WRN_MSG           134 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfb_i2c.c 		WRN_MSG("Failed to register I2C bus %s.\n", name);
WRN_MSG           719 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbdrv.c 			WRN_MSG("cannot allocate framebuffer memory - use "
WRN_MSG           725 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbdrv.c 			WRN_MSG("cannot bind framebuffer memory - use "
WRN_MSG           774 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbdrv.c 		WRN_MSG("Non-CRT device is enabled ( ");
WRN_MSG           330 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbhw.c 		WRN_MSG("Not enough video ram for mode "
WRN_MSG           338 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbhw.c 		WRN_MSG("X resolution too large (%d vs %d).\n",
WRN_MSG           343 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbhw.c 		WRN_MSG("Y resolution too large (%d vs %d).\n",
WRN_MSG           348 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbhw.c 		WRN_MSG("X resolution too small (%d vs 4).\n", var->xres);
WRN_MSG           352 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbhw.c 		WRN_MSG("Y resolution too small (%d vs 4).\n", var->yres);
WRN_MSG           358 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbhw.c 		WRN_MSG("Mode is double-scan.\n");
WRN_MSG           363 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbhw.c 		WRN_MSG("Odd number of lines in interlaced mode\n");
WRN_MSG           370 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbhw.c 		WRN_MSG("Pixel clock is too low (%d MHz vs %d MHz).\n",
WRN_MSG           375 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbhw.c 		WRN_MSG("Pixel clock is too high (%d MHz vs %d MHz).\n",
WRN_MSG           964 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbhw.c 			WRN_MSG("cannot split p = %d\n", p);
WRN_MSG           980 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbhw.c 					WRN_MSG("cannot split m = %d\n",
WRN_MSG          1002 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbhw.c 		WRN_MSG("cannot find parameters for clock %d\n", clock);
WRN_MSG          1032 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbhw.c 		WRN_MSG("%s value %d exceeds limit %d\n",
WRN_MSG          1117 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbhw.c 		WRN_MSG("calc_pll_params failed\n");
WRN_MSG          1260 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbhw.c 		WRN_MSG("display stride %d has bad alignment %d\n",
WRN_MSG          1533 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbhw.c 				WRN_MSG("ring buffer : space: %d wanted %d\n",
WRN_MSG          1535 drivers/video/fbdev/intelfb/intelfbhw.c 				WRN_MSG("lockup - turning off hardware "