1<refentry id="V4L2-SDR-FMT-RU12LE">
2  <refmeta>
3    <refentrytitle>V4L2_SDR_FMT_RU12LE ('RU12')</refentrytitle>
4    &manvol;
5  </refmeta>
6    <refnamediv>
7      <refname>
8        <constant>V4L2_SDR_FMT_RU12LE</constant>
9      </refname>
10      <refpurpose>Real unsigned 12-bit little endian sample</refpurpose>
11    </refnamediv>
12    <refsect1>
13      <title>Description</title>
14      <para>
15This format contains sequence of real number samples. Each sample is
16represented as a 12 bit unsigned little endian number. Sample is stored
17in 16 bit space with unused high bits padded with 0.
18      </para>
19    <example>
20      <title><constant>V4L2_SDR_FMT_RU12LE</constant> 1 sample</title>
21      <formalpara>
22        <title>Byte Order.</title>
23        <para>Each cell is one byte.
24          <informaltable frame="none">
25            <tgroup cols="3" align="center">
26              <colspec align="left" colwidth="2*" />
27              <tbody valign="top">
28                <row>
29                  <entry>start&nbsp;+&nbsp;0:</entry>
30                  <entry>I'<subscript>0[7:0]</subscript></entry>
31                  <entry>I'<subscript>0[11:8]</subscript></entry>
32                </row>
33              </tbody>
34            </tgroup>
35          </informaltable>
36        </para>
37      </formalpara>
38    </example>
39  </refsect1>