Chapter 11. Internal Functions Provided

Table of Contents

nand_release_device — [GENERIC] release chip
nand_read_byte — [DEFAULT] read one byte from the chip
nand_read_byte16 — [DEFAULT] read one byte endianness aware from the chip
nand_read_word — [DEFAULT] read one word from the chip
nand_select_chip — [DEFAULT] control CE line
nand_write_byte — [DEFAULT] write single byte to chip
nand_write_byte16 — [DEFAULT] write single byte to a chip with width 16
nand_write_buf — [DEFAULT] write buffer to chip
nand_read_buf — [DEFAULT] read chip data into buffer
nand_write_buf16 — [DEFAULT] write buffer to chip
nand_read_buf16 — [DEFAULT] read chip data into buffer
nand_block_bad — [DEFAULT] Read bad block marker from the chip
nand_default_block_markbad — [DEFAULT] mark a block bad via bad block marker
nand_block_markbad_lowlevel — mark a block bad
nand_check_wp — [GENERIC] check if the chip is write protected
nand_block_isreserved — [GENERIC] Check if a block is marked reserved.
nand_block_checkbad — [GENERIC] Check if a block is marked bad
panic_nand_wait_ready — [GENERIC] Wait for the ready pin after commands.
nand_wait_status_ready — [GENERIC] Wait for the ready status after commands.
nand_command — [DEFAULT] Send command to NAND device
nand_command_lp — [DEFAULT] Send command to NAND large page device
panic_nand_get_device — [GENERIC] Get chip for selected access
nand_get_device — [GENERIC] Get chip for selected access
panic_nand_wait — [GENERIC] wait until the command is done
nand_wait — [DEFAULT] wait until the command is done
__nand_unlock — [REPLACEABLE] unlocks specified locked blocks
nand_check_erased_buf — check if a buffer contains (almost) only 0xff data
nand_read_page_raw — [INTERN] read raw page data without ecc
nand_read_page_raw_syndrome — [INTERN] read raw page data without ecc
nand_read_page_swecc — [REPLACEABLE] software ECC based page read function
nand_read_subpage — [REPLACEABLE] ECC based sub-page read function
nand_read_page_hwecc — [REPLACEABLE] hardware ECC based page read function
nand_read_page_hwecc_oob_first — [REPLACEABLE] hw ecc, read oob first
nand_read_page_syndrome — [REPLACEABLE] hardware ECC syndrome based page read
nand_transfer_oob — [INTERN] Transfer oob to client buffer
nand_setup_read_retry — [INTERN] Set the READ RETRY mode
nand_do_read_ops — [INTERN] Read data with ECC
nand_read — [MTD Interface] MTD compatibility function for nand_do_read_ecc
nand_read_oob_std — [REPLACEABLE] the most common OOB data read function
nand_read_oob_syndrome — [REPLACEABLE] OOB data read function for HW ECC with syndromes
nand_write_oob_std — [REPLACEABLE] the most common OOB data write function
nand_write_oob_syndrome — [REPLACEABLE] OOB data write function for HW ECC with syndrome - only for large page flash
nand_do_read_oob — [INTERN] NAND read out-of-band
nand_read_oob — [MTD Interface] NAND read data and/or out-of-band
nand_write_page_raw — [INTERN] raw page write function
nand_write_page_raw_syndrome — [INTERN] raw page write function
nand_write_page_swecc — [REPLACEABLE] software ECC based page write function
nand_write_page_hwecc — [REPLACEABLE] hardware ECC based page write function
nand_write_subpage_hwecc — [REPLACEABLE] hardware ECC based subpage write
nand_write_page_syndrome — [REPLACEABLE] hardware ECC syndrome based page write
nand_write_page — [REPLACEABLE] write one page
nand_fill_oob — [INTERN] Transfer client buffer to oob
nand_do_write_ops — [INTERN] NAND write with ECC
panic_nand_write — [MTD Interface] NAND write with ECC
nand_write — [MTD Interface] NAND write with ECC
nand_do_write_oob — [MTD Interface] NAND write out-of-band
nand_write_oob — [MTD Interface] NAND write data and/or out-of-band
single_erase — [GENERIC] NAND standard block erase command function
nand_erase — [MTD Interface] erase block(s)
nand_erase_nand — [INTERN] erase block(s)
nand_sync — [MTD Interface] sync
nand_block_isbad — [MTD Interface] Check if block at offset is bad
nand_block_markbad — [MTD Interface] Mark block at the given offset as bad
nand_onfi_set_features — [REPLACEABLE] set features for ONFI nand
nand_onfi_get_features — [REPLACEABLE] get features for ONFI nand
nand_suspend — [MTD Interface] Suspend the NAND flash
nand_resume — [MTD Interface] Resume the NAND flash
nand_shutdown — [MTD Interface] Finish the current NAND operation and prevent further operations
check_pattern — [GENERIC] check if a pattern is in the buffer
check_short_pattern — [GENERIC] check if a pattern is in the buffer
add_marker_len — compute the length of the marker in data area
read_bbt — [GENERIC] Read the bad block table starting from page
read_abs_bbt — [GENERIC] Read the bad block table starting at a given page
scan_read_oob — [GENERIC] Scan data+OOB region to buffer
read_abs_bbts — [GENERIC] Read the bad block table(s) for all chips starting at a given page
create_bbt — [GENERIC] Create a bad block table by scanning the device
search_bbt — [GENERIC] scan the device for a specific bad block table
search_read_bbts — [GENERIC] scan the device for bad block table(s)
write_bbt — [GENERIC] (Re)write the bad block table
nand_memory_bbt — [GENERIC] create a memory based bad block table
check_create — [GENERIC] create and write bbt(s) if necessary
mark_bbt_region — [GENERIC] mark the bad block table regions
verify_bbt_descr — verify the bad block description
nand_update_bbt — update bad block table(s)
nand_create_badblock_pattern — [INTERN] Creates a BBT descriptor structure
nand_default_bbt — [NAND Interface] Select a default bad block table for the device
nand_isreserved_bbt — [NAND Interface] Check if a block is reserved
nand_isbad_bbt — [NAND Interface] Check if a block is bad
nand_markbad_bbt — [NAND Interface] Mark a block bad in the BBT

This chapter contains the autogenerated documentation of the NAND driver internal functions. Each function has a short description which is marked with an [XXX] identifier. See the chapter "Documentation hints" for an explanation. The functions marked with [DEFAULT] might be relevant for a board driver developer.