1Copyright 2009 Jonathan Corbet <corbet@lwn.net>
3Debugfs exists as a simple way for kernel developers to make information
4available to user space.  Unlike /proc, which is only meant for information
5about a process, or sysfs, which has strict one-value-per-file rules,
6debugfs has no rules at all.  Developers can put any information they want
7there.  The debugfs filesystem is also intended to not serve as a stable
8ABI to user space; in theory, there are no stability constraints placed on
9files exported there.  The real world is not always so simple, though [1];
10even debugfs interfaces are best designed with the idea that they will need
11to be maintained forever.
13Debugfs is typically mounted with a command like:
15    mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug
17(Or an equivalent /etc/fstab line).
18The debugfs root directory is accessible only to the root user by
19default. To change access to the tree the "uid", "gid" and "mode" mount
20options can be used.
22Note that the debugfs API is exported GPL-only to modules.
24Code using debugfs should include <linux/debugfs.h>.  Then, the first order
25of business will be to create at least one directory to hold a set of
26debugfs files:
28    struct dentry *debugfs_create_dir(const char *name, struct dentry *parent);
30This call, if successful, will make a directory called name underneath the
31indicated parent directory.  If parent is NULL, the directory will be
32created in the debugfs root.  On success, the return value is a struct
33dentry pointer which can be used to create files in the directory (and to
34clean it up at the end).  A NULL return value indicates that something went
35wrong.  If ERR_PTR(-ENODEV) is returned, that is an indication that the
36kernel has been built without debugfs support and none of the functions
37described below will work.
39The most general way to create a file within a debugfs directory is with:
41    struct dentry *debugfs_create_file(const char *name, umode_t mode,
42				       struct dentry *parent, void *data,
43				       const struct file_operations *fops);
45Here, name is the name of the file to create, mode describes the access
46permissions the file should have, parent indicates the directory which
47should hold the file, data will be stored in the i_private field of the
48resulting inode structure, and fops is a set of file operations which
49implement the file's behavior.  At a minimum, the read() and/or write()
50operations should be provided; others can be included as needed.  Again,
51the return value will be a dentry pointer to the created file, NULL for
52error, or ERR_PTR(-ENODEV) if debugfs support is missing.
54Create a file with an initial size, the following function can be used
57    struct dentry *debugfs_create_file_size(const char *name, umode_t mode,
58				struct dentry *parent, void *data,
59				const struct file_operations *fops,
60				loff_t file_size);
62file_size is the initial file size. The other parameters are the same
63as the function debugfs_create_file.
65In a number of cases, the creation of a set of file operations is not
66actually necessary; the debugfs code provides a number of helper functions
67for simple situations.  Files containing a single integer value can be
68created with any of:
70    struct dentry *debugfs_create_u8(const char *name, umode_t mode,
71				     struct dentry *parent, u8 *value);
72    struct dentry *debugfs_create_u16(const char *name, umode_t mode,
73				      struct dentry *parent, u16 *value);
74    struct dentry *debugfs_create_u32(const char *name, umode_t mode,
75				      struct dentry *parent, u32 *value);
76    struct dentry *debugfs_create_u64(const char *name, umode_t mode,
77				      struct dentry *parent, u64 *value);
79These files support both reading and writing the given value; if a specific
80file should not be written to, simply set the mode bits accordingly.  The
81values in these files are in decimal; if hexadecimal is more appropriate,
82the following functions can be used instead:
84    struct dentry *debugfs_create_x8(const char *name, umode_t mode,
85				     struct dentry *parent, u8 *value);
86    struct dentry *debugfs_create_x16(const char *name, umode_t mode,
87				      struct dentry *parent, u16 *value);
88    struct dentry *debugfs_create_x32(const char *name, umode_t mode,
89				      struct dentry *parent, u32 *value);
90    struct dentry *debugfs_create_x64(const char *name, umode_t mode,
91				      struct dentry *parent, u64 *value);
93These functions are useful as long as the developer knows the size of the
94value to be exported.  Some types can have different widths on different
95architectures, though, complicating the situation somewhat.  There is a
96function meant to help out in one special case:
98    struct dentry *debugfs_create_size_t(const char *name, umode_t mode,
99				         struct dentry *parent, 
100					 size_t *value);
102As might be expected, this function will create a debugfs file to represent
103a variable of type size_t.
