struct regulator_desc — Static regulator descriptor
struct regulator_desc { const char * name; const char * supply_name; const char * of_match; const char * regulators_node; int (* of_parse_cb) (struct device_node *,const struct regulator_desc *,struct regulator_config *); int id; bool continuous_voltage_range; unsigned n_voltages; const struct regulator_ops * ops; int irq; enum regulator_type type; struct module * owner; unsigned int min_uV; unsigned int uV_step; unsigned int linear_min_sel; int fixed_uV; unsigned int ramp_delay; int min_dropout_uV; const struct regulator_linear_range * linear_ranges; int n_linear_ranges; const unsigned int * volt_table; unsigned int vsel_reg; unsigned int vsel_mask; unsigned int apply_reg; unsigned int apply_bit; unsigned int enable_reg; unsigned int enable_mask; unsigned int enable_val; unsigned int disable_val; bool enable_is_inverted; unsigned int bypass_reg; unsigned int bypass_mask; unsigned int bypass_val_on; unsigned int bypass_val_off; unsigned int enable_time; unsigned int off_on_delay; unsigned int (* of_map_mode) (unsigned int mode); };
Identifying name for the regulator.
Identifying the regulator supply
Name used to identify regulator in DT.
Name of node containing regulator definitions in DT.
Optional callback called only if of_match is present. Will be called for each regulator parsed from DT, during init_data parsing. The regulator_config passed as argument to the callback will be a copy of config passed to regulator_register, valid only for this particular call. Callback may freely change the config but it cannot store it for later usage. Callback should return 0 on success or negative ERRNO indicating failure.
Numerical identifier for the regulator.
Indicates if the regulator can set any voltage within constrains range.
Number of selectors available for ops.list_voltage
Regulator operations table.
Interrupt number for the regulator.
Indicates if the regulator is a voltage or current regulator.
Module providing the regulator, used for refcounting.
Voltage given by the lowest selector (if linear mapping)
Voltage increase with each selector (if linear mapping)
Minimal selector for starting linear mapping
Fixed voltage of rails.
Time to settle down after voltage change (unit: uV/us)
The minimum dropout voltage this regulator can handle
A constant table of possible voltage ranges.
Number of entries in the linear_ranges
Voltage mapping table (if table based mapping)
Register for selector when using regulator_regmap_X_voltage_
Mask for register bitfield used for selector
Register for initiate voltage change on the output when using regulator_set_voltage_sel_regmap
Register bitfield used for initiate voltage change on the output when using regulator_set_voltage_sel_regmap
Register for control when using regmap enable/disable ops
Mask for control when using regmap enable/disable ops
Enabling value for control when using regmap enable/disable ops
Disabling value for control when using regmap enable/disable ops
A flag to indicate set enable_mask bits to disable when using regulator_enable_regmap and friends APIs.
Register for control when using regmap set_bypass
Mask for control when using regmap set_bypass
Enabling value for control when using regmap set_bypass
Disabling value for control when using regmap set_bypass
Time taken for initial enable of regulator (in uS).
guard time (in uS), before re-enabling a regulator
Maps a hardware mode defined in a DeviceTree to a standard mode