
BT_ERR             64 net/bluetooth/bnep/netdev.c 		BT_ERR("%s Multicast list allocation failed", dev->name);
BT_ERR            244 net/bluetooth/bnep/sock.c 		BT_ERR("Can't register BNEP socket");
BT_ERR            250 net/bluetooth/bnep/sock.c 		BT_ERR("Failed to create BNEP proc file");
BT_ERR            159 net/bluetooth/cmtp/capi.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate memory for interoperability packet");
BT_ERR            347 net/bluetooth/cmtp/capi.c 		BT_ERR("Can't find application with id %d", appl);
BT_ERR            393 net/bluetooth/cmtp/capi.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate memory for new application");
BT_ERR            457 net/bluetooth/cmtp/capi.c 		BT_ERR("Can't find application");
BT_ERR            486 net/bluetooth/cmtp/capi.c 		BT_ERR("Can't find application with id %d", appl);
BT_ERR            565 net/bluetooth/cmtp/capi.c 		BT_ERR("Can't attach new controller");
BT_ERR            118 net/bluetooth/cmtp/core.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate memory for CAPI message");
BT_ERR            162 net/bluetooth/cmtp/core.c 			BT_ERR("Wrong size or header information in CMTP frame");
BT_ERR            219 net/bluetooth/cmtp/core.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate memory for new frame");
BT_ERR            248 net/bluetooth/cmtp/sock.c 		BT_ERR("Can't register CMTP socket");
BT_ERR            254 net/bluetooth/cmtp/sock.c 		BT_ERR("Failed to create CMTP proc file");
BT_ERR           1502 net/bluetooth/hci_request.c 			BT_ERR("%s failed to generate new RPA", hdev->name);
BT_ERR           2044 net/bluetooth/hci_sock.c 		BT_ERR("HCI socket registration failed");
BT_ERR           2050 net/bluetooth/hci_sock.c 		BT_ERR("Failed to create HCI proc file");
BT_ERR            113 net/bluetooth/hidp/core.c 		BT_ERR("Can't allocate memory for new frame");
BT_ERR            201 net/bluetooth/hidp/core.c 					BT_ERR("Unknown key (scancode %#x) released.", keys[i]);
BT_ERR            208 net/bluetooth/hidp/core.c 					BT_ERR("Unknown key (scancode %#x) pressed.", udata[i]);
BT_ERR            296 net/bluetooth/hidp/sock.c 		BT_ERR("Can't register HIDP socket");
BT_ERR            302 net/bluetooth/hidp/sock.c 		BT_ERR("Failed to create HIDP proc file");
BT_ERR           5488 net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c 		BT_ERR("Unknown BR/EDR signaling command 0x%2.2x", cmd->code);
BT_ERR           5645 net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c 		BT_ERR("LE credits overflow");
BT_ERR           5732 net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c 		BT_ERR("Unknown LE signaling command 0x%2.2x", cmd->code);
BT_ERR           5770 net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c 		BT_ERR("Wrong link type (%d)", err);
BT_ERR           5815 net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c 			BT_ERR("Wrong link type (%d)", err);
BT_ERR           6740 net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c 			BT_ERR("Trailing bytes: %d in sframe", len);
BT_ERR           6805 net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c 		BT_ERR("No credits to receive LE L2CAP data");
BT_ERR           6811 net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c 		BT_ERR("Too big LE L2CAP PDU");
BT_ERR           6836 net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c 			BT_ERR("Too big LE L2CAP SDU length received");
BT_ERR           6842 net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c 			BT_ERR("Too much LE L2CAP data received");
BT_ERR           6871 net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c 		BT_ERR("Too much LE L2CAP data received");
BT_ERR           6953 net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c 			BT_ERR("Dropping L2CAP data: receive buffer overflow");
BT_ERR           7602 net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c 			BT_ERR("Unexpected start frame (len %d)", skb->len);
BT_ERR           7611 net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c 			BT_ERR("Frame is too short (len %d)", skb->len);
BT_ERR           7628 net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c 			BT_ERR("Frame is too long (len %d, expected len %d)",
BT_ERR           7648 net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c 			BT_ERR("Unexpected continuation frame (len %d)", skb->len);
BT_ERR           7654 net/bluetooth/l2cap_core.c 			BT_ERR("Fragment is too long (len %d, expected %d)",
