AKIZUKI M-6000M tester serial output reader. version 1.03. Copyright 2013 Akinori Furuta. Command line: [-B {y|n}] [-b {y|n}] [-c] [-D delta-time-L1-L2] [-f format] [-i] [-k char] [-t timeout] [-Z debug] [-h] serial_port_path -B{y|n}: send break at start. -b{y|n}: send break at timeout. -c: Clear queued chars at starting. -D milli-seconds: Delta time from 1st Line to 2nd Line (def: 40, range: 0..999). -f string: output Format. -i output invalid reads. -k character: blank character. -t milli-seconds: Timeout in milli seconds. -Z string: Debug. s: show settings, v: version string, l: phase lock state. -h: Help. Format specifier: %a AC/DC %v reading value without prefix. %E reading value with scientific-exponential. %e reading value with engineering-exponential (e-9, e-6, .. ,e+6). %p prefix. %u unit. %h hold. %m min/max. %j judge. %o over. %n auto. %b battery. %T time reads in time_t. %R real time reads in nano seconds. %X raw reads in hex. %Z raw reads.