
HPET (High Precision Event Timer) ドライバ /drivers/char/hpet.c の動作を理解するために、実際に動かすアプリケーション・プログラム filehpet_example.tar.gz を使います。このプログラムは /Documentation/timers/hpet_example.c を修正して作成してあります。/Documentation/timers/hpet.txt で hpet_example.c について概要が書かれています。情報量は多く有りません。ioctl() API の仕様詳細は書かれていません。



HPET driver provides following features.

To know more details refer to HPET specification.

Device path

Most linux distributions enable HPET driver and prepare access node /dev/hpet. /dev/hpet is the character device node associated to major=10, minor=228 one of "misc device".

Open device

To use HPET device, open /dev/hpet with file mode O_RDONLY. If there is a unused(free) HPET timer, assign a timer to opened file descriptor. A timer is one of timer circuit block in HPET block. HPET driver's ioctl() calls manipulate the timer assigned to file descriptor.

HPET driver's ioctl API

In this section shows HPET driver ioctl() API. HPET driver provides following ioctl() API.

ioctl request numberdescription
HPET_INFOGet Information
int ioctl(int fd, HPET_INFO, /* out */ struct hpet_info *info);
HPET_IRQFREQSet Interrupt Frequency in Hz
int ioctl(int fd, HPET_IRQFREQ, unsigned long frequency);
HPET_EPIEnable hardware periodic interrupt
int ioctl(int fd, HPET_EPI);
HPET_DPIDisable hardware periodic interrupt
int ioctl(int fd, HPET_DPI);
HPET_IE_ONInterrupt On
int ioctl(int fd, HPET_IE_ON);
HPET_IE_OFFInterrupt Off
int ioctl(int fd, HPET_IE_OFF);

Here shows HPET driver specific behaviors. To see basic file system ioctl() behaviors refer to man 2 ioctl.

To use HPET device from user context (Linux Application), include header files as follows.

#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <features.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <linux/hpet.h>

If you wish to use poll(), include optional header file as follows.

#include <poll.h>

If you wish to use select(), include optional header files as follows.

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/select.h>

If you wish to use signal(), include optional header file as follows.

#include <signal.h>

If you wish to use mmap(), include optional header file as follows.

#include <sys/mman.h>

If you wish to handle error, include optional header files as follows.

#include <string.h> /* strerror() */
#include <errno.h>  /* errno, Exxx macros. */

HPET_INFO - Get Information

HPET_IRQFREQ - Set Interrupt Frequency in Hz

HPET_EPI - Enable hardware periodic interrupt

HPET_DPI - Disable hardware periodic interrupt

HPET_IE_ON - Interrupt On

HPET_IE_OFF - Interrupt Off

File System API related to HPET

In this section shows File System API related to HPET driver. And these API have HPET specific behavior. Here shows HPET specific behavior. To see file system specific basic behavior and details, refer to system call man pages. man 2 fcntl shows about sending signal from file descriptor in detail.

open HPET timer

close HPET timer

read and clear interrupted count

mmap HPET register on memory address space

F_GETOWN - Get file descriptor owner

F_GETOWN_EX - Get file descriptor owner with extended feature

F_SETOWN - Set file descriptor owner

F_SETOWN_EX - Set file descriptor owner with extended feature

F_GETFL - Get file status flags

F_SETFL - Set file status flags

F_GETSIG - Get signal number will be sent

F_SETSIG - Set signal number will be sent

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