BT_ERR           1687 net/bluetooth/l2cap_sock.c 		BT_ERR("L2CAP socket registration failed");
BT_ERR           1694 net/bluetooth/l2cap_sock.c 		BT_ERR("Failed to create L2CAP proc file");
BT_ERR           1661 net/bluetooth/rfcomm/core.c 		BT_ERR("Unknown control type 0x%02x", type);
BT_ERR           1721 net/bluetooth/rfcomm/core.c 		BT_ERR("bad checksum in packet");
BT_ERR           1760 net/bluetooth/rfcomm/core.c 		BT_ERR("Unknown packet type 0x%02x", type);
BT_ERR           2023 net/bluetooth/rfcomm/core.c 		BT_ERR("Create socket failed %d", err);
BT_ERR           2035 net/bluetooth/rfcomm/core.c 		BT_ERR("Bind failed %d", err);
BT_ERR           2048 net/bluetooth/rfcomm/core.c 		BT_ERR("Listen failed %d", err);
BT_ERR           1066 net/bluetooth/rfcomm/sock.c 		BT_ERR("RFCOMM socket layer registration failed");
BT_ERR           1072 net/bluetooth/rfcomm/sock.c 		BT_ERR("Failed to create RFCOMM proc file");
BT_ERR            342 net/bluetooth/rfcomm/tty.c 		BT_ERR("Failed to create address attribute");
BT_ERR            345 net/bluetooth/rfcomm/tty.c 		BT_ERR("Failed to create channel attribute");
BT_ERR            841 net/bluetooth/rfcomm/tty.c 		BT_ERR("TIOCSERGETLSR is not supported");
BT_ERR            845 net/bluetooth/rfcomm/tty.c 		BT_ERR("TIOCSERCONFIG is not supported");
BT_ERR           1146 net/bluetooth/rfcomm/tty.c 		BT_ERR("Can't register RFCOMM TTY driver");
BT_ERR           1219 net/bluetooth/sco.c 		BT_ERR("SCO socket registration failed");
BT_ERR           1225 net/bluetooth/sco.c 		BT_ERR("Failed to create SCO proc file");
BT_ERR            210 net/bluetooth/selftest.c 		BT_ERR("Unable to create ECDH crypto context");
BT_ERR            218 net/bluetooth/selftest.c 		BT_ERR("ECDH sample 1 failed");
BT_ERR            225 net/bluetooth/selftest.c 		BT_ERR("ECDH sample 2 failed");
BT_ERR            232 net/bluetooth/selftest.c 		BT_ERR("ECDH sample 3 failed");
BT_ERR            180 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("tfm %p", tfm);
BT_ERR            195 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("cipher setkey failed: %d", err);
BT_ERR            202 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("Hash computation error %d", err);
BT_ERR            392 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("cipher setkey failed: %d", err);
BT_ERR            437 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("Encrypt data error");
BT_ERR            454 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("Encrypt data error");
BT_ERR            470 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("Encrypt data error");
BT_ERR            486 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("Encrypt error");
BT_ERR           1385 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("Unable to create CMAC crypto context");
BT_ERR           1391 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("Unable to create ECDH crypto context");
BT_ERR           2097 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("Unexpected SMP Pairing Confirm");
BT_ERR           3232 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("Unable to create CMAC crypto context");
BT_ERR           3239 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("Unable to create ECDH crypto context");
BT_ERR           3812 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("debug_key test failed");
BT_ERR           3818 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("smp_ah test failed");
BT_ERR           3824 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("smp_c1 test failed");
BT_ERR           3830 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("smp_s1 test failed");
BT_ERR           3836 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("smp_f4 test failed");
BT_ERR           3842 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("smp_f5 test failed");
BT_ERR           3848 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("smp_f6 test failed");
BT_ERR           3854 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("smp_g2 test failed");
BT_ERR           3860 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("smp_h6 test failed");
BT_ERR           3891 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("Unable to create CMAC crypto context");
BT_ERR           3897 net/bluetooth/smp.c 		BT_ERR("Unable to create ECDH crypto context");