Model: OCZ-AGILITY3 120G bytes(test file size 93Gi bytes), TestDate: 2013/04/07 18:58:33 JST, Round: 40

TestFlow: Try #1 of Sequential write - Random read/write without O_DIRECT - Sequential read

Sequential write

Plot: Sequential write, transfer speed - progress(percent of test file size).
S.M.A.R.T before sequential write

Random read/write

Random access, read transfer speed - access time

The number of "access time > 1.0e+2" record(s): 98

Random access, write transfer speed - access time

The number of "access time > 1.0e+2" record(s): 658

Random access, read transfer speed - transfer length

Random access, write transfer speed - transfer length

Random access, read transfer length - access time

The number of "access time > 1.0e+2" record(s): 98

Random access, write transfer length - access time

The number of "access time > 1.0e+2" record(s): 658


Total Written Bytes: 955.3Gi (1025740375040) bytes
Total Read Bytes: 868.2Gi (932172196864) bytes