105Boolean values can be placed in debugfs with:
107    struct dentry *debugfs_create_bool(const char *name, umode_t mode,
108				       struct dentry *parent, bool *value);
110A read on the resulting file will yield either Y (for non-zero values) or
111N, followed by a newline.  If written to, it will accept either upper- or
112lower-case values, or 1 or 0.  Any other input will be silently ignored.
114Also, atomic_t values can be placed in debugfs with:
116    struct dentry *debugfs_create_atomic_t(const char *name, umode_t mode,
117				struct dentry *parent, atomic_t *value)
119A read of this file will get atomic_t values, and a write of this file
120will set atomic_t values.
122Another option is exporting a block of arbitrary binary data, with
123this structure and function:
125    struct debugfs_blob_wrapper {
126	void *data;
127	unsigned long size;
128    };
130    struct dentry *debugfs_create_blob(const char *name, umode_t mode,
131				       struct dentry *parent,
132				       struct debugfs_blob_wrapper *blob);
134A read of this file will return the data pointed to by the
135debugfs_blob_wrapper structure.  Some drivers use "blobs" as a simple way
136to return several lines of (static) formatted text output.  This function
137can be used to export binary information, but there does not appear to be
138any code which does so in the mainline.  Note that all files created with
139debugfs_create_blob() are read-only.
141If you want to dump a block of registers (something that happens quite
142often during development, even if little such code reaches mainline.
143Debugfs offers two functions: one to make a registers-only file, and
144another to insert a register block in the middle of another sequential
147    struct debugfs_reg32 {
148	char *name;
149	unsigned long offset;
150    };
152    struct debugfs_regset32 {
153	struct debugfs_reg32 *regs;
154	int nregs;
155	void __iomem *base;
156    };
158    struct dentry *debugfs_create_regset32(const char *name, umode_t mode,
159				     struct dentry *parent,
160				     struct debugfs_regset32 *regset);
162    void debugfs_print_regs32(struct seq_file *s, struct debugfs_reg32 *regs,
163			 int nregs, void __iomem *base, char *prefix);
165The "base" argument may be 0, but you may want to build the reg32 array
166using __stringify, and a number of register names (macros) are actually
167byte offsets over a base for the register block.
169If you want to dump an u32 array in debugfs, you can create file with:
171    struct dentry *debugfs_create_u32_array(const char *name, umode_t mode,
172			struct dentry *parent,
173			u32 *array, u32 elements);
175The "array" argument provides data, and the "elements" argument is
176the number of elements in the array. Note: Once array is created its
177size can not be changed.
179There is a helper function to create device related seq_file:
181   struct dentry *debugfs_create_devm_seqfile(struct device *dev,
182				const char *name,
183				struct dentry *parent,
184				int (*read_fn)(struct seq_file *s,
185					void *data));
187The "dev" argument is the device related to this debugfs file, and
188the "read_fn" is a function pointer which to be called to print the
189seq_file content.
191There are a couple of other directory-oriented helper functions:
193    struct dentry *debugfs_rename(struct dentry *old_dir, 
194    				  struct dentry *old_dentry,
195		                  struct dentry *new_dir, 
196				  const char *new_name);
198    struct dentry *debugfs_create_symlink(const char *name, 
199                                          struct dentry *parent,
200				      	  const char *target);
202A call to debugfs_rename() will give a new name to an existing debugfs
203file, possibly in a different directory.  The new_name must not exist prior
204to the call; the return value is old_dentry with updated information.
205Symbolic links can be created with debugfs_create_symlink().
207There is one important thing that all debugfs users must take into account:
208there is no automatic cleanup of any directories created in debugfs.  If a
209module is unloaded without explicitly removing debugfs entries, the result
210will be a lot of stale pointers and no end of highly antisocial behavior.
211So all debugfs users - at least those which can be built as modules - must
212be prepared to remove all files and directories they create there.  A file
213can be removed with:
215    void debugfs_remove(struct dentry *dentry);
217The dentry value can be NULL, in which case nothing will be removed.
219Once upon a time, debugfs users were required to remember the dentry
220pointer for every debugfs file they created so that all files could be
221cleaned up.  We live in more civilized times now, though, and debugfs users
222can call:
224    void debugfs_remove_recursive(struct dentry *dentry);
226If this function is passed a pointer for the dentry corresponding to the
227top-level directory, the entire hierarchy below that directory will be
231	[1] http://lwn.net/Articles/309298/